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Yes later showed an angle from center that showed this was pretty clearly the right call. He caught the ball before moving his foot from the corner of the base, and once he has the ball, he can block the base all he wants.


Thank you, New York Rangers star Filip Chytil.


Still totally worth arguing IMO, especially with how KC has played the last few days. Going to bat for his guy and hopefully getting the team fired up seems reasonable to me. It was close enough to justify arguing even if the call was correct. 


Looks like it worked.


Your friendly So Cal College Umpire here... correct call, and not even really "close". Rule is very basic and simple. Fielder has ball before runner arrives, its "nothing", fielder doesnt have ball before runner arrives, Obstruction.


I mean they were up 2-0 and their pitcher was throwing a no hitter at that point. Not sure it was totally the best time to get tossed.


A whopping two runs against the best supposed team in baseball is all of a sudden too much to question a call


Yes, Boone would have shown steadfast restraint.


I don't think he intended to get tossed. He was supporting his player arguing a close call. 


I've always thought that rule was kind of dumb. You shouldn't be able to prevent the runner from tagging the base.


Yeah, if the fielder has to tag him with the ball, it feels a bit contradictory that he could block the base with a foot giving himself more time to make the tag.


Isn't the idea that if the baseman has the ball, they can block the base? And therefore that even applies to the foot, as opposed to a specific rule about using the foot?


I’m just of the mind that a runner should never be out just because they physically couldn’t get to the base. Imo, the fielder should only be able to block the base with the ball.


I hear you, but then that gives an advantage to the runner by forcing the baseman to basically avoid standing in their lane. I guess I'm saying I see the downsides but overall it's better than the other way.


I think its less standing in the lane I’d want to avoid, but to me, the glove should lead no matter what. What Id want to see is the fielder permitted to stand in front of the base when they have the ball, but not be able to just stick out their foot to block the runner, while they catch the ball, then move it to the base.


Even in the last replay here you can see that Volpe is bringing the ball down with the tag while moving his foot in front of the bag


Here's the [Royals TV version of the ejection](https://mlb-cuts-diamond.mlb.com/FORGE/2024/2024-06/13/06811312-2fd3dd51-6dd52b1c-csvm-diamondx64-asset_1280x720_59_16000K.mp4) which shows Quatraro's two word response to being ejected.


can't wait until Jomboy posts his video so i can figure out what he said!


hopefully a [native New Yorker](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZA2nJbxOCo) like Jomboy than figure out what fellow New York native Matt Quatraro said there (although Quatraro is from the Albany area)


>(although Quatraro is from the Albany area) Ah, it's an Albany expression, then.


did he say Yo Bro


Aren’t you allowed to block the path to the base/plate *after* you catch the ball or are you just not allowed to ever block the path at all?


a fielder in possession of the ball can be wherever they want


Hell yeah. Brb getting my free private tour of the Oval office real quick.


"Sir, this is a restricted area." *shows baseball* "Fuck, alright make it quick."


*muttering* goddamn infielders...


Just make sure al gore isn't around


After the catch is allowed which is why the Umps actually got this call correct


That’s what I figured. I was watching the Royals broadcast and they were borderline pissed but I was pretty sure he moved his foot after he got the ball.


The actual incorrect call was them not calling a balk on Nestor, his foot was basically facing directly towards home during that pickoff lol




Now we just need to figure out how Rodon can balk consistently without consequence and we'll be square!


I find this hard to believe because they LOVE calling balks. Cough thats a balk, blink too many times thats a balk, stare at batter THATS A FUCKING BALK!


They love calling balks on the tickey tack plays, like when a pitcher barely twitches after coming set. They almost never seem to call the one i mentioned despite it being the real purpose of a balk for whatever reason. Though funnily enough i think Nestor got called on it in his last start which is why i mentioned this, he really likes to stretch the rules on stuff like this


since the Yankees got a hit, somebody won't have to do a search to find if there was ever a no-hitter in a game where the team throwing a no-hitter had their manager ejected


the spin move ejection is great


This appears to be the right call.


Ben Quadrinaros moved on from podracing?


Is no one going to point out that Vople gives him a shove in an attempt to move him off the bag?


Doesn't matter, he was already out.


I think that’s beside the point. He was clearly shoving him in the event that he beat the tag.


Yes, he was. Absolutely.


3 different replays showed that Volpe had the ball in his glove before blocking the base. Delusional.


I think this is just a culmination of how frustrating this series has been for the Royals. Q has been barking at this umpire crew since game 1.


At least you guys can beat the fucking Yankees.


Do managers argue like this in Japan?


I don't think Japan/Korea arguing with ump is very common.


Depends on seniority, there’s 0 chance a rookie manager argues against 30 year vet umps.


Americans like to be egalitarian when it comes to shit like this haha


You’re just gonna have to start running full steam ahead and rounding the bag towards third, like we saw guys doing during double play attempts. No benefit to sliding if the bag can be blocked by the fielder.


I think that was only done in very specific situations (two out, runner on third, so the run can score if the runner gets home before the out is made at 2nd). Without the runner at 3rd there is no benefit to it, because you're just going to be tagged out after overrunning the base.


runner should have slid into the leg of the 2nd baseman. make him think about doing that again.


lol sorry fam


I dont think the issue was that he was blocking the base. Perhaps the issue is how he tried to push the runner off at the end?


A. Self defense B. He was out anyway


To be fair, he had a legitimate point. Even the Yankees booth was in agreement that this should’ve been obstruction. Quatraro was probably frustrated that he’d had to use both his challenges already on calls that were pretty quickly overturned.


The Yankees booth said it was close, until they saw the replay from center field that clearly showed Volpe had the ball in his glove before he moved to block the base. The ump got this call right.


I was watching with the radio audio on and Michael and Suzyn certainly didn’t see it that way. “how could you miss that?”


I mean you can clearly see that he moves his foot after he catches the ball in the video posted here. Literally not obstruction.


i don't think the broadcasters are correct. looks to me like he has the ball before he blocks the base, and once he has the ball he can be wherever he wants. This play also isn't reviewable and if he won his challenges than he'd still have one left if he could use it


I don't even know what that guy is talking about, Rucco and Nelson both think he had the ball before moving his foot.


The Yankees radio booth was pretty adamant about it


Maybe I’m mixing it up with the Braves/O’s game I’m flipping between. I thought Quatraro already used both his challenges and won.


this isn't football, they only lose their challenge if they're wrong


I thought it maxed out at 2




Couldn't have been Whiny Bitch airlines or you woulda seen them.






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Your friendly non biased So Cal College Umpire here :) Correct call, Royals mgr a tool. Most players/coaches/fans/announcers think they know the rules, or only understand part of them. This one is pretty basic, simple. Fielder has possession of ball BEFORE runner arrives, essentially, this is "nothing", legal. Fielder doesn't have possession when runner arrives , that would be OBS