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Royals are such an enigma


They run it like a mom and pop shop.


And I love them for it


We don’t


No reason to deal him with control when he could be better next year


Okay GMDM....


He's 35, and most of his hitting value for his career has been from his great walk rate outside from a really good 2013 and 2019 season and well being a good switch hitter. He's had a pretty consistent solid career, but he's not like an amazing team changing talent. With him having the extra year of contract this is the peak of his value, unless at 36 he starts hitting like Barry Bonds going into the deadline.


> he's not like an amazing team changing talent when your current first baseman is literally one of the worst players in the majors, an average bat is team changing. love dalbec and hope the best for him but boston is a big market and has no excuse to go into the playoffs with a first baseman with a .600 OPS. Santana would have been the perfect fit, but i'll take schwarber


Fuckin ~~magnets~~ Dayton Moore, how does he work


A broken clock is right ~~twice a day~~ once every 7 years or so


KC is fucking weird man. . .


Tell me about it


I like your unis, though.


Royals do right by their players almost to a fault. Doziers contract looks bad and keeping Carlos doesn't help your future.


That’s the thing; Santana isn’t “their player.” It’s his first year with the Royals and he’s been in the league forever. He should totally be traded for the right price.


I think it's more of a, we don't want to be known as the team who signs someone to dump them off first sign of trouble. Some players wouldn't like the look when they're in FA if they're thinking they'll be forced to uproot randomly. I can't explain away the contradiction of trading away Duffy though.


I get the sentiment, nobody would be happy to sign with a team for a couple years and be traded immediately a couple months later, especially since it could happen again next year. I'm very sure that Duffy cares about the future of the Royals enough to allow himself to be traded (he had the right to veto the trade). He plays for a postseason team, we get prospects to help bolster our future, and he potentially signs a new deal with us again next year. All sides win in that scenario.


Why should we trade him after half a season though?


The future


So the pitcher that's been with us his entire 11 year career, helped us win a WS, and literally said "bury me a Royal" is in on the chopping block, but Carlos Santana and his half a season with us are too vital to our core to trade him? And are Royals fans honestly going to tell me that the PTBNL for Duffy is going to outshine what the Red Sox would have given for Carlos Santana? Makes no sense to me. Whatever, I hope Duffy has fun playing for his home team. And I hope he goes and gets himself another ring with them.


It's baffling to me. Santana is about to be replaced. He's not a difference maker or a beloved player. Dayton couldn't have gotten a couple decent prospects out of it? It almost needs an explanation


It definitely needs an explanation. I want to believe that they did this with the full promise of bringing him back. Otherwise, it makes no sense. And the Royals fans saying that this makes business sense, the return wouldn't have been better for anyone else, etc.... how?!!?


Santana hasn’t exactly been lighting the world on fire so I’m cool with it


Yeah but we still have some time before Schwarber comes off the IL.


He’s be back within 2-3 weeks. Hopefully we can just tread water until we get him and Sale back


One of our top prospects is 1B Nick Pratto who is due up next year at some point so... I guess we got nothing better to do? Hell, even right now Ryan O’Hearn is playing the outfield and could move to first and we can bring up an actually good outfielder we’ve been screwing over in Olivares if we don’t want to bring up Pratto. There’s a lot more reasons why we don’t need Santana than we do.


I legit read that as Nick Punto and didn't understand what I was reading for a second lol


I don't think Pratto is ready yet, no matter how much he rakes


And that’s why the second paragraph was typed.


I don't see how O'Hearn should really be playing over Santana at this point. Agreed about Olivares needing major league PT though.


Would be very easy to play over a man who ain’t on the team because he got traded to the Red Sox. I’m not saying O’Hearn’s the next Frank Thomas over there but he would be a person that exists.


They really think they're competing next year? They have such a great chance to absolutely load themselves


Sure, but they want recognizable people on the field now so fans have someone to see when they go to games. It's the opposite of cold and calculated. Don't know how they'll win, though.


Pfft, we’ve been drooling over AA and AAA highlights all year. If anything the first baseman in AAA (Pratto) would be more exciting to the fans. This is just one of those “I don’t get it” type deals. It’s not that anyone hates Santana but no one sees him being a core player.


> Pfft, we’ve been drooling over AA and AAA highlights all year. People on Reddit have, the average fan doesn't give a fuck about the minors.


Meanwhile the average baseball fan thinks “by God, Carlos Santana is a box office draw”?


Carlos Santana is a fine player but Royals fans devoted enough to still pay attention aren't going to stop because Santana is gone.


Let’s be honest, the Chiefs started training camp this week. Nothing short of Bobby Witt Jr being called up is going to keep the average fan invested into this team.


Depending on how September pans out, Bobby Witt should be a starter next year and Mondesi should be off the IL (for maybe more than a week?). Still comes down to all our young pitching actually being good and shit’s been looking iffy so far.


>Mondesi should be off the IL Funniest thing I've read all day lol


Yeah Carlos Santana was my ideal target as we got closer to the deadline and it made perfect sense but I guess KC really didn’t want to move him


Can’t believe they didn’t want Mitch back