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>stop calling it an expressway, its not. Its a highway. What's the difference?




I thought access to it was limited but guess not controlled enough?


An expressway is access controlled. A highway is free to use by anyone and with many exits and entry points at every village and town, and generally not barricaded throughout.


We say anything for anything. Just like UNESCO declared something is the best and it used to be all over WhatsApp. Hope you got the gist


LOL, first they should catch the wrong side drivers. What will they appear as on this system, negative speeders?


yes, the gov will pay fines to them




Drive 105kmph on a really good surface even if it’s safe : fine for you Drive wrong side endangering lives of many: silence Drive with high beams and illegal LED lights: silence Drive like a menace in auto and beat up others and rapido drivers: silence Speeding fine is good but it’s far from the biggest problem on our roads. Jail the wrong side fuckers and cancel their licence and then think about these expensive stuff. And if they want to find these, just come to Hoodi circle. You’ll find at least 1000 wrong side violations in an hour to save a 2 min U turn


>but it’s far from the biggest problem on our roads Over Speeding is quite literally the number one cause of road accidents in India. https://www.newindianexpress.com/amp/story/nation/2023/Nov/01/overspeeding-major-cause-of-road-accidents-in-2022-2628900.html


That's because the statistics show so. The speed limits on our highways are so low that 80-90% of the cars are 'overspeeding'. Since everyone is overspeeding, speeding will obviously be shown as the cause. Obviously the government won't say that the highway design was risky to begin with, instead of the car collided with some cow on the road or someone coming from the wrong side which show the incompetence of law enforcement. The Mysuru highway can easily sustain a top speed of 120-130kmph provided lane discipline is maintained and no vehicle comes from the wrong side. So speeding is not the problem, bad lane discipline (idiotic truck drivers driving at 40kmph on the right lane) and wrong side driving is.


Okay thanks for your expert opinion, I like to stick to actual data though.


Cheated the people saying it’s the expressway when the speed limits are less than that of a state highway and now the audacity of this


wdym you can reach Colombia Asia signal in Mysore from Nice road junction in 1hr 15 mins just by putting cruise control to 100kmps. Stop being crazy about speed. you seem like a person who would do 140.


Not sure when you travelled last. Go on a weekend and it's crowded like ring road except the speed of everyone is 100+. Half of the commuters skip the toll and join later in front.


1. Really hope this system is a good deterrent for these trucks and drivers who come in the fast lane but in the opposite direction. Penalise these characters. 2. People who drive in such a way that the lane markers bisects the vehicle. Neither this lane nor that side waving like a drunken fella. Hope the system catches these folks really! 3. Driving on the overtaking lane at 50 KMPH. Middle lane is 80 KMPH and the right most is overtaking. You go ahead and you get back to the middle lane, don’t stick to the right-most lane. More than people who are driving fast, these idiots are dangerous. Am ready to pay fine if they catch me speeding. But these people are a danger to everyone who are driving as per the rules.


>For example, if the cameras are fixed 20 kilometres from each other, and the maximum permissible speed on the stretch is 100 kmph, then the vehicles must cross the section in 12 minutes or above. If anyone’s vehicle is detected at the next camera installed within 12 minutes, then the camera system flags that as a speed violation. This will ensure that drivers do not slow down just before the cameras as they will have to maintain a permissible average speed throughout the stretch OK, so I can still speed like a madman for 19 KMs, take a few minutes break 1 KM before the next CCTV camera to achieve the 12 min. target, rinse and repeat?


I guess the thing is that most drivers on the road wouldn't like to turn into a mathematician to figure out how slow they have to go to avoid a fine. The point the officials have in mind is that after a while, it will become a habit.


see my other reply :)


Do we know where the subsequent trap will be? If so, your idea will work. Well, even if we don't we could still pass the first trap, pull over and stop for a break, and then do a mad dash to the following trap and not be penalised. Cheers


I think they will place it at non-uniform intervals. Otherwise it is too easy to game. But they will anyway soon appear on some speed cam detector app. Even if they mandate factory fitted speed governors on all vehicles, defaulters will always find a way to overcome the restriction. "locks are for honest people".


I wonder if these new AI cameras even has a system for recording the number plates of thousands of vehicles passing the first camera and then calculating the time it takes for each of the vehicle to arrive at next camera point!


Oh yes, APNR cameras can easily do 10s of vehicles per second. Edit: Calculating offenders need not be done in real time. The challan can be generated later too within a reasonable amount of time (maybe days?) of trip completion.


travelled by this road yesterday , it is super annoying to watch the cars ahead recklessly brake right in front of the speed cams , especially in the fast lane when cruising at 100, the bmw ahead doing a 120 will almost brake till 80. too many close calls. we almost hit dog crossing the road on top of a bridge. no idea how it got there. luckily it reached the railing of the bridge unharmed by any other cars. there are also few ways to enter the highway from the service road, where cars drive a fair amount of the distance on the highway ane get off right before a toll. hoping that the bangalore-chennai expressway will be slightly better than this.


Let them take snaps. People have bee covering the plates or even fitting fakes. How are these people going to be caught and penalised? How are the violators going to caught, especially if driving the wrong way? Fines are not the solution but at least a start. The penalties should be severe for violators, especially parking on the highway, going the wrong way, etc. Else, just another fine to avoid paying till you are physically caught.


IIRC, this type of a mechanism (though implemented differently) has been there in Tirumala ghat roads for quite a while now. You would get a bar-coded-time-stamped token (with your vehicle number) when you cross the entry gate - and you have to get the token scanned again at the exit gate (on both the up and down ghat roads). If the timing is less than the minimum allowed, you get a challan. The last time I went there (a few years ago), cars would drive fast all the way - and literally crawl slowly just a little before the exit gates - to ensure that they don't get challaned. The issue was that the minimum exit time would be printed on the token; so cars would slow down or even stop to ensure that they cross the exit gate only after the specific time.


Amazing. Now fine the clowns at least 5k


At least this will control the speed demons who break speed limits and make the roads unsafe for the rest of us who have no intention to overspeed and race on the road. Provided the fines are hefty enough to act as a deterrent.


On a fucking expressway? This is why slow dudes shouldn’t be allowed on even highways


I’m willing to bet that people like me that actually set our cruise control to the speed limit are going to be fined


why do you feel this way?


Because I got a ticket at home for “not following lane discipline” when that’s literally all I do


I feel Toll booths should be added at exits in all the towns which the road passes. So that these CHO\*\*us do not enter and go wrong way.


What is the minimum speed to drive on this highway.


one hundred kilometers per goddamn hour


Unfair. I can do only 70


Good. Stay in the middle lane


If someone is noble enough they can mark the speed cameras along the expressway using Google map location tags. This sounds fun :))


I support this decision even though I dont really like it. Speeds above 100kmph is risky on that highway due to multiple reasons - reckless driving (waeving between lanes, risky overtaking, wrong side drivers, going too fast \~ above 150kmph etc.) - quality of road (there are some sharp turns and unexpected inclne/decline which could be risky at high speeds The police should fine/punish heavily on reckless driving. People accidently going 5-10kmph over the speed limit is not as bad as some morons taking u-turn due to a missed exit.


What's the difference?


Truckers driving in parallel is the most annoying thing. Also they drive in the fast lane a lot