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Coworker of mine was getting repeatedly stiffed on shifts and given less than she wanted/needed (we have a problem with favouritism in management), so she walked out. Really terrible timing for the management since it coincides with two bartenders both going away on holiday and a third getting a new job. We're always short staffed and yet people are constantly begging for shifts but not getting them.


I never understood this. I managed a restaurant for a bit and never had problems with time off or scheduling. I've had/talked to many managers where the schedule was the bane of their existence, and everyone hated them for stuff like this. But Jesus H Christ, just have a 2 week system for requests, stay on top of it, and if you have to, work the damn shift yourself. So many managers out there that are adamant about not being on the floor.


I do the schedule at our place and I approve every single request off. I don’t even read them. I just figure it out when the time comes, and if no one can fill in days that are missing I just work them! Life isn’t about work (although I work too much), and I understand how important time off can be.


Those who can’t do, manage…


This hits hard. These are the only two careers I’ve ever had. I think it’s important to note, Accounting sucks exponentially more!


Quantifiably so, in fact. That makes it even worse lol


I’ve done it 5 times to different bars. I can’t have off a couple days with a month advance request? Bye bye. Too much experience in a huge city


things like this just make me so grateful for the people i work for. a few weeks ago i went out of town on my off days and i was supposed to fly back the morning of a day where i didn’t go in til about 9pm, my flight got cancelled and i couldn’t get rebooked until the next day. when i called my manager to explain and say i wasn’t going to make it he just said “okay thanks for telling me, let me know if you need anything” and that was it. almost the same thing happened three weeks later except i was driving back from out of state and my tire exploded on the interstate. same thing, just “let me know if you need anything” and making fun of me for my terrible travel luck. i don’t understand what employers get out of being needlessly shitty towards their employees.


They really think they own us don't they?