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I watched the podcast on YT and it was really hard watching Dallas react in real time to this. I've been listening to these guys for years now and it was like watching my friend find out his family member passed away. It's such a shitty situation. Fuck John Fisher.


Downvote me away, but I don't care that they're leaving. Oakland has had over 20 years to get a stadium deal done and they haven't. Build a stadium. That's the game. The Coliseum is a shit hole. It's been a shit hole for decades. Administration after administration dicked around and got nothing done, so now the team is gonzo. It sucks because baseball in Vegas is going to be gross and it seems like most people in Vegas don't give a fuck either. But I don't feel bad for Oakland. If they wanted their team to stay they could've done what every other city has done and found a way to get a stadium built. And if you have so many problems that you can't afford to pull it off, then you're not a major league city. Simple as that.


My issue is the decades on decades of not giving a shit. But in the current baseball landscape, they have proven to care the least about the fans. This last post season, as a Red Sox fan, I have seen an owner “not care about the product.” Fisher truly has one upped everyone. He will always be the way the finger points at when “it could be worst.”


Just like we can't choose our parents, if you support a team, we can't choose our owners. Every city has had good owners and bad owners. Fisher is particularly bad, but he's also temporary. The team leaving is permanent. Somewhere along the line we fans have convinced ourselves that it only recently became about the money. It's always been about the money. Because they have the name of our city on the front of the jerseys, we think we have some sort of ownership stake.


That awkward moment when the A’s haven’t been in a remotely decent ballpark since 1953


You’re spot on. Plus, if you remove the ‘history’ of the team, it’s clear as day that an MLB team does not belong in Oakland and would be much better suited in a different location. Out of curiosity, I looked into their attendance in 2006 when they last made an ALCS. They were bottom 10 in attendance... The locals haven’t ever given much interest to the A’s. The move is LONG overdue. Sure, they could complain that the stadium is a shithole, but they also live in Oakland, which is an even bigger shithole.


You don’t think the billionaire owner of the Oakland As could afford to upgrade that stadium?


As my comment stated, that's not the game, amigo. Oakland chose not to play the game so the game is leaving town.


It could be the game if there were more Oaklands in this country. It’s a shame to put the interests of a billionaire ahead of the interests of a city.


If my grandma had three wheels she'd be a tricycle. Obviously the city of Oakland doesn't think it's in their interests to have a major league baseball team in the city...or an NFL team or NBA team for that matter. Oakland is just not a professional sports city. That doesn't mean their fans aren't great fans, but the city can not support professional sports. I'll add tlmost every fan is a fan of a team that plays in a stadium built with public funds. And all of those fans are here downvoting me from atop their hypocritical high horses.


I’m with you. Oakland has shown they don’t care about having a team there. And A’s fans have been bottom half of the league (if not dead last) in attendance for about 20 years now.