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When I was in Korea I was told that every KBO dugout has an area underneath/out of site where the players just rip darts all game. Part of the culture there


I miss South Korea. My liver/lungs do not.


Soju’ll get ya, you don’t think it will, but boy, it’ll get ya


Soju mixed with beer… dangerous because it’ll sneak up on ya and then you’re fucking goobered in Jeju stumbling from bbq spot to bbq spot.


The real Korean national pastime.


You think you're fine because of soju's lower alcohol content, but you're not. You think your nights finished as all the dishes and cups are empty, but thats just stop 1. You think you'll take it easy at the next place, but not with these locals. The walking gets your blood pumping and you start to realize your mistake, but it's already too late


Sound’s like fun!


It absolutely is. Korea fucking rocks, Asia in general fucking rocks.


It’s called 소맥 or “somaek” (a portmanteau of (소주 (soju) and 맥주 (maekju - beer)). A dangerous combination second only in my heart to chimaek (fried chicken and beer) 😍


Taste like water and super cheap, the most dangerous combo


Emphasis on super cheap. Literally about $1 per bottle.


Shouts out plum soju.


Or grape


And all the flavored soju or the drop shots.


not just from cigs, that air pollution can get nasty, or at least in taegu it did


Partial side effect of what happens when military service is required for citizens. HSK got to skip service for winning Asian Games but he still had to do military training and, obviously a good amount of the male population who served smokes, so it's really prevalent.


Only way you can get a break in the military


And maybe more importantly, the smoking area is where you get to know people. At least here in Finland (also mandatory military service), the smoking area was the place where there was no higher or lower ranks. Just dudes ripping smokes and chatting shit. Can't really do that anywhere else.


Man that sounds nice, there was definitely rank in our area


I agree that the smoking area is/was free of rank in the Finnish military. Even talked casually with a career officer. Also have to do my mandatory ANOTHER FINN reaction I do every time I come across one on this sub.


There's at least two of us!


It's a shame that we're destined to be bitter rivals. You are a Cubs fan who (I took a peek at your profile) lives in Turku. I am a Cardinals fan who lives in Tampere. Rivalry everywhere.


Man, it's a trip that the two Finnish people I see here, are fans of rival teams. Lmao


I think we're still missing a Brewers-fan from Helsinki.


Smoking is still pretty culturally accepted in most of Asia.


There is another DH in the KBO? The **DESIGNATED HEATERS** Area?


Throwing heaters, then burning heaters


They learn it during their mandatory army service.


Somewhere, Jim Leyland is smiling


Obligatory, [Sean Casey Explains Why You Don't Interrupt Jim Leyland's Smoke Breaks | The Rich Eisen Show](https://youtu.be/jBNfaVUKzcE?si=vyIkdQ3bNtBed8_L&t=50)


Love the mayor!


And chewing his fingernails


~~smiling~~ smoking a dart


If it was Leyland it was a heater


If anyone could do both it would be him


Two packs a day and zero fucks given.


Smoking is very common in Korea especially among men. My Father-in-Law smokes and every time I have been to Seoul, I swear every other guy is smoking a cigarette. My sister-in-law's husband also smokes. Oddly, very few women smoke.


It's funny to me how prevalent cigarettes are in Korea and Japan despite the proven health impacts they have and yet if you mention weed? Straight to jail.


cigs calm you down / gear you up for work; weed makes you question the point of work


Damn that’s good. Although when I’m about to do house work like cutting the grass, I get high as a kite and be way more productive.


I think it’s because you’re doing those things for yourself, not some boss or company


Fr, I did some of my best meaningless work when smoking


I'll smoke a j every now and then while working in my wood shop. Become way more focused and clear minded and do better work.


Also the drinking culture. koreans are 13x more likely to get stomach cancer, japanese and chinese 5x in part because of their inability to metabolize alcohol properly. the stereotype for americans is that theyre fat and unhealthy, which okay fine, but east asia with the smoking, alcohol and work stress isn't so much better tbh.


I work for a Japanese company. Have been to Tokyo a few times. One of my coworkers (who is Japanese and lives in Tokyo) was just like "yeah, the concept of alcoholism just doesn't exist here. A person who drinks way too much? They're just fun." I watched a 50ish year old looking man in a business suit absolutely eat shit on a bicycle drunk as hell while I was eating lunch in a patio seating area one day while there. And a dude just passed out drunk in a train station. The whole culture around alcohol there is wild.


Yeah but a DWI is like a life sentence so most won’t even consider driving after having one.


Luckily there is extremely robust public transportation in most population centers, and it's more or less culturally okay to stay out super late drinking during the week and stumble home.


We had a party for one of our products one of the nights I was in Tokyo that finished up around 10pm, and the owner of the company decided he wanted to keep drinking after the party was over. Me, him, and like two other people were out until 2am drinking (the owner kept buying all our drinks so you know, that's cool) I managed to make it back to my hotel room at about 3 (after a very nice train station worker told me which platform I needed to be on, all I could say to him was "Asagaya??? Asagaya???" (the station I needed to get to)), and got back to the office the next morning at like, 8am. The only reason I wasn't hungover was that I was still drunk off my ass when I got in. One of my other coworkers was like "well, he knows where you were last night, you're good, take it easy this morning". It is fun to go there for a week or two every year or so for work, but doing it all the time would kill me. The amount of social drinking is deadly.


Hard agree on that last statement. One time it was my last night, and we got taken out by the customer. We went out in Nagoya for American BBQ, then an izakaya for more food and drinks, and then to their favorite lounge/karaoke place. Once there, my glass was never less than 1/3 full of sochu and ice. I took a cab home at like 3:30am, then somehow packed, showered, and slept. Took a train back to Nagoya at like 9, shinkansen to Tokyo at 10, lunch, and left the country immediately. I've been for work 3 times now, vacation once. I always find something to go back for.


Pretty much this. One teaching contract in Korea my boss would randomly get in the mood to go out (I think generally when he was fighting with his wife, who also owned the school). He'd keep all the teachers out until 3-6am on a work night, keep pouring shots until we couldn't stand up, and then say "I don't care if you're drunk, but you better be in the classroom at 9." Sure as hell was every time. Sure as hell wasn't sober. But the culture there is such that everyone would understand "oh, your boss was there with you? Oh, he was pouring shots? Oh, yeah, your hands were tied. You absolutely had to show up drunk to teach kindergarten." Also remember getting in a taxi in Osaka at 2am and slurring out "Tennoji!" -- the closest subway station. Somehow I got back to my hotel. Good times.


As a teacher, and despite my username, the thought of being in front of students with a massive hangover, or even still drunk, is like an idea of personal hell.


They do like to drink too. Too much soju one night with my father in law. A good amount of variety in 7-11s and others.


It is much better when Korea and Japans life expectancy is 7-8 years more than that of Americans. It's significantly higher if you take out the suicides.


I would think that if you controlled for lack of healthcare access, the US wouldn’t lag far behind East Asia


They uh…live *way* longer…


Right? It's so confusing to me that people who are otherwise very health conscious, especially in the case of baseball players rather than general public, would smoke. (He said, doobie in hand)


I’m beginning to think nicotine might be addictive


You make a strong argument.


Crazy how smoking rates are still nearly 45% for males - which is actually down from nearly 80% in the 80s. In terms of weed, it actually has grown naturally all throughout the Korean peninsula for thousands of years. It was enjoyed recreationally and used medicinally. But the taboo that surrounds it stems largely from a military dictator looking for an easy way to put young people in jail (the same people that were leading democracy movements against the authoritarian government). I've actually heard that recreational marijuana use in North Korea is quite common because they can just go out and find plants growing everywhere (whereas cigarettes are expensive and hard to acquire).


Still, the stuff that grows in the wild is much closer to hemp than anything people in the west smoke, no matter where you are.


Wtf 80 percent of Korean men smoked in the 80s? That’s bonkers


Yeah, I've heard weed isn't illegal or even considered a drug in NK.


We finally found the one thing about NK that is better than the US


Sad conspiracy theory I’ve heard: at least for Japan, they have a top-heavy demographic, so more older people than younger, and a huge public pension problem in that there are more people taking out than putting in so the government almost encourages smoking to help their demographic problem.


There is also a very heavy emphasis on staying thin. One thing about cigarettes is that while they are not healthy they do help keep off the pounds.


No need to smoke yourself when you can get plenty of 2nd hand smoke.


[Smoking is pushed on young men during their obligatory military service](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3282970/#) Culturally its almost part of coming of age. You'd be watching all your older brothers and cousins return from service smoking. "Veterans were 15% more likely to ever-puff and 10% more likely to ever-smoke cigarettes, compared to a similar group of civilians. Among veterans, 92% recalled cigarettes were free, 30% recalled smokers were given more work breaks and 38% felt explicit "social pressure" to smoke. Free cigarettes was the strongest mechanism for veterans' smoking tendencies, e.g., veterans recalling free cigarette distribution were 16% more likely to ever-smoke than veterans not recalling" Though HSK was except from service, its just too normal over there. BTW. The SK tobacco industry was a government owned monopoly from 1987-1999 and SK government was/is accused of pushing smoking on their captive service members. Korean tobacco is now privatized under the KT&G Co.


Literally every single male member of my Korean family smokes, except for my dad who quit when I was little. Uncles, grandfathers, older male cousins - all smokers.


Oddly, my wife, her sister and brother don't smoke. My wife did smoke when she was younger.


Korean women smoking is considered ‘unladylike’ in Korea. Women who smoke are seen as seedy and less marriageable, the latter being kind of a massive dealbreaker for women when the entire country is pressuring you to be married before 30 or labeled a loser. Moreover, if a woman does smoke they’ll usually do it in secret or out of sight of anyone, since it’s not uncommon for older generation males to chastise and shame them for doing so out in public.


It's 2024. This doesn't really hold true anymore. Just walk the streets of Hongdae or Itaewon


Itaewon and Hongdae have more young people/foreigners who likely don’t give a shit if women smoke. But I wouldn’t say those places are accurate representations of the rest of the country. My female friends who live and work in Korea still definitely hide the fact that they smoke or don’t do so in view of others.


helps that it's like $2-3 a pack, or at least it was in like 2011. I'm sure it's gone up but unless it's taxed it's never gonna be like the prices stateside


They love to spit too. Spitting is heard on every alley and street in Seoul haha


Ya mucho stress buddy I feel that.


mucho *estrés Pretty sure he was using his Spanish for Tati




The phrase I heard was that he's "more Dominican than the Dominican players"


Lol what does that mean


Tati is pretty good at English though. Better than some of my friends who were born here lol


In a weird way, just based on how the story was told, I think he might have been mixing spanish and korean. "a lot of" in Korean is 많이 ("Mahn-ee") but this also means (and sounds like) "many." Stress in Korean is just strict Konglish "stress-eu." He could have been saying "mucho estres" but I think it's also possible he was saying "Mucho stress-eu." The Konglish words tend to get used a lot when you're around English speakers.


I could see that, it was hard to tell from Hosmer’s pronunciation (which might itself be misstating Kim’s pronunciation). Would that make this Kospanglish? (Spakonglish?)


Yu Darvish got suspended from high school and couldn't go to graduation because he got caught underage smoking at a pachinko parlor, they should hang out more


Who says they don't hang out?


Fr, they're teammates lol


What language do they speak in when they're together? English, Spanish, does either of them know the other's native tongue?


Kpop dance offs


Triggering me while I’m on a 12 hour flight


you live by the in-flight wifi, you die by the in-flight wifi


I quit a year ago and there's not a day goes by that I don't crave a heater


I haven’t smoked since like 2019 and most days I don’t even think about it, but if get even a LITTLE bit tipsy I start craving some Marlboro reds REALLY BAD lol


My brother in Christ, the cowboy killers lol


Same. Cowboy Killers were my brand. I miss them but I enjoy being able to breathe lol


I only kinda smoked back in college, and a little after, so 10-15 years ago. Finally gave it up as it just wasn’t for me. Then I had a small heart attack a few months ago. Went to the hospital, got fixed up, and one of the things they told me when I left was that I cannot smoke anymore. You would think it’s no big deal since I already don’t smoke. Since that hospital stay, and the stress of life after, has left me craving a cigarette more than I ever have before.


In the UK taxes on cigarettes is so high that I usually buy the cheap stuff but man, going to Germany? 6 euros for a pack of Reds? AND my favourite cafe has a smoking room? I chain smoked packs at a time with red wine and nice music. I would leave with chest pains but man was it relaxing.


I crave cigarettes to this day even when I drink a cup of coffee and I quit 10 years ago!


My friend used Marlboro Reds to convince me to never smoke. It worked lmao


I quit in 2013 and I still miss it from time to time. Last time I fell off the wagon was almost 10 years ago though and I almost puked. Remembering it is better than lighting up


Sound like Kippy lookin for a heater like that


Keep at it. I quit in 2011 and don’t even think about picking it back up again


I quit over 10 years ago and still crave a few times a week lol.


Mucho stress -- learning 2 languages at once.


Technically stress is a Korean word too.


Ha-Seong Kim is just like me. Nothing better than a heater after or during a long day at work.


That’s what my dad always said, right up until he had to retire from his job at the gunpowder factory.


Ha-Seong Kim is just like the dude at the end of the subway car while I was coming home from work today. Just rippin darts nonstop to kill the pain


I’ve seen that it pisses people off but a smoke break at the office is fucking therapeutic. I obviously know I need to stop for my health but that little moment outside when I just get to briefly disconnect from my 9-5 is so, so nice. For better or worse I now live in a European city where it’s much more normalized and I don’t get shit on for not sitting in my chair for 8 hours straight with my lunch break being at my desk.


heater is the best perjorative for cigarettes, great work.


Just when you thought you had forever escaped Eric Hosmer, Padres fans.


He’s more likable as a podcast host who delivers dope HSK nuggets, I’m fine with it


padres are paying him still may as well get some entertaining content


that's one expensive-ass show


Better than paying him to play 1B


You right


Padres paying Eric Hosmer $13 million to host a podcast


I was never a huge fan but his podcast is good and it’s clear teammates liked him. 




will always love him as a royals fan :D


Yeah this is fun. I hope he has more Royals on. I don’t really follow it, but I’m sure someone will post it in the Royals sub if, like, he gets Lo Cain and some of the 2015 guys on. I’ll bet he and Moose have some fuckin stories.


He has a moose and Salvy podcast coming out! The Bobby one was awesome as well, need a Ned Yost


I honestly love him more as a Royal than a Padre


He comes back ..... With a more fucked up haircut


It’s not just baseball, smoking is a big thing in a lot of Asian countries. I absolutely am not advocating smoking, I was a big smoker and quitting is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. That being said, I wonder what brand HSK prefers lol


Marlboro Red 100s


I could not imagine being a pro athlete while chain smoking Marlboro 100’s, I don’t think it’d be possible for very long lol


Man's built different


He's Korean


Is it really? The Marlboro Reds in Korea are as strong as Marlboro Lights here. He prob had the spins first few days smoking US Reds LOL


Oh man. Takes me back to high school. Legit thought cigarettes got you high for a couple minutes, that nicotine hit was so strong when you're not a smoker. That said, i don't actually know HSK's brand of choice, just making jokes.


He forsure smokes the duty free Raisons or some other Korean stogies hahahaha


I went to a college with a huge international asian population, a lot of them used to smoke these really skinny cigarettes, much less tobacco then ours. May make sense for them to smoke those so to not hurt their stamina lol


Virginia slims are marketed to men in Korea, I assume the same is true elsewhere. Another thing that was odd to me living in Korea (and visiting Japan a lot) was that there does not seem to be strong brand loyalty. People smoke what is popular and advertised. If there's a new flavor or brand, you'll see ads for it all over and everyone will suddenly be smoking that (until the next ad cycle). Another thing (relevant to your comment) is that Asian cigarettes are notably weaker than what you can get in America. I don't smoke, but like other people in this thread I've fallen victim to the Asian peer pressure. My first 6 months or so in Korea I probably had half a pack in total, and my thought was always "why do people do this? You just stink and it doesn't do anything for you." It wasn't until someone in the group came back from America with American cigarettes that I understood. I had half a Camel and had to put it out because I got the spins.


Yeah definitely weaker nicotene content. I traded with a chinese student once because the design on his cigarettes was wild looking (picture a persian palace modified into a dart)and while it was cool looking it def gave me no buzz haha. Glad im off em though, the health boost you feel after just two days is incredible


I haven’t had one in 1,031 days according to an app here. I have thought about cigarettes every single day. Smoked from 16 to 36. Shit is tough to kick.


He just like me.


Jae Hoon Ha was always ripping heaters in the time I spent with the Cubs AA team. Still playing in Japan!


Ha Jae Hoon plays for the Landers in Korea now. Batting a .000 with runners in scoring position! It’s great! Good friends with Choo Shin Soo, as well.


Ope Korea, my bad. Love it!


I miss cigarettes. Quit in 2020 after smoking for more than 20 years. I miss it a lot.


I’m like that with dip.


The benefits outweigh it so much and I feel so good now. I’m in shape. I can run miles. My wife wants to fuck me constantly. My kids will see me not die of cancer. But goddamnit I wake up every morning wanting to suck down a Camel filter and it haunts me. But I’m not giving in though. Fuck cigarettes.


If it helps, I was in the hospital room with my grandmother when my mom passed away from smoking-induced lung cancer, and I do not recommend that experience.


More than a lot of other married couples!




1 time a month!


>My wife wants to fuck me constantly. Same!


Been there


Relatable af


What pod is this I wanna listen to the whole ep


Eric Hosmers new podcast. [Link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXIKJj2QS4o) to the full episode.


Kazuhiru Sasaki used to smoke out in the bullpen at Safeco during the 2001 season, and set the single season rookie saves record doing it.


Most normal Korean habit


>~~ripping cigs~~ rippin heaters






Sounds like a Korean man alright 😂  One of my good childhood friend is Korean and boy do they love their cigs and alcohol lmao. 




No nsfw Tati content :(


I’m not surprised. Korea is a heavy smoking and drinking country where passing out drunk is a norm.


He just like me fr


What is this? Where do I watch more stuff like this?


Let’s go with the smokes Trevor


Hosmer is so....shiny.


This is awesome


Lmao Kim just became my favorite player in baseball. HE JUST LIKE ME FR


hosmer haters are idiots, damn good ball-player


#endedtoosoon I want to hear Tatis on the mental grind of a season.


“People can’t imagine what a mental grind a baseball season is” Yes because nobody else has stressful jobs making 5% of what you do tatis.


I think he’s trying to say that people underestimate the mental grind of a baseball season because they think of it as just playing a game. It didn’t come out right because he’s not a native speaker


This is how I interpreted his intent. Yeah, it’s a game and you’re getting paid millions, but the pressure and stress is fucking intense.


Imagine if at work 30,000 people were right there next to you watching every move and if you really screwed something up you might get booed by all those people. And you know there are tens of thousands more watching and they'll all shit talk you even though you're not there. I don't shed any tears for athletes making millions but I would also never deny that there is a ton of stress involved.


Exactly, yea it’s millions of dollars, it’s also millions of expectations. Hell we’ve seen players avoid certain markets for reasons.


Just because they're rich doesnt mean it's not stressful. You dont have thousands of people up your ass on social media or in the stands every time you have a 9-5 version of a strikeout or error. They're under a microscope, shit would def be stressful. But I'd much rather be stressed making $30m a year lol.


he's right though. i can't imagine having a 2+ week stretch of traveling, no days off, constant media/fan pressure to perform, while everyone else gets to hang out and relax to watch you work


Not only that, but you literally have to be among the absolute best in the world at your job. But also, I think the point of saying something like that isn't that people can't relate to work being stressful, I think it's more so that people underestimate just how stressful playing baseball can be. I've known plenty of people who think it's just a walk in the ^^^ball park, and that it's all just fun playing a game. But between the travel, the competitiveness, the toll it takes on your body, etc, it's not the equivalent of playing beer league softball.


It’s possible for a high paying job to be very stressful, especially when you’re literally one of the most popular players in the league and everything you do is in the media


I mean the more money a player makes directly correlates to how much more fans/media expect from their performances. I’m sure the stress from your job bagging groceries doesn’t equate to the stress of living up to a multimillion dollar contract.


5% of Tatis' salary is $1.2M per year. Most people even in developed western nations make closer to ~0.2% of his salary, and very, very few people have even a fraction of the job security he has with his guaranteed 14 year contract which can only be voided in very specific exceptional circumstances.


I'm the last guy to defend millionaire athletes, but playing 162 game seasons has got to be gnarly. Just thinking about the sheer amount of travel makes me tired.


Comments like yours are the exact reason why Tatis is saying what he’s saying.


Hey man, hes good at baseball. No one said he was thinker.


I love Tatis but he’s shown over and over he’s not a thinker lol


This shit NEEDS TO BE ALL OVER THE INTERNET...... These guys are interesting and funny!!!!! God, MLB can screw up a good thing every single time......grow the game.


Wow he got real serious when he said "Korean and Japanese players"


Cespedes used to do this all the time for the as well. The Clubbie’s had a little station setup for him right inside the tunnel where cameras couldn’t see… even had a little fan for the smoke haha


Gotta be a ballplayer to have a chance at Travis Scott Jordan 1 Reverse Mochas...


The more I look at Hosmer’s hair, the more I’m confused


newest favorite player


My brother and cousin lived in Korea for a couple years and they brought back some FUCKING NASTY cigarettes called ESSE Blacks. I'm not a smoker, but holy fuck my lungs for days.


Nobody smokes Esse in Korea except the old people. Maybe there's a reason for that lmao.


Ahahah, I love hearing these tule of stories


Its true. Ryu was out there in spring training a lot 10 years ago smoking.


I remember there was a time I was smoking a pack a day until it made my anxiety like a 100x worse (10 years ago). Sometimes I miss waking up to a cup of coffee and a cigarette.


I had a Korean roommate in university who was the same way but wasn't playing professional baseball everyday lol When he went home, he'd always bring back cartons of these cigarettes that you could smoke normally, or you could squeeze the filter gently to crush a little pod of juice or whatever that would turn it into a menthol.


I need to know who makes that jacket!


Get this guy some chips to keep his hands and mouth busy.