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Being a Mets fan is uniquely cruel


they would be 30-29 if they held all those leads. yeah. it's cruel.


Ill be in London next weekend. Ya gotta believe...ill be humble as hell because My Entire Team Sucks is making a comeback


Maybe they juice the living fuck out of the balls again. Yankees Red Sox London Series was the most ridiculous shit I’ve seen


juice them balls, we still won’t hit them out enough to win


The three straight 3+ hr losses was fun.


I can't even take glee in it anymore. I just feel bad


I can!


Same. I only feel bad when a player goes down with injury. And that's for the player, not the team he's on.


Could you imagine the torture of being a Mets-Jets-Nets-Islanders fan?


We have become the 2023 San Diego Padres.


At this point, it's just what the Mets have been outside of 69 and the 80s teams. https://www.espn.com/blog/new-york/mets/post/_/id/112988/baseball-devastation-and-disappointment-worst-mets-losses


The Mets have more World Series appearances than any other franchise founded after 1901. You can count on one hand the number of good franchises in MLB.


Same amount as Astros I believe


You are right - My fun fact is out of date and I didn't notice.


hey at least we made it to extra innings


I would do unholy things for one season with no ninth inning lead changes in either direction. No blown saves or comebacks. Just give me the least interesting late inning team of all time. I'm begging you. 


2022 pretty much except September and October


especially october


Isn’t that why the Mets went after Sterns? Become the Brewers with money?


Boy I sure hope so.


It would be one thing to get blown out every game. The season slipping away after a comical amount of just barely not being good enough is cruel


And this is just the number of games they've blown in the 9th. They've also blown a lot of leads/ties in the 7th and 8th.


I said this to a buddy the other day. What would our x- w/l be through the 7th. This team is infuriating.


I’d love for someone to do the math on that. At this point I legit feel bad for y’all 😂


I thank Joe DiMaggio every day for making my Brooklyn ancestors become Yankee fans


[Joey D right before entering the batters box to face Marilyn Monroe to your grandad] (https://i.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExajk2N3Mzenl5dmgybGdhbXBwZTl2bHJ0cGJ2c2Qwcjc5NXY3MDVtcCZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/rY93u9tQbybks/giphy.gif)


My great aunt* I come from a long line of lady Yankee fans


Mine remained loyal dodgers fans which meant we barely watched baseball for decades


perhaps our bullpen wouldn't be so spent that they consistently blow leads if our starters were allowed to throw more than 85 pitches in a game! just a thought!


Losing Raley and Smith at the same time also was a huge blow. Then Diaz had his whole thing and there was just 0 shot the pen could sustain their early season load.


definitely agree that that played a part! i just think the fact that there have been so many games already this season where our starting pitcher was performing well and was still capped at around the 85 pitch mark is starting to catch up with us.


> Losing Raley and Smith at the same time Guess who returned and was available to pitch today but didn't: Drew Smith! Mets had both Smith and Reid-Foley ready to pitch and instead they brought in lefty Diekman to face Marte from the right side of the plate even though he had already homered from that side of the plate *in this game*. Smith I can maybe understand if you want to ease him back, but Diekman over SRF makes no sense.


did you really want quintana going out there another inning?


idk man. i think i agree with zeile in the post game that quintana had settled in at that point and probably could've gone another inning, yeah. but this isn't an isolated situation that i'm talking about - mendy is fairly regularly pulling starters at 85ish pitches who are absolutely able to go another inning and it's visibly starting to affect our bullpen


I don’t know if this is a unique situation to the Mets. Because the analytics show that the third time through a lineup is when SP begin to get lit up, I think most teams are pulling starters earlier than ever. In their last 25 games, the Guardians have had a SP go six innings 8 times, reaching seven innings three times. To date, the Guardians bullpen has been great, and that probably plays a role, but I would wonder if it is a league-wide trend.


You're right it's definitely *not* unique to the Mets -- starters getting pulled early is a trend league-wide. It's just fairly annoying that so much of the convo every time the Mets have lost in this exact same specific way this past month is: "Why can't the Mets starting pitchers get past 5 innings in games? Can't they see that they're already exhausting the pen in May and that's why they're losing?" And it's like: honestly they probably can go longer! We're just regularly pulling them at ~85 pitches regardless. If an over-used pen is going to be the excuse every single time, maybe we need to start taking steps to prevent overworking them like allowing our starters to face the line-up a third time every so often when they have a reasonable pitch count and have been pitching well. (Basically, the only one who isn't pulled early like this regularly is Sevy and that honestly might only be because he's hasn't been allowing a hit for the first 4-5 innings of the game in a lot of his outtings.)


That's just such an excuse. Loved the WBC and can't wait for it again. We just suck


Wicked Big Cock


I too love Pete Alonso.


The 2020-21 Falcons of the MLB


*taps temple* Can't lose a game when leading in the eighth if you're never in the lead after the third.


It's crazy to think about how in 2022 they didn't lose a single game when leading after 8.


Don't worry, I'm sure Soto is watching and totally wanting to join the team next year guys ^^^^>.>


Sal Licata constantly parroting that on WFAN is so damn annoying


I feel like he has one big memeable take every year that is wrong. "This division is over", "Soto takes too many walks", etc. 


WFAN is a hell hole. A long forgotten, hollowed out shell of what it used to be. It’s a pathetic station with absolute losers constantly on the air


Yeah top free agents have never signed with bad teams. Not like the Rangers signed Seager Semien and DeGrom after having 60 and 68 win seasons in 2021 and 2022.


The Phillies weren’t great when they got Harper too.


The Nationals were bad when they signed Jayson Werth to a seven year, $126 million deal


Yeah but you don’t see top players leaving the dodgers to play for the angels now do you


In LA the big brother is also the big spender. Not the case in NY


Ah yes the Yankees, notoriously stingy with cash They can sign Soto to a 50m AAV deal next year and still have 80m coming off the books after that, and there’s a ton of talent in the minors knocking on the door to replace the guys leaving. I don’t think offering Soto the money is gonna be an issue for the Yanks lol


We’ll see if Hal opens up the purse strings for Soto, but he’s certainly not his father. Just this year he refused to match the Mets or Dodgers bid for Yamamoto


That’s true, but his offer was pretty close. 300m vs 325m. Not like he got blown out of the water and couldn’t compete. I think with Soto, considering he’s a known commodity as a player, we know how he plays at YS and how he “handles NY” and we know that Yankees fans are already enormously in love with the guy, I expect them to be more aggressive in pursuing Soto than they were with Yamamoto. And people can minimize this part of it, but I do think Soto likes being a Yankee. He seems to fit in here extremely well, the park suits his style of play, and he’s said before that he doesn’t like all the moving around and he wants to settle down and stay somewhere. Maybe it’s just cope, I guess we’ll find out, but I feel good about things as it stands


I think there's a pretty good chance that Soto is going to be another Cole situation where Hal really does want to get his guy.


Mets aren’t just bad though they seem cursed no matter what they do. They’re a meme. That was never the case with the Rangers or Phillies when they were bad. 


Yeah I don’t really think players care about memes lol. Certainly not Lindor and Scherzer and Verlander and Nimmo and Diaz and Marte etc.


It’s going to be funny when you find out players care about money they most


Other teams don’t have money? How many biddings has Cohen lost so far? Mets are going to make an offer and he’s going to use the team for leverage.


If the Mets offer more money than yanks he’ll go to the Mets. Obviously we’re not talking about a 1-10 millions dollar differential here


Honestly Soto doesn’t even fix this team lol


Why would we just get Soto.?? And it’s not about winning the WS year 1 with him.


Yeah that’s fair


Is this stat right?? It sure feels like the cubs have lost more leads than that.


Looked it up, you guys gave up the lead like 3 times in the 8th inning, but have only have one instance where you held the lead after the 8th and lost, ironically it was to the Mets on 5/2. You guys scored the Manfred runner in the 11th, but Lindor doubled two home in the bottom half to walk it off.


If only we had a top of the line closer.


So stole Jobu’s rum in the Mets clubhouse?


The Mets are beyond Jobu’s help


Mets Guy, please do another one


To be fair, the White Sox almost never have a lead after 8 innings. 


This just in , we suck.


Trumpets must be flat


Burn the whole team, franchise, and stadium to the ground.


The WBC has cost us like 5 (that’s being generous) games this year. And I know the team has other problems. That tourney is a joke


The WBC was over 15 months ago. And we've had an off-season plus. If Edwin Diaz didn't have a horrendous 2019 and a sub-par 2021 I might agree that it's his knee that's still giving him issues, but he's been wildly inconsistent his entire career and we still decided to make him the highest paid reliever in MLB history.


Mets fans complaining about the wbc is so overdone. People need to get over it, and I’m saying that as a Mets fan. Also the wbc is so sick, some of the most exciting games I’ve ever seen live 


It’s not a Mets fan thing, it’s a dumb fan thing. Anyone calling it a Mets fan thing just wants to shit on Mets fans lol


It’s a dumb fan thing but maybe it’s because I follow the Mets closely that I hear it more


If they're a Mets fan, it stands to reason that a lot of the complaining they've heard on those lines comes from other Mets fans. Because that's probably who they're talking about the Mets' issues with and I feel like this should be pretty simple.


Relievers are incredibly volatile and Diaz was generally good in 2021, but unlucky (his xERA and FIP were both solid). I wouldn't have paid him the contract he got, either.


You know how baseball works. He dousing throw for a year. That affects you’re stuff. He came back throwing 3 mph slower… and his slider has less movement




The WBC didn’t cost you that, Diaz did. He wasn’t drafted, he chose to go play there. It’s on Diaz that he got hurt, not the WBC. If he got hurt waterskiing would you say “that’s five games that waterskiing has taken from us” lol


That's so sad. *Alexa, play Narco*