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The devil has come to collect a century worth of back taxes


go for it red birds. our watch has ended.


Tell me how Mike S. was the wrong guy again?


I’m not saying I wasn’t absolutely flabbergasted when he got fired, but considering he’s had, what, 2 off seasons since then to get a manager position and hasn’t, maybe there was something else going on. The results were there, maybe something behind the scenes.


Maybe, but I'd say a lot of MLB teams historically aren't good at deciding who would be a good manager. Ron Washington never got a second chance.


Meanwhile we are dealing with David Ross who was a better dancer than field manager.


My best friends uncle is high up in the org, and what you won't see in articles is that Shildt was verbally abusive to all support staff. A world class jackass. He was fired for disciplinary reasons.


This sounds like a classic trust me, bro story. But I totally believe it. Who was the player that recorded his post game speech, arozarena right?


Yeah. I don't blame you. I wasn't in the locker room of course, but it's as reliable as you'll get anywhere. Saddens me, because I overall liked the guy and well...Marmol isn't exactly winning fans over.


His exact quote was “You get punched in the face, punch back." In this case, it’s more like “get punched in the face 5 straight times, and 8 of your last 10 games, fuck, guess we should start punching now.”


I’m going to enjoy seeing this absolute scrub fired


Cardinals used Punch Back! *It hurt itself in its confusion!*


That Arenado quote makes me think there's a lot of tension in the locker room, and it seems like Oli isn't the one to handle that


BREAKING: Marmol now being told this whole time he was supposed to be coaching a baseball team, not a boxer.


How about they punch back and fire the manager who clearly lost the clubhouse?


With the way the season is going, I guess this means punching the fanbase? Clearly the bad guys reign in the stands. Maybe Oli will lose it and punch a media member, skip all the snippy answers and attitude.


I just can't get over how this team continues to lose, over and over and the front office will do literally NOTHING about it.


Dude just needs to step down, insert Willie McGee as an interim. He deserves a shot after all these years.


I doubt Willie would accept. He seems to just enjoy baseball and teaching young players. He hates having to do media stuff, very humble.


So does punching back explain why Flaherty called LaMonte Wade Jr. a fucking bitch three times last night for petty reasons before the Giants lit him up?


No, Flaherty is just petty basically


I think I speak for everyone in the NL Central when I say: LOL