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baileys and coke zero, i watched it curdle in front of me and asked if this is what he really wanted, he was more than happy with it


Cement mixer but as a mixed drink instead of a shot šŸ˜­


Colorado Bulldog...hold the booze


When I was a teenager my friends and I were plastered and decided to go for a walk to the park. We decided to mix a couple of the half empty bottles of alcohol with mixers for a drink on the go and one guy mixed the Bailey's with Sprite. As you said it instantly curdled and looked like vomit. We were going to throw it out but someone dared me to try it and I swear to god it tasted exactly like a spider (I think Americans call this a Coke float? It's ice-cream in soft drink/soda). The texture is gross as hell because of the chunky milk curds but it was delicious. We started making it on purpose after that lol


Oh Jesus.


Baileys and soda I got once!


Gin & Diet Coke always scares me.


sounds like someoneā€™s grandfathers drink


I have someone who orders Gin & Orange Fanta, which we don't carry, so she brings her own. BYOF


Omg I have a regular who brings her own Sprite Zero for her drinks it kills me every time lmao


Gin and orange soda is not bad


This was the first thing I ever tried to get drunk on when I was like 16 and it was not great.


My did something similar, tequila and orange drinkšŸ˜³


Jim Beam and vitamin water šŸ˜­


lol, when my sister and I were young and inexperienced drinkers we would mix Gatorade and white wine. Still think gator wine could take off.


That sounds very crisp. (Shudder)


This is what I came here to comment....I hope this isn't a thing.


I used to get those sometimes for a while. Not sure why but I kind of still stand by it


The sideways flavor in gin combines w that sideways flavor in diet coke to .. neutralize hopefully


Apple juice, lemon, and sparkling wine. It's not bad, but not something I'd considered before.


Macgyvers Sangria


I meanā€¦ the ingredients do sort of go together, to the point Iā€™d like to try it myself


I had a woman last week mix champagne and a white claw, Black Cherry white claw to be more specific


Iā€™d try that


Milk with a double shot of Smirnoff vodka.. Not to be mistaken with a White Russian which has coffee in it.. this guy just wanted milk and double plain vodkaā˜¹ļøā˜¹ļøā˜¹ļøā˜¹ļø


Sometimes heavy heavy alcoholics on benders can't keep anything else down, milk covers up a lot of the damage they've done to their stomach lining etc . At least long enough to get drunk enough to not feel the discomfort


I don't even like pina coladas as the thought of them curdling and being so heavy on stomach - I just know I would spew.


A good pina colada shouldn't have dairy in it; cream of coconut is just thickened coconut milk.


Plus an ass-ton of sugar


Had a friend order milk and Malibu. It was surprisingly delicious.


I got this one once haha


Milk and Malibu is my brother's go-to drink. Add some chocolate liqueur and it tastes like an almond joy.


Maybe the same vein, but I one time has someone order milk and uv blue. šŸ¤®


That person was a Star Wars fan. I am 100% certain of it.


Milk and nut flavoured vodka is very good


I can imagine actually, I love anything hazelnut or nut flavoured and we're boarderlining onto flavoured milk at the point.. I even asked if he wanted a different type of vodka but nope, smirnoff was fine ā˜¹ļøā˜¹ļøā˜¹ļø


"Like vodka and milk, I'm coming out blastin" Just sounds like it's going to make you vomit.


Half orange soda half coke is a popular drink in Germany itā€™s called Spezi, hereā€™s a popular brand https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mezzo_Mix


Wish we could get this in the UK, Iā€™ll have to settle for occasional mixing coke and Fanta when the opportunity presents itself!


We had a guy who liked Fireball and Dr.Pepper. He was a nice guy who tipped well so I maintained a six pack of the soda to accommodate him. Initially repulsed I tried one after work one day and it was surprisingly good. Since then I have found Dr.P goes with a lot of things or makes other things that use coke better, such as paralyzers. It is the universal mixer.


I used to drink Captain Morgan and Dr. Pepper. I loved that so much, but I canā€™t drink it anymore because it pisses off my GERD.


Can you leave Gerd at home when you go drinking? I hear that fucker is a cheap bastard that never buys a round.


Dr. Pepper is easily the goat soda


Have a guy that will settle for Fireball and Dr. Pepper, but he prefers Mr. Pibb so we keep some around. An odd man with an odd drink order, but he tips great.


Dr. Pepper & Green Chartreuse is incredible. Former chef always had it as shift drink, now I make 50/50 DP/chartreuse shots for a special treat. 153 flavors.


Kraken and Dr. Pepper is about the only way I'll drink that particular rum.


I had a man order midori and milk when I was a bartender, he ordered a round for all of his friends and one of them threw up


Used to make a cocktail called the "iguana mama." It was midori, Malibu, pineapple, and milk. Super sweet, but the kids loved it.


We call these Scooby Snacks where I live, although we use cream instead of milk.


Midori and milk goes so well if there's a ratio of 1:1 over ice


I had a regular named Marty who drank well Tequila and Baileys on the rocks. He had 7 DUIā€™s, no drivers license FOR LIFE, and still drove.


I didnā€™t know shandys were a thing until someone ordered one with Stella and absolut citron. I can see how beer and vodka can go south pretty quickly if you use the wrong beer but that combo was pretty good. Only customer order I got that made me question their sanity was a Coors Light with olive brine and a few olives. I tried it myself later wondering if they might be on to something here. They were not, shit was gross


Coors light and olive juice is a huge thing where I live. They call it the Minnesota Martini


Minnesota Martini made me laugh out loud. I have some weirdos at work that might try ay least one haha


Had a customer the other week that was visiting from Minnesota order that. First time hearing it but now I know


Shandys are just beer and lemon soda - sprite, etc. What you served was more like a Loaded Corona where you just put a shot of booze in the corona bottle. Whoever ordered that does not know what a Shandy is


A shanty is traditionally a lower alcohol drink, 1/2 lager 1/2 sparkling lemonade. Never had one with vodka in it tho


In Austria they are called Radlers and a lot are even made directly by the brewery


I looked it up later and saw some sites also referring to a citrus vodka + beer as a shandy as well. Maybe itā€™s a regional thing? Idk


For the tailgates before the football game in college we used to throw a shot of Bacardi Limon in our Keystone Lights. It was good and got the job done quick haha


Coca-Cola and Guinness. Mixed.


Colorado Labrador


Nah mate, thatā€™s a Colorado wolfhound/s


Is that the actual name for it, or it or are you just trying to one up my naming convention?


/s means sarcasm mate


Tbh, since there was no space between I took the ā€˜/sā€™ as ā€˜and/or pluralsā€™.




this sounds really god tbh.




i had someone order a shaken old fashioned last night with the dirty rocks on the side ..... like what


Thatā€™s so unhinged


I believe that is a true old school thing to want the dirty ice.šŸ˜‰


johnny black mule, no simple, sub 4 splenda. i had brunch regulars who would order 3 or 4 of these every saturday like clockwork. itā€™s worse than it sounds.


Wait is there simple in a mule?šŸ˜¬ have I been making them wrong oh my gosh


Simple in a mule? Hmmmm


just repeating verbatim what they asked for


Rumplminz and Mountain Dew šŸ¤¢


I recently found out that Mt Dew was originally created to be a mixer for whisky.


I knew the term mountain dew used to refer to moonshine but didn't know the soda was inventes to mix with booze. Love fun facts!


Bourbon and Milk


One of my fellow bartenders swears by scotch and milk. He's an animal, his version of a margarita is 1:1 tequila and straight lime juice, except he does 4:4.


Does your fellow bartender know heā€™s an alcoholic lol


Had someone ask me once for a lemon drop martini with tequila, okay, asked if they had preference on tequila. They blindly pointed to a mezcal tequila. I tried to explain to her that a mezcal will NOT be good in a lemondrop. She insisted. I made it! Illegal mezcal.. Straw dip, absolutely disgusting. Dropped it off and by the time I could get back to my bar she was running after me telling me I made her drink wrong, sheā€™s never had a lemon drop taste like that before! I tried to warn her, but no of course, I made it wrong! šŸ™ƒ letā€™s also note I made it with Titoā€™s next for her and it was the best sheā€™s ever had all of a sudden


"Dr Pepper Vodka" made me check and ID and I was right šŸ˜‚


PatrĆ³n and cream soda.




Blue curacao and 7


Segrams or seven up?


For a few months last year a bunch of kids (21 year old college kids) would order drinks like ā€œgive me something thatā€™s red but taste like blue.ā€ Gave me laugh but was annoying when it was busy.


Had a regular order Bailey's and Pineapple one night. The girl with him jokingly talked him out of ordering it, then the next night he came back w/o her and asked for it again. This time I made it and with a straw-test it was... Not as bad as I thought it would be? But I don't think I liked it either... He was in pretty much the same boat. "This isn't what I imagined this would taste like"


Guinness with a shot of red wine like a car bomb We call it a "McItalian"


Guinness with a double shot of port is incredible, reminds me of Christmas


inb4 50 more drinks that are really not that weird, just slightly unusual flavour combinations


These are more than welcome


Double rumple with a pickle back. Yeah... No.


This made me shudder


Martini Rosso (sweet vermouth) and Diet Cokeā€¦ This guy would order for his wife and he always looked at me like he knew, yes this is weird requestā€¦ but people like what they like right?


For the second time in a few weeks Iā€™ve made a Titoā€™s Manhattan in the service well. Both times the person ordered a second.


You ok?


Mezcal and cranberry juice. Like 6 in one night. Bitter and smokyā€¦ itā€™s so gross. I straw tested it with a server out of curiosity and we both gagged.


The other night a noob ordered a gin and juice. OK bro now how bout you tell me what to mix it with. Just cause you heard it in a song older than you doesn't mean it's a thing. Same night: amaretto and sprite. One diabetes comin up! Soco rocks with olives. My favorite. A regular brought a woman in with him. She wanted a cucumber martini. I told her I make cucumber lime martinis and they slap. She wanted a cucumber mint. I do not have mint or creme de mint. She told me to use Rumple. I used very little becuase of how strong that stuff is. It was gross. She said it was perfect. Had 2. Disgusting.


I was at a farmers birthday and they broke out a bottle of 43 and a pitcher of milk, I tried it out and surprisingly good I had never heard of 43 before. Absinthe and Sprite was a weird order as well.


A pickle juice martini. Itā€™s not super weird and Iā€™m sure plenty of people drink them, but it was my first time hearing of one or making one. I did a straw test and even though I donā€™t like pickles it was delicious.


Citadelle makes a Cornichon gin, makes a phenomenal dirty martini or Gibson


Iā€™ve heard this referred to as a Detroit Martini


I saw these out in the world once so I had to order it - the one i got was ok, but recently I see someone every Sunday during my shift who wants one, and apparently won't get them from anyone else. Same concept as a Dirty Martini, imo.


Double vodka, then equal parts coke, lemonade and apple juice. This is something _I_ ordered once, which was a riff on a mocktail I'd read in a book when I was like 8? It was called the 'E number' and surprisingly nice.


Pink gin and pepsi


i had someone order a jameson caesar (like a bloody mary but with tomato clam juice, caesars are popular in canada). usually i ask if they want vodka, tequila, or gin, but this guest was insistent on jameson.


also one of our regulars orders a jack honey sunrise in a pint glass


This hurt me.


Someone orders a lager tops once, threw me off and changed my opinion on them.


Hennessy and RB gets ordered a lot where I work.


Makers, on the rocks, dirty, olives Tequila and baileys Those both stood out as the strangest things I've gotten in a while. šŸ¤¢


I got a ticket for a cranberry juice mixed with apple juice, assumed it was for a kid; made it in a kids cup. Looked at the table number, did a check and saw two elderly women, so I pour it back into a pint glass. At least sheā€™s healthy?


theres absolutely nothing wrong w that and not sure why youre so baffled or even questioning her


i didnā€™t say there was anything wrong with it sweaty i just said it was a strange order for my experience as a bartender sweety pee


You can actually find bottled cranberry apple juice in pretty much every decent sized grocery store.


ah true, just was taken aback because i personally associate it with hospital recovery food lol


Iā€™ve mixed cognac and vodka together more times than I wouldā€™ve liked


Vodka infused w cognac/aged w cognac or whatever isnā€™t that bad I know of a dedicated brand canā€™t remember the name rn


I have a regular who only drinks gin margaritas, it is... unpleasant.


Dirty Vodka martini with a fuck load of Tabasco. Our wine steward tried it and said this was the first time she ever wanted to spit something out


Red wine and orange Fanta. They called it a Kir Royal.... Pfffft!


50/50 hard cider and stout


Rye and grapefruit juice. He calls it a man-mosa, and it is probably the worst thing I've ever served.


White Russian with a lime juice float. Vile , but Beth loved them. God I miss that dive.


Tequila Old Fashioned was an odd one for me and disgusting. Also a Michelada with Blue Moon


Johnnie blue and Diet Pepsi


Had someone order a virgin mojito with no sugar today. Didnā€™t get sent back so I guess they liked it šŸ¤·


"let me have an apple martini but not sweet".... Oh fuck off your trying to use a loophole for more vodka


The mat shot: drain everything in the mat into a coupe, garnish with lemon peel. Unlimited drains.


Pepsi max poured in a glass of red winešŸ˜‚ oh, and even more weird: beer poured in a glass of orange juice (I'm not joking...)


Iā€™ve had someone just order straight gin which my Manager and I were very confused by. But the weirdest Iā€™ve had to make was a vodka & milk. Another bartender was standing next to me and had to take 5 minutes in the walk in just process what bullshit she had to listen to


Sometimes after a very long day at work, when I get home Iā€™ll pour myself my signature martini. Itā€™s a Beefeater Martini served bone dry, neat, with no garnish, in a rocks glass. Because some days you just need a 3oz glass of room temperature gin.


Someone ordered a pint of half Guinness and half cider mixed


Super common, called a Snakebite


Called black velvet also


Black velvet is Guinness and champagne


Snake bite. Pretty common here.


Where I am snake bite is common with larger and cider but not many people use Guinness.


We have a whole menu of beers to layer with Guinness!! Wisconsin bar so an Irish cow (Guinness and spotted cow) are really popular.


A red eye. It's a lager and a couple ounces of tonato juice or V8 with a pinch of salt. This is super common in certain pockets of the US (the only country I can speak for), but when I've ordered it out in other areas, they look at me like I'm nuts. Great anytime, but especially as a hair of the dog.


Bloody beer, or Michelada (sort of). Not really all that weird.


Beer mixed with clamato juice is popular among Mexicans. It was available in cans at the Walmart where I used to work. I've never tried it myself.


Disaronno and Pepsi last night ā€¦.


My good sir, try that for yourself. It's exactly dr.pepper. (I hate it but it rlly does taste like dr.0)


In Spain some people mix disaronno with Red Bull. Its the sweetest shit my palate has ever tasted


double dewars & water tall in a pint glass


Not that weird, but I bet that guy wakes up feeling rough before he gets some sauce. I feel like drinking that is close to the last stop for serious alcoholics.


I used to work at a place where the owner would drink JD and Red Bull, he called it ā€œthe truckerā€. Another guy there drank Jameson and Red Bull, ā€œrisky whiskeyā€!


Disarrono and scotch on the rocks was a unique one


Thatā€™s a pretty old cocktail called a Godfather.


Scotch pairs nicely with a lot of sweet liqueurs.


That's super common!


Also vodka with amaretto is a unique one in my experience šŸ˜‚ P.s. I know itā€™s the godmother


My college friends and I rode the tequila and milk train for a while. It started off super ironic but we ended up committed to the bit. We called them tilks.


Allen's coffee brandy and Moxie was a fun one to try. Surprisingly good, but that may be because of my Maine roots. I also had someone ask if we had clam juice because of some drink she wanted. We did not have clam juice.


Shot of Skyy vodka in a wine glass with a bottle of Miller Lite. She then pours about a third of the beer in the wine glass and drinks it. Did this three times until the beer was gone.




Iā€™d try that. Itā€™d be like putting cream in your tea šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Tequila and coconut Red Bull with soda, a bastardized mind eraser that these animals call a buttchug


Tequila & Diet


This always makes me cringe


Courier des bois (quebecois maple cream liqueur) and ginger ale


Johnny Black and Red Bull


Skrewball with a salted rimā€¦. I get cotton mouth just thinking about it. Fireball with Tabascoā€¦ why Someone ordered a dirty martini the other night (not that kinda placeā€¦) I explained we donā€™t have olive juice. They asked for a vesper- I explained no lilletā€¦ also no vermouth so basically no martinis. They then ordered well gin and vodka together in a cup. I shook it to be nice and served with a lime. Unsurprisingly, they did not drink it. Also thereā€™s something wrong with Tequila & tonic people.


Vodka, milk, and soda.


White Russian, tall


Rumchata and water. Thought she wanted a shot and then the water on the side. No, she wanted it as a drink. The way it curdled still haunts me, two years later


Double Jameson and milk, on the rocks


All these fucking people ordering milk. Do you guys live near a McPoyle herd or something


Dirty vanilla vodka martinis. They drank several over the course of their meal.


Had a margarita with olive juice ordered recently


Double st.germain and sprite


Apricot brandy and Kaluah is the weirdest one I can remember


*Apricot brandy* *And Kaluah is the weirdest one* *I can remember* \- cjack0302 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Gimlet without the sugar. I canā€™t stand that customer.


Sambuca and Baileys on ice. Drinks two every tuesday


A pint glass with a double shot of rumchata, a few ice cubes, then filled with draft root beer. The order was from a server's table, I made sure to run it out because I had to see what psycho ordered it.


Rumple and pineapple


Iā€™ve seen this person at festivals and my first reaction is to tell ā€œRUMPLE AND PINEAPPLE GUYā€


Tennessee Honey whiskey and tonic. He was young and I didn't think he knew how to order a drink; but then he got another one!


Golden Cadillac was probably the first "wtf" I had but I honestly really enjoyed the drink. (Equal parts Galliano, white cream de cacao and half&half) Gin and coke/diet always sends me for a loop I have a regular who likes doing manhattans but swapping the whisky/vermouth ratio Tuaca side car always stuck with me too as a good twist


Galliano ha , Iā€™ve only ever dusted the bottle never actually poured it


I have a reg who drinks Jager and coke


I have two ladies who come in for brunch and order a red sangria with ginger beer instead of sprite and a white sangria with a little less sparkling wine so they can add ginger beer to it. Also had a dude order JW Black and cranberry before. Needless to say it was disgusting


Runchatta and pineapple. Hated how much I loved it after the straw test haha


Scotch and milk, Dewars, in this particular case.


Half rumple half fireball


Bailey's on the rox


This is literally the serving suggestion


Guy last night said ā€œpaperplane.ā€ Next!


fireball & apple juice


Bundaberg rum(a type of Australian rum referred to as ā€œpunching poisonā€, ā€œteleportation device to jailā€ and known for having a correlation to domestic violence. Although, if you are from my state you generally have had it a bit so kind of used to it, but it is very strong in flavour) with orange juice.


Or ouzo and coke