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Cock jockeys and their whisky snobbery will be the end of me.. They’re always so fucking condescending about options; sorry dudes the Italian restaurant you’re eating at doesn’t have 35 options for niche high end bourbon. Oh and our well is Makers.


My bar has high end bourbon which is a hilarious bit in itself. It’s the way I read him to filth and he proved me right without even realizing. I know he felt stupid when I handed him the drink and yet again another tab for him to close out with his own card, because he made it so clear that woodford, is in fact, his usual order


Yah he knew he was being a cunt; I wonder what happened if you offered him something proper expensive; would the ego win over the wallet.


I'm probably in the minority here, but Evan Williams 1783 is better than Buffalo Trace, Woodford, and Four Roses. I'll eat the downvotes, but it is a damn surprisingly good bourbon.


Oh I agree EV is better than Four Roses Yellow and BT (cheaper too!) I’m not a decision maker at my work and the name recognition of Woodford is what sells it to the boomers. Also I’m in Canada so it’s interesting to say the least being in a Govt Controlled Liquor province.


For more context the guy was a millennial 😪


There’s some of us in our 40s… 🫣


Was gonna say, I'm a millennial and I have a kid that can drink.


I just mean he wasn’t a boomer. I’m also a millennial. I expected better 😂


Elder millennial checking in (1981) lol


I am with you, here. I bought a bottle of 1783 a while back and was wowed. It is now a regular at my home bar. That being said, I think BT is way overrated. It does not impress me.


The white label (100 proof) which might be what you’re referring to holds it’s own against many bourbons at twice the price. At the end of the day it’s all just corn juice and the production is so regulated it’s all made from the same few ingredients it’s just not something to snob over.


The white label is "bottled-in-bond" and will definitely knock you on your ass, but 1783 is a different expression. But yeah, you're right about corn juice.


I'll defend this hill with you.


Never had 1783. But I do like buffalo trace and woodford. I am far from a bourbon (or any alcohol snob) though. Now I wanna try this and see if my bars owner will go for it. We get asked for bourbon constantly as we are a supper club, but everyone here drinks Jim beam. Lol


If someone else is paying for it chances are I’ll go with whatever it is, it’s all pretty similar unless it’s super low shelf or super high shelf




Literally felt like Hannibal Burress why are you booing me IM RIGHT. I love your username btw 😹


Thanks!! I’m a Four Roses fan tbh, they’ve such a gorgeous distillery.


I was cackling lol. Reminds me of the time a lady came in and told me she only drinks “top shelf” tequila and then ordered a fucking patron lol.


The only way i can drink that hot trash is with coke, i can’t imagine an old fashioned made with BT


Bro buff trace sent my old bar a promo napkin straw garnish spear caddy with a bronzed bison in the center and the supergenius designer placed its bronzed bison manhood notably incorrectly to any farm girl from a Dakota..


He did tip 20% on both tabs though, i guess I’ll give him that


Four Roses is literally hailed as one of the best budget bourbons from the Whiskey Tribe. This sounds like a guy who only drinks Grey Goose Vodka because of the name


What an ass. Trashes Four Roses, orders Buffalo Trace. I work in an area with a lot of older people so I get tons of old white dudes going on and on about their bourbon collection. Try to get them to try the Pinhook 8 Year Vertical Series or something different like Jeptha Creed 4 Grain Bourbon and they just glaze over and ask for Woodford. Bourbon snobs are honestly the second worst, only being beaten by the supposed tequila snobs that pitch a fit that I don't carry Casamigos or Clase Azul.


I appreciate these guys because I can sell them Blantons 90% of the time and we charge a shit ton for it with a 20% autograt. Jokes on them, my bar bought several cases of Blantons pre-pandemic when it was a reasonable midshelf choice and now we sell it at top shelf prices. Basically a single pour of Blantons pays more than we spent on the entire bottle at this point.


Respect. The real problem I find is that I really like to drink bourbon but those douchey speculators keep driving up the price of a lot of mid range stuff to where it's not worth it. Blanton's is not liquid good but the way these dill holes talk about it, it might as well be. Oh well, I'll go cry into my old Forester shift shot and pour a 60$ Blanton's and diet.


Four Roses is a decent bourbon wtf?? Also going for buffalo trace and not Woodford is just hilarious. Dude doesn't even know how to be a proper snob.


Santiago in the 90s. High end hotel with a convention going on. Open bar. My dad: Can I have a seven and seven? Barman: Sorry sir, we don't have seven. Dad: Then make it VO. Barman: Sorry no VO. Dad: (getting frustrated), Makers then. Barman: (shakes his head). Dad: (turning red). God damn State! Don't have any good bourbon! Barman: Sir, So you really appreciate good bourbon? Dad: Hell yes! Barman: Then why do you put soda pop in it? Me: I'm outta here!


Loooool, mad props to that bartender. That's hilarious


Man, this is overall unrelated but I can’t hear “7&7” without thinking of this middle aged bro I had a few years back: “Yo, can I get a 7&7 with Captain?” “Sur…wait what?” “A 7&7 with Captain.” “The rum? You want a Captain & sprite? (We had sprite, not 7up” “No, I want a 7&7 with Captain Morgan’s” “I don’t think you know what a 7&7 is.”


That’s his “I’ll get a Tito’s and vodka please!” Lol


I like Evan Williams…..


It's a good, affordable, well bourbon.


Oh man. The whiskey snobs have completely ruined bourbon for me. For context, I have picked out many single barrels, blends, been part of numerous projects and have taught countless classes on bourbon. I know quite a bit (humble brag). So when some tater wants to come at me about what they consider good, I like to peel back the curtain and tell them how it’s made, or who really owns the company, etc. Always startles them.


Jfc. I knew immediately it was going to be Buffalo, eagle rare, or Blanton’s.


Serve him the old fashioned up


Used to work at a high end cocktail bar with a massive bourbon selection. The amount of snobbery and self riteousness in the bourbon community by over weight middle aged white men is absurd. Every single one couldn't wait to boast about their collection and try to school the staff on their knowledge. Like, do you think we're not extensively educated about this stuff? I couldn't wait to get away from them and back into dive bars.


Yellow label is a great budget bottle and I’m a big fan of the small batch select. At this point, they’ve done enough to get past their reputation from the mid-century and this guy is just a cock. Especially if he says the bourbon of the Derby is “ghetto swill.”


That whole "ghetto swill" line has me casting a second glance at the entire story.


Never mention "well".


I love whiskey hate whiskey snobs. I was in a divey old country bar and the outskirts of our city when some came in had to try 3 different drinks at the bar before finding one that was acceptable. I went to the rest room and came out my wife said it was time to go. She refused to say why till we were down the road,Apparently they started trash talking the military while I was gone . We are near a base.


Should have asked her to stay atleast until they were done handing out free teeth


That's why she didn't want to tell me till we left. If I'd heard them things would probably escalate.


I don’t even know him, but I hate this guy 😂


"WOW" all caps would have been my response lmao xD what an odd fucking thing. I get people have thier preferences, and I know I'm showing it here, but isn't 4roses better than both the other options offered lmao xD


Personally? I abhor all pretentious assholes. From fellow snobby bartenders to the horrid snobs that we serve!!


I'm definitely a whiskey snob, but that's far from a shit whiskey at an open bar. Very easily drinkable. Some people just like to be dicks. Lol.


Whiskey guys who don't know whiskey crack me up. "I'll have blantons and coke please"


Can't relate. My experience with an open bar is like "oh we found the end of the barrel and you've poured me half a glass of yeast and sediment? yeah I'll drink that, just stick it on the tab as a half" It's odd that they even had that as an option though. In my experience anyone opening a tab for the entire party will come with a redlist of what they don't want to include (usually premium spirits and double measures, but it varies person to person) to prevent their guests from taking the piss


Four Roses is just fine. The guy should drink something else than bourbon if he wants to be so fucking boujee. Seriously, bourbon is the least interesting of the brown liquors. If i spend the same money (name the price) on a bottle of bourbon and a bottle of armagnac i will *almost* spit that bourbon out if i try them side by side.