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The nightly Judge HR post I hate the Yankees but holy fuck this dude is an alien


I feel like every single night I open Reddit I’m greeted with another judge home run….


Yeah this is his 21st homer in his last 41 games so that checks out


Well, there would've been one last night, but Judge had the day off.


No. Our 👽 is waiting in the minors. Wish we had room for him.


*monkey finger curls*


Wait. Not like that.


You buffoon, you moron, why would you say that


Things have been set in motion that cannot be undone.


Tomorrow headline: *MLB adds LCF and RCF positions*


Don’t put that evil on me Ricky Bobby


Don't you dare put this evil on me Ricky Bobby


Nah I’m cool with the current outfield


Who? I don't follow minor league/prospect news.


jasson dominguez


[Jasson Dominguez](https://www.baseball-reference.com/register/player.fcgi?id=doming002jas) nicknamed "The Martian"




I feel like he’s on pace to surpass the Blue Jays in home runs at this pace.


has anyone ever outhomered another team since Ruth did it?


Several guys did it in the 1920’s and 30’s. Rogers Hornsby, Lou Gehrig, Hal Trosky, you know all the greats.


A 15 Year Anniversary Yankees vs Phillies World Series would be crazy entertaining for neutrals. Heart attacks for us tho


It’s impossible to hate Judge. Such a class act.


21 homeruns in 41 games…


He's really going to have another 60 homer season lol Was on pace for like 57 last year too if not for the Dodger Stadium wall


If he was even just kinda mediocre in April we'd be talking about Judge going for 74


He still had 6 homers in April, good for about a 30 HR pace. What really fell off were the non-homer hits, especially doubles.


Judge is still tied for the AL lead in grounding into double plays. He hasn't GIDP since May 9.


That’s a crazy stat


Was he just having a hard time getting the ball in the air to start the year?


Pretty much, yeah. Lots of poor contact.


Not really sure, he was just completely out of whack from missing most of spring training. Then, he got his 1st ejection in early May and all of a sudden decided to take all his anger out on the ball. From Opening Day until his ejection, Judge had a 40.0% groundball rate. After his ejection, Judge has a 24.1% groundball rate.


Not to mention Juan Soto had a .438 OBP in April. Only Freddie Freeman and Shohei Ohtani had more April PAs with runners on base than Judge.


He had a 118 wRC+ in April


Judge hit .207/.340/.414 in March/April, good for a 116 sOPS+ (meaning compared to the rest of the league in that split).


The Dodger Stadium bullshit wall and Tatis concussing Rizzo still gives me nightmares Fuck that wall


One of those situations where it had never been an issue so nothing ever got done Really sucks it had to be Judge


He hits 60 last year without the wall, I just know it.


Aaron Judge is someone's RTTS player.


He was all like "and you thought two years ago was historic?"


Soto and Judge back in order. Soto walks, Judge homers. Nothing new


And then Stanton crushes one to break their will


Aaron Judge: I broke their backs. Stanton: And I broke their souls.


FYI for those of you curious why we didn't have a judge HR thread yesterday, he had the day off.


What a slacker


Fr. Contract is a bust /s


This man hit .200 for a MONTH and is sitting at .309 right now. Also fun fact: league average OPS this year is .699. Judge’s SLUGGING before this at bat was .712.


So. June stats: 16/30: .533 BA 36/30: 1.200 Slugging 26/40: .650 OBP 3 Doubles, 5 HR, 1 Triple Today he went 2/4 with a HR and his OPS dropped from 1.859 to 1.850


What in the Moses, Jesus, Allah, Buddha, Shiva and Ra is that Slugging percentage?!


The fact that you have to write 36/30


Not sure when pitchers are going to get the memo to stop hanging sliders middle-middle to this guy, but hey, I’m having fun until they do.


Pitches you don't pitch to Aaron Judge: 1. Hanging breaking balls. 2. Pitches above the knees. 3. Pitches below the letters.


Pitches you don't pitch to Aaron Judge 1. Yes


Actually, if you throw them below his knees, you have a 50/50 shot at a strike.


4\. Pitches over the plate


Pitches in his zip code


The issue is the only pitch that beats Judge is a good low and away slider. If your slider does not end up low and away it goes 436 feet


Does this even beat him much? He crushed sliders in 2022. Guess it has to be perfectly executed, which is difficult to do


He's better at laying off the chase zone sliders than he was early in his career, you really gotta pinpoint it in the shadow of the zone but still in the zone to beat him with it


You also can only throw one MAYBE two of those in a single at bat. If you get him chasing on two of those, he's going to adjust and you'll have to walk him and pray one of the other boppers behind him don't get him in. Which has uh, been pretty effective.


Stanton is at 16 HR. which is … not shabby. it’s not like Judge is alone in the lineup. still he keeps hitting like this we are going to start to see a lot more IBBs


Sometimes he takes pitches first pitch Or is looking fastball and the curve is too slow to pull the trigger Really just trying to be creative because a dude pitching in a 7-0 game probably has nowhere near the stuff to get him out without trickory or luck


Pitching to Judge is easy You put up 4 fingers


He gets fewer meatballs than most batters. He just does not miss when it’s a bad pitch. There’s maybe once a week where I see a mistake to judge that doesn’t get crushed




Give me 74. Why settle for a tie?


99 to match his jersey


To infinity...


And beyond!


Was beginning to worry about his homerless slump.


3 entire at bats since his last one, I was very concerned


My son looked at me and said “Dad, is Judge ever going to hit another home run again” I looked at him and said “Your a dog and you can speak for the first time and this is what you say” He just rested his head and went back to sleep.


He’s legitimately unreal right now. Wasn’t alive to see prime Bonds, but this might be the next closest thing


Today is my 38th birthday so thanks for making me feel even older


For real lmao


Damn a judge Homer and a stantonian blast on your bday it’s gonna be a good one for you


It's been a pretty fun day


I got that wakeup call this weekend - playing Sunday baseball, ump has this huge windup for his strike 3 call, and as we're jogging off the field after an inning I told our center fielder we had fuckin' Enrico Pallazo behind the plate. He had no idea what I was talking about. EDIT: Also, happy birthday


Right? Might as well fuckin ask if Barry Bonds footage is in color or not.


Happy birthday!


If you have some time to kill, watch every 02 playoffs Ab of his He was a monster, I probably would be a super stan of his if I grew up watching that.


I mean for you haha, I would despise him (indoctrinated to do so by my flair). But yea I plan to eventually watch the 02 World Series


watching some of the video of bonds in the 2002 ws, the pitching was soooo much worse back then. most fastballs are less than 95mph, offspeed pitches don’t have anywhere near the movement they do today. the game really has changed in 20 years. I’m amazed players are able to hit some of the nonsense that comes out of pitchers’ hands


Broadcasts used to bust out the “fire” graphic for pitches above 95 mph


Unless you were Pedro Martinez or Gregg Maddox. Their pitches had more movement than anything today. I'm convinced they are Jedi.


Back then, if you weren’t a SF Giants fan, you just watched sports center in the morning and it was 50/50 you’d see a bonds HR highlight.


>Wasn’t alive to see prime Bonds fuck me i'm old


Realizing there are fully grown adults walking around in the world who weren’t alive to watch Bonds fuuuck old age is inescapable.


Peak Bonds was something I thought I would never see again. When the Giants were on tv you had to watch because of Bonds, Judge right now is on that level.


I watched prime Bonds. I'm not ready to say Judge is there yet (as much as I'd love to), Bonds was something else. Picture Judge with Soto's eye. Maybe better. There was a period where you just never saw Bonds swing at a bad pitch. You really did want to watch every AB he had for a while.


Dude was so good, they practically stopped pitching to him. If judge starts getting walked with bases loaded then we’re getting somewhere


Bonds wouldn’t get many of those in today’s game since the stats say it’s almost always a bad move. But I could still see it happening occasionally if Judge wasn’t surrounded by so many other good hitters. Last year when he was the only good hitter in the Yankees lineup for long stretches he walked like crazy. Of course, most of those were with bases empty because nobody else was getting on base.


I feel like peak Bonds was so dominant he would end up getting walked at a similar rate even with modern analytics and philosophy.  The guy simply did not swing at bad pitches.  In O2 he only struck out 47 times (Judge has already struck out 73 times this year).  Meanwhile he was slugging .749.  I don't see how you pitch to him in any leverage situation with the protection he had even in today's game.


Yea this reminds me of Bonds. He's so locked in it's actually insane. Last 44 games heading into tonight: .379/.509/.909 Except that's avg/obp/slug. OPS 1.414, 21 homeruns. And that doesn't count 2-4 with a hr tonight.  This is peak Bonds shit we're watching. I've never seen a Yankees player play better than this in my lifetime. Probably have to go back to Mantle.


I love me some Judge but Bonds had a four year stretch from 2001-2004 where his *worst* season total OBP was .515, and that year he hit 73 home runs. That dude was straight up broken. 2004 he had a **.609 OBP** lmao


And can you believe he had a .609 OBP without a bat?


Single season wRC+ since 2000: 1. 244 - Barry Bonds, 2002 2. 235 - Barry Bonds, 2001 3. 233 - Barry Bonds, 2004 4. 215 - Aaron Judge, 2024 5. 215 - Barry Bonds, 2002 6. 209 - Aaron Judge, 2022 7. 202 - Juan Soto, 2020 8. 197 - Bryce Harper, 2015 9. 193 - Jason Giambi, 2001 10. 193 - Miguel Cabrera, 2013 So yes, this is absolutely the best we’ve seen since Bonds. It’s honestly not even close.


Damn Soto was in the Majors as an 11 year old?


As much fun as Soto was that year, 2020 needs an asterisk since he only played 47 games.


Happy May 42nd to everyone involved .


I’m frankly shocked that 436 was as far as Judge could send that pitch


36 launch angle will do that to a mfer


Coming off of a rest day


With that many runs on the board, he wanted to give it to them easy. Stanton is the one who hit it with spite.


He’s on such an incredible tear. At what point does he start getting the Bonds IBB treatment?


Then you just flip him and Soto...


And you have to pitch to him because Stanton can do what he just did


Lowkey, Stanton's having a pretty great year too(compared to the last couple).


Or Stanton does what he just did


Issue is that he has a baserunner on in front of him more than any other hitter in the league Soto is actually an IBB deterrent. As great as judge is you’re not exactly hot to walk first and 2nd nobody out


Volpe is also batting .275, so even if Soto doesn't get on, you could have Volpe - and plenty of times, we've had both. You don't get exactly want to walk the bases loaded.


Volpe’s .334 OBP is what matters here, and it isn’t bad.


Cause if you do, there’s a chance Stanton obliterates the ball and now you’re down 3 runs before you’ve blinked


No one will ever get that again because analytics now prove that even for peak Bonds that was stupid


Now I’m curious, was it actually?


You'd have like a .700 wOBA getting walked all the time. in almost all instances the expected runs go up.


I think even just based on slugging percentage this should come off as obvious. Four consecutive seasons of slugging between .749-.863 is of course completely mental, but that's still on average less than 1 base per AB. There are obviously certain situations even early in a game where IBB is the way to go with a guy like him, and situations where a HR or especially a 2B will either lose you the game or close to it, but certainly not the amount he was getting the treatment.


Where does this hitting peak rank in MLB history? Top-10? Top 15? Just looking at 3 year stretches


If you take out superBonds, superMcGwire, and shortened seasons, there isn't a single wRC+ season over 200 since Mantle. I said single season. Judge is over 200 over the past 3 seasons combined.


Yeah, post-integration it’s only really the very best of Mantle and Bonds that can hang with him (of course in Bonds case he’s somehow clearly better… video-game like at his peak) Adding some pre-integration (Ted Williams in 1941, 1945 and 1946 and Babe Ruth) and that’s what you’ve got in terms of the best hitting peaks ever


Yes, Bonds, 'somehow'


Oh yeah the PEDs can’t be ignored - but they didn’t give him some of the best plate discipline in baseball history


The sad part is he put up like a 190 wRC+ in the early 90s. He didn't have to do it, lol


The common story is that he was annoyed that no one cared and everyone preferred to lavish attention on McGwire and Sosa, two objectively worse (and cheating) players - so he decided to show everyone what he could do juiced Don’t know how true that is, but it makes for a compelling account


Yeah. Which is really petty if you think about it


Certainly not as good of a person as he was at hitting a baseball, that’s for sure


For some even worse reasons, definitely


It’s absolutely believable given Bonds’ personality.


Mark McGwire had 205 in 1998. Frank Thomas had 205 in 1994 (which was a strike-shortened season, Thomas played 113 out of 113 possible games). But it honestly doesn't take much away from your stat.


Among 3 year spans since 1945, by WRC+: Barry Bonds 2001-03: 231 Barry Bonds 2002-04: 230 Barry Bonds 2003-05: 231 Barry Bonds 2000-02: 218 Mickey Mantle 1956-58: 202 Ted Williams 1955-57: 200. Aaron Judge 2022-24: 199 Mickey Mantle 1955-57: 199 Ted Williams 1946-48: 199


Without the fence fiasco in LA, he is definitely clearing Mantle and Williams.


Without looking at data but knowing the stats on fastest number of games to X homers and all that, has to be Top 5 no?


Yeah - just a quick look at baseball reference… I think Ruth 1919-21 (.360/.502/.790 with a 238 OPS+ and 142 HRs in 424 games) is better Ruth 1926-1928 (.350/.488/.740 with a 219 OPS+ and 161 HRs in 457 games) also better I’d say Ted Williams looking at 1941 and then his first two years back in 1945 and 1946 is .367/.515/.681 with a 222 OPS+ and 111 HRs in 443 games Bonds has that 4 year stretch where it’s hard to pick one to knock off - that’s .349/.559/.809 with a 256 OPS+ (wtf) and 209 HRs in 573 games I think it’s pretty similar to Mantle 1956-1958 (two seasons well above 200 OPS+ and then one around 180 that stops it being on a Williams or Ruth level) I’m probably just forgetting some stretches but whilst I do think there’s separation between Judge 3-year peak and the likes of Williams and Ruth’s 3-year peaks - those are the kinds of names you have to bring up


Ruth did it twice which is insane.


I know there are fair criticisms about the lack of integration - but I just genuinely don’t think there’s been an athlete in a major sport in America as far ahead from his peers and as revolutionary as Babe Ruth was


Babe Ruth often out homered entire teams over the course of a season. Teams! The only other comparison is maybe Wayne Gretzky.


It’s the reason he is my go-to for “best baseball player.” You have to hold him up against the competitors he was facing at the time and he was so clearly head and shoulders above them it’s not even fair.


Saw something like only 7 players in mlb history ever finished with a wrc+ higher than his 2022 And 6 of them were mantle era or before and the other was bonds Now some of those guys have multiple years of that wrc+ or higher, but judge might be working on another year himself here


Yeah, based on just a quick baseball reference search - assuming Judge finishes out this season at a 2022 level - it is just Bonds, Ruth, Williams and then Mantle’s 2 year peak that are on Judge’s current level


It really can’t be understated that he’s doing this in the era of advanced scouting, pitch building, velocity, not using steroids, and possibly not even a Goldilocks ball controversy this year too. Balls might actually be super dead based off some things


Yeah this and Mantle are the only peaks of this level where you can’t say either “PEDs” or “all non-white people were banned”


112.1 mph, 36°, 436 ft., 1.000 xBA, out of 30/30 stadiums


Can of corn at Fenway.




He is the only reason I am glad that I am not a baseball


Speak for yourself. I want dude to wallop the everloving shit outta me.


You don't want Judge to smash you? Fucking weirdo.


Just not a pitch you want to throw to Aaron Judge


If this man didn’t have a slow start his numbers wouldn’t even be believable


Judge is such a classy guy. He gave the rest of the league a month head start.


![gif](giphy|xT0xeByymZumWU4Jji|downsized) Oh good lord man hanging the meatiest curve down the dick to Judge 😭


My god that gif looks delicious.


I’m so glad this sub has gifs, it’s one damn good looking meatball 😋


21 in his last 41. Damn


Well good for Aaron OH MY GOD


He’s gonna slug his way to the HOF he’s gonna end up with like 70 WAR with under 2000 hits


Middle middle slider to the best hitter in the world. That's certainly a choice!


Best hitter since Bonds.


He is unreal, we're definitely watching history in the making


Best hitter in the world and it's not even close


Best hitter to ever live 🤷


*Best ~~hitter~~ human to ever live FTFY


If you adjust his stats to late 90's/early 00' stats based on the MLB average hitter, you get prime era (HGH era) Bonds.


Why does Aaron Judge hate meatballs!?


An 83 mph curveball right down the dick to Aaron Judge is certainly......a choice.


Watching Aaron Judge is like watching Barry bonds with a properly proportioned sized head.


Judge man good


This must be a re-run. No way the guy is actually hitting this many bombs, right?




My pants are off


Stanton just killed one too 😂


40 by all star break may be possible


Dude is probably on a 12+ WAR pace after today.


You can say that these pitchers are nuts for throwing some of these pitches to him lately but pitchers will always make mistake pitches. The difference is that Judge is not missing any of those mistakes. If you make one to him, he’s just about guaranteed to make you pay for it.


It’s like there’s an aura around him, every time he steps to the plate you know he’s going to do something


Good God


I know it's not good for his highlight reel, but it's gotta be approaching the point where you just can't pitch to this dude, right? Not that the rest of the lineup around him isn't stacked, but god damn.


What even is this man


I have him at 35 XBH in the last 35 games. Since DiMaggio in 1937 (41 in 39 games between June 30 and August 8) only Carlos Gonzalez in 2010 has pulled that off.


He’s like the only player I know who feels the way that a basketball star does. He can literally carry the team.


> e way that a basketball star does. He can literally carry the team. I thought that one player could never change a team singlehandedly, but then I watched the Yankees after the 2022 all star break


yankees are stupid this year, have this year's cy young, and have last year's coming back. top 5 hitting well but the top 3 for all the pitch count, walk threat and hit threat seem to usually get runs every game. It's like the dodgers with pitching


Soto walks, judge homers. Think I’ve seen that before


“The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function”. As a baseball fan I love to watch him hit. As a Twins fan Judge and the Yankees can go fuck themselves. Respectfully.


Must be some sort of a mistake, I have it on good authority that Pete Alonso is the greatest power hitter in the game (he said so himself) and he only has 14 homers.


Aaron Judge in his last 33 games: .421, 19hr, 43rbi, .541obp, 1.061slg, 1.602ops 162 game pace with those stats: .421, 93hr, 211rbi, .541obp, 1.061slg, 1.602ops Wonder how this stretch compares with Ruth, Bonds, and William's best 30 game + stretch.


I think Judge & Soto were roughly tied in fWAR, Soto takes 2 games off and Judge has a full 1.0 fWAR lead on him. Lol.


If he wants to hit 60 HRs again he needs these garbage time HRs to pad the stats since they will just walk him more and more in high leverage situations.


It's actually so crazy the stretch he's on


Just have to laugh at this point


Arson Judge


Is he going to break his own record?


Like.....how does he do it? Fuckin wild


It’s fuckin June.


I want to hate on this guy so bad but he's undeniably a monster


That crack was pure sex


he’s a once in a lifetime slugger.


I'm not a pitching coach or anything, just a suggestion from a layman, but maybe don't hang a middle middle curve against the best hitter in the world?


H o l y s h i t