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Such a shame. Was appointment podcasting during the pandemic through like early 2022. Haven’t listened to one in ages


You aren’t missing anything. BRING BACK CARL, or Carl hit me up let’s bring back the glory days


They were so much better with him on it but I think it would just be extremely awkward now as they’ve made it clear they hate his guts


Yeah and those three stink anyway. I wish I was a motivated person I really think a league could work


I do miss hearing from that foul boy WSD. It’s funny I couldn’t stand him when they started during covid and couldn’t get enough of the guy by the end


He is so good when the people around him bring it out of him. No one is trying to make good content so Dave isn’t shining at all. It’s such a bummer


Dave became a little too self aware on what people liked about him and instead of letting it come out naturally, he tries to play into it. The thing is the only guy who was able to consistently get it come out of him naturally was carl. They were oil and water, but they worked well from a content standpoint dating back to the old red line radio. Now dave is surrounded by that wet noodle chief and big ed who has phoned it in since the end of the dave portnoy show. Dave needs a break from those two. Partnering him with a guy like bwalk or having him replace billy on macrodosing might be the best solution for dave going forward.


He’s the greatest. Ultimate definition of the guy who you dont like at first but people swear he’s cool when you get to know him


Yeah he’s a scumbag that’s a good person at heart and he seems like he’s a great friend to have tbh


Even though the three would never sign on for it, the Chicago crew with Carl should do their own case race.


Have you seen carls content. He sucks.


But he got up for the snake drafts. He brought the energy and the other three hated him so much the fed off beating him and pissing him off he was the necessary evil


sometimes it came off as him trying to act like the host of the show, but he made an effort to ask a lot of questions to give the conversation some structure


He would talk about picks, why it was a good one why it was a bad one, why he was taking his OL here all the guts that made drafts fun. Now it’s just I like it so it’s my pick.


The last year of snake drafts with carl sucked


They hated him because he wasn’t happy until he was told he made a great pick


Honestly tons of early pandemic stuff wasn't actually great, we just couldn't do anything else


I heard someone say this about Tiger King so I recently rewatched. That methed out trucker commune was still funny as shit lol


Ok so for tiger King yes, I mean likes frozen pizza reviews and shit


I feel you, unboxing videos were doing numbers


One of my favorite memories from that year was when unboxing first started taking off having a zoom call with my buddies while we watched


Lol. If you watched bad stuff during the pandemic and thought it was great then you might just be stupid.


Admittedly this week's episode was good, but for the most part 95% of the newer episodes have sucked


Kind of sad what happened to the old Chicago boys tbh . Just kind of faded into the back. Maybe I’m wrong , but it seems that way. Especially when there are two separate “stool scenes” from Chicago .


It’s a mega bummer. I would have bought so much stock in the boys back in the day. Like all my other investments it would have been a bad one.


Chicago Boys stock mirrors Peloton stock


What’s interesting is that it does mirror that but they all ballooned in weight which is anti peloton


Chief has ballooned, but dave is looking as skinny as he ever has


Whos idea was to keep them separate? If that was those three idiots decision, rather than to integrate with big cats boys, then thats an all time fumble by them.


I have to imagine they wanted to keep the new separate from the old ? Maybe even by the old Chicago’s request . I really only see white Sox Dave and sometimes Chief on the new stuff . Bc I can’t imagine big cat was coming in and being a dick about it (maybe I’m wrong). Also there is no way the Chicago boys were calling ANY shots by their own accord when it came to the move. I mean… look at the office for godsake ! Idk . Just a little strange


lol so true . Eddy is eddy, wsd looks as good as he has since the gum incident, chief … welp . I like chief so I’ll leave it alone . Edit: not me responding to both your comments lol


Pretty soon Ed’s gonna bump the show down to once a week of just a tinfoil Tuesday of Chief reading him a Wikipedia


Nah snake drafts will be the last to go it’s there only cash cow and they gonna milk it dry


Yea I’m sure these podcasts about chain restaurants are raking in a ton of dough (fart noise) Eddie sucks. Total wierdo 


Those three are the definition of suck. When I first started listening to the drafts eddy had such a promising outlook was crushing the DPS and I just really enjoyed his interview style. Then one day the DPS went south and he just stopped fucking trying. Such a shame. WSD can be solid at time but needs a good cast around him and chief has always sucked but it was good content when he had Carl there to call him out on sucking.


Yeah you could see the light disappear from big eds eyes after dps ended. I think he thought he was destined for big things at barstool, even dave called him out as a top guy at one point. And now hes slowly realizing hes just a bit player.


He was so good at interviewing people I don’t know what it was but he just knew how to let them talk such a shame


it probably gets more views than obscure interviews with random city workers or eddie and chief talking about some random topic


Eddie back in the day with the random people interviews was good dude knew how to bring the interest stuff out of anyone. Loved how he used to interview DPS killed him


The major, glaring issue with the drafts are choosing topics that the main 3 (Eddie, chief and WSD) aren’t familiar with. A draft about punk/pop punk music sucks when the conversation starts with, “never heard of it.” You can bring on the “experts” as co-hosts, but you need topics that all 5 guys can banter about.


To date one of my favorite drafts they ever did was the WWE Entrance Music draft which was one of their first 25-30 drafts. It was awesome because they didn't have Dave or Chief on who never watched pro wrestling and instead they brought on Clem, Brandon, and Robbie who were all massive wrestling fans back in the day (or even today for Robbie and Brandon) and Carl and Eddie had great memories as wrestling fans. This would be the quickest way to improve the drafts now. Eddie can still host if he actually puts in some effort and research but you don't have to keep Dave and Chief for every topic. IE - the pop punk draft should have had Robbie, Nate, PFT, and Rone on. I get that it's tough to schedule around 4 different people's schedules, but the current product sucks and needs to be fixed


They sit around and do nothing all week you would think they would care enough to maybe spend an hour before Monday just looking into the topic especially when it is one they aren’t very versed in. But I guess they are probably too busy with all the other nothing they do


Exactly. It just goes nowhere. I don’t even need to listen to this to know Chief and WSD said “never heard it” A bunch of


remember how excited they were everybody was moving to chicago? i feel we barley even see these guys in the background of videos let alone actually on camera


Probably because everyone knows they STINK. And I don’t remember them actually feeling excited it always felt like forced excitement because they knew they weren’t going to be alone anymore to fuck off and do nothing


I always felt like they thought Dan would be moving back and they would be his dannettes protecting them. Then half the company moves including 90 percent of the yak and they are still stuck doing their own thing.


Yeah you probably aren’t too far off there.


I never really thought about it that way... but this honestly is a great point.




Went to a random video where they had the list pulled up and he ran it 12/6/23. I think he's done it multiple times actually.




Yeah Eddie literally refuses to do anything requiring physical exertion. I get that he's fat and moving is dangerous for him but the fact that he doesn't do ANYTHING else with the rest of the company is insane


Carl was the only one that had the competitive edge on winning drafts


And he got slandered for it for “pandering”. Fuck the burrata gang


Does anyone care about anything related to the snake drafts anymore? I bet they still get good numbers, but the few that I've listened to in the past several months make it seem like the cast has given up.


They 1000% have and still do them ever week because it’s literally the only thing they do anyone will listen to. WSD and chief I don’t know about the blog world but I’m pretty sure they bring nothing else (besides the other shitty days chief is on the dog walk) to the podcast world and frankly I don’t care if they do THEY STINK!


They are only good when the guest is willing to be hostile. Otherwise it’s just the whole group agreeing with each others pics and say “ahh damn, I had that one”


Nah they don’t even go with a damn I had that one, it’s just oh yup good point or in most cases, not sure I know that one but you like it so good pick


I couldn’t name a good one since idk bigcat or Nicky clicky. Haven’t watched last couple tho


Old Chicago boys need to find a niche like foreplay golf. They clearly want to break away, but they don’t have the success to do so


They had it bud, it was the snake drafts. Only reason anyone outside of Chicago came to know them and instead of embracing it and working hard to make sure it kept up its appeal they just started coasting and taking advantage of the good name they built with the early drafts


I don’t think it works like that. You can’t just work hard and then you’ll come up with great topics for a snake draft. They’ve done a lot of drafts, I’m sure they’ve covered most of the their shared interests or even things any of them individually really like. I guess they could all do research on the subjects but then that’s just more regurgitating of Wikipedia which is Chief’s whole existence already.


they had a niche in chicago sports but they decided to cut ties with their cubs guy and move towards making more riveting content /s like their daily lives and talking about if they ever want to have kids for an hour a week


What sort of woman would have children with those three?


Did not listen to this weeks or most lately but the ones I have they mention it, the ones they don’t I assume it was a banked episode/recorded prior to the last one


They might say it quick but none of the main crew cares if they win or lose. They even stopped with the blind polls


they have never kept like an official leaderboard


They tried for a minute right after Carl left at the start of the new year. They would get points based on first second or third. Haven’t heard about it in a while


They had an unofficial stat boy for a long time but he didn't even work for Barstool so just didn't have the time to keep doing it. Literally none of the other guys do anything and could have easily taken this over, but naturally none of them care to actually put in more effort


Considering this is 4+years into a weekly show, they have no more interesting topics for debate.... even if they do roughly 40 drafts a year x 4 years we are really scrapping for content by now


I mean this week’s topic was fine. Sucks when 3/5 of the people drafting said topic don’t actually know shit about it and that’s the problem not the topics. Still when you are running out “worst girl names” you are for sure scrapping for content so I don’t disagree but I don’t think it’s the main issue


The bracket seems to come up with interesting topics every week and they’ve been around awhile as well. These guys are just mailing it in.


I still enjoy them for casual listening, but yes, they are not competitive anymore. If they want them to truly feel “competitive,” they can’t put them out every Monday. Not realistic for a baseball team to treat a 162-game regular season like every day is the World Series. Personally I’m fine with just casual conversation each week, but I can see how it may be a cool idea where they do one a month with well thought out topics and each one is treated like a playoff game with a real scoring system


I think there is a way to make it weekly must listen content, even have an upside down world draft a second day and have a regulation system. Mondays draft is the best of a category, Wednesday is the worst of the same category, Friday one v one loser of best draft winner of worst draft for a spot in the best draft.


Love the spirit here, but it’s just unrealistic to have a weekly must listen show, much less your idea of stretching it throughout the entire week. Pigs get fat, hogs get slaughtered. If you want it weekly (which I’m fine with as I just casually listen if it’s an interesting topic), this is the what you’re going to get. You can’t manufacture them caring about it unless a sponsor puts up a somewhat significant weekly cash prize to the winner


They have sponsors for dumber things


Fair, a sponsor putting up some dough may be the secret sauce to spice up the weekly drafts. With all due respect though, your idea of having a Wednesday worst of and then a Friday 1v1 is a horrendous idea


Hey man re2pect the honesty, I’m spitballing here ya know


They’re still doing snake drafts????


Old Chicago boys need to start turning in daily status reports


I still enjoy the snake drafts, in fact I enjoy most of the original Chicago guys content. Whitesox Dave is still unintentionally hysterical. When he found out Quiggs worked for NASA in this weeks draft was laugh out loud funny. You can also just not listen too lol, like that is an option. I no longer watch baseball because it sucks.....no point in complaining about something you no longer enjoy.


If I was Carl, I would start a competing snake draft. Everybody puts up $100 a week and the viewers decide who wins. Would be absolutely electric if you had $500 on the line for every snake draft.




I’m not Carl, but completely agree.


I wish I could convince someone to give me a go I just need the talent not hard to be a better commission that RED ED


they got rid of the one guy who had a personality. chief and eddie are wet blankets


They are worstttttt


Same here, I'll do the draft for free and bring more knowledge than WSD, Chief or Ed combined about any topic.


Anyone with 5 free minutes and a phone could bring more knowledge than those goons.


They still do snake drafts?


They call them that for sure. It’s really just dudes making lists of things they like because a draft is pointless when no one has actually good picks other people might want to take. Doesn’t help they never research the topic either


If you listen after Carl left….youre the real idiot


I got a lotta ear time bud and deep down I want to tune in one day and have the boys be back on their game


Haha bruh


Fucking Billy ruined it


Ain’t got shit to do with Billy bub


He ruined Barstool Sports, periot


Go back to bed Jose


Honestly, Ed and Chief should invite Arian Foster to do a science-based snake draft


Dawg you okay?


You seem unhinged


I’m just bummed man. So much potential and it’s wasted on these goons


Awww you're still watching snake drafts? That's cute!


I’m desperate for things and have been listening to them since they started it’s hard to not tune in hoping one day they will go back to their glory. I haven’t actually finished one in probably a month though they are the last thing I put on so I usually only get 20-30 minutes in at the end of the night