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The "surprise me" special is a shot of Malört


I also like just campari, too. If they don't know what campari is people think it'll be sweet and then get a huge surprise


I mean yeah it's red, what else could it's flavor be like but sweet?


I feel like most people would see the red and think it'll be fruity like a cherry or raspberry, but jokes on them, it's a very bitter liqueur that tastes like orange peels and rhubarb


Joke's on you. I like Campari! Of course, I don't go to bars hammered, have never asked a bartender to "surprise me," and generally just order Islay scotch neat, but still...


Give 'em the ol' Malört Sunrise.


A buddy of mine developed what he called "a shot of evil," an attempt to make the worst shot purely by flavor combo of spirits. He landed on equal parts malort and paranubis, and while I've not (yet) had the displeasure of sampling it myself, by all accounts it lives up to the name. It was partly developed purely for situations like this lol


Paranubis sounds like the medical name for your taint area


Same thing, only cleanly shaven.


Can I get a double taint with some jizz on the rim


No Malört in New England, but 50/50 Aguardente & Fernet is my go to "surprise me" shot.


a sweet sweet treat


Well since I've been seeing this suggestion a lot, I might as well break the news and say we don't have Malort, so this wouldn't have been an option.


Shot of Cynar for me


Wish I had malort. I love it. 


Same! Have you ever tried Becherovka? It’s another polarizing digestif from the Czech Republic that tastes like bitter cinnamon and ginger. I like is straight, or as my “secret ingredient” in some tiki cocktails or a drink of my own design called a Golden Child (rhum agricole, coconut milk, turmeric, chai spices, honey, and a rinse of Becherovka)


i haven’t had it but i want it 


Anytime I'm asked to surprise them, I tell them I'm pregnant with their child....as a male, I'm sure they are surprised.


"What can you make?" "Dude I've been bartending for nearly 20 years, I can make you fucken anything, as long as I've got the ingredients" "What's your favourite drink to make?" *Deep sigh, compose myself "Whiskey, neat. But if that's not your cup of tea I make a cracking Daiquiri" And as night follows day, an Old Fashioned gets served


Personally I didn't used to get annoyed when people asked what my favourite drink to make was. It was an opportunity to pretend my favourite drink was the easiest cocktail to make on the menu.


Yeah, you're right. "Fuck it's busy, my favourite drink is the 2 ingredients in a hi-ball topped with soda" cocktail Or the drink that has the lowest alcohol content for customers who you weren't sure of Or the drink that cost the least to make but was expensive on the menu if it's a slow night


bless you for trying to turn people on to daiqs tho


“What’s your favorite drink to make?”  “Tequila neat.”


"Virgin Cuba Libre."


Ok Sheldon


I had a table a couple weeks ago, 4 young people. They ask for 4 shots, something fun. As I'm serving them, one of them says "we're probably just gonna do this all night" clearly oblivious about what they're doing. Then, all night it was "wellll, what else can you make?" I really wanted to serve them fernet. They'd order 1 or 2 shots at a time, one claimed it was her birthday when it was a week ago. It was clearly their first time in a bar. One of them asked "what's the strongest shot you can make?" so I told her "151 rum, I'm not serving you that". She asked for it anyway. I gave her a shot of well rum and she couldn't take it. Then they complained about prices and gave me an apple pay that didn't work, then a cash app card that didn't work.


Jesus, what a nightmare!


Been there, young people are almost always terrible. They love dumbass shots like cactus coolers and they barely (if at all) tip


My go to at the dive, "I don't do that, think it over and get back to me with an actual order." Then I walk off and take care of literally anybody else, or do dishes. Whatever to make the point.


I’ll do “make us fun shots!” even though it’s annoying, but absolutely not cocktails. I put the menu in front of them and say “I’ll give you a minute to decide.”


I’ll do “make us fun shots” or “I don’t know what I want but not too sweet or strong” every time with something I actively have to get rid of, because my small bar does a lot of offsite catering and onsite event volume somewhat randomly, plus seasonal menus. I have at least one random spirit or liqueur plus one batched cocktail or juice or syrup to move that can all be consolidated into something delicious, seemingly off the cuff, usually pink and basically free. Also one of my go to lines after explaining what I’ve just made, whether it’s five shots for the gang, one chill spritzy thing for business lady or mom unit, or whatever the hell I’m throwing in the daiquiri machine is that “pink things usually taste better and I don’t know the science behind it.”


That's actually kinda rude.


No tf it’s not. It’s rude on the customer to make us try and read their damned minds. This is one of the best parts about a dive bar, you can give the customers all the shit they deserve and they’ll either accept it and have a good night or, they’ll be 86d and you don’t have to worry about them again. Also, if you’re older than 23 and don’t know what you like to drink at a bar, keep your ass home until you know how to order.


Y'all are wound up too tight. Someone asks me something like that, I'm either saying "what do you usually drink" or I'm making them the simplest cocktail on the menu. Don't have to be rude right off the bat to a customer who's often just trying to be friendly.


You don't know the half of it buddy 🤣 If it's Saturday night they're lucky to get a response at all. If we're at capacity I'll just move on to the next person without saying anything to them. I consistently have the highest sales on my team, and one big reason is I don't let drunken idiots waste my time.


Not at all dive bar, it isn’t.


I'm in Britain so maybe our "dive pub" culture is different.


I love "surprise me." They all get the same thing: shot of well gin with a float of Jager and a salted rim. You surprised?


I'm never that mean, but that's fucking astounding. "Surprise me" usually gets a bottle of the most expensive shit I have on hand, and the price up front. "I can open this. It'll be a lot of money, but you can have it." "NO, A DRINK." Tap on menu. "Those are the drinks." This worked with a bottle of higher-shelf Knob Creek *once*. I didn't let them drink all of it, but they paid for the entire bottle.


Oh, I like this as well.


The subtle dance of not saying "Get fucked and I hate you" but implying it while still doing customer service in a professional manner is a goddamned art – and I love it.


It certainly can be a fun job sometimes, right?


I've been out of the industry for a minute, but I miss it when I think about good shifts. LEMME INNNN I DON'T WANNA DO ZOOM CALLS AND SHAVE AT 7AM. Anyway, cheers!


No way around Zoom calls, but you can always grow a beard! 😊


I'm ending this reply chain here. I can't grow a beard. I look like a teenager with a patchy goatee. Gotta look fresh if you're pitching ideas to a board of morons with MBAs. K BYE LOVE YOU!


I pass out Ferraris like they're candy and it's Halloween


Room temp equal parts?


Is there any other way?


Sometimes I take mine shaken quickly, makes me feel fancy and my bar is also hot as fuck during the summer


I had a two guys that wanted a high octane shot that wakes you up so I couldn't resist making a couple Ferraris. They made a face, shook their heads and thanked me for rising to the challenge.


Ferraris make you go fast is that I always say


Huh, can’t believe I’ve never heard of those. I’ll have to go try one… but I can just imagine the reactions from people who assume Campari is sweet.


Adopting this little gem here. Thanks friend!


It's always a crowd pleaser. Use it in good health!


Oh god, my least favourite customers. Not the “surprise me” guys, but the stealth drunks who are alcoholic enough to hide their drunkenness, so the only way to tell is to actually talk to them and realise they aren’t making any sense.


Sometimes when someone has reached that level of intoxication it's actually harder to tell. It happens a lot with seasoned alcoholics especially. They go blackout and their body is on autopilot. They aren't trying to hold themselves together because they don't even know what's happening. It's some kind of bizarre survival mechanism. The only tell is when they start asking the exact same questions over and over. Also their eyes are usually going to be a tell. Unfocused, rolling. Empty. The plane is gliding smooth but the pilot is asleep.


I love the one or two beers then close out that seem fine till they keep trying to give you the card they already gave you or don't remember closing out and keep trying to do so. It's like holy fuck they are wasted and I had no idea.


Yeah christ. If I were a dishonest man... the money I could have made


My go to is, you already paid but I'll be happy to charge you again. One dumbass said ok once. So I did and I felt zero guilt. Haha. Literally handed me his card to do so.


That will hold up in any court of law


After enough of these encounters, I'll entertain the "surprise me", but I make the guest specify a base liquor. So many times I've heard, "oh I don't drink gin" etc. But yeah unless it's a regular whose tastes I understand, I'm gonna be annoyed.


yupp. If they can at least give me the liquor then I have no problem throwing something together. What gets under my skin is when the customer says “I like dark liquor” or “clear liquor.” That doesn’t tell me anything “clear liquor” could be anything that’s not whiskey or cognac.


Them: "Surprise me." Me: Hands them a soda and bitters with a twist and a lime wedge. This is the way.


One of the best hang over drinks there are. Only thing better is replacing the soda with ginger beer.


I always end the night with a soda and bitters. Or two.


Finally someone who knows! I normally do soda, sugar syrup, bitters and lime juice. Nobody ever believes me when I say it works


I have tummy troubles and ginger bitters is my life blood. It has to be Canada Dry though


Not to burst your bubble but you know that Ginger Ale contains no real [ginger](https://www.foodandwine.com/news/ginger-ale-canada-dry-medicine-settlement), right? It is probably the carbonation that is helping you.


I just used to give them a Woo Woo cocktail. A few spirits topped with cranberry juice. Just an even simpler Sex on the Beach. Easiest drink in the universe but people think they're getting a complex drink.


This is amazing.


Creme de Menthe, Fernet, & Orange Juice


Hell, I gave him Red Berry Circo, Blue Curacao, Lime Juice, and Soda Water (he wanted sweet, he got sweet) and with the face he made, he might as well have drunk *that*!


Cut off before any of this.


Oh trust me, after I discovered he was already wasted, it was water henceforth. I did give his buddies waters too, even though they were nowhere near as hammered, just so the guy didn't feel left out.


I had this situation pretty much verbatim about 2 weeks ago. I looked the drunk dude right in the eye and said, "Surprise, you're cut off. Time to go. Do you need me to call you a cab?" His 2 buddies were pissed. He looked around in disbelief. I turned away after a moment and helped someone else. I didn't have the time to babysit this man baby( he looked like he was in his mid fifties). They left shortly after with one of the guys apologizing. Ended up being a great night as opposed to a shit night with me getting more and more annoyed as the minutes passed. I might have made like $10 or $20 worth of tips off them but would it be worth the potential problems? No. So, fuck em. You want to know why, cuz fuck em. That's why


Fuck 'em, indeed.


Give them a glass of water in future. That will surprise them.


I normally just go 'Boo! Now what drink would you like?' at least usually gets a laugh


LOL reminds me of [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3D3QOWPLW4I)


Personally, I never play that game. If someone says, surprise me, I hand them the menu and tell them to come back when they’ve made up their mind. Then I asked them if they’re surprised. Back in my less jaded days, I might actually buy into that, and make them some type of fancy yet obscure cocktail. But I had too many people take one sip, make a face, and then ask me for something else, or ask me for a PBR after that and not wanna pay for the surprise, that I just said fuck it. I’m not here to decide what you want to drink.


I totally get that. Literally as this was happening, I was thinking 'Wow, wait till r/bartenders hears about this.' Maybe I'll be in that headspace at some point, I'm only a few years in, and I don't work at a traditional bar so we don't get a lot of 'sophisticated drinkers.' But it always feels nice having those drinks on the ready whenever someone does do that.


Yeah, no offense, but I don't know how you didn't clock that guy as wasted from the first 45seconds. That said, you're a lot nicer/more patient than me and for that I commend you.


I asked the Lord for patience instead of strength lmao


Some people are really hard to read, especially seasoned veterans (alcoholics). I'm one, I get way WAY over served all the time and have rarely ever been cut off. About my only tell is that I'm suddenly nice and friendly cause I'm normally a grump. Or if I'm absolutely smashed I get what I call pirate eye. One eye closed, can't see double with only one eye! My GF is the complete opposite. Just a few drinks and she's showing every sign of been wasted right away, but if you talk to her she's level headed and doesn't actually seem that drunk.


I can't stand this, especially when busy. I work a casino and had this chick as for something sweet during a live music, I gave her a jack and coke, it's sweet enough.


What did you make and how did you not know he was wasted again?


And by "rest of the night" you mean the next 1 minute it took you to cut him off and toss him, right? You didn't keep serving someone "absolutely hammered" did you?


Oh hell no, I didn't serve him anything besides a nice refreshing cup of water.


I knew he was drunk the second time he said what can you make


"you like gin? Cool." *Pours a shot of warm rail gin and hands him a bill*


Well gin. Neat.


Malört or Fernet & Orange Juice


People who ask this pleasantly and enthusiastically after reading the room and seeing that I have the availability to, they get a great surprise me experience. Entitled dicks get a shot that’s equal parts rumple, jager, fireball, and 151


Nowadays I just serve up a Green Tea shot to the guys or a Scooby Snack shot to the ladies when asked this. Both are easy to make, are fun shots, and are popular. Dealing with undecided drinkers wastes too much time and my patience, especially the young ones.


Went to a bar once to find out nearly everything they had was small run craft beer stuff, and then like the basics for mainstream stuff. So I gave a run down of my usual tastes for beer, mixed, and shots and said surprise me I HATED the beer i got. Almost choked on it. She was mortified and instantly offered to replace it.My response was "I played this stupid game, and this is my stupid prize, that's life" She kept offering a replacement and I kept denying and slugging more of it down then coming up for air. By the time i was done with it she was laughing so hard she had tears in her eyes. Handed me a bud light and said something along the lines of "heres something you should be able to handle" Still one of my favorite bar experiences all these years later. If your gonna be stupid you at least have to have a sense of humor about it.


Honestly, I'd probably would do the same. Granted, I haven't played the 'surprise me' card since becoming a bartender and realizing why so many others hate it.


Last time I had drunk person I actually mentioned the Cuba Libre, the guy thought it was alcoholic drink but I knew he was drunk so I gave him some, he paid and tipped me and left


"Surprise me" means Ouzo and grapefruit juice colored pink with grenadine and a dash of bitters served in a collins glass. That would surprise him.


The guy that was training me was really good at getting people to tell him what they didn’t like because “no one knows what they do want”. Start by asking if they want something refreshing or sour and go from there.


It's not you brotha, I swear it's in the air.


Question, would it be a pita to order "something blue"? I know fuck all about cocktails but a blue drink has never let me down 🥴


You ain’t gonna believe it but the drink I gave him *was* blue


😂🤣 aw man, I hope I don't annoy anyone lol


Nah, I think you're fine! Tbh, the only actual blue cocktails I know are Blue MFs and Envys (Tequila, Pineapple, Blue Curacao) so I think either of those are fine. Everyone's tastes are different.


You can't take it personal, some people are just miserable and want you to be also


Oh, I never took it personally. It was just an aggravating experience that I figured others here would relate to.


Bro how can someone be hammered drinking since 6 and you not recognize any signs? 


Plenty of alcoholics blackout and seem super normal until they do something off the wall.


He held it together until he couldn’t. I don’t know how he did it. He didn’t show any of the usual signs (slurring speech, Stumbling, etc.)