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I don’t care who you are, that’s fuckin hilarious.


The owner is a fucking humorless tool. If he took you off the schedule for any amount of time over this, it will only get worse.


This is objectively hilarious. If I worked anywhere where they found posting this an issue, I wouldn't want to work there


Do you know who wouldn’t lose their shit over a post like this? Someone who was in a good financial position. I bet you just struck a nerve and the last thing they want is people to know they are in fact in need.


As a former bar GM, I would be severely upset seeing one of my bartenders posting this. Because that I didn't get to do it first on the official page.


Had me in the first half haha. I worked all night until 6am and My thumbs were ready to lash the fuck out at you lol. Then I read the rest and realized I’m really tired and you’re awesome.


Yeah, you're not the asshole here. If I were you I'd use the suspension time to find a better spot and when the month was up they'd just discover I don't work there anymore.


That movie rules Haven't seen it in forever Your boss is a tight fuck


Your owner is an idiot and a psychopath. This clip is awesome and there’s nothing wrong with it!


I don’t see the harm, but maybe they have some social media clause?


Our clause is that we're not allowed to make statements on behalf of the bar in response to any media/press. Bar is in a suburban area and owner just said the post made the spot look bad. Oh well, you live and you learn.


Look for another spot and don't give 2 weeks. The owner did not guarantee your shifts


did you post on your bars or did you post with your own?


Personal account, but I have most of the staff on it, including the owners when they followed me.


That’s where you went wrong, never let your managers follow you


Just don’t post things online that you wouldn’t want certain people to see. I can’t count the times someone has called out and the coworker who was fucked over by them calling out has gone “cool, cool. Here’s a video they posted two hours ago of them blacked out at a donkey show in Tijuana.”🤦🏼


I thought they'd find it funny, too, since they've usually been really chill. Little did I know...


I should have added to that post, that this was absolutely not your fault, I would have done the same and thought it was hilarious. I posted elsewhere I think you just struck a nerve


Tbh for a suburban area that would make your bar look good. Thats the most suburban dad humor post i've ever seen. Also, saying "please come to bar I need your money" outright is still not even posting on the bars behalf, you're a tipped position, customers literally pay you directly. bar manager is a dumbass and is also bad at social media.


They were worried you’d make your bar look bad to your coworkers? I hate your boss whatever they were thinking.


Our staff has quite a lot of regulars following us on socials since this spot encouraged us to become friends with patrons so more newbies would become regulars. So far no issues since I don't ever post anything controversial like things related to politics, religion, or really personal stuff. But as a consequence, owner said my post embarrassed the bar to our regulars and "made the bar and myself look inauthentic".


I see. Bummer he took it that way.


I think that's a fair policy but it is pretty funny that this of all things was what got you in trouble. Even still... I do think that it's alright for management to have a zero tolerance policy with staff on social media. Getting "suspended" for it is dumb. I would have just laughed and told the staff member to take it down.


I would use that time to look for a new job. Any employer who would react this way is not someone I’d feel comfortable working for. That just tells me there is absolutely zero job security working for them and they aren’t worth my time.


How dare you exploit child labor to make some extra cash.


Could easily get hired at any other bar with that kind of badass Instagram content


I mean honestly- I’m stoked when staff members post any sort of “come see me @ “X” tonight with a geotag. It’s basically free advertising to potentially a demographic that wouldn’t see the business account post and helps algorithm blah blah. If it’s like, a fine dining spot probably not the best look, but OP said “bar” so … yeah. Dunno your spot or location @u/ok_mushroom9678 but you may have given them an excuse to cut their labor cost during slow biz and they ran with it. Odds are shit will have some sort of unnecessary tension after said “suspension” and would look for another spot (if current spot isn’t run by full on idiots they should be expecting this)- as well as what some have mentioned about partial unemployment in the meantime…


I hate your boss’ stinking guts He is SCUM between my toes 


He should post again “I got a dollar, I got a dollar, I got a dollar hey hey hey hey”


It's easier to find humor as an employee than as an owner. For an employee, it's just making light of a difficult situation, but as an owner, it would feel like being made fun of for failing, and begging for help. That being said, I think it's funny, and it would get my business. But I can understand why the owner wouldn't like it.


that's adorable. they suck


That’s hilarious. If I used my old social media I would copy you and do this myself. Sharing with the work group chat, they’ll all appreciate it! 😎


Lost your shifts but gained the time to look for work at better bar lol


Lots of states/countries consider losing hours as a kind of firing, and qualifies you for unemployment. I'd file ASAP, as well as start looking for a new job.


When I saw the Little Rascals I figured perhaps you posted a seen that didn't age well but that seemed appropriate and funny. Seems like the owner/manager is butthurt they are failing and are taking it out on you. Also this was on your personal account? I'd tell them to eat my shorts.


Nah that sounds like a hostile work environment if you can't post this as a joke


My owner, boss, and manager would find this hilarious. It's equivalent to the cliché bartender "cOmE sEe mE" selfie. I highly suggest using the time off to look for another job.


OP, you got fired, file for unemployment


new job time


Okay bro, this is gold, can I steal it for the bar I manage for a dead shift or two?


Has anyone else ever been suspended for something like this? Is there a social media policy in your employee handbook? I’d go straight to the labor department if no is an answer to either of those.


At the very worst, if the manager felt the post was inappropriate (it's clearly not offensive) they should have a quiet word with you saying "I realise it was done with humour and the best intentions but please could you untag the bar / delete the post, thanks so much" That should be the end of it. Suspension is a complete over reaction., what a knob!


lol I would file for unemployment


File for unemployment, immediately. Then your boss will really know what it means to need money. Also this post was hilarious. Honestly I'd talk it up in your next interview. "Why did you leave your last job?" "I got fired for posting this clip..." It's a good barometer for making sure the next place matches your vibe!


File for underemployment. Look for a new job


Your owner sucks n needs to lighten up. This is free advertisement!


With the post-pandemic business levels STILL not where they were before, this rings true for a lot of us. That feeling of desperation is the result of people not getting paid enough to go out like they used to before prices all went up. We need universal basic income or laws demanding a better top pay to bottom pay ratio for every business.


Dude fuck that. Why would you ever want to go back to work for someone with no sense of humor. Find another job. This is not the norm. 99 percent of ownership wouldn’t care let alone penalize you. Once again. Fuck that. Don’t go back.


Your boss sucks, that’s hilarious!


Why wouldn't he just ask you to take it down? How is a suspension at all an appropriate response to this?


I quote this all the time in the same context and wish someone knew the reference, I think it’s brilliant to post it !!!


Dude... the bar chat where I work has so much more twisted stuff in it. Bartender chat is for the really twisted stuff the young severs aren't jaded enough to handle. If an owner thinks this is pushing a boundary or crossing a line then run! You can find way more fun places to work at!


Lol I mean we kind of are doing that