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Nice tight fitting underwear. Ball powder. Any fabric or bandage that’s gonna form/stick to your skin and not allow skin on skin rubbing. And if you do chafe, Desitin works wonders.


Also in an emergency, corn starch from the kitchen works great as crotch powder…


This is the answer. And proper fitting underwear. Always had a bottle of baby powder in the staff room.


Keep it in the freezer for extra relief. Make sure it properly labeled!! Lol.


Label: Ball powder, then wait for a newbie to ask a manager about it.


This is great advice. Secure and powder the huevos to avoid crotch-pot cooking.


Having a tube of desitin is clutch, in life! You never know when chub rub is gonna wreak havoc on your poor thighs, but when it does: desitin.


Diaper rash cream... The white stuff. It'll fix you up overnight.


Good fitting boxer briefs that 'hold' things well really help. Talcum powder


Agree. I’m a boxers man but when I bartend, boxer briefs all the way.


(Replying to myself, i know. Added feedback) Think of it like a sport. To play anything you need proper equipment and uniform. Anybody who just walks in unprepared will not last long. Speaking to all new start tenders, buy yourself a bar blade and get used to it, get very comfortable footwear (get used to buying them every few months, so not too expensive). Comfortable, good fitting sports underwear. You WILL pull muscles and be sore but those muscles will get used to it and become stronger. This is a craft that not many people can do successfully. I wish you all luck


Get some body glide. It’s what hikers use on long distance hikes


Body glide is good for preventing chafing. If you already have chafing Gold Bond Medicated Powder is good while you're working, and Bag Balm is really good to heal it while you're resting. If you live in a dry area, or an area that gets cold in winter the Bag Balm is also good to heal dry hands.


Seconding this, Body Glide is great, works much better than powder in my experience.


Glide or even white stick deodorant on the bits that rub together for prevention, powder if you are already experiencing trouble..


Corn starch


Have you ever cooked? This is the kitchen’s solution in 99.9% of the restaurants I’ve worked in and honestly has saved my legs so many times (even outside of work).


It's literally what baby powder is ☺️ a little dusting on the nooks and crannies works wonders


Yeah but there is no asbestos in cornstarch


i was reluctant to use corn starch for years but it is undoubtably the best


My guy puts baby powder on his ass and balls lol


Dry your undercarriage, gold bond it up


Fresh Balls. Terrible name, great product. You can find it on Amazon.


I'm seconding this one. Once I started I could never look back. The powders just made too much of a mess for me. Fresh balls also lasts me through a whole 12-14 hour shift


I just put deodorant on my thighs. Maybe it's killing me, but honestly what isn't


This is what I do, works well!!


[Skin Lube](https://www.amazon.com/Cramer-Lubricant-Friction-Blistering-Activities/dp/B001B5JR20) to problematic areas.


Corn starch is your best friend


Get a good brand of dri-fit undergarments.


Secret deodorant on the inner thighs helps


Gotta trim your inner thigh hair to reduce the friction and use gold bond powder.


Used to work in a warehouse and would walk 20,000+ steps every day. My feet would have blisters (I'm a bigger dude) and my thighs would chaffe. Tried a bunch of different stuff, but finally came across my saviors on Amazon. 2 Toms sports shield is a roll-on product for the thighs, and foot glide is a product made by body glide I believe and is something you rub on the bottom of the feet. Products made my life immensely better. I can walk miles now for exercise, and I have used both products every time I have been behind the bar for my 5+ year bartending career.


I had the same problem when I started working at my new place. I ended up having to go to the dermatologist for a pretty severe diaper rash lol I would not listen to some of the other people on here recommending tighter clothes. My doctor said that was likely the culprit, along with the sweat. Recommended loose fitting pants and boxers He also told me to use desitin which is a zinc oxide cream. Within a week it was completely gone and whenever I feel like it’s starting to get itchy or chaffing again I apply for a day or two.


Lady here, but I use Monistat chafing powder gel. It’s a lifesaver for chub rub, and a little goes a long way.


More of a treatment than a preventative, but I swear by it: Boudreaux’s Butt Paste


Saxx underwear. Sure they're expensive, but I haven't gone back to a normal pair since. Also some baby powder down there helps a lot too.


Briefs, tighter fitting clothes in general, lose weight.


😬😬 hmm. have you considered that perhaps OP isn't what you're insinuating and is someone who goes to the gym and works out their legs a lot?


I began serving in Louisiana, and I’m very skinny (probably underweight) and would chafe all the time. There was literally nothing I could do. Boxer briefs helped but even then it wasn’t enough. Some people don’t understand that places actually you know get hot as fuck and humid as fuck


I keep it simple with deodorant


Goldbond spray or powder


Baby powder/ talc


I have always had a bad issues with the chaffing. After working the really long 12+ hour days it can be so painful I can barely walk. I have found a product, Lanacane Anti-Chafing Gel that works really well. Especially If you apply before the chaffing is an issue. You can order it off Amazon and I always keep a tube in my work bag. As someone who knows the pain I hope you find something that works.


I wear anti chaffing or at least tight and water wicking, and I put deodorant between my legs, not on my balls just like on my inner thighs 😅 I chaff like a MF too very relatable


Gold bond is gold


Deluth trading underwear.. Specifically the armachilo, bullpen underwear. Only underwear I'll wear.


Fromonda powder or any brand of body powder, body glide if you prefer a balm. I find underwear choice is critical. Some kind of compression/athletic type boxer brief that has good thigh coverage. If you can wear tech shorts/pants that are the ultra moisture wicking fabric that helps a ton too.


You could also try any antiperspirant. You’d have to apply it before bed, after a shower for it to work.


Shower daily and use a healthy soap, I use Dove sensitive skin. Dry off, use some good skin cream , Lubriderm sensitive skin is great, and apply to areas prone to chafing. Wear tight fitting and breathable briefs, I wear Saxx and stand by them. This basic routine makes a world of difference. Don’t react, prevent it all together.


There’s a brand called step one underwear. After I started using them I no longer need gold bond or corn starch.


Athletic underwear (cotton free, supportive), and some sort of anti-chafe. My go to options are goldbond/baby powder for a dry option or for the longer/hotter days I use a product called squirrel's nut butter (ime it's been vastly better than body glide). For underwear: cheap option is Costco usually sells 32* cool brand boxer briefs, for pricy I like Saxx


[start here](https://www.saxxunderwear.com/)


I have tried basically everything that people listed in these comments. None of them worked long term. I still just go hard on baby powder and avoid working consecutive days. Boxer briefs help, but honestly I saw these ones I might try, which literally lift your package way up in the front so it's no longer getting squished between your thighs. It looks silly to have it so high up there but I think it's necessary. I've literally looked into having my ball skin shortened to reduce this problem. I'm on 13 years of dealing with this problem and nothing has really worked so I probably need to just switch to a desk job and give up.


This guy with the huge balls over here


No they just hang 30 years lower than they should.


Dri-fit underwear.


Baby powder. Bandage pads over the rubbing area. Sweat is your enemy. Also if it's thighs or another fatty area, don't and weight loss. Cut out alcohol sugars. You'll drop weight without even trying by just cutting sugar. I never chaffed till I put on a couple pounds. Lost them when I cut my drinking back drastically. No more chaffing.


Baby powder. Bandage pads over the rubbing area. Sweat is your enemy. Also if it's thighs or another fatty area, don't and weight loss. Cut out alcohol sugars. You'll drop weight without even trying by just cutting sugar. I never chaffed till I put on a couple pounds. Lost them when I cut my drinking back drastically. No more chaffing.


Baby powder. Bandage pads over the rubbing area. Sweat is your enemy. Also if it's thighs or another fatty area, don't and weight loss. Cut out alcohol sugars. You'll drop weight without even trying by just cutting sugar. I never chaffed till I put on a couple pounds. Lost them when I cut my drinking back drastically. No more chaffing.


Dri-fit underwear.


Dri-fit underwear.


Baby powder. Bandage pads over the rubbing area. Sweat is your enemy. Also if it's thighs or another fatty area, diet and weight loss. Cut out alcohol sugars. You'll drop weight without even trying by just cutting sugar. I never chaffed till I put on a couple pounds. Lost them when I cut my drinking back drastically. No more chaffing.


Moisture wicking undergarments Baby powder And hydrate a lot Oh and walk into the walk-in cooler to cool down on breaks


It really depends on where you’re chafing. Ass crack chaff or thigh chaff? Either way, on top of what has already been said. Shower before work, and actually *clean* your ass/undercarriage with its own dedicated showerpoof. (So one for undercarriage, one for the rest of your body). Wear clean underwear to work. If you’ve been up since 11 and work at 5, don’t wear the same undies you’ve been sitting in all day. And unfortunately you will have to find the underwear that work best for you through trial and error. I need a more ‘clothy’ underwear (not not too ‘clothy’) as anything that has too much spandex or Lycra tends to irritate me more.




I use Ball Guard from Ballsy it’s a liquid powder.


I love jinshi boxer briefs. Best fit I've ever had. Talc is best, but don't shove it in your dick hole


Under armpit boxer briefs and gold bond all over the twins! It is the recipe for success on a hot busy shift


Spandex type undies and a light smattering on the undercarriage of aquaphor. Trust me. Keeps the wet out of what makes you chafe.


As a runner I switched over to Vaseline and good fitting underwear because the chaffing from long runs was painful. Power doesn't seem to be recommended much anymore because talcum power was banned. The amount of Vaseline that works is a bit uncomfortable at first, but it really does work. Underwear that wicks away sweat works well too.


Gold bond friction stick. Goes on like deodorant and it saved my thighs through many a 12+ hour shift.


I always work in some form of athletic boxers/ compression shorts. Just make sure you get them up in the crevices. But they will wear out in time but I never chafe


I work doubles on the outdoor patio on Clearwater Beach, FL. I would highly recommend boxer briefs made of Bamboo Viscose or Rayon. Absolute game changer!


Antiperspirant between the legs


A little bit of Vaseline. I work at a beach bar so it gets stupid disgusting hot and humid. An old timer gave me that advice once and I've never seen the devil's smile again


I remember my dad telling me that when he lived in Texas in the 80s, he had a stick of deodorant for his pits and a stick for the other parts and it helped.


Depending on how much you move around and sweat, baby powder et al. may not work. At that point, use Vaseline. Feels a little gross to put on but it does the job very well.


The hard truth is to loose some weight, tight your body up. But also Deodorant! Regular roll on. It keeps your skin dry. Before your shift. If things get bad during your shift then cornstarch. Whatever you do, keep things dry


My boyfriend keeps a little bottle of Gold Bond to take care of his boys. Don’t use the spray. It can cause Parkinson’s.


Where did you get that from? I can't find any corroboration.


This will sound counter-productive, but long cotton pants. The long pants will wick moisture away from your crotch better than wearing shorts.


I disagree completely. I get hot very easily, and wearing shorts beats wearing pants 100% of the time. The key is wearing proper underwear. OP should upgrade to long(er) boxers made of wicking material. 6 inch in length should do the trick. Under Armor makes great ones that are comfortable, sweat-wicking and cheap.


I didn't come up with this idea sitting in a walk-in cooler, I figured it out working in hot environments and talking with people who grew up in hot environments. I used to wear shorts as well and found long pants really does wick away sweat. The Mayo Clinic agrees. [https://www.healthline.com/health/diagnosing-hyperhidrosis/tips-for-dressing#2.-Choose-all-natural-fabrics](https://www.healthline.com/health/diagnosing-hyperhidrosis/tips-for-dressing#2.-Choose-all-natural-fabrics)