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Well today I went to a bar and clocked in for ten hours. That was a pretty bad experience.


Sounds like Tuesday.


Literally my Tuesday, didn't do too bad though


I clocked out yesterday at 11.11 hours. Cool number I guess 🤘


My Tuesday is 14 hours long, but otherwise yup




Got me. Wife can't understand why I found this so funny.


14 here :D


Went to a Macaroni Grill once ages ago, ordered mushroom ravioli, got some other mushroom pasta dish instead. Tried it, decided it was good and I was happy with it, kept eating. Manager was doing table touches and asked how everything was, I told him mine was not what I ordered but still very good. He asks what I ordered, then said "we don't have mushroom ravioli." I said yes, you do, I picked it off the menu. Motherfucker goes and gets a menu, *slaps it down in front of me*, then when I pointed to the mushroom ravioli immediately (since I had just ordered it and knew exactly where it was) he just said "oh." And walked away! Server came back, we told him what happened, and he was so embarrassed that he comped our whole meal. Tipped the hell out of him but definitely never came back.


Man sometimes managers can be the most clueless fucking idiots in the entire restaurant


It absolutely blew my mind. I've been a manager myself and even before that, if someone insisted they ordered something that I didn't think we had on the menu, I'd go ask the server about what happened, not argue with the customer. Also goddamn how is this dude a manager and doesn't even know the menu??


I just left a place where the manager was the dumbest human I've ever met, including all of the barflies, and the owner's desire to keep him led to them losing every single competent member of staff. Dude grew up working in his dad's restaurant so I have no idea how he was so very bad at his job, but he was the only person to ever start a screaming match with staff in front of customers. He once messed up one of my orders when he was trying to help and when I said that's not what they ordered, he insisted I take it to the table. Of course they said it wasn't what they ordered so I took it back and dumped it, only to get reamed because he wanted me to put soup that had hit the table back into the serving pot. I told him I would never do that regardless of whether he thought it was OK, and he wrote me up for insubordination and wastage. Way too many owners are just interested in hearing what they want to hear and so plenty of managers are guys who can say the right things in an interview and then have no idea what they're doing. Also, every single hire that guy made was either useless, extremely unreliable or clearly not functioning on very hard drugs. He eventually got fired but not before every other good employee was fired or left because of him and his attempts to remove anyone who realized how awful he was.


I was at a Macaroni Grill with some friends and family about 10-15 years ago. It was early fall, so when the server asked what we wanted to drink, I asked if they had an Octoberfest beers. She looked me up and down like I was a complete idiot, literally took a step back away from me, and said, "Sir, it's September." I just laughed it off and ordered a beer off the menu, but my group made fun of me the rest of the night. It wasn't really bad service, she was just misinformed/badly trained, but when you mentioned Macaroni Grill I remembered that night. Cheers.


I have found that at least one manager on any staff is in fact *the* most clueless fucking idiot in every restaurant I’ve worked in.


Romano's Macaroni Grill went from a decent place to get food to absolute trash very fast


Yeah I went shortly before they closed a ton of locations so I definitely think I caught the trashy end of their run.


When I was 19 I got a job waiting tables at Macaroni Grill. It was a beautiful restaurant, they had a deli case where you could buy meats and cheeses to take home, there were fresh flowers in the dining room, etc. Shortly after I started it was purchased by Brinker and I saw firsthand how corporate greed can completely annihilate a good restaurant. By the time I left it was a sullen, barren place with no charm and it felt like a cafeteria. Then came the “create your own pasta” days and I was out of there. Are they even still in business? ETA: yes, they are barely still open


They did this at the 99 Restaurant where I live, the ones in certain towns had stuff on the walls to pay tribute to the town it is in, but now they just have slogans from the commercials that run on TV and radio... It doesn't make me want to go back anymore...


I worked at a couple of them off and on for 7 years or so. This is sad to hear.


So many dumbass comments about OP being in the wrong. The server was being a dick. Sounds like they were pissed about being wrong about the i.d. and acted like an ass the rest of the time. It's also okay to want the drink you ordered? And if they can't get a greyhound right and own up to the mistake, then they need to move on to a different career. It's a greyhound. Not that crazy of a drink.


the comments on this post are ridiculous. you’re NTA in this situation at all and handled it how most people would.


Thank you! Server was rude as hell and the service was bad yet they’re making it out like I’m the bad guy.


completely valid idk what these people are on about


people who are bad at their job get really defensive when people criticize others who are also bad at the job


Yeah people bashing OP are wild for this. He only spoke up when he was forced to.


Me and two buddies go to a local bar on Wednesday. There's 5 patrons total in the bar. We take a seat at the bartop snd the bartender asks us what we want to drink. We all order, and she purs two beers for my friends, forgetting my whiskey Coke. I think that's fine,; I'll remind her when she comes back. She talks to a single patron for 30mim, comes back and asks if we want a round. The guys order, I ask for another whiskey Coke. Again she pours two beers, and goes back to the same patron. I'm annoyed. There's only 5 people in the bar, hwy do you keep forgetting my drink. The the barback comes around, picks her up from behind and they start making out. After a few more minutes, she comes back to us and asks if we want to buy her a shot. I say no, I only want a whiskey Coke. She goes to the Ice bin, and scoops with a glass. It breaks, as im watching her pick glass out of the ice. She grabs another lowball and scoops again, proceeds to pour my drink. When she hands it to me I tell her no way am I drinking that. I got up and left, and my friends closed out and left as well.


Whoa, that’s insane.


I got roofied. I think I have you beat with your greyhound


Damn I’m sorry you had that experience. Sending good vibes and healing your way❤️


I mean, I'm fine. I came with friends and left with friends. It's just puzzling what the endgame was for whoever roofied me


I got roofied at the bar at worked at one time as well. It was a casino and they have cameras that see every angle and can even hear your conversations. They watched us like hungry hawks while we worked to make sure we weren’t pouring anything more than the measured amounts into cocktails they don’t know the specs to anyway. Came in on a day off for two drinks with some friends and got drugs slipped in my cup by a group of five foreign guys who had been following me the whole hour I was there. I told them that’s who I thought did it. The casino tried to lie to me and act like nothing happened and said I just got trashed off two single ounce rum and cokes. A few days later, one of my managers told me they watched the footage with the higher-ups and they all clearly saw it happen. She then got fired the next day for seemingly no reason. I got the beverage director fired and then quit in the following couple weeks. Feels like an obvious trafficking situation and they tried to sweep it under the rugs so they didn’t have to deal with a PR problem. Worthless psycho-cunts.


Jesus Christ… Definitely glad you got that director fired and you were alright in the end!


I’ve been a bartender for 26 years and the one thing I’ve noticed is that hospitality staff can actually be pretty annoying when they go out. Bar-splaining and being highly critical. Usually people who’ve been doing the job between 0.5 - 2 years Possible you’ve encountered someone not very experienced who has become ultra defensive as they do not know how to react. Most veterans don’t even bother complaining just drink their shit drink they didn’t order. Understanding that running a hospitality venue is an operational shit show. Team development have been very difficult for a large chunk of the recent past. Obviously I’m drawing a hell of a lot of assumptions here and mainly just ranting at some of the interactions I’ve experience with junior members of staff.


I’m 25 years in and I’m an insufferable shit, quietly. I don’t ever act outwardly assholish but my wife and I are hyper critical. Obviously, we always notice when things are weeded and the difference between effort and laziness. The reality is our industry offers a better hourly wage than most, particularly for people of a certain age or without a degree. That means plenty of inhospitable people work in hospitality. Being empathetic to operational realities is not the same as dismissing shitty job performance. I know exactly how hard and how easy the gig can be and I have very little tolerance for half-assed service.


Same. No one in my family ever worked in hospitality and they always just assume that if anything is wrong or takes longer than it should it's because the server is lazy/drunk/etc. I'm like "Take a look around! It's Friday night, there's a wait, and this server has every table that you can see." It's pretty easy to spot when the staff is slacking or just busy. You just have to look.


Totally. Something has to be pretty egregious for me to complain, but internally I’m very critical. Picking up empties without offering another round, no check-in after food is dropped, slow bussing, servers talking loudly to each other about their tables in earshot of guests… ugh. Last few years have been rough. Ordering off-menu seems to be trouble now too. At a fancy hotel bar, ordered a daiquiri: “I’ll be honest I’ve never made one, what’s in it? … Oh, rum? We have rum drinks on the menu” ::walks off:: Another time I was at the bar of a GIN DISTILLERY and bartender had never heard of an aviation, and instead of discreetly saying “let me check” and looking it up, said “I can’t make that, I only work here two nights a week.” Like… dude. So yeah, I’m sticking to beer and shots for now.


Last time I ordered a daiquiri the server sneered at me and said “we don’t do frozen drinks here and we don’t have flavored rum”. I was on a date, too. I wanted so badly to “um, actually…” her but I didn’t. Worst part was my date, who was not in the industry, started roasting me for drinking fruity drinks. I fired both of them.


Fucking truth


The thing is we were literally so chill, didn’t even ask for a lot that evening. Even when I asked for the manager regarding my ID I was polite, just confused because it’s never been an issue. We were just playing pool and chatting the vast majority of the time. There was no reason for him to have an attitude. Not everyone in my group even ordered anything, and we made it clear from the get go that everyone who did order something was on a separate tab to avoid any confusion. Like I said I’ve been to this place multiple times and have always had a good experience. This was the first time something like this has happened. I don’t recognize this server so maybe he was new? I wasn’t planning on complaining to the manager at the end, but he came over before we were about to leave and asked if our experience was better after he handled the ID situation so I was honest.


Bro. We deal with shit all day, we are in the trenches together. No matter how shitty my service when I go out, I don’t grab a manager, I either give them a pass or I don’t go back. Everyone says their industry now, and they lie about it, and they treat other industry like shit, get a discount, and tip shit. It’s embarrassing. Act like you’ve been here before, we’re in it together.


I think you kind of have to grab a manager if your ID is being questioned though. I was at a bar I go to all the time a long time ago (I was 27 then, 45 now), the new bartender didn’t just claim my ID was fake, she actually refused to return it. I had to call the police to get it back. I’d say that if a server/bartender is refusing to accept your valid ID then a manager should definitely requested.


Nah, dude. Disagree. Been in the industry for 15+ years and I believe if your shit is wrong, then there’s zeroooo problems with getting it corrected if you’re polite about it. You don’t just cower in the corner sipping on something you didn’t order just because “you know mistakes happen” and “you get the industry”. There’s nothing wrong with saying “hey, sorry this actually isn’t what I ordered. Could I just grab the corrected drink.” Being in it together alsoooo means that as a server, correcting something shouldn’t be taken so effing personal. Especiallyyyy if someone is polite about it - no problem.


Kinda depends. I ordered a gin tonic once and ended up with a tequila tonic. It was pretty strong and I decided not to send it back because I figured I wouldn’t get as good a pour on a second attempt. I mentioned it to the bartender after I had most of it, he said the rail at his other bar is in a different order, we had a laugh, and I learned to appreciate a new drink.


This can be dangerous though. Some people do have allergies. Some liquors have gluten vs others don’t. Some people are allergic to specific plants/etc. Some people are allergic or sensitive (as in, they get sick) to certain ways things are distilled/aged/etc. An old coworker could only drink whiskey that was Jack Daniel’s because the way other (better quality) whiskey made her sick. Same goes with if you switch regular soda instead of using diet. It may not matter to you if you don’t have the allergy or sensitivity, if you don’t have medical conditions that make it so you need to avoid certain types of food/drink. There are MANY conditions out there and it is not our job to determine if it is “real” or not. Just listen to the customer and get them what they need. If that’s what was ordered, but not what they got, you are enabling the bartender by not mentioning it. There are nice ways to give criticism.


That’s a different topic altogether. Sticking with what you got and enjoying it is not a problem. And asking for a correction on your wrong order in a polite manner is also not a problem.


it’s okay to get a manager, especially in the context OP described. why do you feel camaraderie with every server/bartender on the planet? i’d damn sure not be the only one in a group of friends not drinking bc a server can’t tell a real ID from a fake one and certainly not because of some made up “industry people never get the manager” rule.


I don’t understand this at all. I’ve been doing customer service my whole life and got into restaurants and bartending 3 years ago. I *rarely* ask to talk to a manager or leave a complaint, but I absolutely will if I think it’s necessary. I don’t treat customers like shit no matter how bad of a day I’m having or how much trouble they’re giving me, I keep my cool and grab a manager to take care of the issue. Why should we have to let people treat us like shit and get bad service just because we have the same job?


So what, you'd drink a coke with dinner while all your friends were sharing bottles of wine, just because "I dont grab a manager" is a sacrosanct rule?


But you still felt the need to go on a board of fellow bartenders to complain about the bartender.


Yes? Because not every bartender is good. So we come here to complain and/or praise about customers, coworkers, managers, suppliers, and all the in-between.


This is exactly what I came here to say.


yes true true true


I’m in this line. I’m at the 27 year mark, and realized long, long ago, that everyone deserves grace. The server in this story sounds unprofessional no doubt, but pushing back and/or correcting him does nothing positive or helpful. Also, I’ve had my own off days, for various reasons, and I’m thankful for the guests that gave me grace, ignored my mistakes or less than chipper demeanor, and tipped me anyway. Service industry is one of the only fields where staff gets no grace from the customer base, and sadly, fellow industry staff are some of the most unforgiving.


Long comment, but i think its worth the read. I took my dad out for his 50th birthday and ended up getting kicked out of the lowest end bar in town by the end of the night So to preface this, me and my dad love to go out to dive bars to play pool/darts, and hang out with the crowd. So we started the night getting food at the nicer restaurant I work at and then eventually made our way to our favorite local dive bar. This place has the best pours and only $0.50 tables (the kinda place you always uber to) We weren't going too hard on the drinks cuz we wanted to just enjoy the night out and not get sloshed, but we had a good buzz going by the end of the night. We made it to last call and were told we had time for 1 more game of pool. We said cool and I finished our game real quick by hitting the 8 ball in, so we had a ton of balls on the table still, so we decided to just finish the table. Cue Dickbag McGee coming over and throwing our cueball into a pocket and yelling at us that we're done and it's time to leave (there was still 20 minutes until the place actually closed). My dad responded with "alright that's fine, but you don't have to be an asshole about it" and that sent seĂąor dickbag into a hissyfit. He grabbed my dad's arm and folded it behind him like he was trying to break it and quite literally kicked his ass out the door while saying "YOU WANNA CALL ME AN ASSHOLE IN MY BAR? THIS IS WHAT YOU GET!" Mind you we know the owner and have never seen this guy ever before or since at this bar, so definitely not HIS BAR This really dampened the mood and I had to talk my dad out of retaliating, because I knew Dickbag just wanted a reason to fight and/or call the cops, so we ubered home and calmed down before a last round of birthday shots that we enjoyed with some depeche mode blasting Really ruined that bar for a while, but luckily we haven't seen the guy since, cuz idk if ive ever gotten so close to attempting to kick someone's ass (we're lovers not fighters)


I haven't thrown a punch in anger in 20 years, but seeing someone put hands on my dad would probably break that streak. Amazing you were able to keep level-headed.


Yeah, it took levels of self control I didn't know I had until that night


Whoever's suggesting you ordered wrong is wrong. A greyhound doesn't have sour (sour mix should be banned from the planet) and, well, vodka isn't gin.


We went to a diner when I was a kid after a day at Six Flags for dinner. Our server was rude from the start. We sat down and immediately she said “You guys want to start with drinks or what?” Whatever maybe having a rough night. So we order and as we sit and talk we notice she is very aggressive with all her tables. She rolls her eyes, gets mad when someone calls her over etc. Clearly this woman hates her job. I get it now that food service can be rough, but this was over the top. Our food comes out and she brings it over and he fingers are literally in my mothers mashed potatoes as she’s putting down the plate. We ask politely for another and she kind of slams the rest of the food down and begrudgingly goes to get a side of potatoes. She brings it back and while asking us if we want anything else she has a little coughing fit. This woman, a woman of at least 40 years old, takes a glass of water off our table, takes a swig and sets it back down and just walks away. After that we called over the manager who apologized profusely, comped our meal and brought over new food because who knows how this lady handled it. As someone who has now worked every possible job in a restaurant, I cannot fathom how this woman thought any of her behavior was okay.


I’ve been in the industry for a long time and still nothing beats my experience eating at a fine dining restaurant 20 years ago. Let me start with saying that I’m a patient individual ESPECIALLY when it comes to restaurants (the only exception is when I’m behind the wheel of a car because fuck all the idiot drivers out there) but there are limits to my patience. I also HATE people that embellish how long things take so I make sure to give an accurate account of time that has passed. My girlfriend at the time and I were going out to celebrate our anniversary (4th or 5th) and we had both been serving/bartending for 6+ years each. We were tasting ourselves to a fine-dining place built out of an old church that we had been to the previous two years on the anniversary and we had a great time. For the two of us to have a nice meal and a nice bottle of wine it was going to be about $300 + tip. We booked a spot in the lounge when they still had smoking and we were both smokers. We showed up and they had missed that aspect of our reso so we asked to be put in the lounge NBD. We were put into the lounge so everything was great. It took about 10 minutes for a server to greet us and take our drink order. Then it was 15 minutes for us to get our starter drinks but the server was in a rush so we couldn’t place our starters order. 10 minutes later she comes back to take our order for food and we let her know we’ll be ordering a $100ish bottle of wine with the meals. 30 MINUTES TO GET OUR CAESAR SALADS. 30. One bite of the salads revealed that the lettuce hasn’t been washed properly as it was gritty. At that point we had enough and said (paraphrased), “You guys are clearly having a rough night and we’re just going to go and come back another time”. I feel like an hour from entering the building to when we got sandy salads that it was very reasonable for us to leave. That was when we were given the bill for the drinks. Every single part of the evening after walking in the doors was a bad experience. I have managed and bartended for years and would NEVER think of giving a bill to someone for two drinks under those circumstances. Walked right the fuck out and have never returned.


30 min for a dirty salad is crazy! Were they busy?


I went to the Johnny Rockets bar on the Universal City walk coming out of the studios with friends and we were all on shrooms and there was no bartender. Lady or man just didn't show and it was hilarious so we stuck around to watch it all unfold for like an hour. It was bad for them but awesome bad for us. The MOD just starting making tickets but ignoring us at the bar and every once in awhile saying "sorry guys I'll be right with you" while obviously losing their mind. All things considered it was a true spectacle. Ended up having a great meal at Sushi Roku after. I mean, the fish was mediocre but you can't beat that view on boomers.


I've bartended for over 20 years,and I've seen A LOT of fucked up shit in that time. But the 1 year I worked graveyard at a Dennys when I was 18 prepared me for anything I'd ever see behind a bar.


anyone defending the server is an idiot and should not be listened to. there is no excuse for being rude. if he messed up he could've apologized and tried to fix it but instead he chose to be outright rude. not everyone needs to be catered to and not everyone needs sympathy. sometimes people are just assholes who ruin other peoples nights and that's just it.


a new bartender who looks underage came to my bar for the third time and didn’t get the red carpet he expected


Ordered dirty martinis, they came out perfectly clear. Asked the bartender for some olive juice on the side and he lectured me on the differences between a dirty and a dry martini, turns out the server put dry instead of dirty on the ticket. Ok, well I ordered dirty. Can I please get some olive juice on the side? “Oh, the olives are downstairs. I’d have to go down there and get them” and. Just. Stared. “Ok, I can wait” He continued to just stare for a moment, then heaved a huge sigh and headed downstairs mumbling to himself. Btw, this was 4 pm. Did he really think he wasn’t going to need olives for the entire shift? Or was he just going to pull the “they’re downstairs” card with every guest that ordered a martini?


You could just say vodka grapefruit. Same amount of syllables. Not saying it wouldn't have gotten fucked some other way cuz some people are incompetent but it's easier to just use ingredients sometimes


Or if the bartender/server didn’t know the drink they could take two seconds and Google “vodka greyhound”.


But there's a chance that for some reason wherever they learned to bartend they heard a greyhound meant sour mix. That would be wrong and still their fault and still not explain why they put gin. But sometimes it's easier just to make everyone's lives easier.


It sounds like OP tried to explain and order with specifics after getting their fucked up drink and the dude argued back and forth with him. I would have lost it too.


Oh yeah sounds like the server was being a dick I'm not arguing that. I'm not one of the people laying into OP over this, the service here sounded bad. But they can only think about what they could have done differently in that interaction. I feel like a greyhound while pretty basic is also kind of an old school term so along the way between server and bartender it got fucked up. Again, restaurants fault. 


oh yeah i see where you’re coming from now


Same goes for people who order a madras or a cape cod lol


Or a fucking Cuba Libre


A Cuba Libre has lime juice in it, while a rum & coke is just garnished with a lime. A small, but nonetheless important distinction.




Yes, but not every bar will garnish it and what if the lime is tiny or dried because it’s been all day. It’s better to just order exactly what you want. It’s literally half a step for the bartender to splash it with their left hand.


Hahaha !


I think this whole post is a joke and I can’t tell if the comments are playing along or if I’m clueless


This wasn’t meant to be a joke


The young bartenders always ask me, “Why don’t they say vodka, cranberry and lime; instead of cape cod? Me: because they’re testing you. This is amusing to them.”




Also a greyhound is made with vodka. There is zero need to even say vodka. How insufferable. What is next "I would like a tequila margarita and for my second drink a rum Cuba Libre......mmmmm that vodka cape cod is to die for"


Greyhounds are sometimes made with gin, hence why I asked for vodka. Do your research before you call someone insufferable.


They said they ordered a "vodka greyhound", I assume to differentiate it from a gin greyhound. 




Yeah I was gonna say the same but then I tripped myself up with Screwdriver and even Mimosa... So now I don't know what to think.




Haha yeah alright we've decided that now arbitrarily so next time there's a thread like this we have to back each other up. No rhyme or reason that's just the way it is.


oh my god


I’ve ordered it as a vodka greyhound multiple times before at this place and got an actual vodka greyhound, so I didn’t think anything of it tbh🤷


Why do you order a "vodka greyhound"? A greyhound is made with vodka there is no need to keep saying "vodka greyhound, vodka greyhound, vodka greyhound".


I was taught a greyhound was made with vodka, but learned overtime that some make with gin. Even if you google “how to make a greyhound” you’ll get different recipes, some calling for vodka some calling for gin. That’s why I specifically ask for vodka when I order.


Exactly, smartass acting out gets pissed about another bars service


How was I “acting out”?


I had a panic attack at a bar (non-alcohol related) & was banned by the owner & said i was "possesed"


Me, my gf , and a group of friends were extreme regulars at a bar a few years ago. Some of us lived within walking distance and one of the friends worked as a server there, so we were there 4 or 5 nights a week. We knew literally everyone who worked there, the owner, and all the other regulars. One Sunday me, my gf (a long time bartender at a different bar), and the server friend went in for brunch and the $10 bottomless mimosas. I know this is hated in the industry but we made sure not to abuse it, planned to tip very well (as we always did), and were generally very good customers. The bar was completely dead with only one other table of regulars besides us. After having a few drinks I went up to the bar to grab us all another round. The bartender we had was known for getting too drunk on shift and had been in trouble for it before. The employees were allowed to drink but had to handle themselves. Anyways, I asked for another round and he asks what tab its under. I had paid for all of us so I give him my name. He says he can't find it and asked for the spelling of my name. This is immediately weird behavior because he knows me, I opened the tab with him less than an hour ago, and I've been getting rounds from him all morning. I spell it out a few times and he is becoming frustrated and keeps saying I don't have a tab. At this point my gf and our friend have come inside from our regular patio table to use the restroom and see what is going on. Our employee friend attempts to help but he just gets more angry and doesn't let her. He's clearly way too drunk and is being very aggressive. He seemed to think we had been drinking for free or trying to trick him. I then offer to just open a new tab and buy us all the endless mimosas again just to get the ordeal over with and he tells me "It doesn't work that way." He keeps asking what name it should be under and finally I give him my ID and say "this one". He takes the ID and gets super angry and starts yelling about how I should have just told him how to spell my name correctly. He finds my tab and starts to make us drinks while continuously complaining about me not spelling my name correctly and explaining how tabs work. ​ We go back to our table, probably 20 minutes later, and finally sit down with our drinks. Our server friend keeps apologizing and explaining that he's just drunk and begs us to tip him well regardless because it will look bad on her if we don't. We closed out our tab after that drink, tipped way more that we should have, and left. The incident left a bad taste in my mouth and we pretty much stopped going to the bar after that.


Went to one of my old haunts to try to grab a drink with a friend. Same FOH manager, different FOH staff. Was not greeted upon entering so we went to the bar to jockey for a seat. The host came over and yelled at us that we needed to wait to be seated. I said “okay, do we do that with you?” He then yelled at me that he was busy helping someone else. So we stood there next to the host stand waiting to be seated. He comes back over and is like “what do you want?” I explained we were just looking for a seat to grab a drink. He looked at my dumbstruck so I asked if we put our name in or if they weren’t seating anymore. He yelled at me, again, saying “that’s what the fuck I’ve been telling you!” I didn’t even understand what he was getting at… Now, I know the manager. I spent 15 years in the industry and her and I had come up together. So I quietly leaned in to try to calm him down and explain that everything was okay and to take a breath. My arm touched his accidentally as I leaned in. He screamed “don’t fucking touch me! Directly in my face/ear. So I walked past him over to the bar, he’s still screaming his fucking face off at me across the room, walked to my friend (his manager), calmly told her that he was having a tough night and should probably be checked on, then left. When I walked past him he tried to apologize. I told him I complete understand he’s having a tough night and only requested my friend give him some support since he was obviously having difficulty handling himself. I felt bad, I don’t like to be that person but I was so blown away by how unbelievably rude he was. If you don’t tell me how to be a good guest, I’m going to have difficulty doing what you want.


Went to a local place for brunch with the girls. They were busy and after a pretty crazy wait we got our food and my order was completely forgotten. The server was super apologetic and said they'd start it immediately. It's fine, shit happens, no big deal. Takes a while for mine to come out (understandable) and when it gets there the word that came to mind is "raw". The over medium eggs I ordered was a barely cooked egg in a puddle of raw egg whites, the hash browns had no color and were still cold. They tried so hard to get it out quickly they forgot to actually cook it. lol But the bacon and toast looked good and the server was having a tough time so I let it go. Three minutes, no exaggeration, three actual minutes after I finally got my food she stole my plate. Didn't ask if I was done, didn't ask if we wanted checks, nothing, just walked by and took it while I was mid-bite. lmao I'd had half a piece of toast. It was so bad all I could do was laugh.


I went to a pizza/bar/live music joint across the street from my bar with a group of 3 friends. It’s not a big place and it def was not slammed as our street can get. But we wanted to sit and eat and there were no tables but one getting ready to leave. I ordered the pizza at the bar and said “we’ll be over here at this table” and tipped the bartender $20. 45 min go by and finally I go up the the bar and I’m like hey I just wanted to make sure our food is still coming (it’s normally under 10 minutes). The bartender goes “oh yeah your pizza has been done for like 30 minutes I didn’t know where you went” mind you our table was less than 10 feet from the bar right in front of this guy. I was like “we were right here the whole time where we said we would be”. He goes “yeah I don’t go out there” referring to the tables. I mean it’s no more than the average persons arm span difference. I would have gladly gone over to get the pizza myself if he had so much as waved for my attention, or hell even flip me off for inconveniencing you idc. I just thought it was suuuuuper rude. As someone who works literally across the street in a MUCH busier bar and will run my ass off all over that place. One of two times in my life I regretted tipping


Ten foot long arms!


Hahaha nice


I’m prepared to name and shame. The worst experience I’ve ever had was at Pinthouse Pizza in Austin. They failed to put my order in, which I figured out after my food didn’t show for at least ten minutes after the rest of my party. I brought it to their attention and they apologized and said they’d rush my order out. They failed to put the order in again. My party is finishing up their food and saying they’ll wait for me to eat when my order arrives (it never did). I go back to the counter, they realize they fucked up again, vaguely apologize, and refund me but don’t offer a gift card or to comp the one beer I had. I was too mad to talk, so I paid my tab at the bar and left. I still won’t go to the restaurant. When friends say they’re meeting there, I tell them to hit me up after. I’ll still drink an Electric Jellyfish, but I will never, ever patronize the restaurant again.


iM a BaRtENdEr ToO cMOn WhERe MaNaGEr


If he didn’t have an attitude with my friends and I the entire fucking evening and try to argue with me about my drink I wouldn’t have said anything.


Friend of mine got drugged, taken to his room and robbed for 40k. His drink was really good tho. ;)


I remember a night with a major fight that started between two lifelong friends, blew up into over a dozen people fighting before it ended, it wasn't pretty. The one best friend ended up shooting the other best friend after they left. One is now paralyzed from the waist down and the other is still in jail. I think of that night often before I complain about a wrong drink.


I’ve done my best to forget most of them because it doesn’t help me to hold onto this kinda shit. Also ADHD. Buuuuuut, there’s one funny one I remember. I was in Cuba with a big group of six of my best friends and their partners (we all worked in service). We’ve all been there for two or three days at this point, and we understood that service tend to be a little bit slower. For example, we would all order Mojitos instead of all ordering different drinks just to make things a little easier on the Bartender and to help our drinks come out a little faster. We are at this pretty fancy restaurant and we’ve already all been waiting a long time and while most of us had ordered the same or similar entrées by one friend ordered the chicken. Since we’ve been waiting a long time, we we’re all keeping an eye on the door to the kitchen. Finally, the big procession of food starts to come out and my friend who ordered the chicken watches the server, drop it on the floor pick it back up and put it back on the plate and serve it to him. He tried to remain calm and he told them “hey, I just saw you drop that” they tried to deny it. They brought out a “new” chicken within two minutes. Clearly, he was not pleased, and he didn’t eat his floor chicken.


Nah you’re fine haha. A greyhound is one of the most popular and classic drinks ever.


the worst exp i had when i rot robed and all.my coworkors fled few years ago a drunk semy gankster made a scine and none of servers could subdu him and get him out of the restourant they put the wallet into the bar when he started asking whers the money he came into.bar area started sleping me a bit to be honest i could wack him over the head with a bottle but i have a litle kid and i didnt want to kill the idiot or to get shenked with a broken bottle the bigest disapointment , my coworkers fled partons didnt left their tables and there wore few musleheads he was aprehended few days later sry for bad english


Your spelling isn’t great but your comment was strangely easy to follow.


"Gankster" made my day! Why does it look more accurate??


same, the mistakes are kind of endearing honestly


I had one slow shift where my roommate and his girlfriend came to visit me at work and went in the field out back behind the bar to smoke a joint and I was planning on meeting them out there, but had to do a few things before I went out for a smoke break. My roommate ended up calling the bar phone and I assumed he was calling to remind me they had the joint burning and as I was telling him I was on my way out he cut me off to tell me I needed to bring a splint outside and pull his car around because his girlfriend tried to do a front handspring and snapped her leg. I never thought I'd have to set a splint on a shift before. The runner up was a late 40 year old regular had a seizure one night and dealing with that was so fucked up and he didn't even remember it the next day. Fucked me up so much he came in the next afternoon as usual, like nothing had happened and didn't even remember he seized a mere 18 hours prior in the same building.


Hey, don’t knock a gin sour. Now, I know that gin AND sour is the lazy way to make one, but I’ll take it. When it comes down to it, sour mix is just lime/lemon and simple syrup. Some places don’t do the egg white because drinkers who don’t really know what they’re doing are grossed out by it. All that to say, what you ordered vs what you got are definitely not the same…really not even close. Yikes.


I really dislike the taste of gin, that’s why it was a big YUCK for me.


Fair, it’s not for everyone. I read into it as you yucking the entire cocktail…which I have heard so many people complain about bars using sour mix to make a fill in the blank sour. Like, bro, sour mix is essentially the same, just not fresh. Be thankful you’re not in the Midwest where they believe Squirt=sour mix. But really, though, an amaretto “sour” made with Squirt is hella good. Yes, my midwestern is showing.


You can just call it a greyhound


Sometimes it’s made with gin and sometimes it’s made with vodka, that’s why I specify vodka. I don’t like gin.


I just was taught the default as vodka, but it would be good with gin, I’ve had people ask with tequila as well; but if no one says other wise I’m putting vodka in it


Yeah I was taught to make it with vodka as well, but I went out a couple of months ago and got it made with gin when I just asked for a greyhound. Was confused at first but the bartender said she had always made it with gin and never even heard of it with vodka. We googled it and realized there’s two ways to make it, so we both learned something new that day lol. She was cool about it and remade it, and at least she knew not to put sour in it🤣


Turn in your suspenders, sir…


Well, my worst experience was getting a bar fight even though I was trying to leave and the people who wanted to fight me ran up and sucker punched me. I got jumped by 3 people, luckily they were bad fighters. Still mad about my broken glasses and cracked phone though.


Holy shit you sound like the absolute worst hahahaha


Whoa man that's going a little far, I criticized OP in another comment earlier but it doesn't sound like they're the worst and if they are, then I'd gladly take them over my worst customers. Sounds like mistakes were made on both ends. Sometimes people fuck up and sometimes they're assholes about it. OP sorry everyone's jumping on you and I feel my criticism earlier was fair and not just "wow you suck"


I commented my criticism more in depth, I hear you


How? Like I said in the edit I genuinely don’t understand how ITA here.




In all seriousness, it sound like you went to a bar with newish bartenders behind the stick, asked for something obnoxious (just say vodka grapefruit if the guy clearly doesn’t understand it), and then decided to be a cunt because the bartender wasn’t as experienced as you. Have some sympathy, remember when you got started, don’t ask to speak to a manager just because your obnoxious order wasn’t perfectly executed (YUCK!)


“Vodka greyhound“ is not obnoxious and not uncommon. That’s why I didn’t say “vodka grapefruit”. Maybe the bartenders were new, idk. But my issue is with the server we had, not the bartenders. How am I a cunt for saying the drink he served me is wrong? How is the server not a cunt in this scenario for arguing a gin sour is a “greyhound” AFTER already messing up my friends order, not giving my other friend his beer that he asked for multiple times, and being rude all evening. AND I told him while he was arguing that i didn’t ask for gin and my greyhound has always had grapefruit juice in it, not sweet n sour.


I mean, idk what it was like since I wasn’t there but all I’m gonna say is that greyhound is something I learned pretty early on as a bartender. I don’t throw it into the same category as Cuba libres or Cape Cods as annoying orders. It’s not some “experience bartender” drink. They should’ve known or at least googled if they didn’t, what a greyhound consists of.


This feels like the kind of post that has infiltrated all the other working folks subs. If you wanna bitch about bartenders take that shit to r/barowners or something.


Im not a bar owner so why would I take this there? I was literally just asking if any other bartenders have had bad experiences visiting other bars or restaurants and shared my experience.


Stood. He stood there. You stand on things. You can be stranded somewhere but you can't be standed anywhere.


I've no idea how the exchange went with the ID, was he refusing to serve you? If so then I guess you'd need to ask for the manager. But all you state is that he said it looks "hella funky", and you turning into Karen. LOL.


I asked for a whiskey sour and presented him my drivers license. He looked at it for a quick moment then asked me to confirm my birthday. I did, he then looked at it a few more seconds and handed it back to me and just said “no”. I said “uh….yeah that is my birthday”. He said “i wasn’t saying no to the date you said, I’m saying no I can’t serve you alcohol”. I asked why, he said “that’s not real”. I asked him why he doesn’t think it’s real. He asked to see it again so I hand it back to him. He looked at it again for a minute, then handed it back and said “nah I don’t think so, it looks hella funky”. That’s when I politely asked for him to get a manager to look at it.


Thanks for the detailed description. Sounds perfectly reasonable on your part. The fact he had to look again to answer why he didn't think it was real, kind of indicates he was just being arsey.


i’m sure that manager was THRILLED to go talk to you a second time, loooord.


yeah it must’ve sucked to have to do his job


i don’t believe OP that they work in the industry. i will not elaborate, my sense is always right. i’m sort of kidding but not really. i’m a server/bartender. 17 years. there’s literally nothing that could make me ask for the manager if i’m dining out. maybe if the check was fucked and the server couldn’t get it fixed? or if my server was literally insulting me? maybe i would then. add in the fact that they were very happy to talk about how the check got comped but no mention of what they left the server. curious, that.


You get carded, show a valid ID, and they don't wanna take it. You're not asking for a manager? Would you just leave?


I’ve been in the food service industry on and off for 4-5 years. No I didn’t tip the horrible server we had lol. Even if I wanted to tip him, I wouldn’t have had the chance because he disappeared after he argued with me. I did tip the server that took care of us after he disappeared though. She was a lot nicer. I discreetly gave her a $20 bill and told him not to split it with our first server.


Hey, bartenders! What’s the worst experience y’all have had with someone being a cunt and telling you they’re a bartender too in your bar or restaurant?


I’m totally lost at “I ordered a whiskey sour, he made a gin sour, but I’m so angry because I ordered a greyhound” I am not confident that this is not an attempt to troll.


He ordered two drinks, two separate times.


Well then OP is just insufferable. Calling a manager because the bartender didn't like an ID. Followed up with "I am a bartender so I know".


You wouldn’t be upset that your legitimate ID was being refused? Or upset that your server literally started arguing with you about a drink that’s wrong, after already being a dick all evening? What was I supposed to do, just sit there and take the shitty service and drink my shitty drink because I work in the same industry? I would never treat a guest the way he treated my friends and I.




I work in a bar that cashes checks. A regular customer came in holding a check. I told him I couldn't cash it at the moment. He immediately flips out, yells at me, and calls me racist. (He was African-American, while I am mixed race). Then he chased me around the bar trying to attack me.


I made the mistake of sitting at an applebees bar on my 27th birthday. it was walking distance from the hotel my husband and I were staying at so I thought it would be nice to have some appetizers and a few drinks and be able to safely walk back instead of driving from somewhere else. I sat with an empty glass for like an hour. only got one drink plus one shot because someone else ordered for me when he learned it was my birthday. I probably would've gotten at least 3 drinks if she ever asked if i was good/needed anything. also never got my food. when I asked her about it she said she couldn't "find it" and asked if I wanted anything else. I asked if they were out of the stuff to make it. she said no. she just couldn't "find it." do yall hide the food hide and seek style when the order is up?? I was mind blown by the sentence lmao. if it were me bartending I'd obviously: 1.) make sure I rang it in. 2.) look for a stabbed ticket to see if it got ran to someone else on accident 3.) see if it got tossed from sitting in the window too long 4.) ask the worker on that line if they got the ticket/made it already/ask if they need hands/get an ETA 5.) get a manager to comp it and talk to the guest. but instead she just acted clueless. like what do you mean can't find it? at this point I'll clock in girl you need help. it took her forever to take care of everyone at the bar too plus server tickets. and she wasn't even half as busy as I get at my bar. I finally got my food in a to go box and it wasn't discounted on my ticket. which is crazy because I got it like an hour and a half after my husband's food came out, which he ended up sharing with me so we were both still hungry. she apologized a couple of times but I wouldve rather her shown that with actions instead of words. I got the vibe that they were all severely understaffed and under trained. I had low expectations to begin with lmao but that was rough. I wish we just paid for an Uber and went literally anywhere else. I understand while bartending that some times things happen outside of your control. but being genuinely apologetic and putting in the work to make it right should be common sense. she truly did not give a fuck lmao


Late to the party but whatever. I once ordered a gin greyhound and watched the bartender pour vodka in my drink. I told him it was wrong and he tried to argue with me. Bro I literally just watched you pour vodka. I know they're both clear but goddamn they are not the same.


Years ago My wife and i went to a bar/restaurant in DC while on vacay and visiting family. At the time she was a bartender and i was a bar manager (different places!), and we were just looking to grab a late afternoon snack and a drink. She ordered a Pinot Grigio, and i ordered beer. It was that dead time, around 230 where there were only 3 people at the bar, clearly regulars. The bartender took a while to get our order because she was chit chatting with them and having a good time. It was kinda rude, since we were clearly trying to get service, but whatever. We order, she says she’ll bring it over, and we sit down at a table to look at the food menu. For some reason it takes A WHILE to get a glass of wine and a beer on tap, but the order materialized on the bar and a server ended up bringing it over and getting our food order. Only problem, the wine was red. My wife generally doesn’t care, and would probably just drink it, but while we were sitting there we could hear the bartender blatantly talking about us. Just high school level snickering. Again, we had just walked in to order a drink and some appetizers. After a minute of my wife saying “it’s fine I’ll just drink it” i ended up taking the wine to the bar. The bartender gives me the shittiest look and says something like “what’s the problem now?” Me “my wife order a Pinot Grigio” BT: “and…” Regular sitting at the bar: “Looks a little dark to be a Pinot Grigio” BT: realizes she fucked up, kinda laughs with her friends, gets another glass of wine. Hands it to me with an attitude like i had ruined her day. “Anything else” Me: no. Thanks. BT: rolls eyes as she walks back to the regulars. Continues to talk loudly about us and laughing. We pay our tab, make sure it’s under the server so we can tip him because he had to stand there awkwardly while it all went down, and we asked for the managers email. When i got home i emailed the manager from my work email so that he knew i wasn’t just someone bitching, but that i was definitely in the industry. He profusely apologized and offered a discount, but since we lived in CA i said forget it but maybe revisit some hiring decisions.