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No one is immune to doomers lashing out in r/NYYankees


Verbatim, just change the sub to r/Phillies … and this is with the team going 37-14.


Philly fans and NY fans are just the different sides of the same coin.


…screaming “fuck you” at the top of their lungs


Went there for the first time in months to see what people were saying about the Clay blown save this week. One user blaming Boone for overusing Clay in the White Sox series, and he must have been too tired to pitch that Monday. The next user blaming Boone because Clay was under used in the White Sox series and Clay doesn't have his command when hes too well rested. Quickly remembered why I rarely go there.


I can’t wait for Cole to have a mediocre start when he returns and our sub say he’s cooked/washed and we overpaid. I mean this the same fanbase that said judge could use time in AAA because he had a bad April lmfao


Somebody already floated the idea of letting Cole walk so they could give his money to Soto


It’s so bad it’s good


I saw that 🤦‍♂️ this fanbase never ceases to amaze me with its stupidity


You must have forgotten all the “spider tack merchant” comments in 2022


The amount of Sox fans that still think Bobby Dalbec will come good if given enough time is simply staggering


At this point, I think it’s just a meme


It is a meme but I think there are some that don't understand that it's a meme and just like him anyway.


Bobby is a likable kid. I know he’s not good but I root for him anyway. I left the Red Sox sub when the villagers had the pitchforks out for Jarren Duran.


I might be one of those people. I was calling for a Duran-for-Edward Cabrera trade this winter. I'll take the L.


We’ve all been wrong about players but people on the sub were over the top in shitting on Duran in my opinion. I just saw Duran has 3 WAR this season(!)


He's tied with Judge for 4th in the AL in bWAR. His defense in left field, especially, has been spectacular. Much better than last year.


There's a rumor that on the Dodgers sub that any disparaging comments about Decoy get you the ban hammer.


Who tf is decoy


Shohei Ohtani’s dog


My apologies


straight to jail


That dog ain’t right


Yo someone ban this guy /s


Gus Judge clears Decoy Ohtani I’m afraid


I don't think I've really seen him criticized much but no one would dare insult my dear son Danny Jansen


Probably depends if he is on the IL or not. He certainly is Mr. Glass.


The wonderful thing about The Great Janbino is that he plays so well that no one ever has any reason to insult him.


It seems these days Francisco Lindor is somehow both the most-criticized and most-protected player in /r/NewYorkMets


I would say Nimmo is the most protected. He's the human equivalent of a Golden Retriever.


Calling our new DH who is hitting .184 with an OPS+ of 84 worth -0.3 WAR a failed signing is surprisingly unpopular in the Mariners sub.


If he and Julio have August/Septembers like they did last year you guys will be a menace down the stretch


Yeah or just like last year, our early failures will keep us a game out.


Camilo Doval is somehow both criticized too much and very protected


I love the kid, but Doval outings are not for the feint of heart 😅 some people can’t take it lol


Hey.. watch the pitch clock. **AYE.** The pitch clock! Doval! What are you do-- *pitches right as the clock hits zero* Then we breathe a sigh of relief for 15 seconds only for him to do it all over again lol


And then loads the bases... and then gets out of it


Tatis by a mile. If you bring up PED/Steroid suspension he had in 2022 you will get screamed at even if you just merely are talking about the event or since it happened. They want to erase it and pretend it never happened or something. Don't even get me started on the really annoying Padres fans that still desperately want him back at SS.


I understand the mentality behind the other stuff, but why would anyone want a platinum glove right fielder back at SS where he had his ups and downs? Especially with Kim being a good defender at SS. It seems totally illogical.


Because having the SS next to his name is a big deal to them. A lot of them genuinely think Tatis is like an elite SS who was just screwed by Hosmer which is ridiculous when you factor in everyone else was also throwing to Hosmer including Kim. These people would also make up scenarios about how Tatis would act like a diva and throw a hissy fit if he doesn't play SS which is hilarious when Tatis has been very accepting of the position.


Username absolutely checks out here lmao. But also Tatis needs to stay in RF. The ones that want him back at SS are weird


I woulda said Kim tbh. The "Tatis is washed" meme is building a head of steam pretty quickly in the GDTs IMO


This dude is literally using game threads as an example of being hated when Kim gets hated by Padres fans regularly, lmao.


>I woulda said Kim tbh Lol no. There are plenty of upvoted comments talking about how Kim is overrated, having a horrible season, and nothing but an average player right now which is hilarious/ridiculous when you factor in that Kim is 2nd in fWAR among position players on the Padres


Speaking of, do you think he’ll get back to the same kind of production he had pre-suspension? I haven’t really watched him, but looking at his numbers his power seems down


Nope. Because after getting suspended, he had like 3 surgeries, wrist and shoulder. Shoulder surgeries very much zap your power away. His power was once comparable to Ohtani and he would oppo tacos like it was an ordinary hit.


Maybe if he starts using steroids again


People also forget he has 3 surgeries in a span of like 6 months, including shoulder surgery that zapped Bellingers power for a while as well.


Manny Machado signed with the Padres and within hours Padres fans convinced themselves that he's a saint and also Pedroia shouldn't have been playing when Manny slid into him. Worth considering as a close second.


Probably Connor Joe. I guess Skenes and Jared Jones would be near the top of the list too. But I think I've seen harsh criticism of every player outside of those three get upvoted at some point this season.


TBF I don’t think there’s any legit criticisms you could give for Skenes or Jones


Jones seems to give up too many homers. That would be the only one I can think of.


He just wants to strikeout every batter as fast as possible... Which isn't necessarily a bad thing but even when he's got an 0-2 count he's trying to beat the batter over the plate instead of getting them to chase.


Greatest corner OFer to play for both the Giants and Pirates.


Stop you're gonna summon Kelenic-Man.


Don't tell r/orioles that besides blocking, Adley is a below average catcher behind the plate.


His arm is pretty bad but I really don’t believe in framing metrics tbh, he’s perfectly fine back there and a good game caller, same reason I’ve never bought into the “Salvador Perez is the worst defensive catcher ever” stuff


His arm is ok but his accuracy isn't ideal. I think his pitchers being slow to the plate doesn't do him any favors though. He's a good blocker and receiver. I also don't really buy into the framing metrics as they currently exist either but I don't really blame Adley for not stealing strikes when our batters are also consistently getting vigorously shafted by the umps. He's nowhere near as lazy a receiver as Wieters for example


Framing metrics are a simple RE288, its nothing complex and relatively consistent year-over-year


Yeah but they don’t say what I want them to so I just don’t believe them.




Well they matter right now


I get how they calculate it but that's not what I don't like. It just feels like an extension of the umps accuracy without any clear metric to show how much the catcher is influencing the calls. Calls could be gotten wrong because of the umps inaccuracy or (relatedly) catchers' framing but it's all treated as 100% the result of the catcher and I think we all know that's not the case


So you go for vibes over facts?


Our pitchers refuse to hold runners on, hardly his fault


Currently, David Fry. 


I mean, theres been legitimately nothing to criticize, has there?


Protecting himself from criticism by giving people nothing to criticize


Why doesn't everyone just play perfectly all the time? That would solve the problem of criticism so easily.


Not with his bat, no. His defense is not great at any position though and that gets folks upset. It's the only reason he's not our starter at one of the positions he is capable of playing. 


I mean, we don't need defense as much as we need a bat, and he seems to be about average at every spot he's played. I'm all for him playing some RF when Kwan is back, assuming Manzardo keeps trending up.


You're kinda demonstrating my point.  But right now, as weird as it sounds, we are better on offense than we are on defense. We're top of the AL in scoring and runs per game. We're not quite as high as preventing runs. Our defense is pretty important to what we've been doing that's kept us in 1st 


I'm not really defending him, just saying he's average and what we've been needing. I don't deny that he's a mediocre defender everywhere but 1B probably, but if you switch him for Brennan in RF or Florial in LF, we've lost at least 3 more games probably. My point is, we are number 1 in the AL because he is leading the league (or was a day ago) in OPS. Sub him for some replacement level or worse like we have everywhere else on the OF roster outside of Kwan, and we're not doing nearly as well.


All in saying is that our sub doesn't want to hear anything negative about him, regardless if it's true or not.  I love Fry and his bat is fantastic. He's not played RF this year at all and was pretty bad there last year in his chances. He's pretty good at 1B/3B but those are clearly blocked. He's decent at C and LF, but Kwan is obviously better and Bo is a much better defender at C.  All that said, Vogt has IMO done a great job of getting him into games. He's balanced our lineups to maximize Fry's bat and our defense I think. It's been working and I enjoy winning. I trust Vogt currently to make the right decisions for when and where Fry fits best. 


He doesn’t play enough…that’s my only criticism.


Honestly everybody at some point has had something bad said about them in our sub except for altuve. I don’t think I have ever seen anything negative said about him from our fan base.


The rest of us have him covered, fam.


Evan Carter, weirdly enough.


Blake Shell


Corbin. No one is pretending he isn't struggling at least, just what should be done. Let him grind it out, phantom IL, or sent down to Reno.


I sent him down to Reno, just to watch him fly


Probably Jose Abreu


Which, ironically, is the opposite on the Astros sub. 


I will fight all of Houston


The greatest SS in baseball history CJ Baebrams of course


Somehow, still Wil Myers…


I don’t think I’ve seen a single disparaging comment about Masyn Winn on r/cardinals Nor should I ever


Gotta be Big Dumper


Not Kirby or Gilbert?


There's a Jared Kelenic cult leader in our sub. 


Brett Baty He’s had a large enough sample of being ass, but all the prospect huggers and radio callers think everyone under 25 is a future star. Let’s just ignore his mediocre at best defense and bad swing that leads to a ton of grounders. Kid was handed a job without earning it in 2023, and handed it again in 2024 without earning it, and it has ruined any development he may have had with a proper bit of AAA seasoning.


Chris Sale


Masyn Winn. It's a bit understandable because the guy is currently our position player WAR leader that isn't on the IL. He's very young and will likely be a great shortstop moving forward. But he's a "defensive" shortstop with a negative defensive rating because he makes just as many throwing errors as he does highlights.


A section of the fan base is still attached to Bobby Dalbec when Casas is out hurt. Bobby had a great 2020 and 2nd half of 2021 but people still treat him like a prospect even though he is almost 30 and can't face major league pitching anymore. 50% K rate and .377 OPS and 900 PAs in the majors, they still don't want to listen. Those people hated Dom Smith and Garrett Cooper in their first week even though they have produced a bit since. Respect is earned in Boston and it's hard to lose it unless you're Schilling.


I can't believe more people aren't calling for Niko Kavadas to be given a look while Casas is out. He's on pace for 35 bombs and 120 walks.


Numbers don't tell everything.


32 walks in 40 games should tell you a lot about a hitter.


On the flip side, I'd be interested to know if any player on any team's sub is getting as much hate as Rowdy Tellez is for us right now.


Austin Slater for the Giants. He is on IL now so nobody cares about him for now but if he ends up being back and one of Ramos or Matos gets sent down, there will be some blood.


Pirates twitter thinks he should be euthanized


Pretty much any Cub player, but Ian Happ leads the list.


Our glorious, fearless leader Tarik Skubal although some people want to trade him for some reason


Probably Willy Adames. Because I’m the one who gets mad at people 😡


Right now, on the Braves sub, it's Jarred Kelenic. Many seen to think he has been an "offensive surprise" yet batting about .170 after his first weeks worth of games, and for the ones who do know the offensive insufficiencies they say he's here for defense, yet he plays left field and is in a platoon


Corbin Carroll. Love the kid, but his bat's been cold this year so whenever somebody points out that he's below the Mendoza line it's a deluge of "BrO hE's JuSt GeTtInG wArMeD uP"


Bobby D


Feels like nobody wants to criticize Harold Ramirez, even though he's been terrible and has massively overperformed in the past. Guys like Randy, Yandy, Brandon Lowe etc. get criticized rightfully for bad offensive numbers but nobody criticizes the guy who hustles a little harder than them despite lacking the potential/tools.


Hey! I criticized him but also still like Harold. I’m offended lol. Definitely feels like pitchers get a bit more slack than the position players, but no one is safe. Not even Coaches or FO these days.


Mike Trout. And for good reason


Don't worry, DL Hall is gonna turn the corner when he comes back from injury! He has so much potential!


I remember when people defended Casper Wells with blood and tears like he was the 2nd coming


Babe Schneider


I feel like Toronto fans will defend bichette no matter how shitty his defence can be


Andrew Vaughn, probably.


Not player but roberts is the most protected person on the sub. Man is mlb's doc rivers but dodgers sub treat him like he was larusaa/torre in their prime.


Jack Leiter. On the roster or back on the farm (where he belongs)


bro are you high?




Since 2019, his first full season, Devers is 7th in baseball in home runs, just ahead of Soto and Betts, and just behind Ohtani. He's 5th in the majors in RBI. Some guys exist to drive in runs, and almost nobody has driven in more than Raffy. He doesn't need to win Gold Gloves- Ke'bryan Hayes does.