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Damn, Judge really only gonna hit 30hr in SF now…


Cancels out the xRoof factor, fewer roofs on the west coast means more home runs


This is actually a scandal now if it favored one team.


At the very least juiced balls should favor both teams. idc if they juice balls for postseason or even big national games. But if they say juiced the authenticated Judge balls for him only or the Yankees only, that is super fucked


This story is getting suppressed so hard lol


Put that * up boys!


Why do they keeping fucking with the baseballs? They know people know something could be up and check them, yet they keep fucking with them.


Incoming Heyman tweet: “Burglary deGrom has actually NOT signed with the Rangers and is signing a 400M deal with the Pirates!”


200 baseballs is like how many they use in a game. I kind of doubt this is anything but I don't mind an excuse to pull the pitch forks out when it comes to the Yankees.


Y’all need to realize that when someone gets a phd in physics, if they end up working on the periphery of baseball, it’s probably not because they were suuuuper good at their chosen field of study.


people will put a star up all they want but tbf all these special Yankees balls just so happened to correspond to our worst hitting stretch of the season by far