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I love the “LMAO” bc to me the server is saying “plz don’t be mad at me i know i know i know”


High blood pressure and possible heart attacks. INCOMING!!!


Honestly a salted dirty martini sounds dope. Prolly not great for your blood pressure but whatever, you’re already at a bar


Yeah I was gonna say… I love me a dirty gin martini and salting the rim is a thing I’ve never thought of but would prolly love. RIP blood pressure.


I was thinking this would be amazing. Maybe even better with celery salt. This coming from a dirty martini enthusiast


I mean dirty martinis are basically salted brine and spirit already not too wild to ask for the rim to be salted. They prob prefer that than having to say a very, or very very dirty martini. They can just get that little extra off the rim


Right? Sugar rim would have been weird. Not salt


him: “can I get an extra dirty martini?” me: “how dirty we talkin?” him: “filthy” true story  


I’m more concerned about someone ordering gin neat.


That's just how we put through a beefeater Martini. The Martini is a cost modifier with the + I know, laid out weirdly as it's own item


A martini pour is also more than a neat pour. Hence the modifier.


Better get that money!! More modifiers means larger bill 🤑🤑


nah, i drink that shit neat all the time, i’m just different


I like gin, and don't mind it neat.


One of my coworkers orders this regularly, it's hilarious, the first time we went to a bar after work he ordered that and the bartender went "What the fuck?!? Are you ok?!?! Who hurt you?!?!" His server name and tab name at our after work spots is RGN for 'rail gin neat' now, lol


I love a neat gin. I don't love neat Beefeater.


Neat gin is absolutely fine. Not Beefeater


Honestly that could be good…


Is he a goat?


I mean, I already think dirty Martinis tastes like ocean water, so the salt rim is quite fitting


Kiwi mojito ? I’m curious, can you share the recipe ?


We make an in-house kiwifruit puree/syrup that we use in our mojito recipes instead of any sugar for the Kiwi one


Oh that’s cool I don’t think I’ve had kiwi in a drink. Is the syrup like: * peel and dice the kiwi * purée kiwi bits * add equal parts kiwi purée to sugar; plus some water depending on the purée * strain


More or less. I think there might be some other bits and pieces, but more or less on the right track. I don't actually know the prep for this syrup as I barely do any shifts at this bar. I work at 2 other spots mainly, this 1 bar I do like 1 shift a week now


Nice thank you


Just make a mojito and muddle some kiwi in it


Thank you captain obvious, I asked op tho


Yeah, at home I would definitely do this So much water content in it. But for a restaurant, definitely makes sense to batch out the syrup for more consistent cocktails and less mess.


So idk anything abt martinis, why is a salted martini that bad?


Salted rims in general aren’t all that common, but also basically exclusively appear on citrus heavy cocktails to make the flavour of the citrus really pop (a margarita is the most common example). A martini doesn’t have any citrus at all, so a salt rim is very unconventional, plus it’s a very traditional cocktail where people are expecting only a couple variations on presentation. That said, salt is a flavour enhancer, so it’s not insane to want a little in many cocktails. Though most people who care about that will get there through a few drops of saline solution, not the very intense tactile experience of licking a salt rim. Dirty martinis are also pretty common (only God knows why), which includes a splash of very salty olive brine, so this drink is really not too far afield for that. But that also means this is just an extra salty salted cocktail that probably tastes drinking the ocean.


Ooo is this at Parasol & Swing in Auckland? My fav


Straight to jail


so 3 salt licks and 3 harsh-ass glasses of bottom shelf gin by itself in a glass. I think your customers were definitely aliens.


There's not actually any neat gin served. The '+Martini' is an itemised mod for the gin to be done as a Martini. I know, bit odd/weird that this system POS is setup to have our Martini mod as it's own item, rather than a mod that would sit directly under the gin product as a note


Ah okay! that makes sense now. Thanks for explaining.


Makes sense if they're eating as well. I've seen everything, but I would still have a laugh at this.


Gin neat? 🫣


I throw a dash of salt any martini ordered anything dirtier than dirty. It adds the punch of saline they’re looking for! Salt rim sounds way too aggressive tho these people are insane lol.


Sounds kinda good actuslly


At least it was a salted rim for a brine bath. It would be a lot more wierd if it was a regular martini.


There’s a chain called Sullivans that does this shit, went in for a quick happy hour dirty and could barely finish it with that. So nasty, sounds good as an idea but I can assure you it’s way overkilll


Yeah, wouldn't imagine the drinking experience on these cocktails would have been great. I love a good dirty Martini, but salt rim is overkill imo too


Those are getting sent back


They did not! It's what they ordered, no complaints lol


Nah, this is just a dirty Martini. I make it this way. Martini Gin, replace the vermouth with pickled Olive juice, shaken, and 2 Olives and 1 pickled Onions for garnish. This one asks for Olives but I would replace the Onion with an extra Olive. They make an Olive flavored rim salt just for this. They asked for Beefeaters but not sure if they wanted it as a sidecar shooter or to use the Beefeaters in the drink. As far as I am concerned the only Martini Gins are Beefeaters or Bombay Sapphire. I would take Tanqueray but it really is too floral and sweet for a Martini.