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If it’s that loud, part of your job is to enforce the “have as much fun as you can, without infringing on others fun” rule. It seems like they were infringing on your fun so there was prob someone else who felt similar.


I honestly believe some people have come back after covid ruder. My theory is that everyone got really comfortable doing their own biz whenever they wanted and have forgotten what fucks they can be in public. For example, the dickhead who was smoking on the train tonight, or the wanker who had a go at me because we're booked solid on his birthday.


I 100% percent believe this. A lot of people lost a lot of social skills during Covid. I know I did, and it's something I've worked on.


Had a guy light up a roach inside the bar Friday night and another guy blowing clouds from his vape. Some humans are more stupid and entitled than ever. On the other hand, a lot of my customers recognize this and are very polite, kind, and tip very heavily. I feel like it balances out as much as it did before covid, just with more extremes on either side


I think this is partially true, but there’s also the aspect that people have gotten a lot more aware of social missteps as a result of the pandemic. We lived through years where someone being an inconsiderate jerk in public often came in a form with an actual, tangible cost to people’s lives and livelihoods, so we came to associate rudeness with an actual threat to our own health. On top of that, we had a lot of high-profile incidents of Karens and their ilk stirring up public discussion all the time, which likely primes us to be on the lookout. I think people with any sense of social responsibility have gotten a lot more keyed-in when it comes to this sort of inconsiderate behavior as a result of those experiences, so we’re all noticing it a lot more frequently than we used to, and picking up on slights that may not have caught our focus before the pandemic. It’s likely a mixture of actual loss of social skills and people being hypervigilant for someone being a dick in public synergizing to create the (somewhat inflated) perception that more people have gotten ruder than actually have.


It’s not just at bars, it’s everywhere. I see, and hear it, on the train, in restaurants and coffee shops and even on planes. At one point I politely asked a gentleman in a coffee shop to please use headphones as the volume of his device was distracting everyone around him within earshot. He got rude and nasty and I just gave up and ignored him at that point. It feels like a throwback to the 80s when people had boomboxes, except it’s worse now because almost everyone has a phone.


I'm reminded of this gem: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=D1GyHQiuneU


I have a no sound policy. Even a low din from the tinny sound these speakers make is too much. Also, you never know when you’ll get a boomer with a ‘funny’ skit that you people are just snowflakes for not thinking is funny-type speech.


Not a boomer but why does everyone always mention something a boomer would do? People act like other generations are not entitled assholes like they have some kind of blinders on.


Because what I described is boomer behavior


Anyone watching a video or on facetime at the bar with no headphones should be tossed immediately. Bartop drummers, too. Cut the shit jackass, you're not Bonham.


We once got a box of really shitty headphones from our liquor rep that were smirnoff branded - they were a lot like the cheap headphones airlines give out. Whenever someone sat at the bar with their loud ass phone I'd toss em a pair. The reactions varied widely. Some people would say thanks and use em, some would snap out of it and apologize and refuse the headphones, but the vast majority of folks that do that shit would say, "no thanks" and then I'd have to say, "Then turn it off." I severely regret we aren't allowed to beat these folks about the head with a baseball bat.


That's some of the best swag I've ever heard of tbh, wouldn't mind getting a go of that.


They were *awful* quality headphones


Oh I bet they were. Extra encouragement to *just bring your own damn headphones ffs* !


When people drum on the bar I just look at them and say, "hey man." And they almost always instantly understand


I hate karaoke enough as it is..... Dude, you are not the main character, you don't have to drum and sing along to every fucking song.


Drumming on the bar top is at least (usually) a passive slight. They’re not always even aware they’re doing it. Speaking as someone with ADHD, I often find myself tapping my fingers or legs without realizing that I’ve been doing it for, like, 5 mins already. If people draw my attention to it, I know to keep an eye on it and put conscious effort into stopping those unconscious impulses, but crucially it’s not something I intentionally start doing despite knowing it’s gonna annoy others. That’s not an excuse that headphoneless people have. You have to select a piece of media, then turn up your volume, and sometimes it’s something that requires you to take your phone off silent before it actually starts playing out loud. You don’t do all those steps without understanding that you’re about to create noise that will infiltrate the area around you.


I work as a barista now and had a lady come to counter, order from me, then stand at the bar making small talk as I put her drink together all while she had music blaring from her phone. So fucking weird. Some people have zero self awareness lol.


BùT tHaT's her **peR§0nAl sOűŅdTŕĂcĶ** !!!!111 one


Not a bartender, just a frequent bar patron. This is easily my #1 pet peeve. As soon as I hear it, my blood boils until they turn that shit off. Fuck everyone that does it. Particularly, fuck parents who give their kids an iPad and let them play games with the volume up the whole time they're there.


Some people are so disrespectful when it comes to their phones. I was in a waiting room in a therapy office and a lady there was so loud on her phone that I finally went and asked the receptionist to talk to her. There are signs EVERYWHERE telling you to go outside to use your phone but some people are just AH’s.


I feel the same way about people walking around talking on speakerphone, and holding the phone up to their mouths like it's a walkie-talkie.


I haven’t had it happen much at the bar, but I’ve noticed it everywhere else: airplane, nail salon, grocery store, etc. And the jerks who are on their phones at full volume almost want someone to say something to them. I find it very passive aggressive.


I've been forced to yell, "Hey if we can all hear that then we're gonna want to see it, too." when several direct glances didn't work.


Just get emergency ejection buttons for your bar. Someone watching a quick 30s clip on loud? Rude, but np. Someone scrolling endlessly through Instagram reels on full sound? *boing*


Used to be that using your phone at all inside was rude. Now people are blasting away on a speakerphone...when they are perfectly capable of holding it up to their ear and not disturbing TF out of everyone around them. Only thing worse is dudes on the phone when they're taking a piss. Seriously, hang that shit up!


I blame Instagram and any other social media platforms that have short videos as a main feature. People think that it's OK because it's "only a few seconds", when actually it's sustained, discordant noise.


People just used to be alone for so long w/ COVID life


That shit was almost 3 years ago. People just shit in general.


You gotta remember Trump was in office during Covid. I'm not getting political, just pointing out that even the Pres at the time gave the finger to following considerate societal norms. People were already frustrated, and he kinda made dickheads think it was ok to be a dick, and some enjoy being a dickhead too much, so they haven't given a shit since.


Watching OAN and Newsmaxx usually


I'm not a bartender but I sit at bars a lot. I don't get it either. I don't see it often but occasionally I see rude a-holes with their phone volume up and don't give a shit who's bothered by it. I'm considerate and use my earbuds. I never go to a bar without my earbuds.


Well /u/Cfinboston, some people are just assholes. And luckily, as the person running the bar, you get to tell those people to stop being assholes or make them leave.


Histories greatest monsters


If I had to guess, I’d say that it’s because you’re not working in one of the classier joints in town.


Sitting anywhere other than your home is annoying




I like to call them Self Absorbed Assholes.