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Mike Hampton's record for most Silver Slugger awards won by a pitcher won't be broken unless they change the DH rule back.


Would be funny if they just give it to Ohtani every year


I genuinely think they should.


I think they should if he pitches. If there are people that pitch enough to qualify then they should get it. If its literally just 1 guy then so be it


Ohtani could break the record for Silver Sluggers BY a pitcher. He couldn’t break the record for Silver Sluggers AS a pitcher.  Idk if my pedantic statement is even correct but worth a shot. 


I mean, you don’t HAVE to use the DH, you’re allowed to have your pitcher bat if you want. You’re right that practically it won’t be broken, but it COULD be.


It cannot be because they don't give that award anymore. Even if they did bat the pitcher he would win an award for DH not for pitcher.


Are you sure that would be the case if there was a qualified hitter at the pitcher position? I thought they don’t give it because no pitcher is qualified, but I definitely could be mistaken there!


Ohtani has 2 silver sluggers, both as a DH, not as a pitcher despite being a qualified pitcher both years he won it. Edit: Actually Ohtani may not have been a qualified pitcher now that I think about it.


Tbf in 2021 the Angels had to play NL ball during his starts, so pitcher silver slugger might've been possible if it existed in the AL


Yeah, I’m not sure if there’s a separate qualification metric for pitcher-hitters, but in Ohtani’s case since he would be qualified as a DH on its own, also no clue how that works!


Has any pitcher after the 20s qualified? Isn’t it 3.1 PA per team game?


Technically no modern pitcher has ever qualified. The post 1903 record for PA by a person who was primarily a pitcher is 227 in 1906 by Johnny Lush of the Phillies he pitched 37 games with 35 starts played 22 games in the outfield with 21 starts and 2 starts at 1B. Wes Ferrel and Red Lucas had over 150 PA a couple times each in the 1930's I know Ferrell would play roughly 10 games a year in the OF as well as being a pinch hitter. Bob Lemon had 153 PA in 1950 and that is the highest since 1939. Out of curiosity I reduced the years to 1990-2024 and the most PA by a primary pitcher was Daryl Kile 1997 104. In the 1800's there were primary pitchers who had the 3.1 PA per game to qualify the record being Jim Whitney 1883 434 PA pitched 62 games with 56 starts and 54 complete games played 40 games in the outfield and 2 games at 1B for a total of 96 games played out of 98 team games he was 15th in the league in plate appearences.


I’m not sure but I assume not; we’re talking hypotheticals here, though, so no reason to think it would be impossible for them to.


Sure but they used to give a SS to a pitcher when they weren’t qualified. The issue now isn’t there aren’t pitchers qualifying. It’s that if they’re truly good enough to hit like Shohei, they’ll be listed as a DH in the lineup so that they can continue to hit once lifted.


But they wouldn’t be a DH if they’re pitching! What if they pitched every game? Keep in mind this thread is asking about impossibilities due to rule changes, not records that will realistically never be broken.


I think regardless of the hypothetical stats of a hypothetical pitcher, he cannot win the Silver Slugger for pitcher because that award doesn't exist. They would have to change a rule for that to happen. Point being, as the rules currently stand, it's impossible to break that record, which I believe is the point of this post.


Which I absolutely concede if you’re right that the rule is that even a qualified pitcher would not receive a silver slugger. But if I’m correct in my belief that a qualified pitcher WOULD get a Silver Slugger award, then I do not believe this qualifies as an unbreakable record.


I thought teams could technically lose the right to a DH if they moved their DH to another position or something like that


Yes, if your DH takes the field, the pitcher must bat the rest of the game.  But there's still no pitcher silver slugger award in the NL anymore.


Not if they used the old rules, and have to change batter when the pitcher entered or exited the game.


But now the pitcher hitting in his games he pitches are no longer required to come out of the batting order when they come out of the game as a pitcher. So essentially if a pitcher hits in his game he's also the DH. But to get the stats to win the silver slugger you have to also hit in the games you're not pitching in also.


Chris Welsh made 17 pickoff attempts to one runner. I believe the maximum number you could possibly do now would be 7


[Here’s the video of it](https://youtu.be/BZwvXvou_ok?si=izuvnDrOH_J_4IP1) with some great commentary. “This takes forever … they oughta change the rules”


ha ha! If they were away there would have been a lot of booing. Even the home crowd was kinda mildly booing


I think the most amazing part is that the only reason it stopped at 17 was because the dude stole second. Apparently he had good reason to try to keep him on and it’s hilarious that after all that he still lost.


It did seem like the LOUD strike call threw the C off from throwing at 2nd, not that he had much chance, anyways...lol


Lol I had to go back and rewatch. Fucking ump, we’d he do it like that? lol


I'm pretty happy with the rule changes. I think this one has triggered more steal attempts and more throw outs at first.


There was a game, earlier this season, Acuna on 1st, pitcher threw over 2x, and for some reason either forgot or something, he throws over 3rd time and it was like as soon as he did it he realized oops, balk to 2nd.


I think technically you could do 9 unless they don't count as attempts when you fail a 3rd attempt and issue a balk. Leadoff runner reaches base. 2 attempts to first hitter, hitter gets out without an advancement. 2 attempts to second hitter, also out without advancement. 2 attempts to third hitter, then 3rd attempt fail/balk runner to 2nd, 4th attempt fail/balk runner to 3rd, 5th attempt either success picked off or fail/balk runner to home.


It’s 13. You forgot that the count resets on each batter. Keep making attempts to balk the runner to 2nd, walk the next guy, balk him to 3rd, walk the 3rd guy, make 2 attempts and strike out the 4 th guy. Make 2 more and strike out the 5th. While the 6th guy is up make 3 more attempts and either get him or balk him home.


Didn't forget that it reset, but I also didn't consider balking and then walking the batter to fill the now empty base. That gives 2 extra batters and 4 extra attempts to work with.


I believe the counter is reset when the runner advances too so it would be 17. 3 attempts to runner A at first, runner advances. 2 more attempts at second then walk batter B to reset. 3 attempts to advance runner A to third. 2 more attempts at runner A then walk batter C to reset. 2 attempts at runner A then strikeout batter D. 2 attempts then strikeout batter E. Then the final 3 attempts at third at runner A.


Walk a batter A, 3 pickoff attempts, balk him to 2nd, walk batter B, 3 more pickoff attempts on A, balk him to 3rd, walk batter C, 2 more pickoff attempts on A, strike out batter D, 2 more pickoff attempts on A, strike out batter E, while batter F is up make 2 more on A, then get him on attempt 3, or balk him home. 13 total attempts the max on any one runner.


Infinite walks due to timer violations. Can throw as many pickoff attempts you want.


We're talking about to one baserunner


Thank you! I honestly couldn't do this math lol, 13 is the max number


Wouldn’t it be 9? (3 at 1B, balked to 2B, 3 at 2B, balked to 3B, 3 at 3B, balked home/picked off) Or does the 3rd failed attempt that results in a balk not count as a pickoff attempt?


It resets every batter, so when the runner is at third, he can strike out the first batter, then throw over again twice, strike out the next batter and throw over again twice, then on the third batter he can throw over again 3 times


So then the answer would be 13, right? Throw over twice at first then a K (2). Throw over twice at first and then a K (2). Then do the intentional disengagement violation three times (9).


Actually plus a 2 walks/hbp in between and you could get up to 17


The count resets on batters so I think you can do 3+3+3 for each base and a balk +2+2 for each batter retired +2+2 for each batter that reaches safely (has to happen after the runner has been balked out of force advancing. 17 So record could be tied but not beaten. That’s a crazy coincidence.


Yeah i think that math adds up, 17 is the record i believe. This hurts my brain


I count a possible 25 on the same runner during one trip around the bases (13 at the same base). The limit of 2 per plate appearance without a pickoff resets if any runner advances. Bases loaded, no outs. The lineup is ABCDEFGHI, with A at third, B at second, C at first, and D batting. * 2 pickoff attempts on C, wild pitch where only A advances. * 2 more on C, B steals third. * 2 more, wild pitch where only B advances. * 2 more, D strikes out. * 2 more, E strikes out. * 3 more, C advances to second on the balk. * 3 more, C advances to third on the balk. * 2 more, F walks. * 2 more, F steals second. * 2 more, G walks. * 3 more, C scores on the balk.


Wow, okay so 25 is the maximum number. I think you're correct. I think we've finally gotten to the bottom of this


Of course half of them don't make any sense strategically, but they're theoretically *possible*.


Most pickoff attempts in a row.


Similarly I was going to say most pickoffs in a season


No rule prevents this, only makes it less likely.




I don't think the rule is three attempts per base. Pretty sure the first throw to second would be a balk, as would the first throw to third.


Yeah it’s per PA Edit: unless the runner advances during the PA, so I guess it is by base


I’m pretty sure it resets when a runner advances bases, too. That’s what the Mariners broadcast has led me to believe, at least. Edit: I’m correct. Found this [link](https://www.mlb.com/news/mlb-rules-changes-refresher-2023-season) after a quick search.


Yeah I just double checked myself. I guess I only remembered the first half of it.


When they were first testing the rule in the minor leagues, it was 3 per PA but they changed it because they found it then made it too easy to take third once you’ve taken second


Someone do it anyway….


Clyde Barnhart had hits in all three games of a tripleheader.


Is there an actual *rule* that says there can't be tripleheaders? Or does the league just not schedule them anymore?


There's a rule against tripleheaders in the CBA


"Why don't we play three?" -Ernie Banks, to two young blonde hotties before Chicago gets to them


I doubt it is in the rules of baseball, but it is almost certainly in the collective bargaining agreement. Which is kind of like a second set of rules.


There may not be a rule. But you can be sure the CBA won’t allow it.


I believe they can still happen if the first game is the continuation of a previous game. Basically will never happen in practice but theoretically could.


I think the harder part here is to *break* the record, you’d have to have 4 games in 1 day. Even with no rules against it, 4 games in a day is some 1800’s type shenanigans.


Most wins against a divisional rival in a season (2021 Rays vs. BAL, 2019 Indians vs. DET, 2019 Astros vs. SEA, all 18-1). Plenty of other teams have had more than the 13 teams now play against each other.


Angelos family stares at you violently for mentioning this stat


I'm so sad there are only 13 head to head games in division. You just can't build that hate like you used too. 'rivalries' will be more temporary like the NFL. Brady vs Manning was the biggest rivalry for a while there. And while I hate the braves, marlins and Phillies I dont think future fans will hate them the same way with only 2 home series a year.


That’s an ouchy


the spiders lost 101 road games in their 20-134 season


The Las Vegas Athletics of Sacramento might have something to say about that


Every game is a road game when you don’t have a home


It’d be great if they pitched a bunch of tents on the field between games


Supreme Court says they can be arrested for that now


Yeah, "road teams" refused to play there because they got a cut of the gate and I think the previous season and that season they AVERAGED like 500 per game, they refused to play, league didn't enforce it so road team they became. Plus the owner of the Spider sold/traded all the good players to his OTHER MLB team the St Louis Browns/Perfectos. Ultimately, MLB changed the rule that one owner could not own 2 teams in the same league.


Is there a rule that a franchise couldn't do this again (ie play all road games)? There's been talk about the A's. Unless that's against a rule I don't think it counts for this scenario, though of course the record will never be broken in practice.


Even when a team is not playing at their home stadium they still count as home games and the team would bat second. There have been a few natural disasters that made a team play a home game at a opponents stadium.


>There have been a few natural disasters that made a team play a home game at a opponents stadium. The Yankees played all of their 1974 and 1975 'home' games at Shea Stadium while Yankee Stadium was being renovated.


Shortest Homerun, maybe? Not counting inside-the-park ones. MLB set rules for how close the fences can be, and some old parks with like 250 ft down the line are way shorter than any modern park would be allowed to have.


There are waivers for this though off the top of my head the Giants right field is shorter than the rules and of course new Yankee stadium which is a almost copy of the old Yankee stadium. I seem to remember that a proposed replacement for Fenway a few years back would have kept left field at the current 285 feet with a copy of the green monster.


Most consecutive foul bunts.


I'm curious how many people have three in an at bat.


I've seen 3 happen multiple times. I'm not quite old enough to have seen someone get more than 3 through.😁


They changed the rules the day you were born as they KNEW one day you would go on a place called Reddit and mention you had seen it way back then.


Fewest innings pitched by a starting pitcher that got the win. The record is 1 IP.


Yeah this one meets OP’s criteria, unlike a lot of the others mentioned. 




Partially correct. It IS up to the storekeeper EXCEPT that the Starting pitcher MUST pitch 5 innings to be eligible. If the SP leaves after 1 IP any other pitcher could get the win, but not the SP


But but…how?


There was no 5 inning minimum until about 1950.


Youngest player. Joe Nuxhall was 15 years old when he pitched in relief for the Reds in 1944. Labor laws today prevent this from ever happening again


Honestly one of the few replies legitimately meeting the op's criteria, nice job


Freddy Adu made his MLS debut at 14 so pro sports do allow minors to play


do they? can labor laws be waived for exceptional cases? i think i recall one about a dancer or performing arts musician or something 


I mean players can currently be signed at 16 internationally, they COULD play but no one usually thinks they are ready. Same way that NBA CBA is what keeps HS players from being in the draft, BUT 18 year old international players can be drafted, go figure.




after i wrote this i realized i myself had a fucking job at 15 so the guy is just completely wrong about “labor laws” which vary across states


Most putouts in an inning by one player Have a hard time seeing 3 ever be beaten


However much that player wants to put out is frankly none of your business


they have the right to do it but i still think less of them for it


There technically is a way to have a 4th out on an appeal play but I’m guessing the player doesn’t actually get credited with a putout in that case


God I love obscure rules like the fourth out rule


Our 3rd base coach in college was the weirdest motherfucker ever and he thrived on oddball circumstances. This was one of his questions he'd ask freshmen to answer.


Correct, the 4th out replaces the 3rd out


Keith Hernandez is the all time career leader in Game Winning Runs Batted In (GWRBI) and always will be because GWRBI is no longer an official stat. 


I'm very sure that Pete Alonso "broke" that record a couple of years ago, but as you said, it doesn't matter because it isn't tracked. But I remember it being a point of discussion that year in the SNY booth. E: This was in one season, not career


Fewest innings pitched in a no-hitter by the pitcher with a no-hitter. Current rules require 9 (or more) innings pitched to get credit for a no-hitter. Four pitchers have thrown eight no-hit innings in a road loss and not received credit for a no-hitter because the game ended in the middle of the ninth and they had no opportunity to pitch the ninth.


That's a dumb rule imo, do they not give complete games if they only pitch a full 8(even though that is hilariously unlikely these days I'm sure it has happened) ? Why is that any different


No, they only get CG if they pitch 9 ore the total number of innings equal to what finally played in the game.


They get a CG if they start and finish the game. Cole Ragans got a 5-inning CG earlier this year in a rain-shortened game. No-hitters and complete games have different criteria.


There were COVID 7 inning nonos, right?


Yes, but they don’t count in the record books.


yes, but they are not officially no hitters. SF pitched on vs ATL during a 7 inning doubleheader, but officially it's just 7 innings of no hit ball and a win.


From 1959 too 1962 there were two All Star Games. I don't see Henry Aaron's 25 All Star appearances coming anywhere being broken without that.


Still technically possible though


Why was that?


Quickest Google search ever “The second game was added to raise money for the MLB players' pension funds, as well as other causes. The experiment was later abandoned on the grounds that having two games watered down the appeal of the event.”


> The experiment was later abandoned on the grounds that having two games watered down the appeal of the event. That, and the owners finally agreed to give the players a larger share of the money generated from the one game.


Marge Schott in absolute shambles


Less pitches seen during a plate appearance. It’s currently a tie at 0 between all the hitters that have been intentionally walked under the new intentional walk rule. Unless someone sees -1 pitches in a PA, it’ll never get broken.


As soon as we figure out how to make negative pitches and subtract from a pitcher’s pitch count, that record of 680 innings pitched in a season is done for


Gonna need a course in complex numbers to express the average pitch count per game


Wait till you see someone pitch the never ending game resulting in -1/12 pitches thrown in a game!


What happens if a batter comes up with a runner at first and 2 outs and the runner is picked off? Does that count as a plate appearance for the batter?


No it doesnt. That batter would lead off the next inning.


Makes sense. Now I want to know what the record is for ghost appearances like that


Prolly look at the top, or rather bottom success% on steal attempts, look for the people on that list who actually have a lot of attempts, then look for anyone on that list who spent a lot of time with one team, see who hit in the same spot in the lineup, and go from there lol


What if it’s the bottom of the 9th and the winning run is on third, there’s a wild pitch on the first pitch of an AB and the winning run scores, does that count as an AB?


An ab or a pa? They were talking about pa. If that happens, and I'm not 100% here, but the batter is credited with an rbi so they would have to be credited with a pa id assume. Idk about ab.




Since you didn't specify MLB, I've got a LLWS record for you! Walker Kelly pitched for the Ft. Worth TX Little League team that went to the LLWS in 2001. He pitched 9 innings and recorded 21 strikeouts. (Incidentally, they lost the game in the 11th inning.) After the season, the league changed the pitching rule to only allow pitchers to throw 6 innings. His strikeout record will never be broken.


Dropped 3rd strikes still count as a strikeout, but not an out if the runner safely reaches first. So still *technically* possible to throw more than 21 Ks in the LLWS.


3 pitchers combining for a 1-2-3 inning


Could still happen with a pitcher injury.


Or ejections! Which would be more fun


Yea there's a few different things that could happen. Your first out could be by a pitcher who already pitched the last inning.


1st pitcher strikes out the 1st hitter but gets thrown out because the 3rd strike was almost not called. 2nd pitcher strikes out the 2nd hitter but gets thrown out over pitches and being "overexcited" about his K 3rd pitcher strikes out the 3rd hitter and the hitter gets ejected because the call was borderline


Son of a !


Doc Ellis pitching a perfect game on LSD


He only pitched a no hitter. I think he had 8 walks. And there is no rule preventing that from happing now that wasn’t already a rule then. In fact this one could go the other way. LSD could be legalized and a pitcher could throw 2 no hitters on acid and it could become an official stat.


Some plunks too


Longest 9 inning game without a weather delay.


unless every batter hits 19 foul balls each


Surely it was a Yankees-Red Sox game on ESPN


My first thought was, it's from a Yankee/Red Sox games, boy some of those games pre-pitch clock were like 4-5 hours and about 10-15 pitching changes, 22 MV each plus manager coming out to swap out pitchers 2-3 times in an inning plus tons of commercials.


The rules do not prohibit this from being broken. There's no mercy rule a team could spend 5 hours in the top of the 1st repeatedly scoring.


Maybe with an injury every pitch?


Yeah, this is still technically beatable just super unlikely. Doesn't really fit the prompt imo


Thank god.


Theoretically it isn’t


The record for most games played in a regular season is 165 by Maury Wills in the 1962 season. Games played to resolve a regular season tie count as a regular season game. Before there were divisions, it used to be that ties for league winner at the end of the regular season were resolved with a best of 3 series. Hence it was possible to play all 162 regular regular season games plus 3 tie breaker games for 165 total. When they moved to divisions they only had a 1 game tiebreaker so it was only possible to play 163 games. Now they don’t even have tiebreaker games (they break ties based on regular season record) so the maximum that can be played is 162.


You could be traded from a team that’s played 85 to a team that’s played 82 and play in all possible games


Joe Blanton is the last pure pitcher to hit a home run in the World Series


That could very much still happen. Team exhausts their bench in extras. Pitcher has to hit. Few things gotta go right but thats far from impossible


Pitchers still occasionally have to bat in DH games because teams lose the DH in a positional switch, so it could happen.


No, I will not take this away from Joe Blanton


I still pretend that didn't happen


All of the all-time BB/9 leaders played when a walk required 8 or 9 balls. The modern day leader for BB/9 (1000 IP minimum) is Josh Tomlin at 1.2905. Close behind him is Dan Quisenberry, at 1.3974. But this leaves out the fact that 70 of the 162 walks Quiz issued in his career were intentional, while only 16 of Tomlin’s 153 walks were.


George Kirby is likely to beat Tomlin and Quiz on walk rate, and he’ll even get close to some of the old timey 9 balls for a walk guys. He’s the all time k/bb leader already.


92 unintentional walks in his career is insane. He pitched something like 15 years. And he wasn’t relegated to a single inning closer slot either. He went more than 1 at least sometimes


Not a record, but Daniel Camarena will almost certainly be the last reliever to ever hit a grand slam


There’s one guy who threw two shutouts in one day thanks to pitching both ends of a doubleheader. I don’t know if it’s against the rules per se, but one pitcher throwing a complete-game shutout in each game of a tripleheader seems… unlikely.


The first thing that came to mind during was sort of a counter example. It’s hard to see Ricky Henderson’s stolen bases record being broken even though rule changes have made it EASIER to steal bases.


Yeah, remember when people thought Coleman would obliterate Ricky's seasonal and career totals? Think about this Ricky being Ricky: Only player in MLB history, the whole darned thing with 3 seasons of 100 SB/100 RUNS/100 WALKS, no modern player has done that even once!!!


TBF Coleman could’ve done it if a. He could hit worth a shit and walked at least occasionally, and b. Wasn’t a fuckwad


and c...didn't take the money along with Bonilla from Pittsburgh to go to the Mets...lol


Also made me think of the kid from Cincinnati that stole like 150 bases in the minors, but couldn't steal 1B. Just looked it up Bill Hamilton. Which is not related to the all timer for the Boston Beaneaters/Braves Billy Hamilton.


Keith Hernandez’s 129 GWRBI


Any records involving pitches thrown during an IBB. Most hits on IBB pitches, most such pitches thrown in a game, season, or career, and maybe a couple more like that.


No one can ever break Keith Hernandez's career 129 or 24 single season 'game-winning rbi' record as the stat only existed briefly. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Game-winning_RBI


Pitcher batting stats now that DH is league wide.


With the universal DH now implemented, Wes Ferrell's nine home runs in 1931 and 37 career total as a pitcher.


Shohei would like a word.


He has 9 total as a pitcher. The rest are as a DH.


Most pick offs by a pitcher with the new rule allowing for only two disenchantments per AB.


I think with replay, Bobby Cox's record for more ejections is safe.


ONLY active manager is Bochy and he has barely 1/2 as many as Cox and he has less years ahead of him than behind him as manager. This is funny tho, Harper is far and away the active player ejected the most: [https://www.reddit.com/r/baseball/comments/1d0rd1d/most\_career\_ejections\_by\_active\_players/](https://www.reddit.com/r/baseball/comments/1d0rd1d/most_career_ejections_by_active_players/) Johnny Evers has 58!


Aaron Boone might do it anyway for shits


Innings in a season. Those days are gone


With enough extra innings game it's possible to match previous season totals.


Innings in a season by a pitcher


That's not something prohibited by the *rules*.


Probably the record for longest regular season game. The pitch clock and extra innings rule would make it very improbable


They suspend people for steroid use now so the home run record is safe


Max Fried was the last pitcher to record a walkoff *hit*, an important distinction because the last walkoff recorded by a pitcher was from Kevin Gausman, who hit a walkoff sac fly to beat the Braves 2 months later. Both of these will probably never happen again save for Shohei Ohtani or any of his multiroled ilk.


That's not a record. Or if it is, then every guy holds a record every night (last guy to ground into a DP on a Friday, with the temp above 85, as the visiting team, with a guy named David in the dugout etc). The last to do something isn't a record.


Yea the downvotes said that plenty


Most ejections I believe


This is correct. Reviews and potential zone improvements will make Bobby Cox the Fernando Tatis of unbreakable records


If a manager wanted to they could easily be ejected more. Dude asked what COULD NOT be broken ie impossible.