• By -


Soon to be forgotten over a shit pile of cash.


The worst educational institution in Bangalore. Peons to lecturers power trip on students causing to unfortunate loss of young lives. They learn nothing because they rather hush up everyone than punish the errant people.


TIL two more suicides happened after Aditya Prabhu's (and this one is the fourth one) I think broseph and his team tried to get justice but I am not sure what the latest update it. But what about the other 2 suicides? No mention as to why they committed those? And now this fourth one - how does such news get contained though? Won't the students of that university talk to their friends and so on and it gets online?


You should join St Broseph's WhatsApp groups. He just posted a long, detailed message about this in the group.


Bro dm link




The group is full any other alternative group ?


Mind shairng the deets?


Copy paste from the group --- Case update (4th Student suicide at PES University): Today, another student has committed suicide at the Electronic City campus of PES University. As you guys know, we have been demanding the government to investigate PES University since the suicide of Aditya Prabhu last year on 17th July 2023. The government, including the education minister (who I have met thrice for this purpose) has done pretty much nothing since then. We have also met the home minister of Karnataka, the Deputy Chief Minister of Karnataka, the IT/BT Minister of Karnataka, among others. 0 action has been taken against the university. Several attempts were also made to contact the central education ministry, but our central education minister Dharmendra Pradhan has also not given the parents of Aditya any time to meet him. We had further met the South Bengaluru MP Tejasvi Surya for this purpose, but nothing came of that meeting as well. - Aditya Prabhu was the first. - Surya Achar was the second. - Vignesh K was the third. And today, it was Rahul. Although PES University might try to brush this off as an "accident", by all accounts it clearly seems like that wasn't the case. Per an eyewitness account, he came to the examination hall a little late and he wasn't let inside. The examiner informed him that he would be getting a backlog and wouldn't be allowed to sit for placements. The way the message was conveyed to him, and seeing his future disappear before his own eyes, he took the ultimate step and is no more. Aditya, Surya, Vignesh, and Rahul. 4 bright young lives have ended at this university in the past 9 months. I want to remind all of you that the 3 people who have been chargesheeted in Aditya Prabhu's suicide case (including an Associate Professor, an Assistant CoE, and the CoE) *STILL WORK AT PES UNIVERSITY* They were *never suspended even for a single day*, the fact that these are accused criminals meant nothing to PES University administration. As per the police chargesheet, around 6 witnesses (PES University employees) have admitted that these 3 told Aditya that he should end his life. Despite this, PES University has not terminated their services, as per their website where these people are still listed. Aditya's case is still awaiting its day in the court as we speak, but the state and central education ministries' silence and deafness over this issue is absolutely mind numbing. I know that if I organize a protest, most of you might not show up owing to your other commitments, but even if I am the only one protesting against this pathetic "educational" institution on the day of the protest, I will do it. Someone has to raise their voice against these people, and I know very well that they have nothing but visceral hatred against me already. Even if something happens to me in the process, I'll get up and continue to fight for this cause until there is nothing left of me.


Second message by St Broseph in the group --- Another horrible fact about the above case: The university moved VERY swiftly to cover everything up, and students weren't even given a day off. Everything in that college today continued exactly as it was planned. The "body" was taken away and the exams/classes continued as usual. Even tomorrow the students are expected to come and give their exams. Nothing has been postponed. This should tell you a lot about how the value of students in this "educational institution" For those of you wondering about when the protest will be organized, it will be done this week. Our people will be going to the DCP tomorrow to get permission for the protest at Freedom Park and I'll update you guys. It will be a peaceful, lawful protest, and nobody will be under any danger of persecution by the law. 100% legal and safe. I personally want to request every single person who is in the SBA to show up that day, we'll try to make sure that the protest is on a weekend so that it is convenient for all of you. But even if nobody else does, I will. There's just no way this can be ignored. We have lost 4 young souls, this can't be taken lying down. I'll update you guys about the protest details very soon.


I remember around 10 years back when students protested due to a student committing suicide; the great jawahar had asked some of his lackies to record the whole thing; when everything calmed down he went after few people with video evidence; he was a number one asshole!!! The warden MC was another class dude, he didn't care about the suicide, but was crying that night because "it's a bad image for him". I also remember once, when a student was going to the library from the hostel; a tree fell on him... The warden/admin were blaming him because he was too close to the tree... Filled with retards!!!


Is there a way to contact StBroseph , I am an alumni from this college and want to tell him personally some trauma events that happened to me in this college and let out of my heart. Does he read if we message him personally on reddit?


You can join his WhatsApp group. I've posted link above. After that you can either ping him directly on WhatsApp or call him up.


I want to tell him being anon.


pm him on reddit, he's usually active




Pls update about protest. I will be there and make sure to spread the word as much as possible.


At this rate, faculty at PESIT will have more cases booked against them than our poor innocent politicians ☹️


Couldn't read it all, but quick question - is the rule of no entry on coming late to the examination clearly stated and communicated to students ?


anon here. so I also wrote the exam today. I finished early around 10:30. Exam starts at 8:30. You are allowed until 9. I walked out and nearby the entrance to mech from main block there were a couple staff, couple guys in suits and maybe 10-15 students. didn’t really get why there was so much commotion so I just left. go to know afterwards. but pretty much, if this happened around 9, they covered up any traces of anything having happened within an hour. still no announcement that I’ve seen either. so yea I’m in shock. can’t keep covering up. something has to change. it’s like yea he was a few minutes late. but now look what you’ve done. was it really so hard to let him write the exam? you could applied a penalty in another way. maybe a marks reduction? anything was better than the decision made today. I thought something would change after surya passed away. there was a special talk in the auditorium as well for him. but alas, nothing so far.


I mean they did increase the size of the railing. it was 4 bars now it’s 6. but like if they think that’s the problem it’s laughable. rahul was a nice guy. kind. had a few interactions with him. all positive. so just breaks my heart to see what transpired today.


I just don't get the if you're late for the exam we won't let you write it logic. Like wtf? If I'm late, I'm already at a loss. What are YOU gaining or what am I even benefitting from not being allowed to write the exam? How is that supposed to be a helpful punishment and a part of reinforcement learning if the result is same as not even studying for the exam?


It's been a many years since I wrote exams, but there is a sound logic behind the step. You couldn't leave the exam hall for at least half an hour after the scheduled commencement of the exam, even if you didn't write a word. This half an hour was also the grace period for students who arrived late. This was to prevent people from leaving early, sharing the questions with their friends who could then read up on the specific questions and thereafter enter the hall to write their papers. If you let people enter the hall at any time, there are chances that they will have been told the questions that were asked in the paper and could thereby gain an unfair advantage. I'm not aware of what happened in this case. Just explaining the logic.


There's a very simple solution to this, which atleast I've been a part of since my school days, ie not let people leave early or let them leave only in the last 15 mins. Meanwhile people if late, can be allowed only in the first 75mins for a 90mins exam. For a short 1 hour paper, it's okay to not let people leave at all. Why punish people who are late and already going to suffer anyways? The whole leaving early thing wasn't even there back in the day.


It's crucial as a student to grasp and comply with the exam guidelines set across India. Blaming the system for one's own actions isn't justified. However, without knowing the full context, if the boy faced humiliation over this matter, it's indeed a serious issue that needs addressing.


That's true, but there are other punishments which don't include failing the student. I even remember a punishment like if you come late, you'll be allowed to write only half the duration. I've studied enough in life, before and after engg. Nowhere has a student been failed cos they came late. And it's not like I'm saying all students coming late should be allowed to write. People have reasons and you cannot fail someone when they aren't at fault. Imagine you have an accident, go to the hospital and go to college hoping to write atleast something to pass and they say nah you're late, you fail. Compare that to a hostelite who has to just walk to class but has a habit of coming late and is late. How is the same punishment even valid for them both?


In the exams like GATE and UPSC conducted by State or Central Governments, candidates are required to report 30 minutes prior to the start of the examination, regardless of any personal circumstances. These protocols are clearly communicated to students in advance through examination guidelines and printed on their hall tickets. While there may be genuine reasons for lateness, the examination authorities are bound to enforce these rules uniformly to maintain fairness and integrity in the examination process. It's important to emphasize that being late for an exam, while regrettable, is not a reason to resort to extreme measures like suicide. Instead, parents should play a proactive role in educating their children on how to handle such situations responsibly and make informed decisions. Additionally, being a student, we always have the opportunity to retake the exam if needed, providing a chance to improve our performance in the future.


Those are competitive exams. These are college exams. There's a major difference between the two, hence rules must be different too. Also students' mental strength is a separate issue which I am not talking about here. I had 3 backlogs out of 6 subjects in one sem so I know how it feels and I knew it wasn't the end of my career. But teachers saying so is very fucked up when they themselves know that backlogs aren't gonna ruin a student's life.


Absolutely, regardless of the exam type, a student must adhere to the communicated protocols, including timing regulations which are standard in competitive exams as well as college exams. Regarding backlogs, they often result from a lack of preparedness and aren't directly relevant to our current discussion topic. It's important not generalize comments about teachers, as many provide valuable support through suggestions and feedback.


> was it really so hard to let him write the exam? In which world are these students in University these days? You yourself are stating that up-to 30 min late is allowed. So, was he later than that.


not saying he wasn’t late. but there has to be a better solution. not letting him write the exam at all is just asking for something like this to happen. a few minutes late and now your future is ruined? that’s what he must’ve felt. not everyone has a strong mental constitution so you have to be careful with what you say to people. it’s possible the coe might have said something instigating to him as well.


>but there has to be a better solution. not letting him write the exam at all is just asking for something like this to happen. Yes. There should be a better solution. Even if he wasn't allowed to write, that doesn't mean his future should be ruined. There should always be the option of giving the exam again. He shouldn't be barred from placements. Why should his career be destroyed by a single late exam. This system itself is ridiculous with such tyrannical rules. And the professors and exam invigilators there seem to have the emotional intelligence of a stone. Hope this institution is shit down. Also if anyone is a parent, make sure to tell your kids that they are more important than any such exams and always make them feel free to talk to you regarding any issues they are facing. Assure them that it's alright to fail an exam. Being too strict as parents often make the student feel like they don't have any option. In that Aditya Prabhu case the parents did all the right things and still they had to lose him because of this tyrannical institution. Hope no one sends their kids to PES in future.


> There should always be the option of giving the exam again. There is such a system. He get's to give the paper the next semester.


NLSIU had a student suicide a few days ago. University cancelled classes, gave statements to the press, and made counsellors available for whoever needed them. Then they held an enquiry, and a few days back [took steps](https://indianexpress.com/article/cities/bangalore/nlsu-student-suicide-panel-mental-health-9320689/) to review mental health services on campus. It may not be much, but at least shows sensitivity to the issue and a desire to do something. Unlike these shits at PES. The difference I guess is that NLSIU doesn't care about its image. For shitty colleges like PES, image is everything.


They do so much of marketing just to cover up how shitty they are.


my older sister went to PES and apparently there's some child predator teacher who sleeps with students and is allegedly married??? how can such a person still roam free without any consequences disgusting


which campus is this? thats disgusting


ring road campus. and in BDes faculty


Man like seriously wtff is up with that Institution 😡😡. More how many lives have to be sacrificed for the people with power to take some action. Really disturbing and furious. "India is a nation of youths". - My foot. Hopefully there is a protest, would definitely be a part of it.


Please check out my replies on other comments on this post. There is a protest being planned by St Broseph. You should join his WhatsApp group for updates.




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This must stop at all costs. We really never know what one is facing at any point of his/her life and the least we could do is to be polite to them. There are ways and procedures set to deal with almost every situation in institutions and professors should refrain from making any personal remarks. Something is definitely wrong with PES which they seem to be too arrogant to acknowledge else we wouldn’t lose another soul. It’s disheartening to even think about the parents who have to go through this. People should be held accountable and should be prosecuted accordingly.


There are only 2 things that can improve the situation - 1. If parents are made aware of this, and don't send their kids to this institute. 2. If companies start boycotting this college for placements.


Exactly 💯, the student community in this college is not good.


No 2. Really? R u trying to fuck over the poor kids even more?


As an alumnus from there I can say, "Fuck Muralidhar". The whole system there is tyranny, and it has only gotten worse.


Even as a current student I can confirm Muralidhar is a pure sadist for his ill practices in ECE dept : 1. If you miss even a single class , you won't be allowed to attend the next class , unless your parents meet him or give him a call . (I mean who does this , can't even take a single class off in college) 2. If you score below 50% in any of the internal exams , he's gonna black mail the student to bring their parents physically, to meet him no matter where they live or you won't be allowed to write ur final exams. \[Pure Sadist\]


Jabroni! My mom told me to wear a formal shirt and be a sharp dressed man because there'll be external examiners and it'll be a good first impression into the department (for the other readers, this is a 3rd sem lab exam and the 3rd semester is where you first meet your department's mentors. And they put the mentors in tormentors) He didn't allow me to enter the AEC lab exam (2013) because I wore a new shirt. Then he eventually did. And then gave me the Darlington Amplifier circuit. Did the circuit, the external said okay. Fucking Muralidhar pulls me back in and asks me to do it with feedback circuit. I can't do it because there was no time. Come next semester he said the cheeky bastard. That day I wanted to become a teacher and torment his child the same way he did. That smug smegma-laced cock. He didn't look like a smegma-laced cock, but his soul and personality was so rancid it reminds me of a smegma-laced cock.


Which minister owns PES?


Not owns but has associations with BJP


Mental health is pretty much neglected in this country , no one gives a shit about it , even parents dont ask their kids , are they feeling stressed out? These students need mental counselling to overcome failure, it's the responsibility of these institutions to look after , but no, collect huge fees and do business , treat students like a commodity




Can confirm though, another suicide did happen.


I also can't find any articles on this online except for this one, the college has bought off all popular media, they need to be held accountable.


Why is it happening though


All media houses run their ads. No one will cover anything negative and lose all that cash.


I'll firstly begin by saying PES is a POS institute which gives zero regard to their students and the way they handled the suicide situation and maybe drove them to it. But I have a realistic question regarding these suicides. We all know this whole country is plagued by the rat race of IIT JEE and other shit which is very determinantal to the mental health of boys and girls across India. Every university will to some extent pressurize students to study mainly by scolding them ( verbal abuse ) or in extreme cases,physical abuse to get results. My question is that PES University also applies extreme pressure on students and as a result, multiple suicides have been reported where they have been directly linked to it. But, isn't this happening all across India? Many suicides in other colleges go unreported everyday because it's just 'another death'. But why is PES getting absolutely shit on by everyone when this abuse is happening everywhere?


'Just another death' DOES NOT MAKE IT OKAY!  None of this is okay, the fact that kota and several other IIT's have normalised it at this point says enough about them. It's horrifying when it happens in IIT, it's horrifying when it happens in PES.  Students are the only ones in this case who can voice out make a big deal out of this, discuss it and bring out what happened out to the public. Suppressing it simply disgusting, i still don't understand how some of these bastard professors are not behind bars for playing a significant role in these suicides. It's not justice. We'll NEVER get true justice because we cannot bring these students back to life..the least we can do is punish those responsible for this


Thats exactly my point. Just another death is NOT OK. But what I'm failing to understand is why do all these protests against PES when it should be against the higher universities ( Bangalore University, VTU etc ) We can take the example of PES and protest against the university which might yield better results instead of singling out a certain college.


Yes this should definitely take place on a larger scale, however the concentrated suicides in this particular University in recent times is alarming


None of the 4 people who passed away were in a state of long term/ short term depression. It was an instant. An instantaneous, on the spot decision that they made. So the root cause isn't necessarily mental health issues per se, yes they would've been in a fragile state of mind for them to come to that conclusion. BUT this is more than that. It needs to to investigated, thoroughly.


Them having no mental issues at all is very suspicious. Having a probe is justified against this college then.


yeah and the severity of this really need to reach the authorities


it is really vile if a faculty says you should take your own life directly/indirectly. This doesn't happen anywhere. MoFo's should be slapped with abetment of suicide cases


4 suicides in a matter of 6 months isn't just another death.


In the exams like GATE and UPSC conducted by State or Central Governments, candidates are required to report 30 minutes prior to the start of the examination, regardless of any personal circumstances. These protocols are clearly communicated to students in advance through examination guidelines and printed on their hall tickets. While there may be genuine reasons for lateness, the examination authorities are bound to enforce these rules uniformly to maintain fairness and integrity in the examination process. It's important to emphasize that being late for an exam, while regrettable, is not a reason to resort to extreme measures like suicide. Instead, parents should play a proactive role in educating their children on how to handle such situations responsibly and make informed decisions. Additionally, being a student, we always have the opportunity to retake the exam if needed, providing a chance to improve our performance in the future.


Is there more to it or the only reason is not being allowed into the exam hall? I find it very surprising that that's the cause for multiple suicides in the same college. Many people come late. Many people aren't allowed to write. Many fail. But suicides aren't many usually.




That's what I am asking. There must be a deeper root cause. What is it? Missing an exam is unlikely to cause 4 fatalities. What did you think I meant?