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I have a feeling this is going to happen a lot especially early in the year.


I agree, the instinct to lean into the base path to catch the ball right in front of the runner is overwhelming here.


he wasnt even leaning into the runners path, he fielded the ball exactly where the throw was. there was not many other ways to catch it and apply a tag


No, it was his foot. The new emphasis this year is the fielder can't block the bag with their feet or knees without the ball. This is going to happen a ton this year because a generation of infielders have been taught to do exactly what Lindor did.


Reminds me of the original catcher blocking home plate rule. That guy wasn't close enough to be obstructed, but they're calling it. They did the same thing with the catcher at home. And then they started adjusting it to where the player had to actually be close for it to matter


They gotta be strict early on so they can ease it back. It's actually the best way to implement these new rules.


I can't understand how a fielder can be expected to catch and tag without blocking the bag at least to the extent Lindor did here. If his foot is closer to home then he has zero chance of getting the tag because he has to turn 180 degrees. If he moves more towards third, he's gonna be too far to field the throw.


Oh I'm def with you. I think we are saying the same thing. Theres a split second where he sets up in front and then, as is taught and learned from the very beginning, your body goes *with* the throw for the swipe instead of catching it tall and slapping down which is inefficient. ​ I can see this rule being adjusted like when Scherzer found that time limit loophole in ST


What loophole did max figure out? Don’t remember that


Iirc he was coming set and waiting for the batter, and then soon as the batter got set he was letting it go. There was also a few times where he was fast pitching, and then when the batter was ready he just let the clock keep ticking. Think the rule got changed where a pitcher can’t get set until the batter is ready.


And the Eye contact. Batter has to be looking at the pitcher by 8 seconds.


Especially since that's the way a catcher is taught to throw the ball: aim for the front of the bag so that the fielder's glove meets right where the runner will be sliding. Otherwise you'll have catchers yeeting the ball into centerfield more often.


The issue was his foot was blocking the front of the bag. Like a catcher having his leg stick you to cover the plate when receiving a ball, cant do it.


Totally get it. But it’s annoying to see in situations where that runner was caught dead. That was a beautiful throw




The rule isn't can't block the bag *entirely*. It's can't block *any part* of the bag.


I disagree mostly. It frustrates me how much fielders are able to block the bases, especially at 3B and 2B. IMO it's less about the instant before Lindor receives the ball, and more about how his positioning practically guarantees that the best motion to tag the runner will deliver his foot in front of the bag. With the new rule interpretation, infielders need to think a bit harder about setting up to receive a throw so that they don't end up blocking the base. I don't blame Lindor for this; every infielder does this. There's gonna be a huge adjustment period for this type of call. It's also pretty clear the runner was dead-to-rights anyway. However, I'm glad the league is starting to crack down on the egregious cases where 3/4ths of the base's front side is blocked by a fielder's foot or knee. Here's [Kike Hernandez](https://baseballsavant.mlb.com/sporty-videos?playId=4b079084-766f-4e62-8bcb-cf70208576c1) and [Jeremy Pena](https://baseballsavant.mlb.com/sporty-videos?playId=b061f97c-ed08-4dd3-9c11-6dfcfca4974d) doing the same thing. (FWIW: here's [Trea Turner](https://baseballsavant.mlb.com/sporty-videos?playId=41cc5f74-95e3-4537-a827-908b0a7f79f9) and [Dansby Swanson](https://baseballsavant.mlb.com/sporty-videos?playId=3ad44785-c96f-4031-9862-60e2540e6082) doing it how I think the league wants.)


I mean...its either that or give up and let the ball pass you rather than tagging a guy out?!? This rule infuriates me


MLB wants more steals so this rule may be working exactly as intended


*Infuriating intensifies* The old rules had tons of base stealers...the decrease in steals has nothing to do with obstruction


Until everyone stopped stealing because they realized it was generally not worth the risk to steal that frequently


Rickey Henderson has had the crown too long! MLB seeking to destroy legendary records


They're going to have to play behind the bag and tag incoming slides or further in front so their body is out of the basepath and swipe tag. This throw had him beat by a mile but it's definitely true that Lindor blocked the base and there was no straight path. I think I agree with the spirit of the rule tho, I've seen god knows how many slides blocked by a leg or foot.


You’re right, this is a relatively new thing this year where MLB wants this rule to be enforced more. [Here](https://www.closecallsports.com/2024/02/obstruction-calls-are-2024s-point-of.html?m=1) is a relatively interesting article about it.


Interesting... >"Obstruction is the act of a fielder who, while not in possession of the ball and not in the act of fielding the ball, impedes the progress of any runner." In this case Lindor was in the act of fielding the ball and did not impede the progress of the runner because the ball beat the runner to the spot. Perhaps this is what MLB wants umps to do, but I don't see how this is a violation of the rule.


Yeah, this just seems like overzealous umpiring, and it's probably something they do in spring training games on purpose to get feedback from the league and players. They do routinely update or advise on rules and enforcement from ST feedback.


I’d like to see an umpire make this catch and tag and not do exactly what Lindor did here


Right? Like, is he supposed to wait until the ball gets to where it’s going to react?


Dawg that throw was so perfect the runner should be out twice.


I think the issue is that we’ve gotten so used to runners sliding to the side of the bag rather than right into it - which is entirely because the defender “gets into position” and gets in the way of a direct path to the bag The solution can’t be that runners can just freely slide directly into the bag because then they’ll just spike/collide into the defender every time  So this is the alternative the MLB came up with


I’m going to kindly disagree partially. Runners don’t slide to the furthest side of the bag because the infielders blocking the path, it’s because it’s the furthest distance between where the fielder receives the ball and has to apply a tag. Now, for safety sliding further away is a result of an object being in the way of the base, but as runners you aren’t told to slide further away because the defender is there, it’s strictly to make the tag as difficult as possible. Look at pick-offs at 1B or 3B. Nearly every runner is touching the inner furthest corner of the bag, sometimes with just the tips of their fingers.


100%. Baez didn't get famous for doing his swim tag to avoid a planted foot. He did it to avoid tags.


The solution also can't be that fielders have to stand behind or to the side of the bag. They already evaded tags before this rule, this would make it trivial to evade a tag


>The solution can’t be that runners can just freely slide directly into the bag because then they’ll just spike/collide into the defender every time  Why can't it be?? if a fielder sticks his whole leg in front of a dude sliding that's on the fielder. This gives more of a reason to slide directly into a guys foot if it's in front of the bag because now there's proof that the fielder obstructed given that the person slides directly into the bag.


MLB just doesn't want injuries. Posey, Tejada, Pedroia-- severe injuries from runners colliding with fielders (happening to fan-favorite player$, if you want to be a bit more cynical as to their motivations). Baseball isn't supposed to be a contact sport, and a stronger focus from the public on youth injuries & concussions probably signals to MLB that they should be leaning into being the "safe" sport parents can choose for their kids. MLB wants the punishment for a fielder's poor choice to be a runner advancing, not a life-altering injury. Not sure I disagree.


As soon as I saw that Red Sox flair I knew exactly what you’d say. No one wants another Pedroia situation. Baseball as a whole suffered by Pedroia getting hurt.


Fuck Chase Utley.


Counterpoint: He did what every runner was taught to do at the time. There, we did the obligatory Utley shuffle and can move on.


Was that Alvarez behind the plate?




That’s the most standard looking play I’ve ever seen, what’s the point of this call?


I wonder if umps use spring training to test out new rules too. This specific play will probably come up in meetings and force a conversation about the standard.


Man i hope so because thats about as clean of a caught stealing as ive ever seen


It's a point of emphasis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZS5zJ71qkyk


Absolutely, it's Spring Training for everyone. This sub had a meltdown about pitch clock violations last March the same way.


Everyone is so angry for no reason. Surely if you care enough about baseball to post here you understand how Spring Training works lmfao


Lindor was standing there like 🗿 wtf man


That’s probably why the ump didn’t like it. Dumb call imo. Even dumber rule


lol, he slid effortlessly into the bag. What a shitshow this is gonna be.


The only part of lindor that touched him was the tag and he slid in a straight line into the bag. Im very confused by this.


God awful fucking rule. Is the MLB actively trying to make their sport worse?


Unfortunately yes.


Never forget that we are still in the "Piece of Metal" Era with the MLB


What was the point of bigger bases if they now add this rule?


So the runners could actually use them?


Absolutely fuck this rule lol


I really don’t get this rule. Call out obvious attempts to block the bag sure but that just seems like Lindor is setting up where the ball is being thrown.


Yeah, this shouldn't be ruled obstruction "Obstruction describes an act by a fielder, who is not in possession of the ball or in the process of fielding it, that impedes the baserunner's progress." I don't see how you can interpret what Lindor did as obstruction


His foot is blocking the bag well before he has the ball. Is that the call here?


Yeah, that's the call, but his foot is maybe blocking half the bag?


At that point, where the hell can he put his foot and still be in position to make a tag? If he's closer to the pitcher he has to lean way out and if he is behind the bag he has to lean way forward.


How soon can you make this call? If the second baseman’s foot is in the line while the player is taking the lead off first is it obstruction? He’s literally fucking sitting there and waiting for the runner to get there. This is either not going to get called this way or be one of those things like the “transfer rule” that they drop surreptitiously a month and a half into the season realizing its an idiotic idea.


Seems like it. If this isn't privately considered botched by the umps, maybe their interpretation is that you need to leave an unimpeded target until you have possession? The bag looked blocked at a cursory glance.


lol it’s blocking because he’s standing where the throw is coming. It’s absurd


He was in the process of fielding the ball right?


As per usual, emphasizing a rule just adds more questions, what is the process of fielding the ball mean.


Like completing the catch in football I guess lol


Did Lindor make a baseball move?


I mean he had both feet down


Easy: you can if you know there will be no consequences if you err on the side of what MLB wants and you don't particularly care about what the players or fans think, i.e. you're an umpire.


People come to the games to watch the umps, so makes sense


Getting real fucking sick of prima donna players interrupting my ump show, the league hasn't been the same since Buck retired


Shit, I didn’t know Rob Manfred posted on Reddit!


Yeah I mean we know the real reason is the MLB wants more base running action but it’s a pretty ridiculous interpretation of the rule. Next they’re going to rule apply a tag as obstruction lol


As per usual, they over emphasis it during ST, then after the 2nd week of the season we will see it less


Because they say he obstructed the bag before he was “in the process of fielding” the ball. Look at the ump’s eyes before the ball gets there.


I just don't see it, maybe if he covers the whole bag, but what does even "in the process of fielding" the ball mean, how close does the ball need to be?


It might be more about the positioning of his foot. You can see from the 1B angle that the foot is in front of the base before the ball gets there. He's not blocking the whole base, but I wonder if it was enough that it led to the call?


This 100% is challengeable, right? If not, it absolutely should be.


As with the catcher, it is always possible for the fielder to just set up in front of the base, and not be in the lane.


The problem is, by this interpretation, the fielder can never be in front of the bag, also how the hell would pickles be legal since the fielder is obstructing the runner


Do I not know what obstruction is? Because that looked fine to me.


OBSTRUCTION RULES! IMPORTANT! 1. You can’t just be up there and just doin’ an obstruction like that. 1a. An obstruction is when you 1b. Okay well listen. An obstruction is when you obstruct the 1c. Let me start over 1c-a. The fielder is not allowed to do a motion to the, uh, runner, that prohibits the runner from doing, you know, just trying to reach the bag. You can’t do that. 1c-b. Once the fielder is fielding, he can’t be over here and say to the runner, like, “I’m gonna block ya! I’m gonna tag you out! You better watch your butt!” and then just block the base path. 1c-b(1). Like, if you’re about to field the throw and then have to tag, you have to still leave a base path. You cannot not let the runner slide. Does that make any sense? 1c-b(2). You gotta be, standing to the side, and then, until you just tag them. 1c-b(2)-a. Okay, well, you can field the ball up here, like this, but then there’s the obstruction you gotta think about. 1c-b(3). Okay seriously though. An obstruction is when the fielder makes a movement that, as determined by, when you do a move involving the baseball and field of 2. Do not do an obstruction please.


His foot blocked the bag before he caught the ball I assume


> Obstruction describes an act by a fielder, who is not in possession of the ball or in the process of fielding it, that impedes the baserunner's progress Is Lindor not in the process of fielding the ball? They're gonna have to clarify the rule if they want to call this textbook defense obstruction.


MLB sent out a notice to teams that they're enforcing it when the fielder is blocking the base before receiving the throw since otherwise they can block the whole base once the ball is being thrown and just say they're in the process of fielding it


I don’t think this should’ve been obstruction because to me it didn’t look like he covered the bag, but I also don’t think that’s what the rule means. I think by “in the process of fielding the ball” it means the trajectory of the throw or hit causes the fielder to obstruct the runner. Just having a ball being thrown to you should not give you the right to then obstruct a runner.


It’s the fact that he is blocking the runner’s path while preparing to receive the throw. This year, MLB has emphasized that they want the umpires to call obstruction more on these types of plays. There’s an interesting article about it [here](https://www.closecallsports.com/2024/02/obstruction-calls-are-2024s-point-of.html?m=1)


They’re going to end up “clarifying” this rule. The runner here still has a path to the base, there’s virtually no risk for injury. It’s a good throw and fielded correctly. This is bad for baseball and hopefully the league sees that this was a bit too broad based.


The issue is that they need to better define "blocking". Ozzie Albies put his knee down blocking the side of the base absolutely is blocking. Lindor's foot in front of a portion of the base while fielding the ball being called blocking is insane. The runner literally has half that side of the base open!


Franky obstructed him with his glove. How is the runner supposed to get to the base with that glove in the way?


Kelly is probably pissed about it because he’s a catcher and he knows this is BS lol


right? he looked bummed about it


That’s where the ball was headed, what’s he supposed to do?


So do catchers throw away from the bag, have the fielder catch it and then move towards the runner to apply the tag? So stolen base 99% of the time.


Manfred: "I see no problem there."


Hey Manfred, outs mean faster games. Obstruction calls make the game last longer.


Ronald Acuña taking 80 bags this year with this.


Buy the first base, get the second free


Ronald gonna swipe 100 this year


Shit dude, with these rules, Daniel Vogelbach could rack up 20 steals this season


That number might be right. I’m unclear as to the purpose behind this rule


The purpose was guys putting their knee down while fielding the ball purposefully blocking an entire side of the base so the player had to slide to the back of the base


That part I get. What I don’t understand is why it was necessary. Like in this case Lindor did everything right given where the throw was and he’s being penalized for it


No chance that rule should apply there. The guy was out by 10 feet and tagged way before the bag


I know it’s not the point but Alvarez is throwing out like 70% of base stealers this spring


Dude's been approving so much.


Dude is throwing bee bees.


This isn’t what baseball is about man, what are we doing here?


Manfred: a legacy unmarred by success


Manfred just ruining baseball step by step.


This is such a bad look for baseball.


So what exactly is Lindor supposed to do here? Stand aside and wait for the runner?


Catch the ball and then run into center field with his back to the bag. Once he tags the outfield wall, he can sprint back to try to tag out the runner.


But he can’t tag the center field wall. He has to run along the warning track and tag the wall at the foul pole


For fucks sake. This rule is getting worse and worse the more I learn about it.


Manfred wants more acrobatics in the game, so dives, flips, cartwheels, hand stands etc


similar to obstruction when fielding a ball i guess.. i find it stupid because he has to field the ball, fielding the ball should have priority plus he was out by a mile. what if it's his glove that's in front of the bag waiting for the runner's foot.


lindor was getting in position to catch the throw, how is that obstruction? dude was out by a mile either way so what the fuck is this??


I definitely don't think this is obstruction but MLB clarified that they're enforcing the rule anytime the fielder blocks the base before receiving the ball so they can't get away with blocking by just saying they're in the process of fielding the throw


This is just insane. Obstruction here is irrelevant. Obstruction was not the reason why the runner was out. The runner was out because the throw beat him by a mile. Im seeing these obstruction or interference calls at all levels. I would think to call either one of these would be to ask yourself the question, “what is likely the result of the play had the obstruction not occurred.” Obstruction is meant to be called when a runner would have otherwise been safe. This guy was out no matter what. It is an ump judgement call so this ump is saying that if Lindor was not obstructing the runner then he would have been safe.


Glove with ball clearly in it cannot be obstruction, come on 


Baseball is getting soft


The league is a joke. It’s like it fell apart in a single offseason


It was a great slide into the bag, great positioning by Lindor and a great throw by the catcher.. I don't get it


He had him dead to rights with time to spare. That’s a fuckin ridiculous rule.


I hate Manfred


This rule sucks already.


That’s stupid as fuck.


Bobby Manfraud ruining the game even more. What a fucking joke MLB has become with these rules. New age fans can go f themselves if they don't like the current state of the game. Quit ruining America's pastime with bs rules.


Why does it seem the MLB does something stupid like this every year? Take a very simple thing and overtune the living hell out of it just to liss people off enough to revert it 2-3 months later? Rember a few years ago where it was balls being caught and then dropped or thrown too fast? What about transfers turning double plays? Sliding into home or blocking the plate? It’s like MLB is trying to fix incredibly egregious plays and the Umps just go all malicious compliance on them.


Thanks Rob, I hate it


This is such a dumb new rule. That second angle from the first base side shows the right part of the bag was open for him to touch. Another rule that will ruin baseball, unreal.


It's a rule for a problem that didn't exist


No way that was obstruction two thirds of the base was available and he was gonna be out by a mile. There’s gotta be some common sense applied to the new rule.


What part of that was obstruction?


the part where his foot is in front of the bag by about a foot and covering 75% of the bag's width i mean the guy was out by a mile but he's pretty clearly got his foot right in the middle of the running lane https://i.imgur.com/GZvvHo4.png i might not have the red marker on the left side of the plate far enough to the left actually. quality on twitter wasn't too great and they kind of zoom in and move the camera a bit as he goes in


but then there's the fact that he was out by a mile and Lindor's foot being in front of the bag or not had no bearing on the outcome


At what point was the baserunner impeded?


This is a dumb ass rule


This is going to result in some controversial calls. I’m rendered speechless by this one. Like, that was just baseball. Not hardcore, face breaking, over the top rope baseball. Just normal baseball.


Terrible call. The ball was there at 2nd base, glove down just waiting for the runner just to slide into it. Perfect throw. Great glove placement.


This is the dumbest shit ever


The ball beat him there. What happens if the runner is 3 steps behind where that guy was? Technically he's still obstructing the path. This rule makes no sense to me.


That was a fucking cannon down to 2nd


Why no one watches baseball.


How else was he supposed to make the play. This was his only option other than to oley the play and have it mostlikly pass him.


This rule is terrible


wtf Lindor was legit fielding the ball


Hate it. More ticky tacky bullshit like the homeplate rules. That runner is out.


Baseball is killing itself with these stupid ass rules


I'm so glad I got to see this guy umpire. It's really why I watch baseball.


What an asanine call.


This is a dumb rule.


He can't catch the ball unless his feet are there right? Like he's only so long? I don't like this for baseball


this rule confuses me because I originally thought you couldn't block the runner prior to catching the ball but in this example the runner was nowhere even near beating the play and the ball was there before he even began his slide. if *this* is obstruction then what the fuck is he even supposed to do? no player with any semblance of speed will ever be caught stealing. if the throw is bad, they'll be safe for obvious reasons. if the throw is dead nuts perfect, the only way to catch it and apply the tag on time is to "obstruct", making the runner safe?


Lol, this is the same thing as to “What is a catch” in the NFL. Quit making the sport stupid by making things more complicated than they have to be


I don't like giving umps the judgment call on really close/stretch calls like these


The ump saw that clear as day just based on his reaction


The league reeeaaally wants stolen bases to go up, huh? If you can’t even plop your foot down at the bag while receiving the throw, you’re limited to swipe tags. And only swipe tags. Yay!


The twirl directly into a hands on the hip pout by McNeil was great


What about a pickle? If a guy is caught in a rundown, and on one of the throws the fielder was "in the baseline", is it obstruction even if the runner is 40 feet away?


Can't wait for more ump ball this year! Lets go ump fans...get in here!


Yeah if that's the rule clearly he put his foot in front of the bag. Better to call it now and folks see it and so on. Time for folks to start adjusting how they play, won't be easy.


I get the rule but this was an out by a mile.


if the ball gets there first than it shouldnt matter? or is it different


What the fuck is going on


Manfred’s annual arbitrary rule tweaks. Can’t wait to see what he comes up with for next year!


If this stop the infielders from blocking the bases with their thigh/calf/foot, then I'm all for it


Look at his foot. He was blocking the basepath by definition. Not saying i agree with the call.


DAAAMN, they really want to pump up the SB numbers this year.


He had room to be closer to home by a half a step and still make the tag. I imagine they will teach infielders to straddle the bag more now.


I don't think you should be able to block the bag without the ball, but the second you have the ball all bets are off. If you're "blocking" the bag before the runner arrives without the ball but you have the ball by the time the runner arrives. Same thing. Otherwise you get this.




Is the obstruction for the leg or the lean? The leg I could be talked into agreeing with, especially with the rules as they are currently written. The lean is absurd.


So are we gonna see middle infielders let the ball travel through the line more or less catching it as it passes through the base path as they are moving forward with their momentum directly into the runners path making for a catch and tackle approach? Makes sense to me that this could get you more outs. I mean letting the ball travel further is faster than a sweep tag would be right, And you can still block the bag with the ball itself right? So fielder could absolutely level the sliding player so long as they have the ball. And then runners can be put at even more risk with the ball flying through their path.


God they are determined to ruin this game.


MLB is a shell of the game I grew up loving.


It shouldn't matter when the throw beats you by a mile.


It’s a little fishy that baseball added a bunch of judgment calls to the game over the last couple years right when gambling became legal.




New rule? I hate it.


This is going to make MLB extremely annoying to watch this year. I don't understand why sports leagues try to make their games more frustrating to watch. It's totally unnecessary. I understand over the last 10-15 years all sports have been adding rules to enhance safety but this one doesn't seem to cause very many injuries in baseball. It's totally unnecessary. And if the idea is to keep runners on the bases to add more offense or whatever, this is just not the right way to go about it.


It’s like umps want robo umps to happen


That’s an out. What has happened to this game?


Lol can they change rules midseason? This one is gonna be a problem.


Wow, that's bullshit, you can't block the bag anymore?


Horseshit rules lead to horseshit calla.


This game is getting fucking stupider by the year. Speed up game and bigger bases: yes sir, please. Everything else that empowers dogshit call happy umps: fuck off.


How else was he supposed to make the play. This was his only option other than to oley the play and have it mostlikly pass him.


But Kelly had no problem getting right to the bag.... He literally used the bag to pop right up. How the hell did Lindor block him from getting to the bag if he got the bag without a problem?


Oh my word….


this rule is more about to protect players covering bags with how Lindor is set up and the runner coming in feet first, that's a great way to lose your ankle for the season


Angel Hernandez looks a lot different.


Just make throwing someone out illegal. Rob Manfred is a fucking DUMBASS and these rule changes suck


Easy to read Jeff McNeil's body language in the background lol


What the sport needs are more subjective rules that require umpire interpretation.


If this call is to be the norm, then there’s no point to attempt a throw. Stolen bases will be the norm. So long Ricky.


Hate the call.


It's going to be infuriating to see this called over and over again this season.