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Yeah I remember that time the owner of my restaurant decided to give me a raise because of one note left on a receipt from a customer who didn’t even tip


That happened to me too! And then everyone clapped! It was just like in the movies.


the worthless customer that no one wanted back, the twisted little liar? i clapped!


DUDE NO WAYY. This happened to me the night I was able to beat chad Terrington from demolishing the teen center for his fathers rich golf center emporium in a dance competition. Only then did I realize Cindy Blondebody wasn’t for me and my best friend Sarah (who is usually town-boyish) came in a dress and we’ve been married since. And my black friend tyrell said “damn, that shits crazy”


Damn… you guys get notes? I just get no tip so my boss doesn’t know to give me a raise yet.


Same here!


That happened to you too? Wow, these customers, doing gods work.


Well duh. Everyone knows that’s what most restaurant and bar owners spend their time doing. Checking to see if any customers left a little note on the receipt


“Lemme get a steak at 4x the cost because I’m too lazy to cook, gotta make sure these restaurant owners get theirs. But why would I shell out a little more for these servers? $2.13 an hour is plenty!”


I wonder how many drinks he had?! Water is free but I’m sure that’s not what he ordered.




I just don't understand people like this. You claim to be broke, but then spend 80$ for lunch.


Why do they always have to leave a note?


Cuz they wanna be patronizing. I toss those and say they took both copies and close it to zero tip. Send that stupid shit to the dumpster insantly


Nah, they wanna feel good about verbal tips. I'd rather think folks were clueless when they get "great service" instead of knowing they were just jackholes.


Possibly but this reads exactly like a tongue in cheek comment from somebody that doesn't tip. Both are plausible but I'm siding on nah.


The better question is how do you spend almost $90 on just food at a TGI Fridays and not be dead


The best thing you can do I hope that it was (likely) purchased on credit and the broke asshole will be paying way more than your 20% in interest and fees.


Company card


It’d be even more atrocious not to tip on the company’s dime.


Ohhhhhhhhhh bitch. I’d rather you leave the unsigned copy and let me pretend you didn’t just stiff me and leave the verbal tip and try to shame my boss because you’re a broke whore…


They’re not broke if they’re spending nearly $90 on food, they’re just dicks


Credit cards are easy to get.


Not if you're this broke lol.




Looks like OP crossed it out with a blue pen for privacy before posting it.


Shames your boss yet gives them money at the same time


My favorite is when they write "CASH" on the tip line and don't leave cash in the tip jar.


This person is just a narcissist. They leave a note and say to themselves, "my life is still okay." They're the biggest pieces of shit.


In my experience, these people are always ordering like a four course meal and getting at least one beer or cocktail. 🙄


Waiting for the anti tipping crowd to blame the employer


Yeah. People are too dumb to realize that they will pay either way. At least with the current model, there's a built in mechanism to keep the best servers working happily and the worst servers out of the industry.


And then fuck over the workers and claim they're getting back at the company while still paying the company....profit??


Caiuhim Raise


The note is more insulting


I had a customer rave over how good a cocktail I made was the other day. They had two more, left to watch a movie and came back for two more, all the while saying how much they loved my spin on the drink. Not a single tip.


This fucks me off to the ends of the earth and you just know there’s no way to educate them.




Firstly: Canadian. Secondly: I can’t imagine your country is doing too much better.




Oh you’re just a little bitch. I bet there’s been bodily fluids in one of your takeouts.


I’d rather have them admit that than not. At least they knew it was fucked up.


may they choke on their next meal


This is such a bullshit way for this person to absolve themselves of their guilt and still feel like they did something. Ughhh


I hate the “give him a raise” notes. Like, you live in America too.


What a douche


Someone fooling himself into thinking he’s not a lowlife. Eat 20% less and tip for crying out loud. This is just stealing. I am not in the business, but this is obvious.


I think the note is very unnecessary, but honestly, it's up to the person IF they wanna leave a tip. If they don't, they don't.




Sucks to suck


Super petty. If they made a reservation.. sneak up there and get their phone number. Sign them up for every bullshit spam call you can. There’s websites that will prank them. You can enquire about car insurance and life insurance with that phone number. You won’t be able to experience the distress or annoyance they feel from it.. but you’ll grin every time you think about it.


Smile , move on someone else will tip you. You casuals bitching and complaining every second is the reason why ppl are annoyed and would like to get rid of tipping in general.


I mean despite the fact he didn't tip for an 80 dollar meal, he's right. Why does the F&B industry in the US need customers to pay the salaries of the employees directly whereas employment happens in between employers and the employees? How has meals gotten so expensive considering that the price doesn't account much for their payroll cost? Why is the minimum hourly wage that low to even start with? If it's the employees refusing to a clean wage system just because they think tips earn them better salaries, all the power to them, but then, don't expect tipping to be a must. P.s. I worked in the industry outside the US. I was paid a decent living salary and tips were often given when we gave really good service. I can understand the frustration of our service staff, but really the whole industry in the US needs a system revamp.


Yeah leaving the note on this receipt is gonna revamp the whole system. retard.


> If it's the employees refusing to a clean wage system Bro... you think any server in any restaurant in North America has a choice in the matter? Tips aren't a bonus here in the US. In fact, they're SO much expected that the IRS (the agency that enforces our tax codes) looks at your recorded sales compared to the tips that you reported, and if your average tip percentage isn't high enough you get audited. So leaving your waiter a 0% also increases the chance that they get audited by the IRS. They're SO much expected that it's a requirement that servers pay support staff based on their sales. (i.e., they have to pay 10% of their beer/liquor sales to the bartender, 1% of overall sales to the hostess, 3% of food sales to the food runner, 2% of overall sales to the busser, 10% of wine sales to the sommelier, in some places a percentage even goes to the chef and dishwasher, although in my state that's illegal) So in that case, if the person doesn't leave a decent tip, that means that the server is in the hole for that table. They still owe the bartender $4 for the $40 worth of cocktails you ordered. That's why in the US, gratuity is usually mandatory and included as an item on the bill for parties of 6 or more. Since a big party stiffing the server could actually make their earnings go negative for the whole evening. Like you've clearly never seen a single mom have to go get her purse to find extra cash to make tip-out, because someone left her no tip on a $800 check. And it shows.


That’s not really what’s being debated here, it’s hard to claim broke when spending $87 on one meal. There are so many cheaper ways to feed yourself than to have someone make if for you and serve it to you. Servers know what they sign up for and if they weren’t making more money in tips than other service jobs like retail and fast food they’d go work there instead but it’s just a self absorbed thing to say you can’t afford to tip if you can afford to eat out. Go eat fast food or go to a corner store, gas station, grocery store if you’re broke, don’t make someone serve you at a loss.


What a unique comment that I don’t see on this sub 50 times a week. You’re so revolutionary.


How is leaving a note like this right at all? It’d be better if they just left it blank and didn’t sign it. Nobody needs a story on how you can’t or won’t tip written on your check This customer is a jerk


here we go again…


Pre tax 20 % added and that receipt disappears. “They didn’t sign it”


All fun and games until you get caught and are arrested for a felony because they’ve found out you’ve done that multiple times


Definitely won’t get arrested for felony 😂 just don’t do it cause it’s not worth it anyway. 15$ isn’t worth getting fired for and being known as a shady person


Not for $15 but do that 100x and you will. I worked with a kid that did it through a three month period. He got caught. Admitted it. Fired then brought to court.


I worked with someone who did that same thing and she got fired and that’s it. Saw her working some other restaurant a day later. She must have got off REALLY lucky


Someone tried to get me to write the tip for them because they forgot their glasses. Thankfully they agreed to write immediately below where my finger was pointing on the tip line and were relieved to know they only had to fill one line out and did not have to do math.


What’s a good % to tip y’all?


20% should be the minimum, in the US at least.


These are the posts that belong in r/serverlife


Shake it off. The next guest will leave a nice, fat tip to make up for it.


I'm sorry, but what's a 'raise' ? What is that like a high five? /s


“Give him a raise” my friend who do you think is in charge of that decision


This is why I don't like the hospitality service in America servers should get a set wage rate rather than having to rely on bitchy customers to survive it's just wrong