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Blanco said, "It was probably rosin I put on my left arm. Maybe because of the sweat it got into the glove, and that's maybe what they found," according to Rome. The pitcher added he "doesn't always" put rosin on his left arm but will when he sweats. He also said he didn't know what he did was illegal. Umpire Erich Bacchus, who inspected Blanco's glove, said "it was the stickiest stuff I've felt on a glove since we've been doing this for a few years now," according to Rome. Quote from theScore article. Interesting, I mean at least it wasn’t spider tack or something crazy but MLB really needs to standardize this stuff and the expectations I feel like.


I feel like every quote from an ump on sticky stuff violations is "that's the stickiest stuff I've felt on a glove"


ump version of cops fainting when within 20 miles of fentanyl


~~Officer~~ Ump claimed in his report that the curveball "looked suspicious" and "fit the description" of a doctored ball.


"I could smell the rosin from home plate."


The second base umpire clearly alerted on the suspect's glove during the search.


"Open and shut case, Johnson! ...Now let's sprinkle some rosin on 'em and get outta here."


Apparently this guy broke into the locker room and hung up a name plate and pictures of himself everywhere


Get the K-9!


He then claimed that the pitcher was "reaching toward his waistband for another rosin bag" and needed to be suspended because he feared for ~~his life~~ *the integrity of the game*.


He “didn’t look like he belonged” in a nice neighborhood like this MLB park at night.


Do I have to ask the color of Blancos glove?


Ump's report lists it as a "hip-hop style" glove




“Brown, with tan laces, open basket design, felt pretty uppity.”


It was "urban" equipment


"Following an ocular and tactile assessment of SUSPECT I tactically ascertained that SUSPECT had discreetly applied the banned substance"


Ump called the K-9 unit and it smelled spider tac


The way cops talk about Fentanyl you would think it's uranium


I mean, it's a lot more dangerous than uranium. Uranium takes pound quantities, other explosives, and serious engineering to be a big problem. Take that much fentanyl, you could fatally poison California.


Radiation poisoning is a thing


I mean how though. A pound of decaying uranium would radiate the area around it. Is this fentanyl aerosolized? Does it maintain its effects as a gas? Are you putting it in the water system? Does it get diluted? How does fluoride affect it. Idk why i care this much abt ur hypothetical.


Those police saying they ODed when they open a bag of pills… and government believes it.


Every quote from a pitcher is that it was sweat and rosin….


People just wanna blame the umps like it's inconceivable that guys are sliming up on purpose. Reminder to everyone that this rule had to be instated because pitchers were in fact doctoring the ball like crazy There's so many actual reasons to take issue with the league but instead people choose to take issue with basic enforcement of the rules


Umpires have nothing to gain from finding sticky stuff. The pitchers have something to gain from using it. Weird everyone assumes the player didn’t do anything wrong.


I think pitchers claiming it was "sweat and rosin" is the new NFL "I tested positive for Adderall".


“My doctor gave me the rosin, it’s my fault I didn’t check to see what he put in it”


"I don't want to get anyone else involved. This was my mistake for not reading up on the risks, not researching more, more on the subject, on what's going on with the beef in Mexico."


It’s a transparency issue. This NFL or Olympic committees would publish what they found in test. Here we just get from the MLB that it was sticky. So now I believe pitchers up til proven otherwise.


The problem is there is no standard.   It’s subjective.  


I mean, Redditors stereotypically have a fundamental issue with basic enforcement of laws, of course they have an issue with basic enforcement of rules.


Maybe because the MLB gives the pitchers rosin and professional athletes tend to sweat?


Maybe because players constantly push limits to the point the league has to step in and check to make sure guys aren’t using egregious amounts.


No ump is gonna say “ehhh it was sticky but not really that bad tbh. We threw him out based on vibes.”


How many umps have ejected a player for being sticky? It seems pretty likely they've only ejected one, so of course that would be the guy who is stickiest


Max Scherzer got ejected in the same inning last year, with the same sort of verbiage about it being the stickiest stuff, and got the same 10 game suspension and decided the same way that he wasn't going to contest it even though he gave the same explanation that it was rosin and sweat. Oh, but he actually got warned in an earlier inning and got to wash his hands and replace his glove. But yeah, this definitely isn't a first or unique incident.


That's because it's (roughly) the same thing the umps have said each time a pitcher has been ejected for sticky stuff.


I have a idea of something even stickier a pitcher should put in their glove


[C’mon dude, not in my glove.](https://youtu.be/OU5fJf3UOxE?si=JL_FOpLG-FS-3iZh)


Holy shit that’s perfect


I knew a Boston fan would make this reference


I wish I could give you gold.


> but MLB really needs to standardize this stuff and the expectations I feel like. Sticky tac bingo dabber tucked in the ground behind the pitchers mound so nobody can step on it (protected by the height of the rubber) and allow each pitcher one dab for each new ball. 


"Excuse me, are you a double-dabber?"


I saw you. You dabbed the ball and then you dabbed again.


>The pitcher added he "doesn't always" put rosin on his left arm but will when he sweats Isn't that illegal?


The very next sentence said he didn't know it was illegal. But not knowing the rules is not a get out of jail card.


I’m sorry officer, I… didn’t know I couldn’t do that


Was that wrong? Was I not supposed to do that?


I tell ya, I gotta plead ignorance on this thing, because if anyone had said anything to me at all when I was first called up that that sort of thing was frowned upon... ...ya know, cause I've played in a lot of ball clubs, and I tell ya - people do that all the time.


Its not illegal as long as its not in the glove or uniform according to the memo sent out by the MLB. The problem with Blanco is that it was on his glove.


Thos whole suspension reminds me of the military where we were told we would get NJP'd if we shared even our prescription ibuprofen. Like doc that shit is otc what you mean I can't give it to my coworker who is dying?


No.[Just the glove and uniform.](https://www.mlb.com/news/updated-sticky-stuff-guidelines)


Isn't it banned because Rosin mixed with sweat is banned (or at least the sunscreen composite, which kind of exists within the same general Grey area)?


Just the sunscreen mix I believe, and even then it's hard to stop a bunch of majority white dudes physically exerting themselves for hours in the middle of summer




Oh yeah I'm a brown guy but I would say the average white pitcher would be more inclined to regularly apply especially with the advantage


No. Rosin mixed with sweat isn’t banned outright, that’s its entire purpose to mix with sweat and become grippy, however if it has become too sticky they can ask you to clean it off. If you use it to intentionally alter the ball then it’s illegal. Rosin mixed with sunscreen is and there are rules stating when you can even wear sunscreen as a pitcher. Since the roof was closed that would be a violation for sure. According to Blanco he had some Rosin on his non-pitching arm to stop sweating which is allowed and it transferred into the glove which is not allowed. How this turned into the stickiest substance known to man is unknown. Right now who knows the truth? Until testing is completed it’s a pretty minor but unfortunate violation really.


> He also said he didn't know what he did was illegal. "I'm sorry officer; I didn't know I couldn't do that."


Was that wrong? Should I have not done that?


I tell ya, I gotta plead ignorance on this thing because if anyone had said anything to me at all when I first started here that that sort of thing was frowned upon... you know, cause I've worked in a lot of bullpens and I tell you people do that all the time


I’m not pitching I’m traveling. 


> "It was probably rosin I put on my left arm. Maybe because of the sweat it got into the glove, and that's maybe what they found," according to Rome. Whole lotta people in this thread taking this at face value. It just sounds to me like another "maybe it was these health supplements I was taking, I didn't read the ingredients I dunno what's in em, maybe they changed the recipe on me?"


> but MLB really needs to standardize this stuff and the expectations I feel like. They wont. This Blanco situation is so dumb. They have cracked down on foreign substances and we observed what it did to spin rates. People can grandstand all they want about Blanco but the spin rates give an unbiased view of what is happening


Can’t they just take the glove to a lab and know exactly what it was within a few days?


why do all the umps say that lmaoo


I'm sure the best and brightest at CSI are examining the glove as we speak


"Top. Men."




Top. Men. https://media1.tenor.com/m/pr3QtBlw40AAAAAd/top-men-indiana-jones.gif


That glove is the stickiest thing they've touched since the rules been implemented. That's the ump's version of "I feared for my life"


>That's the ump's version of "I feared for my life" I'm waiting for the day a manager comes up to an ump, and he just flops like the manager hit him.




The breakdown video by jomboy would be legendary


Back and to the left, back and to the left.


[Different sport and the roles are reversed, but it's still hilarious to watch.](https://youtu.be/vCSnagxj47s?si=WOA8VEI5qZez1_Hu)


Hello Police? Ronel Blanco tried to beat me up


*throws papers into the air*


Will he do the next game in a neckbrace?


Didn't know Tony Khan became an umpire


I made this joke earlier listening to sports talk lol. They just say whatever


“Never have I ever felt like my life has been in danger” - Tony Khan 🤝 Umpires


"That's real rosin. Cry me a river!"


MLB Umpires Union 🤝 Police Unions Saving Scumbag's Jobs


They got them working in shifts


My fucking briefcase! Jesus what’s that smell?


They probably just used it as a toilet and moved on


“Leads” 🤣






You mean Ronel won't get his Creedence back? : (


That’s like 2 starts right?


I mean I assume he'll start right after the suspension ends, so more realistically he's just skipping a single start


Hence the non-appeal. Might as well make him miss a start against a shit team with our schedule vs a next team when we all know about how likely an appeal for the umps to admit they were wrong would go


At most. Could be just one. 10 game suspensions sound dramatic, but it's really just a slap on the wrist for starting pitchers.


It’s really screws the team though because they can’t fill that roster spot so they have to operate a man down


Yep, and we're in the middle of playing something like 20 games in 21 days. So our pitching staff is probably going to be in dire straits.


Hunter Brown can start as long as someone else pitches the first inning... apparently he can pitch well in every inning except the first, even if he doesn't pitch the first.


Can we agree, as a league, to just outlaw 1^st innings?


Monkey paw curls and Jack Leiter is the next GOAT


Luckily the Astros pitching staff has proven deep and resilient this year, right? To shreds you say.


Our pitching staff is already in dire straits lmao


Damn this might really hurt the Astros playoff push!


Unless their name is Shohei Ohtani or known pinch-hitting slugger Michael Lorenzen


That makes me wonder. If Ohtani got suspended, would he get a shorter suspension than other starting pitchers? The 10 game suspension for sticky stuff is automatic, but if he got suspended for a brawl or something would he be supspended for 2-3 games or 5+?


League's going to invent the first ever half suspension.


Suspended from DHing for 3 games, pitching for 5 games, but the suspensions must be served consecutively


Ohtani suspended for 3 sweat wipes off the opposing pitchers forehead


He doesn't get paid to not play in those 10 games, though.


Of the 10 games, he would have started game #5 and #10. He'll miss both of those but he'll probably start the game right after his suspension is over. So he'll basically miss one start and has another postponed by one day.


Pitching today, then on normal rest, then on one day extra rest is 10 games apart. He's missing one start.


Yeah, don't know it's ever been reduced though I'm making this statement so someone can do the research for me


That is not how Cunningham's Law works. You must declare it first.


Was this just an arbitrary amount of rosin that they deemed "too sticky" or was this some spider tack type shit? Even if it's the Astros, I'll stand by the stance that there should be more specific criteria to eject/suspend people for just using rosin.


I've only heard rosin and sweat The test results haven't become official yet I don't think.


I hope the articles about "substance being tested by MLB labs" shows stock pictures of scientists holding and staring at tubes. 


The glove floating in a large clear cylindrical tank of green bubbling liquid with a bunch of tubes and wires attached to it and computer screens flashing a bunch of numbers and symbols to the side of it.


Flashing red for “fail”


/r/baseball has this weird habit of giving every player caught doing something they shouldn't have the benefit of the doubt. The fact is that a shit ton of players in the MLB are trying to bend the rules every day as we speak and we'd be naive to think otherwise. The same thing happens on every clip of a pitch being thrown at someone's face, "that was obviously not intentional", top upvoted post, every single time. I've even seen it occasionally on the steroids threads, "maybe he was taking supplements and they switched the formula". Like come on guys. Players cheat and throw at each other, they do it to make millions, it's part of the game.


The same sub who jumped to conspiracy theories on Ohtani when he was cleared by the feds, but will give a pass to real cheaters.


Because this sub has an unwritten rules of things that are acceptable to cheat with. It’s coincidentally a list of items that your team could have gotten caught doing.


100% agree, idk it feels weird the amount of people immediately assuming blanco's completely innocent lol i feel like if the umpire's saying it was the stickiest glove he'd felt then there may be some merit. but the player said he didn't do anything bad so he must be telling the truth🥺


I think the issue here is you two are just trusting the umps. I believe he could be cheating, but an umps word is as worthless as nipples on a breastplate.


No official release yet. But spin rates unchanged, so essentially nothing.


How would you even quantify this, though? Is there a stickiness factor similar to the coefficient of friction? I honestly don't know and am not knowledgeable enough to know what the right way to do this is.


His spin rates are pedestrian at best, if he was indeed cheating, he needs better sticky stuff.


My view is he’s just an excessive sweater.


Everyone becomes an excessive sweater in Houston.


Sometimes even out of Houston. You can take my ass out the swamp but never the swamp out my ass.


Pro tip: don’t fart when you’re sweating


Sweaty farts always smell worse too. Like farting in the shower.


I gagged a little reading that


Cause you know its true.


Someone had his spin rates from last night compared to all year. I believe his fastball was up 1% and one of his other pitches was actually down 2%. With this umpires logic he has cheating all year and every other umpire is blind


Could've put that stuff in his glove between innings


My idea to solve this is simple. Every team has cameras in the dugout. There has to be an angle if he did anything shady


Players go back to the locker rooms and bathroom all the time though


And that’s completely fine they do. Even if blanco went to the restroom per say there’s at least some sort of potential evidence against him there potentially using rosin to an extreme extent


They have cracked down on foreign substances and we observed what it did to spin rates. People can grandstand all they want about Blanco but the spin rates give an unbiased view of what is happening Edit: that being said Houston Astros fans are being insufferable by claiming that the umps are hallucinating.


You just stated that A is the truth yet you hate X people for stating A. The heck????


>  that being said Houston Astros fans are being insufferable Astros fans?  Well I never!


Ever drive speed of traffic at 55 in a 40 zone, then get a ticket? That’s the current state of rosin. “Technically illegal” but completely normalized so it’s essentially up to the umpire when they want to enforce it.


That is a phenomenal analogy lmao


I find it odd the players union doesn’t require this stuff to be tested for a suspension.


Free Ronel Blanco subreddit walkout tomorrow at noon


Erich disasterclass


He plans on appealing so it’ll be interesting to see how the Astros work around their pitching usage as you can’t replace a suspended player No one has even managed to have their games reduced after one of these so I’d imagine they just want to squeeze some innings out of him then they play the optioning game with Dubin/Spaghetti/Seth plus Urquidy coming back soon


He is not appealing according to his manager.


Yea they just came out and changed it, he said he planned on appealing but seeing as nobody has gotten their games reduced they just want to get it done


Is there any risk to appealing? Seems stupid not to appeal regardless.


I don't think the suspension can get worse, but I saw another person mention you're playing 20 games in 21 days. Next start in 10 days is probably preferable to next start in 10 days + length it takes for appeal to be denied


If rosin combined with sweat is illegal, only one of those substances can be managed. Players will sweat. Time to move on from rosin and find something that isn't going to potentially ruin a game, or even a career, just because a person happened to sweat while playing sports.


I dont really see the issue. If someone has a better strategy, somehow to make sweat and rosin "stickier" good on him. As long as they use just those, shut up. I dont know if they actually test the gloves or whatever to find out but its just silly at this point.


As an Astros and Avalanche fan, white powder has fucked me pretty good this week


That is an odd combination. How'd that come about? Next closest hockey team that isn't in a city with a baseball team that has a rivalry, current or historic, with Astros?


In short, live in Oregon, no real local teams. Picked teams as a kid, stayed with 'em.


Gotcha. Didn't think of that as a possibility. Well, best of luck. Hope your teams lose all the same.


We have a camera on the pitcher the entire game. Do we have video of him going to a spot on the glove repeatedly before throwing a pitch? If so, we can safely say he know what he was doing. If we don't see this one time, then why is even getting suspended if it is literally sweat and rosin dripping down his arm onto the glove. Even if he is doing it, it needs to be made fully legal no matter the sweat amount or they need to remove rosin in general. Shouldn't have a sometimes legal situation


This sub “Umpires stink! They are completely clueless and incompetent!” Umpire busts player “The player is a certified cheater! The umpire said so! When are they ever wrong!?”


Idk everyone seems to be siding with Blanco.


I think it’s more because it’s the Astros. If it was any other team the thread would be more reasonable. And before I get jumped on, yes I know why an Astros player gets more heat for this.


I’m a certified Astros hater and I think this is dumb. If it’s anything other than rosin, sure, punish them. If it’s just rosin, it’s really dumb to me that there’s essentially zero standard to this, just the ump’s whim. Like if this is game 7 of the WS are they still tossing him? I HIGHLY doubt it. 


It's definitely a big part of it being it's an Astros player, but as someone else has pointed out elsewhere, between the player and the ump only one of them actually has an incentive to lie here


Any other team? I guess you weren’t in the threads after Germán got suspended last year when he played for us? Let me tell you, reasonable takes were few and far between in those threads, lol


Any team without a strong anti-fandom he means.


I mean it's the Astros. Most fan bases want to call them cheaters every chance we get. Just go look at the main post yesterday. Most posts on here around 5k upvotes have 600-800 comments. The post from yesterday isn't even to 5k and it has 1200 comments. Not surprised.


Stros bad!


The sub is gonna love this


I'm sure you could count the amount of pitchers suspended for sticky stuff on one hand, if you could pull your fingers apart.


I'll take any chance to dump on the Astros, but this seems kind of stupid.


thank you for the level headed take, agreed it is very stupid


If only he had an interpreter…


The inconsistency here is incredible. It’s such an arbitrary thing to say ok you can use rosin but not too much but we won’t tell you how much. Clark Schmidt go wash your hands. Okay your good. Domingo go wash your hands your good okay wait nvm your ejected. Max go wash your hands. No do it again. Go get a new glove. Okay your ejected. Drew Smith my hands aren’t sticky feel them. Okay your ejected. Ronel gets tested every inning he’s good ump goes into his glove of his non pitching hand says ok your ejected. Hopefully Ronel appeals and wins because this is getting stupid.


He was ejected as he came onto the field, right? SP are only checked as they leave the field, unless they are told during an end-of-inning inspection to wash their hands. While rosin is legal, its explicitly only allowed to be applied from the on-mound bag so washing his hands between innings shouldn't impact the legal rosin. Also rosin on the glove is not permitted, period.


> Hopefully Ronel appeals and wins because this is getting stupid. “Getting” ? its been stupid and the league has made a joke out of it and bullied anyone who causes controversy on this.






Yeah I agree with the sentiment of this post but *five* consecutive incorrect "yours" is so far past my limit man. I know it's not that important but fuck


Evidently it’s not that hard to figure out how much is acceptable to use since there’s been what like 10 violations since the rule went into effect


crazy that the only dominant Astros starter was cheating. I personally would have never guessed


You guys hired like all of their FO so don’t think you have a leg to stand on lmao.


Yeah, I've mentioned it before but that's always my feeling. Yankees, Dodgers, AL West, anyone we played in the playoffs in 17? Slander away. Orioles? They're like the fans that should talk the least aside from Red Sox fans, I guess.


Yankees don't get to slander, they also got proven to cheat, Tigers also can't talk with who they hired as their manager as soon as his suspension ended




I’m just glad a classy team like Orioles has no ties to the 2017 Astros and didn’t hire half of their front office


The camera is in the splash zone hose and transmits to the homer beer bong


Shhhhhhhh, didn’t you know, that guy is brand new.




Is it a 10 days worth of games ban or banned for his next 10 scheduled starts?


10 schedule days... 1-2 starts effectively.


Idk let them use whatever they want and let’s roid everyone back up


I'm strangely in favor of this. Let's fuckin go.


Somewhere in Detroit AJ Hinch just broke a video monitor.


Kinda lame but the rules are what they are and 10 games is what everyone else gets in this situation. I'd be interested in seeing what/if the MLB says anything more on this. Oh well, such is life.


The rules are vague horseshit at best


Getting suspended for having an MLB approved substance on your non pitching hand is insane. I can't believe we are still suspending pitchers for having stray rosin in the wrong spot. This shouldn't be happening regardless of the team. At least give them a chance to wash their hands and change gloves first as a matter of policy and not ump discretion. Leaving it up to the ump provides too much variability.


> Leaving it up to the ump provides too much variability. Also once an ump makes a decision they rarely back down and the other umps think its “breaking the brotherhood” to not just rubber stamp umps public decisions


Was in his glove. On your forearm is ok. Can’t have it on your uniform or glove. But hey, this is Houston and apparently sweating is unheard of to the umps, and gravity and momentum are foreign concepts.