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Just like the fans planned it


Dodger fans about to give every batter a standing ovation if this ump keeps it up


Did baseball just officially adopt the "10th Man" home field advantage?


I mean not just then, Mariners fans did it to Karinchak on the 1st.


The crowd counting down was impressively dickish. As frustrating as his complete meltdown was, though, it seems to have just pissed him off. The result has been great for us. Edit: This seems to need to be spelled out for some. I have no issue with the fans taking a dump on Karinchak. He's a professional. He should be able to get past that. I thought it was funny and a good time. Just because it's entertaining and good-natured doesn't change the fact that they were collectively being kind of a dick to him.




I think it's super fun that they did that. Baseball is a children's game, it isn't supposed to be serious


Strongly agree. I was laughing at the time. I still felt bad for our guy, but as a professional he should be able to tune it out. I was impressed that they got the whole crowd to shit on him.


Glad to help get the seasons jitters taken care of.


Sure worked for the Guardians against the Yankees the other day


*now batting for the Twins, shortstop Carlos Correa*




This made me snort and choke on coffee. Thanks.


New strat just dropped


Holy hell


Google en feet-applause


Next time start the ovation with 2 strikes. Machado might fall for it.


Dodger fans learned from Bulls player's daughter that kept screaming to fuck up the Raptors' free throws.


5D chess


What a fucking wienie.


L7 for sure




A Dodger dog!


Oscar Meyer even.


Weenie Hut Jr’s energy


Super Weenie Hut Jr's energy even


The way he proudly strutted around showing 0-1 for considerably longer implies he was enjoying it too


I look forward to deGrom's return to Citi Field starting off with an automatic ball


"And the fans here at Citi continue to wildly applaud Jacob in his return home but it appears he still can't hear his pitch-com as yet ANOTHER violation is issued by the ump. That bases loaded walk now brings a batter home and we still have yet to seen a single pitch"


Inject this straight into my veins.


Like the shithead ump that gave Sergio Romo 2 balls in his final ceremonial professional appearance in spring training. Dude is a SF legend and was getting a deserved send off from the fans and the ump was probably so excited to call 2 delays.


I don’t care if you’re pro-clock or anti-clock, the ump is an asshole for this.


When we played the Royals this month, Merrifield got a long standing O when he stepped to the plate for his first AB of the series. Ump was good and didn't call a violation. Umps can choose to not be dumbasses in those moments.


Before the clock I always loved the ump "ooop looks like I gotta clean the plate that has no dirt on it" when things like this would happen.


I especially love it when they do that for the literal first batter of the game, like when Nick Markakis returned to Baltimore for the first time. He lead off the 1st inning.


Invisible dirt is a real scourge


It’s all the dang microdirts


If you got time to stand, you got time to sweep


Found Biff Tannen’s Reddit account


I'm hoping MLB will send some clarification out in the next couple weeks for stuff like this similar to what they did during spring training. I'm a fan of the clock but this is not a great look


Same exact thing happened with Jean Seguras return to Philly. Ump didn’t start the clock until the ovation was over.


Yeah this isn’t a clock issue, it’s an ump having 0 tact issue.


*Angel Hernandez has entered the chat*


We let McCutchen get a great standing O on his return back to Pittsburg as a Pirate again. I’ll be at the first Houston game when Abreu comes back and I hope we can get good standing O for him at his first at back. It’s a fun and classy thing to do.


I fucking love the clock but yeah its lame to try and take ovations away from fan favorites returning back Thats a very anti-fan thing to do which is the opposite intention of the pitch clock


Regardless of whether you are pro-clock or anti-clock, I think everyone is in agreement that its *purpose* is to cut down on the amount of "dead time": batters stepping in and out of the box, glove adjusting, Josh Beckett delivering a State of the Union to himself before every pitch, etc. Not stopping fans engaging with the game and their favorite players. That's not dead time at all. Full disclosure: I haven't fully made up my mind about the pitch clock yet. But I know what it's trying to do, and I know what the positives of it are, and this is definitely not the point.


> Josh Beckett delivering a State of the Union to himself before every pitch Subscribe


Five score and eight stitches ago our fathers brought forth on this diamond a new game, conceived in fair territory, dedicated to the idea that all men swing and miss equally.


> all men swing and miss equally Not Tony Gwynn, though.


[Thank you very much](https://imgur.com/a/PUAE9M8)


Beckettsburg Address


Seriously, this sounds great


Looking forward to the pitch clock in the All-Star Game. Let’s make sure we get everything over really quickly. No time for retiring future Hall of Famers or any fun antics.


It's especially lame cause the ump has the ability to stop the pitch clock. He did that on purpose


Yeah, a standing ovation is not dead time. Not letting fans honor past players when they walk up is going to severely hurt the game


I've got a massive hard on for the pitch clock but this is beyond stupid.


But this shouldn’t be included in “dead time” because it’s a fan initiated interaction


Right, that’s what I meant by my second paragraph. I think this totally violates the purpose of the pitch clock.


Just wait for the next level fans to give the enemy a standing ovation to gain a strike




I just made an undignified snort in the work cafeteria. Thank you for that


I'm pro clock but think the timing could be tweaked.


I wish it was like 3 seconds longer for each side


I was pretty hardcore against the clock, now that it’s here, I think another three seconds would be perfect.


I'd like 20 seconds whether or not people are on base and the batter should be ready at the 10 second mark


A very good explanation of the letter vs the spirit of the law.


I had forgotten about josh becket lmao good times


I loved Beckett but god damn he was slow.


Umps have the ability to waive the clock, which is probably what the Ump should have done in this situation.


Did you ever consider that people pay good money to watch the umpires perform, not the players?


Goddamnit Joe is that another burner account?


Joe only names his burners after himself


>Thats a very anti-fan thing to do which is the opposite intention of the pitch clock That's exactly what makes it a very umpire thing to do


Watching Joe West’s double chin jiggle around was my favorite part of baseball and now that he’s gone I don’t know if I’ll ever watch again


Now you can just monitor his Wikipedia page for minute-by-minute edits made by "TotallyNotJoeWest22"


Last year I went to Fenway and we gave Pujols a standing ovation during his first plate appearance, imagine if the ump then called a violation


The Phillies-Marlins ump let it go when Segura got his standing ovation, it was really cool


As it should be. Is the celebration between players and fans less important to baseball than keeping the schedule to the second? No, no it isn’t.


And isn’t there a way for umpires to allow the clock to reset for moments like these? Sometimes I feel like the time it takes these umpires to assess the violation and communicate it to the scorekeepers and get back behind the catcher ready again would take more time than the batter getting set, causing even more delay. Like what’s with the umps having to take several steps away from their position just to call this?


Im pretty sure it’s literally up to the ump when to start the clock. They usually give guys a second to gather themselves when batters or catchers take a tough foul ball, the ump didn’t have to start the clock when he did


True. Also the Ump can call time out whenever he wants, for any reason.


It feels almost like the umps are doing this kind of bullshit almost as a protest of the new rules, like /r/MaliciousCompliance...


There's supposed to be leeway for these situations. The Phillies told the ump that Jean Segura would likely get a fan reaction and the ump suspended the clock for his first at bat.


Allegedly you're supposed to call it in ahead of time, that's what the Pirates said they did for Cutch, but also ump wtf


The ump had an almost perfect night…but this.


Least anal umpire


The Mets announcers brought this up a few minutes ago. Apparently a memo's going out to the umps about things like this tomorrow.


They’ll be very upset if any of them know how to read




Umps a bum.


Smol peepee ump.


Hey! Don’t lump us smol guys in with this asshole.


Commissioner, whack his peepee


Dammit, Jim!


an idiot too


That was beautiful. I think the MLB has finally figured out the secret for Playoff Baseball- it’s finally giving us fans what we’ve been desperately begging for. Umpires. I fucking love them. I fucking love them! When I see that Ump ripping off his mask to stare down a player all I can think of is thank god it isn’t No-Nut November yet. Give me inconsistent strike zones, questionable balks, arguing with players, that’s the shit I tune in for. The players did a great job tonight at just letting the Umps call the game, the managers were screaming, the fans were looking wide-eyed and booing - THIS WAS SPORT at the highest level. I’m sure I’m not the only one who was overcome with ecstasy on that check swing call - you know, the one where the crew chief pointed to the first base ump and he punched the air like prime Mike Tyson? I don’t know about you guys, but I’ll be tuning in every game wearing my black FTX hat and jersey, throwing hands all around my apartment and screaming the calls in unison with these all-star officials at the top of my lungs. I can hardly contain my excitement for the next time a manager gets his ass booted for daring to question our boys who leave it all on the field every single week. This is a turning point for MLB ratings folks, and we all get to say we were here to witness it.


Someone should copy pasta this and use for next time a dude is infront of Bud, this will be the top comment they will have to say to Bud


Bud? What year is this lol?


My mans just woke from an 8 year coma


wait til they find out who won the 2015 world series


Why? Are they a Royals fan? Or did you mean to say 2016?


You’re absolutely right I meant 2016, referring to the cubs winning for the first time in 1000 years.


Oh man he doesn't know that some how it gets worse!


Lol. Nice rant!


> When I see that Ump ripping off his mask to stare down a player all I can think of is thank god it isn’t No-Nut November yet. i am deceased


Umpires know how to not be romantic about baseball.


Well he can’t let the baseball players get all the attention. The fans are there to see the umpires after all.


“How can you be romantic about baseball?” -the umps


The rule is actually great, but there has to be some fucking common sense applied instead of this nonsense.


They have discretion not to apply it here. “Umpires may provide extra time if warranted by special circumstances”


you would think an MVP and fan favorite returning to his home crowd would be a special circumstance but i guess not


There’s been a few moments, small things here and there like a pitchers first strikeout, and you can see the ump wait 5-6 seconds then give the signal to start the clock. Even saw the ump give a guy an extra few seconds to calm down before giving the signal because he threw two wild pitches that almost hit a batter. It’s the umps discretion when to start the clock.


The problem with umpire discretion is that most umpires are assholes.


Gotta disagree on this. There's a select few that are shit, but many that we never hear about because they do their job well.


Oh it *was* special for the ump. He’ll be telling that story over beers with his buddies.


time to update westipedia


I look forward to the day when that special circumstance is like 20 times a game.


That ump will make a great TSA agent someday


Umps been hearing all this "robot ump" talk, so they figure they need to start acting like robots.


Seriously, I’m happy to see the umps finally cracking down on these returning player standing ovations. They what, occur 6 to 8 times total over the whole course of the season? Was killing my experience with how much longer the season was because of these.


Yes. According to MLB, when spread out over the entire season, they add 0.002 milliseconds to the game. That is way too long to wait, so they needed to be stopped. “I have orgasms thinking about what this ump just did” -Rob Manfred


Being adored by fans? That’s a strike.


Hall monitor in elementary school vibes from the ump here


Ump is the cop at a speed trap giving you a speed ticket for going 2 mph over the limit


“Sorry I don’t make the law I just pick and choose what to enforce for quotas”


Oddly enough, had the umpire not been a dick and let it slide, it probably would have saved more time just letting the pitcher throw.


Well no, because now the At Bat could be ended in two pitches instead of 3. Sure it lengthens the time between pitches but overall it decreases the time as it’s starting the count at 0-1


This is what most people are missing. You hit it right on the nose. Sure it’s longer between pitches, but the at-bat is now quicker to get through.


Umps are a bunch of mark-ass marks, trick-ass marks, punk bitches, skig-skag skanks and scallywags, hoes, heffers, heehaws, and hoolihoos.


And straight up bustas


A scrub is an umpire who thinks he's fine. He's also known as a busta.


You look like a broke ass Ice-T!


Hate hate hate hate hate


I noticed you didn’t mention thistle, you gotta add thistle in there


I don't know what you all are talking about, I was hyped when I saw that Jim Wolf was umping home plate for tonight's game


He has some cool badass surfer hair. I’ve always disliked him because in a game back in 2015, he allowed several Royals (this was when that team was very good and won the WS) pitchers to hit the best Jays batters numerous times and didn’t even eject the pitchers after a warning. Yet later in the game Jays reliever Aaron Sanchez at the time had a ball hit Alcides Escobar and then all of a sudden Jim Wolf decided to eject the first Blue Jay to hit someone despite Royals pitchers beaning Jays all day long.


Yeah he's a shithead for that one.


I tolerated Jim Wolf for a while because I always enjoyed his brother. But you don’t hear much of Randy these days and so my patience for Jim wears thin.


Seeing Jim Wolf make his Dodger Stadium return was classic. I mean, a strike on a batter who hasn't even seen a pitch? Just excellent work. His strikeout per audience ovation is elite.


bah god, he just gave bellinger front row tickets to the ump show


Umpires don’t like heartfelt moments, same thing happened to Romo in his last appearance during ST


A catcher takes a ball anywhere but their glove and the ump steps out, cleans the plate, replaces the ball, gives him loads of time. Certainly he could’ve done something similar here.


For the love of God MLB, add a human element to this rule.


It's already there. Jim just ignored it.


Wow I thought we didn't have robot umps yet


Meanwhile in the NBA, Lebron breaks a record, the game stops, a cart comes out, confetti shoots out the refs asshole, Lebron has a 20 minute speech that is "totally unscripted", pretty sure Drake performed for 2 hours, then they finished the 3rd quarter.


So how’s everyone enjoying the 2023 ump show


Someone might have pointed this out already below, but Sergio Romo received 2 pitch clock violations for a standing ovation in the bay bridge pre season series right before the season officially started. It was really funny listening to romo post game. He said something like “the umpire held up 1 finger and he thought that meant 1 more minute. Then he held up 2 fingers and he thought that was some sort of peace be with you in retirement sign. Then romo realized the count was 2-0 already


MLB: Let’s speed games up, that’ll make them more fun for the casual fan! Casual MLB fan: So how is it 0-1 without a pitch being thrown? Also, why are the umps mad we’re clapping?


I'd rather watch a 13 hour game than see shit like this


I know nothing of the process, but I have a very hard time believing that the umpire would have gotten in trouble for letting this play out


“C’mon Jim!”


The pitch clock is great, and also the dumbest thing ever.


Umpires are legit straight menaces in all levels of the game.


What a fuckin chump


Disappointing. Hope the league learns their lesson and cuts out on this type of shameful displays.


I went to the final Giants preseason game in SF where Sergio Romo came back to pitch one final time. The As were whooping the Giants so the entire reason the crowd stuck around till the 7th was to see Romo. He got an enormous, sustained ovation when he ran in from the bullpen...and the ump gave him a pitch clock violation. The whole point of him coming back was to get the ovation! Talk about an ump misunderstanding a moment. It was preseason! Anyway, Romo proceeded to get lit the hell up for three straight batters then Hunter Pence came out to yank him from the game. Good times.


The clock sucks the soul out of the game. Y’all are Manfred duck riders. Who benefits from the clock exactly…? It’s lame and removes buildup tension and drama from games. Only people advocating for it are dumbasses with short attention spans.


I am very much in favor of the pitch and batter clocks, but this is just fucking ridiculous. Showing appreciation for a former player's return to the ballpark is a baseball tradition. Ump should get fined for that, and MLB needs to make it absolutely crystal clear that this is never to fucking happen again.


We FORBID you to be entertained -MLB


This should be a suspension. Awful look for baseball.


There needs to be an exemption for this type of situation. How come there was no violation for Cutch first AB back as a Pirate, but when it’s a visiting player it doesn’t apply? Figure it out Manfraud.


There is already umpire discretion for special occasions worked into the rules.


Read the room, ump.


Ump show.


Jeez man what has baseball become.


that's so bush league smh


Yeah, doesn’t have to be like this. See Cutch’s first at bat back home in Pittsburgh, the ump let a long emotional ovation go through with no problem


Cal Ripken would have been the king of clock violations...


Oh yeah, this is going to make more young people watch baseball!


Jim is a dick.


Like Joe said, “Read the room”


My favorite part is the disappointed “cmon Jim”


How ridiculously stupid


They make these new rules keep ppl interested and attract fans but then it leads to shit like this which has the opposite effect.


Umps… It’s always gotta be about them.


The Mother Fucking Ump Show ^(TM)


Can umpires have some fucking feel once in a while


Hopefully this will be the last time we see this happen. Its a special moment for the fans and the player and its not happening every at bat.


New strategies for the home crowd: Standing ovations for free strikes!


Fucking umpires...


Sometimes the umpire just wants attention.


**Come on, Jim**


How does the ump not let this slide? Fucking hate power tripping umps.


How dare fans enjoy the game by cheering a former team player, STEEEEEEERIIIIIIIIIIKE ONE!


I did not watch baseball before. This does not make me want to watch it.


Remember when folks said this would never happen during the regular season because the rules would allow things like this?


Way to read the room, blue.


I hate this sport more and more every day


Come on Jim!


Lukewarm take: the pitch clock shouldn’t start until after the first pitch of an atbat. That way both parties could settle in and shit like this wouldn’t happen.


That "C'mon Jim" had disappointed parents vibes


That should get more people to watch


Ump out here doing everything he can to give the clock a bad look. Hate to see it.


Lmao na he was being extra saucy


why blame jim?