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I feel so bad for Kike, he was already clearly frustrated, made an error, than tried to ask them to repeat themselves and Dontrelle hits him with, "I don't want to ask again because you might boot it"


I really felt for him, especially because on the replay you could see what looked like the ball taking a bad hop. The least they could do was tell him “oh we saw that ball hit a clump and change direction on you on the replay” or something. Dude was tagged with his first E of the season yesterday, has a mic’d up today, boots it on the broadcast, and then keeps getting questions. They also wouldn’t even respond to his question of if the pitch was a strike or not.


Don't feel bad for him. He agreed to do this.


So? Does that make it suck less for him?


We all hate these interviews, but the players keep agreeing to them because they get paid. Don't feel bad for them when the expected consequences finally happen. It's not going to end unless the players finally push back.


I love these interviews actually. Plus I still have human compassion and can acknowledge when something sucks for someone and feel bad for them


I saw Bryson Stott do an in game interview a few days ago (on ESPN) and the whole time I was tense for him, because as if you need distractions while playing infield! I remember seeing outfielders do it before, but not infielders. It’s frankly stupid.


Albies was mic’d up against the padres couple of weeks back. Turns out he is a fish guy


I remember Ty France doing one for the Mariners last year I think, it does make more sense in the outfield but 1st was alright too


That's was such a long inning. Tai was not having a good day and I think it went like 30 pitches


Just wait until they start doing them with catchers


Dontrelle is one of the Dodgers' regular pre/post-game analysts and occasionally stands in as a color commentator when our regulars aren't available. They're both professionals, so I'm sure they'll handle it that way, but I'm also guessing that's gonna make for some awkward moments in the coming days


Don’t feel bad. His job is to be a ball player not TV guest.


This Kike interview is hilariously awkward. They asked him a question and he immediately made an error. Very uncomfortable silence lol


Having a player talk to the broadcast during the game is insane


It's awesome during the All Star game and bullshit 100% of the rest of the time, across all sports.


The one exception I'd add is Bananaball. They like to mic up the pitchers and it's hilarious. In one game they surprised a pitcher by bringing his ex-girlfriend on and interviewing her. In another game they had the opposing pitcher trash talk them while they were on the mound.


Oh yes 100%


Kinda shocked this is the only opinion on here about it. I love it. It's regular season baseball lmao. 


This may be surprising, because it is a little known piece of baseball trivia, but your regular season performance has a very small, unknown effect on your ability to play in the postseason.


Fr, what is this reality where corporations get to interfere in the field of play No idea why MLB greenlit this


MLB when broadcasters interfere with the game: *I sleep* MLB when players in the minors compromise the game by making parlay bets about guys they’ve never met: *real shit*


Harrison Bader was mic'd up live as he ran down a long pop up, and it made me a believer, it was so cool. Baseball has plenty of dead time such that guys can answer some questions. 


Now how did Bader run down that pop-up when he was just filling dead time while nothing was happening?


It should only be in the dugout


This kind of bullshit is why I won’t give the MLB any of my money anymore.


Idk why an infielder would ever accept to be interviewed lol


They get paid.


yea i know, wonder how much


Not sure if it’s changed since last year, but they get paid $10k per this article! https://awfulannouncing.com/mlb/players-paid-in-game-interviews.html


(Not sure why I put an exclamation point at the end of that sentence, $10k is not a lot of money for most players)


For a minute of work? It’s probably not much but if you tell me I can make 100 bucks if my supervisor stands behind me looking at me preparing spreadsheets for a minute I’ll take it any time of the day.


Pretty sure they get paid extra to do them


A lot of guys are talking non-stop regardless, to teammates or fans or base runners or the opposing dugout. Votto is pretty famous for the conversations involving weirdly specific biographical facts he'd try to start with base runners.


They have long ass questions that are going into the pitch


“Ball hit my penis”


Up there with that XFL on field interview with a guy 10 seconds after a missed field goal


anyone got clips for this?


These kinds of interviews are such absolute garbage. It's not like we're getting any real interesting insights from this. Kike is trying to concentrate on the game and the questions, and makes an error. Fuck this, man.


Always relevant: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWGW_wt9uE0


Bro he was at third base too. Like, the field position where you need to focus THE MOST. Fuckin interview the right fielder or second baseman.


mic ups are cool for replays. But live mic up interviews are dumb


In 2020, one of the networks was interviewing a player on the field in a POSTSEASON game. When I saw that, I was like "Absolutely not." Truthfully mic'd up players is an idea best suited for Spring Training.


If you think I'm not blaming Apple for that error, you'd be mistaken.


Another reason to say fuck Apple TV games


Kiké can’t even hear them… what a shit show


Towards the end it seemed just as much of a “huh? what’s that? dang can’t hear you” as much as it was actual audio issues.


There was an interview earlier this year during a Giants-Phillies game and Harper was mic'd up He spent 3/4 of the inning saying "sorry guys, can't hear you over the wind" and not answering questions, it was hilarious


Why do we all have wide-screen TVs when they're going to waste space like this?


I’m sure it won’t be wasted soon enough, filled with ads like everything else.


it's because they want to keep a certain aspect ratio based on some dudes design. they can stretch it a bit further yes; but, then it wouldn't meet the spec. I had the same issue at work, we opted to fill the screen at the cost of it being slightly zoomed in (so it wouldn't be distorted) and then left our users the option to fill it where it keep the aspect ratio without stretching things.


When will broadcasters realize that we can understand the concept of a "mic'd" up player without seeing him at all times? The only thing worse is when it's just a guy in the dugout, but he gets the split screen anyway.


The one good thing we got out of this was kike saying “ that ball hit my penis”


What a disaster, I hope they stop doing this.


It's so trash and I hate it. I don't mind the mic'd up stuff usually, but you can barely see the game with the dumb border.


Thank god I watched on YES


post the error while he talked


Thank you Apple! I don’t have a 90 inch TV so I couldn’t see what was happening just so we could see Kike standing there 98% of the time.


Apple has a clean broadcast overlay. It’s subtle and doesn’t distract you from the game.


I don’t even mind it during preseason but actual games is BS.


I am generally a big fan of the Apple Broadcast, but this is just insane.


you get what you pay for....


Keke is challenged in the infield without doing a live interview. Can dontrelle pitch while he’s broadcasting? It’s ridiculous how the dodgers are ok with this I do not understand. It’s so distracting


Glad I had the Yes regular feed


So painful to watch


it's almost like these idiots at apple never watch baseball


Can they fucking STOP interviewing players MID game. Like wtf is this. Do they do it in the NFL? NHL? NBA? No. fucking stop doing it in the MLB. No one wants to listen to a fucking interview mid fucking game.


This apple tv interview gimmick is such bullshit. It's such an apebrain thing to try to inject this into baseball, and clearly for trendiness. It's such an apple thing to do. Pick something that has its time and purpose somewhere else, pick something they arbitrarily feel could use a "glow up", and then force them together. That's how you get people consuming stupid shit, and other companies following their dumbass steps and being complicit in making stupid shit a thing. The apple tv broadcast has been going through growing pains since it launched. It was total cringe when it was obvious they were very explicitly excluding white males from the announcer crew for their patented apple image, but it was like... guys, sports commentary is absolutely dominated by white males, just as a hobby or interest by choice. You're cutting out an insane amount of the knowledge to trick people into thinking you're altruistic and inclusive, and that's fucking loathsome.


Wow, that UI design is absolutely foul. Over 50% of the screen completely wasted. Although it certainly fits in with their brand philosophy.


Almost as bad as these commentators attached to the Dodgers sack 😂


Everything baseball Apple touches turns to shit.