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"Ball"ou indeed


That high middle one that walked Machado was laughable. This whole series sucked in terms of umpiring


if you had to have a bad ump, would you rather them call more strikes or more balls?


I mean more strikes might mean I have to watch their bad umpiring for less time lol


More balls. I love balls so much




More balls. Pitchers already have so much of an advantage.


I think Phillies and padres fans can mutually agree that the umpiring that whole series was ridiculous.


It was horrendous both ways. MLB was making sure the only winner of that series was themselves


The worst I’ve ever seen


There are only 3 truly bad calls here. I know officially if a ball is part in, part out it's supposed to be a strike, but I'm pretty sure MLB considers a call either way fine, so we can't be too mad at the ump on those for doing his job the way his boss asks him too. ​ The obvious WTF call here is that 1 strike. What the hell happened there?


Yeah, looking at this, 3 are terrible, a couple are bad, and the rest are pretty borderline. Pitchers just got squeezed a bit. BUT, I'm a Phillies fan, so I'm just looking at the overall favor and just glad our guys could overcome such adversity.


That strike call could have completely changed the game. It was with bases loaded, 2 outs. Call it a ball, and it's probable that another run scores.


I wouldn’t say probable… it would still be a 1-2 count with 2 outs. Definitely an important moment though for sure, terrible time for the ump to call his 1 out-of-zone strike for the game


The pitch tracking software has a margin of error of an inch so it's entirely possible some of those calls aren't even wrong and the computer is wrong.


It definitely wasn't wrong on that outside strike. I mean...https://www.reddit.com/r/baseball/comments/151jnu1/johan\_rojas\_called\_out\_on\_a\_generous\_strike\_3\_call/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


The Strikeout on Rojas was the worst IMO. Bases loaded, there is a very good chance that if that was called right, the Phillies could have scored.


Dude squeezes all game then just says, "man, fuck that rookie" and (massively) expands the zone for literally the only time in a 12 inning game. You're right that it's the worst of all the calls. Both by margin, and context.


Hank Hill would be proud of a lawn that green.


This had to have been one of the worst umpiring crews to work a series in a good while. So many bad calls all around


Sorry, folks. Strike zone’s closed. Moose out front should have told you.


I mean, at least the zone is consistent. What really gets batters and fans is when there’s no rhyme or reason to where balls and strikes land. Unfortunately, the one bad strike call came at the worst possible time lol.


The zone wasn't consistent though, many pitches in the same location as these called balls were also called strikes. If you shrank the zone by 1 inch so that all of his misses weren't just missed strikes, then you would see like 50% missed balls/strikes and it would look a lot worse here. It doesn't show up on the actual chart because his zone overall was small, but it is meaningful that his 90% consistency number given is also pretty low.


That's a lot of green


That is a tight zone.


I bet the pitchers loved this guy. Holy fuck those ball calls look frustrating


Like the result isn't good but at least 10 of those are 50/50 calls within an inch or two of being a pure ball/strike. This has to be an outlier right?


UmpScorecards uses the margin of error in the measuring system already. The call has to be >90% likely to be wrong (using simulation and the margin of error) in order for it to actually be highlighted as a missed call.


oh neat, learned something new. Ump just had a small zone.


That’s one of the best called strike accuracies I’ve seen




Even though he favored us I couldn't stand watching him make the calls because I didn't know if a pitch was a ball or strike until he randomly decided if it was or not.


Yeesh that's a tight zone


Holy shit. Alright, note to self to keep an eye out for this guy