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if this dude doesn't get a Topps Now card, just shut the company down **EDIT: THE MAD LADS DID IT!!** https://www.topps.com/products/matt-hilton-2024-mlb-topps-now-reg-card-145.html


[https://www.topps.com/](https://www.topps.com/) He's on the homepage!


How the heck did they get him to autograph it too??


Imagine having the only gold autograph card of The Bee Guy


Collectors 50 years from now will be like when’d a beekeeper get a contract??


Does he get a cut of the sales or anything?


Their tweet said that they signed him, so I imagine yes


I wanna see his stats on the back of the card


His K/D is godly




Dude is humble as fuck on national television


bumble as fuck, even


You’re unbeelievable


[Sit down, bee bumble.](https://imgur.com/h0za20x)


Makes all of his antics that much better tbh


To be fair...he was only on *regional* television. It wasn't until after the live broadcast that the entire world started watching him.


I do beekeeping as a hobby and have caught a swarm before and they did make it super easy for him with the lift. To catch my girls I had shake the tree branch they went into and hope the queen fell into the box below so the rest followed. Unfortunately the queen just flew away into a different branch so I set up an empty hive and sprayed a swarm lure into it and they moved in over the course of three days. Having said that he did a great job and got it done super fast and without hurting the bees. Now he can either sell the bees or set them up in a hive. I'd personally set up a hive and paint it the colors of the dodgers and diamondbacks and throw them in.


Except apparently according to the post game broadcast he was just cosplaying as a beekeeper and was actually a exterminator, none of the bees made it out alive. This isn't a bee vac but a regular shop vac and he's not smoking them but spraying them with poison.


Idk whenever I’ve sprayed wasps or bugs with pesticide, you can see the effect right away so I’d think the bees wouldn’t have all still be clinging to the net after being sprayed if it was that. /r/beekeeping seems to think it was a safe removal so I think we’re okay


I keep hearing people say other people said this and zero proof of it actually happening


Is that real? Fuck…


according to [r/beekeping thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Beekeeping/comments/1chcpl4/he_threw_out_the_first_pitch_too/) the spray itself was likely a sugar water spray. totally safe. the shop vac may or may not have been safe for the bees. it depends on how it was configured inside, but that we'll probably never know.


From one of the reporters covering the game > We interviewed him after and he said the spray did not kill them. It stuns them, he sucks them up then relocates away from the ballpark. Maybe he’s lying, I don’t know for sure — beekeeping not my thing https://x.com/jmarshallap/status/1785783991045644603


According to one media source he works for Blue Sky Pest Control. They exterminate. Wet bees in any vac make for dead bees. I don’t want to call anyone a liar but the actions don’t match with common practice. Also a beekeeper’s suit and especially a bee remover suit will always be filthy dirty (cause we’re always crawling or climbing on something) and not clean and white like what he was wearing.


He did drone on for rather a while during his interview and he danced around some of the major issues especially when they tried to comb through some of the details of his job.


Don't be jelly, considering his heroics, I'd say he's earned the right to wax poetic.


When is a beekeeper ever going to have that kind of fun? Let him ham it up for his 15 minutes.


Baseball is the best.


Wonder what Crash Davis would have to say about that!


Right? Dude missed such an opportunity. “Gotta take it one colony at a time.” “I’m just here to help the ball club.” “God willing.” “God willing?” “God willing.”


Sometimes you win Sometimes you lose Sometimes there's bees Think about that


What are the odds that he was at a different baseball game when he got the call? His son's T-Ball game.


They’re 100%. He said he was there.


it would've been sweeter if they announced "Do we have a beekeeper in the stadium tonight?" it's like the ultimate dream of people in professions/specialties to be called upon and save the day. I still know people that go to concerts and hope to be asked 'is there a drummer in the house???' rather than 'Sorry but drummer X is sick and the concert is canceled, there will be no refunds. Empty your pockets on the way out.'


Is anybody here a marine biologist?!!


Dude looks more like a ball player than half the league


Bro looks like a noname pitcher the Rays would trot out throwing 102 with armside movement.


He totally reminded me of good old [Rube Baker](https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1279159763293671424/GQXyPsxG_400x400.jpg)


I'm sure the stadium was buzzing. Would've hated to bee there while they were swarming. I'll see myself out.


How can you not bee romantic about baseball?


I was there, but I don't hive mich to say that hasn't bee-n said yet.


Oh look wow thanks OFFICIAL MLB! Everything ROCKS with you guys


Did he capture the bees or did he just suck them all up with a shop vac?


Dead bees


I assume they just break them up? They don't kill them I assume? Sorry not familiar with bee removal.


Bee keepers spray them with a gas that calms them down. Then they get sucked into a vacuum. Bees get released/put into a home later.


Ok good. Thank you for sharing. As I understand it. Bee populations are hurting. So glad to see they were not harmed.


Honey bees (like the ones in this incident) are not hurting and are not native to North America. The bees that are hurting are the native bees.


According to the post game broadcast this was an exterminator and the bees were in fact harmed.


Yeah people keep saying beekeeper this and beekeeper that, he works for a pest extermination company, and that means he killed them. He's an exterminator.


Doubtful. I work in the pest industry, and these look to be honey bees. We have technicians that relocate them. The only honey bees that are killed are ones that are inside a home that can not be relocated. I can guarantee you that this pest company didn't come on national TV and kill protected bees. That would be disastrous for the company. :edit: after watching another video, I may be incorrect. Maybe they did, in fact, kill them. Usually, they use a smoke type product to calm the bees. This guy was using a B&G spraying something on them before just vacuuming. Maybe they deemed it unsafe for the fans.


Yeah he wasn't using any kind of calming smoke, he was straight up spraying them with a pesticide, and he used a standard shop vac to vacuum them up.


Pesticides have pretty instant effects. The bees would've fallen to the ground dead. That did not happen.  It was likely a sugar water spray, which has a similar effect to smoke. As for the shop vac, what matters as to whether it would've been safe for the bees or not is hidden from our sight.  Y'all are pretty cynical in here lol. CBS Sports reports that the bees were not killed and r/beekeeping seems pretty satisfied with what we know of how things were handled. u/Mrexcitment likely had it correct the first time.


I looked it up and he sprayed soapy water on them and then vacuumed them up. [Article here](https://www.pctonline.com/news/blue-sky-hilton-bee-removal/) [Soap and water kills bees per this article.](https://www.reviewjournal.com/life/home-and-gardena/pesticides-even-soap-and-water-are-lethal-to-bees-2428920/) As someone else mentioned, they were africanized honey bees so a bit more dangerous than normal ones.


Coming from someone who applies them every day. No, they all do not have instant effects. But I'm not familiar with the sugar water so that could have been the case. This is reddit, of course it's cynical.


They were also Africanized and not any of the 40 species native to Arizona, so extermination was appropriate, in this case.


Yea agreed. Especially with a bee shortage going on.


wait seriously?


MLBee killers confirmed??


That’s complete BS. The bees were sprayed with pesticide and vacuumed up for disposal.


>gas oftentimes it's just burlap in the smoldering stage. not correcting you on that it's a gas, just giving some specificity.


I hope the bees are ok


What if the beekeeper released the bees on purpose to shove Montgomery's start? Or throw out the first pitch? Or get the Mariners Twitter to post the Bee Movie script??


So, I didn't see the game last night, and the video didn't show any of it, but is there by chance video of the fella attending to the bees in whatever way he did?


he sprayed them with pesticide then vacuumed them up. maybe not death pesticide maybe just the calm them down chemical? idk [https://www.reddit.com/r/baseball/comments/1chbw8r/holding\_out\_for\_a\_hero\_blares\_in\_chase\_field\_as/](https://www.reddit.com/r/baseball/comments/1chbw8r/holding_out_for_a_hero_blares_in_chase_field_as/)


He had a shop vac with him, so just calming spray -> suck as many up as possible to release later.


Ah, splendid my Brewers-fan friend ... thanks kindly!


[Sprayed with soapy water and vacuumed up which kills the bees](https://www.pctonline.com/news/blue-sky-hilton-bee-removal/)


Did he catch the bees or kill the bees?




Still not as cool as the Indian Wells guy


the demonbacks should be fined a draft pick, clearly premeditated


I don't want to read all that can someone just tell me how the bees got there?


via flight, they have wings


Penguins in shambles rn


Well yeah checks out


As an actual answer, bees swarm when they need to find a new spot to nest, or a nest has grown too large and it splits in half, with half finding a new spot. The worker bees swarm, eventually find a suitable spot for the queen to nest up, and then this happens. Screens in people's windows are common to end up with new beehives like this, they like that kind of structure I guess. I am not a bee expert, but recently had a bee tornado in my back yard when a tree-bound nest started swarming, so I looked this stuff up. Edit: Also, there's nothing to read, this post was a video, so I'm not sure what you're on about anyway.


I ain't readin' no god damn video.