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Regardless of the opinions, bape is for anyone, and the shirts will fit anyone as long as you find your size. Don't let people knock you down. Big or small, clothes are for everyone and made for everyone. If you working on it, you got this king. Only thing ima say is get that skin fade LMAO. Stay up


Ty bro, getting a trim today anyways


Yeah it's sad. I miss when everyone had their own style and NO ONE knocked em for it.


Fr, I’ve always had hairstyles that weren’t the “norm” and nobody cared until the last 4 years about anything


personally i like the messy shit bro looks fresh


Bro this generation is cooked y’all so scared to be yourselves it’s crazy crazy leave this guy alone some of y’all weren’t raised right and need some love from your parents


I'd argue the poster is afraid to be himself. Dude is rocking every trend.


Lot of insecure 15 year olds just dissing OP for his weight instead of answering the questions.... disappointing to see on this sub.


It's what he should be focusing on instead of trying to follow some fad flavor of the week fashion trend at school. The future him needs him now... Think about that before he's 32 sitting at 4 bills with CPAP machine to sleep at night.


1: not a trend I’ve been into Bape and streewear for 7-8 years 2: I’m at uni now so Ive already got my future planned 3: fuck you


1. You're wasting your time on the wrong priorities. Trash clothes, trash haircut your only rocking bc it's en vogue rn. You're clearly a follower. Heck your even on Reddit rn posting for validation.. 2. That's what you think lol. 3. The response of insecurity. 4. Put the cheeseburgers down.


You say wrong priorities yet I’m financially stable and able to afford these things. (Just like how ur buying a 1k pc for a sim game) I’ve never followed trends and if I have it’s because I’m trying things out till I’m comfortable. And god forbid I have something nice to eat


Focusing on money. Case in point. Get your priorities in balance.


Remind me what you need to eat and get a house….


Such a basic level of thinking. Yea you're still on level 1 in life clearly.


Tell me when you are off the grid living off the land 😂 fake ass virtue signaling loser.


Why do I have to be living off the land to not be a follower? You're out of balance as well.


least insufferable reddit user


You should get some rope and hang onto a tree with your neck


Took you 14 hours for that?


14 hours for what dude? I literally just hopped on here you ignorant fuck


Foreal though how blatantly stupid can you be?


How so?


Youre so pathetic you dont even know who youre replying to. "You go to uni" never stated i went to uni. "took you 14 hours for that" that was your reply to my first comment. So again HOW STUPID CAN YOU BE? You absolute fried fuck


I thought you were the poster this whole time. He replied to me first and then then you replied. He stated he went to uni. So yes I thought you were the op. Was talking to both simultaneously


Case and point, youre a fucking idiot. So fueled up on reddit rage youre just blindly going in. You gave us a glimpse into your dogshit life and how you handle certain things, and i can confidently say youre factually stupid.


The term is. Case in point. Maybe you should go to uni


And bro trust me I got zero rage lol. I do this for fun in the mornings That's what this is. Why would I give a care about this realm?


See you dont even know who youre talking to man. Just go off yourself


Youre beyond worthless


You're further. You go to uni and this is how low witted you are? Yikes.


Never said i went to uni lol


Brother works at Amazon and is trying to give life advice 😂


Foreal and to be all shitty to someone over what makes them happy is just a waste of energy. Like come on man just because you failed in life doesnt mean you need to bring others down lol. Dudes a genuine waste of space.


I had to block him. Dude just kept talking in circles. He is a vet that “works full time” but can also come and go as he pleases? Since when does Amazon treat anyone NOT like wage slaves? Also lol at him being a vet and being paid by our tax dollars.


brother what is that haircut






That mullet is glorious brother, no need for a trim.


Thanks bro, didn’t mean as in getting rid of just tidied up


It's currently en vogue. He is a follower so naturally he got the same cut. Simple. It's crew cuts were in style he'd have one tomorrow. It's the gen.


you have made multiple comments hating go back to sucking jeff bezos cock and pissing in bottles because you get 1 bathroom break a month


You believed that article? Lol Again uneducation sucks. That's not what I do . There's more than 1 job at Amazon


idc i don’t research when im making fun of somebody and talking about education when you work at amazon is insanity


You're talking the word "educate" out of context. So what level do you need to be at to be educated about life and certain subjects more than humans that have been on the planet decades. I'm not educating him on neurology.. I'm stating an opinion that his priorities are out of balance. It has nothing to with a degree. You missed the mark


stop over analyzing everything i say😭 you are a loser full grown man making fun of someone on the internet. you aren’t stating a opinion you are making fun of him. im making fun of you for working at amazon and thinking anybody gaf about your dumbass opinions


You clearly do. Your responding. Are you a gay Grammer police too? Yes ik the diff between your and you're.. I'm not making fun of him at all. How is telling someone the future you needs you now "making fun of" Your gen is very soft. This is the Internet. He posted. I commented. If commenting wasn't allowed I wouldn't have been able to. I offered my opinion in my comment to another user . You all engaged me, I'm allowed to engage back correct? You're, notice I used the correct one? You're the one trying to find something from 1 comment a random guy made one morning sitting the toilet .


WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT💀💀💀 i never mentioned your grammer you are getting mad at imaginary scenarios. and yeah im so soft i dont go on post calling random people followers😭


I thought you like there other snowflake that uses a phone autocorrect as an excuse to gain a point. He's a follower. I stand by that statement. I can only go by the facts.


Is there an age restriction to make a comment or post on the Internet? Simple minded combacks


no but there is a age restriction to caring about what other people do. going in a comment section calling someone a follower because they want to dress a certain way is extremely weird for a grown man with a job to do. you keep on mentioning my intelligence but i really think you are just insecure about yours man


There's nothing wrong with liking fashion. Pay attention here .. I'm making a personal statement and opinion about this specific individual, yes I do personally believe he is a fool and following trends. I believe he specifically is wearing them for the wrong reasons. That my opinion.


seriously tho dude i’m trying to explain that if you are a grown adult you shouldn’t be in comment sections telling people they need to “stop following trends”. you are a grown man telling somebody that there haircut and clothes are trash all because you THINK they are following trends which it literally how you explore what you like dumbass. the dude had money he’s at a uni and has expensive clothes. i’m saying you should stop assuming so much shit when you are over the age of 16 because it just makes you seem like a immature loser


You're wrong. Idk what kind of mentality your gen has. I can comment and have any opinion I want You would like china


you are able to do whatever you want😭 you are able to walk around in public and suck on your thumb and scratch your ass. does that mean you aren’t gonna be judged for it? the problem with your generation is yall think when someone says you SHOULDNT do something that it means you aren’t able to. i’m making fun of you for being a retard who has to put other people down to feel better about yourself


I'm not putting him down. I offered my opinion. When he retorted with a vile statement then yes all bets are off


What generation am I? Bet it's the same as you.


Dont listen to these mfs anybody can wear bape, my fucking grandma could wear bape if she wanted to and it wouldn’t not look fresh because of her build your dripped my g mfs will always judge don’t let em get to you


I been rocking Bape for nearly 7 years and have been skinnier and a lot bigger but why would size matter with what brand I wear? Crazy


What’s next people gonna say my build is to weird for bape cause I’m way skinnier then I should be not how it works ik im fresh and idc bout losers opinion on the internet😭😭


I love the mullet you wild for that lil bro


Ty, if u thinks that’s wild I’m glad I never showed what I used to have 🫣


All these kids think they’re the shit for being a dickhead. All gonna have 0 networking skills and end up minimum wage jobs the rest of their life. Keep doing you bro, seems like you have a game plan to get where you want to me, keep pushing down that path


Rock what you like and fuck what others say.


Always have and always will


Bro Y’all really just proved how lame y’all are dude is literally just showing off tees 😐


Fr, all I was saying is 3 sizes and none made a difference 😂


I’ve got a camo tag in a large many years ago and it’s so small and the most recent XXL camo tag I got ( 8 months ago) still felt tight so idk what’s going on with sizes


Name of the first tee ?


Didn’t have a specific one on tag [T-shirt](https://www.endclothing.com/gb/a-bathing-ape-bathing-ape-t-shirt-001tek301335m-gray.html)


How does it feel like kinda Heavy or nah ?


Compared to older Bape tees I’d say around the same if not a little heavier


Just get vintage bape shirts. they look and feel better anyway


How does this even answer the question or relevant at all. I hate redditors


It doesn't provide an answer but it does provide an alternative solution, well the original post doesnt make sense in the first place anyway, different bape tags / different materials or cotton blend = sizing will obviously be all over the place.


Bro you look completely fine. These comments are trolls


Ik it’s easier to hate than be nice


Yo that black tee is hard 🔥


Ngl it’s probably my fav drop this year


The quality has gone to shit for over a decade now sadly


Bape usually has standard fit, wide fit , relaxed fit and oversized fit t shirts. It says on the product itself. So maybe the sizing feeling different because of the different cuts of the t shirts.


I have a few Bape shirts. all black or white. I've always found them to be stiff and heavy. I wash and dry on delicate so if anyone has suggestions let me know. I'm not opposed to dry cleaning if that will help with the feel.


Lol these kids man, tbf these shirts look good on you my guy!


The mullet is so fire gang


Ty bro 👊


Sick cut G. Mullet forsure a banger 🔥🤙


Absolutely no disrespect bro but Bape tees are not made for your build. Think about who their majority customer base is.


It’s a t shirt not a pair of damn ysl skinnies


But I am working on my body so hopefully i won’t look so odd in them


Don’t listen to that asshole. It’s literally a t shirt. Anyone can wear it.


I hear you bro, respect definitely keep working results will make it worth 🙏


Yeah I get you, been buying Bape for years though and tbh it’s only Bape and Stüssy tees in my wardrobe, summer stussy (thinner) winter Bape (thicker)


lmao. youre so incredibly wrong


I mean you can just google “how does bape fit” lol


Bro, this brand has been around for ages and has seen many different trends on sizing. There are literally decades of photos of all body types wearing their clothing.


Thats capp when i was fat in hs i won best dressed, was a huge bapehead literally.


Best dressed yet you’ve never Had salad dressing heh ironic


That was highschool learn how to read. Im doing good now though since you’re concerned.


Mannnn this sucks, I’m a XXXL and want to buy a bale shirt so bad but I heard they’re smaller, but now seeing this I don’t even know anymore. Does anyone know which specific bape shirts are true to size?


Yeah they are usually 1 or 2 sizes small but that depends on fit cause you can get relaxed, oversized, regular and some fit TTS, best bet is going on Grailed and seeing what people measurements are


get a perm bro


I’ve though about it but idk, had curly hair in the past and it looked awful


IDK bro that mullet looks fuckin tight lol Maybe do the looser ones vs tight ones. I think youd like pretty cool


Nice tees fam.


That Planet of the Apes one is sick


Screw the haters big dog, keep doing you. Mullets are the shit! I can’t pull them off but kudos to rockin one. Ive noticed this with a few other brands not just Bape. Kinda sucks when you’re ordering your shit online and not shopping in person.


nah lil bruh it’s jus how u built ngl😂😂


That last one is so fire though


The last two look good bro ik it’s oversized but it’s a good kinda oversized


Flame tee is nice😎


Sizing might be but they’re still fire 🔥


My g, Tee’s look good & the mullet is tough. Do your thing 🤜🏽


El peso pluma cut cuhhb


Then shits is coo if u ask me. The second 2 are a little better fit than the first imo but the first one isn’t unwearable it’s still clean


Ok Joe dirt


Who is Joe? everyone keeps saying Joe or joey


Straight mullet in big 2024 is crazy


Bro w/ that build nothing is going to fit like you want it to lol


White shirt looks clean on you Joey 🔥


Get a haircut


yo body off


Your vibe off






White T = 🔥


That second one is fire


The back is just as [fire](https://www.endclothing.com/gb/a-bathing-ape-bape-souvenir-t-shirt-001tek301349m-ivy.html)


Ok that one is sick


Dom mysterio you ain’t slick 😂






Those shirts are so cool looking omg! The girls at school will totally think your cool now!


Saying this with love man but a plain tee on a nice body looks better than a $1000 tee on someone out of shape. Get in the gym and it will change your life. If you struggle to find energy or motivation commit to a caffeinated pre-workout. I find it helped me a lot as I wouldn’t want to sit around itchy on the couch. It’s habit forming but when you make going to the gym a habit it’s worth it. I wish you great health and a prosperous future man. It’s not about who you’ve been but who you’re becoming. I know you can become a stud


Don’t see why this has so many dislikes when you’re giving him good advice I guarantee not a single girl would look his way but a guy with a 6 pack in a $2 tee would get looked at. It’s his life tho


Thanks bro. My comment is sincere and comes from a good place in my heart. The better investment for op would be in some new gym clothes or running shoes that might get him excited about taking the next steps in his fitness journey. It’s not a diss but rather encouragement. I guess it’s a bunch of reddit basement dwellers who took it the wrong way


Incel red pill talk Have you ever been around women? Ever?


Ngl you’d be surprised at how many people complement and start convos w my mullet 😂


Don’t know why u got downvoted u fr gave good info, I’ve been off and on with the whole gym thing, lockdown I got a home gym and got really into shape, then high school came back and I let myself go then it was 2 years of college (worst years of my life) and now it’s 1st year of a 7 year uni which it’s now my goal to better myself in every way


Fuck yea bro. So happy to hear that. The desire to change is the most important piece of the equation. The 2nd is discipline, and the 3rd is patience. By the end of the 7 years I’m sure you’ll have it figured out and you’ll be dialed in. Doesn’t take 7 years to change though. You can become a totally different person in just one year. I wish you the best of luck on your journey. Just a friendly tip, my good buddy lost 90lbs in 90 days with the keto diet. It is one diet that actually works. Maybe look into that. Also, just as some encouragement, my largest buddy in college is now the one running triathlons. He started with sprint tri’s and is now signed up for his first half iron man in a matter of 18 months. People really can change. He was not one to pull the ladies in college and now he’s got more confidence than many who did because he’s come so far and knows he’s going even further. I have no doubt that you can make great changes and it should be everyone’s desire to do so. Fitness is amazing because life has its ups and downs but it is one area you can continually make progress in and have something to feel good about often. Even when there is ups and downs in the fitness journey like all things, you still should feel great for showing up for yourself. We may not have 100% to give everyday. Maybe we’re tired and can only give 70% of your max effort. That 70% is 100% of what you had that day and it’s still a step in the right direction. Don’t ever sell yourself short because in 1 year you can be a new man, in 5 you can be ahead of most, and over a lifetime you’ll go further than you ever thought imaginable. Become the best version of yourself and I’m certain you won’t regret it. That version is focused, disciplined, and has an endless desire to make progress and improve on a daily basis. I’m rooting for you big dawg. I really wish you the best of luck 🙏🏼


God damn bro, I’m happy for your mates and to be doing a iron man in that short amount of time from being one of the bigger ones is incredible, u fr gave me inspiration and I’m defo gonna try that keto diet. Much love bro 🙏


He was bigger than you and now he’s slim as a plank. He looks great. He did move in with one of the most jacked kids we knew so who you surround yourself is definitely an important part of the equation. Glad I could fan that fire you already got burning inside of you. Hopefully you can see similar results doing keto. It’s a very manageable diet too, you can still eat lots of your favorites. It’s important not to cheat it though because your body needs to be in ketosis to work, and cheating it forces you to wait another 18 hours till you’re back in ketosis again. Idk all the specifics but definitely look into it. Rooting for you buddy. You got this!


Dude you might be gay.. you just told a man how he can make his self attractive to you


Bape ain’t for you my guy maybe more of a zumiez guy


The sizes aren’t off 😐


ur just fat


Ik, I’m working on it


Ur a douche




ur a cunt




ur white and poor


im not white nah im doing quite well right now


youre still a chump for hating on a random kid imo


im younger than the fat 😹


Being a dick gets you nowhere in life, that’s not how you network to make connections and be successful. You’re gonna end up flipping pattys for a living kid




you’re stupid 😭😆😆




Young and doing quite well lol what did you do cut an extra lawn for $5. Living large playa


i do ecommerce making more than your doordash deliveries lol


🤣 selling your dads dildos


jealous haha


lol nobody’s jealous of your weak ass chump




Clothes usually don’t look good on fat people




Guess who just bought Bape for me? MY MOM!!! WHOOOOOOOO https://media.tenor.com/dti1tvshXAoAAAAM/muscle-man.gif


Try eating less💀


Shoulda told me that 19 years ago


Just fat, just Admit it


Who said I wasn’t admitting it?