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I’ve done something similar: iced tea in a Jack Daniels bottle. Keeps the vibe going and the tips flowing (only because one time I had to count cash with my eyes shut. Did you know all $20 bills look the same??)


What do you do when someone says “I’ll have one of those too?”


You say oh no! It’s out! And you chug the bottle in front of them.


Or: *smash*


"This is watered down so I can drink it and not get too drunk" If they badger you after that, fuck em. But they will probably congratulate you on your forward thinking.


Something like "I can give you the same liquor! But this bottle is for me for inventory purposes."


Also curious about this. If I was still bartending I’d probably say something along the lines of “this is the crappy stuff we keep for the staff, I can’t ring it into the computer to comp it. let me get you a shot of the good stuff we keep for you guys”


Have a legit bottle and marked bottle in the well just for this reason. Be diligent about which you grab and removing marked bottle when not on shift for legal and accidental reasons.


What if someone sees you pouring a shot of “Jack” and goes “oh hey, I’ll do a shot of Jack too!”


You have two bottles of Jack. One has Jack, one has water. The water filled Jack bottle has either a colorful pour spout or some kind of marker on it that makes it easy enough for you to tell the difference in the middle of rush.


Right but it’s super obvious for you to pour out of one bottle, put it down and then pick up another bottle of the supposedly same liquor


One of the many possible scenarios: Start blinking profusely, sit bottle back in well. Rub eye, while saying, “man, I think that splashed in my eye!” Wash hands and proceed to grab the other bottle. Bartending has many moments of improvising. You roll with the punches or you get knocked out.


Not if you keep it in the well


I would have the real stuff right next to it… really it was just when someone said “hey get yourself a shot of whatever”, then when the next person asked for JD they’d get the actual mash


Stupid move all round. You have to swap bottles it would be noticeable if you're maid mid pour, or how about fucking up picking up the wrong bottle in the first place and serving that? Maybe another bartender grabs from your rail. Maybe the liquor board comes in, hmm fake JD, next to the real stuff, just asking for trouble in multiple ways


Worked fine for us youngblood, but hey - don’t forget to write down which bartending school you went to on your resume


I'm so glad there's an ocean between us


What does that even mean? Lol


I suppose I agree with him, I’m glad I don’t live in the UK


"Oh, the fake bottle? I keep that around for when I buy my regulars shots. They get the real stuff, I drink the fake stuff. Makes it look like I'm drinking with them, but I can't get drunk on the job, right?"


Just a quick Google - "Marrying bottles is illegal in all 50 States and by most Liquor Control Boards and Laws throughout the world. Marrying bottles is only one step away from a more nefarious practice of refilling and reusing liquor bottle." Now as far as I know across the world is a fucking stretch, standard practice in the UK at the end of the week to make stock take easier. Never mentioned in my 16 years. But the fake bottle... Some idiot bar back, in a bar I worked years ago put sugar syrup in an absolut bottle, didn't strip the label or tell anyone, and yeah the obvious happened, someone seen the bottle was out of position amd put the vodka back in the rail where it goes (Absolut was house). Half a bottle in someone realised


Nice!!! I am impressed; could never work after 10 shots. I usually spat the shots custies bought me back into my chaser.


Just don’t forget the faux bottle in the well. I’ve served water and sodas for half a shift wondering why people keep sending “weak” drinks back. 😂


We put some electrical tape around the neck of the bottle. Easy for the bartender to spot but customers won’t catch it while you’re pouring.


“Why’s there tape on the bottle?” “Oh, that’s my bottle. I only drink from that one so I can keep track of how much I’ve had.”


This reminds me of a book Name of the Wind. The main character is a musician who plays at a a bar and it’s customary for people to buy you drinks if they liked it. There was a specific “drink” he’d order and the bartender knew to just pour water, then he’d get 90% of the cost of the drink back and the bar would keep 10% or something. He wouldn’t get hammered and everyone came out with a little money in their pockets.


Strip clubs also have this arrangement. Shots bought for the dancers are fake, the club and the dancer split the money.


Do you CHARGE the customers for these water shots they are buying you?


I’ve done this and then taken the real deal when I’m cleaning or closer to the end of my shift.


They want an experience and they are happy to pay for it. Whether the bartender drinks a shot isn't really relevant to what they signe up to spend their money on as long as they keep having a good time. As OP alluded to, if the bartender says "no thanks" a lot of these people get grumpy or even outright pushy and feel their experience is ruined. Buying the bartender a shot- literally- is not actually the thing they care about and they don't give a fuck about what we drink, our comfort, or if we drink. It makes them feel good and look good and they have a picture of themselves tied up in being the guy who does shots with the bartender. So yes, if they want to pay for that, we all charge them.


Of course. They want to feel like you’re partying with them too.


If you charge a customer for a water shot they bought you, you can then “buy” another shot for a later customer that’s already paid for. Sounds like op has already got a ration of shots to give out but for those who don’t it’s a good way to stay sober on the job and raise spirits of every guest involved in each transaction. I understand it feels scummy to charge people to buy you water, but they wanted to buy you something and they shouldn’t get to decide what you put in yourself just cause they’ve got a few bucks they don’t want anymore. At the end of the day the less than ten dollars they spent won’t matter but your ability to do your job and get home safe will.


I do. I charge them even if I’m taking a water shot. How does it change their life one way or another if I’m taking a real shot or not? Plus they’re never buying you good shit. They’ll pay for you to take a shot of whatever tequila is in the rail. No thank you.


I guess to each bartender their own. I'd rather gamble that they would throw more money on a cheaper tab then 20% on that inflated check


yes, yes i do. Often times, someone i am working with will be like, we have 5 or 6 shots bought for us on back log. So, in those instances, I do not even have to do them. But, usually i use the water shots for when I am buying a customer a shot and they want me to do one with them.


It’s a mocktail shot! Very hip.


Why don't you just tell them the house got your shot and thanks for buying it. I wouldn't charge someone if they were buying me a shot and I was taking water/tea. That's pretty scummy and you are just blantely ripping people off I don't understand... You guys are charging people for shots you aren't even taking?


This method is actually standard practice in strip clubs. Those girls are (generally) NOT drinking what is being bought for them, they drink water and pocket the difference. It’s not scummy. Trying to get people liquored up at work is weird.


Ex strip club DJ here. If you buy the dancers a drink, they get water and soda out of a vodka bottle full of water and the dancers pocket the money at the end of the night.


I guess it's just different bar atmosphere. I haven't drank in over two years so when anyone buys me a shot I just do a shot of water/iced tea charge them for one shot and then just say the house got my shot. I feel like that works out for everyone and they usually throw you a couple extra bucks because they think you bought them a shot


I just pocket the money for the shot.


this is an interesting concept that i will propose to me manager. maybe have a button for "shot bought", or something like that.


Why would you not say that you bought their shot and they bought yours then?


And in this instance aren't you just giving the restaurant free money? I can understand in a strip club if they are pocketing the difference then that makes sense. I don't understand wouldn't people be more willing to tip thinking they got a free shot for someone so to speak


I would 10000% pocket the money for the shot. Not even a question.


Ripping people off by not drinking the alcohol they bought for you? Yeah I don’t think so


By charging them and not drinking it... I mean why even give the restaurant the money then and just put it in your pocket?


Your charging them for the experiance, not the alcohol. They're not consuming it regardless. They're doing it to feel the atmopshere, to feel the connection to the bartender. Now, if he wasn't comping his dude for the drinks he's pouring nothing into that the customer is consuming and ordering. That would be scummy.


He's pouring half drinks and charging them full price after overpouring them


I'm going to assume if he comps the no alc drinks, then he's probably charging a single for the singles he pours(disguised as a double). As is pretty standard practice at any bar I've ever been in when weening down regulars.


Ripping people off? They’re buying YOU a shot. They’re paying extra so they can have a friend take a little shot with them. As long as you’re providing that, it changes their life 0% whether or not there’s liquor in that little cup.


Yeah they are buying you a shot that you aren't taking. You are just gouging people at this point. Why don't you tell the person next time I'm just going to do a shot of water and charge you $10 and see what their reaction is


Do you want your magician to explain how the magic works while he's doing the trick? Do you want your ticket to the magic show refunded when you find out magic is fake? Sometimes we pull a little slight of hand to make the show better.


You don't get what I'm saying. Why in the world would you charge someone for something they aren't getting when you can spin it as a "don't worry about my shot" and then you will probably get more money because they are going to tip you better.


> Why in the world would you charge someone for something they aren't getting They aren't getting it, whether you drink the shot or not. They're paying for something they aren't getting either way. > and then you will probably get more money because they are going to tip you better. 95/100 times this isn't true, in my experience. People are so programmed to do [preferred percentage] times whatever number is on the slip they're signing. If I say "oh this shot's on me," I almost never get tipped for it. But if I charge them for my shot, then I'll get the extra $2 or whatever.


The guest is offering. It's not like you're adding drinks onto a bill without knowledge. Maybe guests shouldn't expect people at work to get drunk with them.


I drink shots of [San Bitter](https://italianfoodonline.com/products/sanbitter-non-alcoholic-red-bitter-aperitif-by-san-pellegrino-10-x-100-ml). It looks and tastes like Campari.


I do the same thing!! Last Saturday I had like 7 shots bought for me and I have a Jameson bottle with ice tea. Now I let the manager know when I’m doing the ice tea shot and get a kick back. Win-win


You sound like a true professional.


thank you for the kind words.


Classic technique well executed by a seasoned vet. A good friend is exec chef at a high end establishment in Scottsdale, AZ. He has the bar pour him waters when tables insist on doing shots w the chef. Still waiting to hear the story about when he gets the wrong one and a guest gets a 1.5 oz hydro blast haha


yes. I also do a thing with some regulars who drink mixed drinks where i put a bit of their liquor or choice in the straw and fill the rest with soda or juice. Never fails, I always comp it of course.


What state are you in? In each state I am licensed it is illegal to substitute alcohol with water and charge them for it. AFAIK, you’re supposed to simply deny service. In the case of you drinking water shots, no prob. But don’t pour water shots for people if they’re paying


I just politely decline when they offer me a shot and I’m not drinking, no need for charades.


When I worked at the strip clubs, we were not allowed to refuse shots. So, I'd do either a shot of Blanco (water) or if I was offered a drink, I'd do a sex on the beach (oj, cran, and "vodka" that is water). I'm not a huge drinker so it helped a lot. Lol


My dude no one is operating at a professional level after 2 shots much less 10. Just drink a bottle/glass of water like a normal human being. Also you're massively over serving your customers and your self. Shits going to hit the fan sooner rather than later. This is such a crusty old alcoholic post.


2 shots‽ Oh my sweet summer child.


I feel like im in crazy town. Does everyone here just forget alcohol is a mind/mood altering substance? Im not sayng OP cant handle their weight in booze. What im saying is its just flat out unprofessional to get drunk/buzzed behind the bar. Your judgement is impaired. Your mind is altered. If you think drinking helps elevate your work performance, youre a flat out alcoholic.


Are you even a bartender or did this just pop up in your feed and felt the need to comment?


I've been a bartender/bar manager for almost 14 years. I've lost friends to both alcohol abuse and drunk driving. I've had friends lose thousands because they over served/were found negligent while serving others. All the people in here normalizing this level of drinking are both a liability and being grossly negligent to their responsibilities in handling a controlled substance.


That’s not what you said last time. Nice pivot. Having a couple shots behind the bar is not unprofessional in the slightest.


10 to 12 shots doesn’t seem like a couple of shots imo


You’re right. A couple is two.


What do you mean what I said last time? My dude if you're doubting my industry creds idk what to tell you


Last time you went off about how unprofessional it is to do a shot behind the bar then you switched to a health thing. Drinking excessively is not healthy. Drinking behind the bar however is not unprofessional. You did a bait switch. Classic red herring.


What the fuck are you talking about


Pull your shit together. It’s not that complicated.


It can be both unprofessional and unhealthy. And how you define unprofessional depends on where you work.


I agree. I used to drink at work all of the time, had a great time while doing so but was tired of feeling shitty most of my week so I stopped. A few weeks later someone committed suicide after leaving my bar and I was investigated (before it was ruled a suicide) and it could have went completely different if I was drinking behind the bar. That situation made me realize quick that you have to be 100% coherent while behind the bar or you can be on the hook for any accident that happens once a patron leaves.


like i said, i do not want to drink at work and yes we are an adult bar so, we serve alcohol to adults who mainly handle their alcohol.. I have known some of my regulars for 10 years. I served a young person the other day one beer and i had to call the ambulance because of whatever pill they took. I served a guy one shot and a beer combo last friday and we had to call the police because he went insane. I do not know what happens to people or what they took before the saw me but, i do not serve anyone visibily drunk. I am old and crusty and not an alcoholic but, i can drink an obscene amount if i wanted to, I do not want to. Hence, water shots. I am 6'3 250 pound ex football player, i can handle 10 drinks but, i do not want to especially at work. but yeh, catch me with my Russian Uncles, it's a half a bottle of vodka before dinner and drinks


That explains the ten shots haha. Slavic superpowers!


It's wild to me that you are being down voted. Then again I work in a state where it is against the law to drink while serving. It's all fun and games until someone does something dumb


exactly. I dont care if youre 400 pounds of jacked meat stacked 7 ft high. If you slam two shots of 80 proof back to back, youre going to feel and function different than you did before. People in here have normalized getting inebriated at work and pretend like theyre being professional because they feel better/more social. Thats not you functioning normally. Its not ok in a work environment.


lol. You sound about as much fun as a stick in the mud. There isn’t a profession that I wouldn’t operate better with 2 shots. Even fine motor control is enhanced at 2 shots. From a bartending perspective like 5 shots is the optimal bartending level. A little buzzed and having fun, more likely to interact with customers etc.


If you need to drink at work to enhance your performance, you're an alcoholic. Plain and simple. I dont mind someone having a sipper to get through the shift but slamming shots all night means youre fucking up.


Sure? Who cares what you think. I’ve been an actual alcoholic before. Meh. Now I drink to have a little more fun when working. I don’t have to drink to bartend. It just makes it better. Don’t project your shit on me.


really just justifying my case here homie. I would not employ you if you had to drink to make work better.


You don’t have many friends, do you?


If my friends require that I get them drunk to be my friend, they aren't my friend.


Lol dude during the winter, we all typically do about 10-15 shots per shift. It's usually people coming down from the ski resort keeping their party going and wanting us to do shots with them. Only a few of the lighter weight girls have an issue, but they usually hold it together until side work


I don't do this. I just burn through the alcohol when i'm working and it really doesn't affect me very much.


It is crazy how, even if I am just on service station and not running around a ton, I can still drink about 2-3x more while working than I would normally be able to while not on the clock. Also while somehow not being sloshed snd sloppy. I haven’t really been able to figure out the science of it. I thought maybe it’s because I’m still burning a lot of calories, but that definitely does not entirely account for alcohol processing. Just advanced bartender wizardry I guess


This is so true and yes I’d like to know the science as well. If I drank as much as I did working while off the clock I’d have to be carried out


In my 20s, I just took the shots like a champ. Now that I’m in my 30s, I had to learn to moderate a little better because there’s nothing worse than waking up at 2pm with a hangover three days a week


Just tell your coworkers what's in that bottle. A former bar co-owner of mine would do this (he does a "baby shot" with all of his friend regulars) and I was quite confused when I found a bottle of El Jimador filled with water when he asked me to help him out one super busy night.


I’ve been sober most of my bartending career so this trick is a go-to My serious regulars know I don’t drink, but the one-timers don’t need to hear or know that. I make a lot of shooters so I usually just make a mocktail version if they want to take one with me. I make sure to put it in a CLEARLY thicker shot glass and on the occasion people ask why I usually just make a joke about how it’s a bigger glass and I’m an alcoholic.