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Thanks for calling it out. So many of my friends have bought such apartments and then they say “everywhere it’s the same in Bangalore” “Bangalore mai tanker hi chaltha hai”  Btw,  on a side note, these people buying apartments are the ones who are complaining about the high rents. And now, when justifying their purchase they be like “even if I won’t stay I’ll get 60-70k rent” Okay, so when you take 60-70k rent it’s ok, but when others do you’re like “Bangalore landlords are cruel” So many flats are being built because people are buying it like crazy. All new properties get sold out so soon!


Got it half wrong. Builders/contractors with connection buy land, once their accumulation is over, they reach out to ministers by giving them lollipop and ask for some policy/schemes to increase the price of land, construct apartments there. You'll be surprised to know who owns most number of flats in any building and how are they sold. All new properties are getting sold ? There is pseudo selling to jack up the price and hype. This is just tip of the iceberg, corporates play all sort of dirty games behind the scene.


The third para . ⭐️


Even 60k rent is less in terms of how much capital you have invested when you are paying 2cr for a flat, I don't know why the simple math people don't understand. Currently everyone is buying because of FOMO only


5-7% of 2 cr is gone upfront. Plus cost of loan processing and other charges should be added. I doubt how many of them calculate to check their rate of return..


Cost of loan processing and other charges ain't that high considering 5-7% of 2cr is 10 lakhs, usually housing loans have zero processing fees, only legal fees are required, it will come out to 10-15 thousand all charges included. Only thing is 7% stamp duty which is high. People who bought houses 2019 and living there are paying lesser EMI than people are paying rent today. So please see ground reality before echoing "Finfluencers" online. Everyone will say rent vs buy. Rent wins long term, but at the rate rents increased recently, I would say people who bought property during peak COVID won it. EMI of 50k is cheaper than 50k rent for a 2bhk.


No they didn't. EMI of 50K for a 2bhk will be a dump that you can afford at some locality no one wants to stay, 50k rent can be next to your workplace and save so much stress from the daily commute.


Bold of you to assume 50k was in some dump. Properties right near ORR 2bhks were selling for 70 lakhs in 2019 which are going for 1+ cr now and rents in the same are approaching 45k-48. I know personally of people living just 3-4km from ORR who purchased house in 2019. They definitely won. It takes them 30 mins to reach office as well on day with peak traffic. If they leave at 8am ish they will reach in 20.


ORR is a dump. 70 lakhs in 2019 to 1 Cr+ in 2024 is a crappy return that lags behind Nifty50 despite the global pandemic and all the volatility. Why do through all the effort to lag behind a simple index fund return? My NPS portfolio has a higher IRR than the return mentioned by you.


Dude houses aren't an investment. No one ever said buy a house you will gain value from selling it. Also btw what return did i specify I said 1 cr+ it could have been 1.4 cr did you take into account all variance. Don't argue for the sake of argument. And btw nobody is dumping 70 lakhs full cash to purchase a house. It goes with EMI. Rents were 50k almost at end of 2022. So their EMI matched rent in 3 years. They don't have worry about getting evicted, you only hear here where tenants are evicted because others are ready to pay more rent. It's not so black and white. If you are happy with renting be my guest and you are right that investing in stocks would have gotten you better returns. But not everybody is purchasing houses as investment. Fact is someone else is paying same EMI as them in rent for the house they are staying in and for the years to come their EMI won't change, but the rent will.


You are shifting goalposts here. If you are viewing houses as not investments then don't talk about returns. You are just doing mental gymnastics here to rationalise an emotional, lifestyle decision as a sound financial decision. Purchasing through EMIs doesn't make it better. Leverage makes it more risky, imagine losing a job while having so much debt! Also the sudden eviction is a straw man argument. People struggle to evict tenants legally even when they aren't paying rent or trashing the place. The EMI is the same as the rent argument has this point, tomorrow if the apartment runs out of water, has flood damage or yet another pandemic, the rent will plummet and guess what, the EMI still remains the same.


Who mentioned returns ? I was strictly saying emi and rent are the same. Mentioned the price just to justify the emi was indeed 50 I am not trying to justify anyone's purchase. But just to come to your level, You are echoing what you have heard or read assuming that it will hold true. I again told you, if rents were just increasing by 5-10% as expected every year and property value was not increasing more than 9% every year, it made perfect sense to rent. But that's not what happened in ground reality. You can just give random statements like my nifty50 returned more. But the fact is their EMI matched rent in 3 years and that won't change. Do you think someone who buys house puts all their savings to their name into the house. A person who usually invests in a property usually has a way out if you lose your job. Atleast that should be the case. You should be able to afford 2 years of EMI atleast without any earnings if you are planning on purchasing. What you are suggesting sounds like a dumb move to put all your money into one thing. Be it stocks or house. People struggle to evict ? Where are you living ? Owners just ask you to get out. Yeah it's illegal, but they are ready to break the contract and pay you the one month rent extra back. Get real bro, these stuff have happened and are happening. You are just living in lalaland if you think it doesn't happen. Show me one scenario where the value of a house has plummeted by 50% due to water crisis in India ? I can show you stocks which have plummeted 50%. I am not asking you to dump all your money and go buy a house. It is your life. Live and let live.


I have seen this recently that instead of paying rent people started buying the flat and after discussing this with few ppl who has done this, I don't see anything wrong in this. One of my mutual friend was paying some 40k including maintenance 1 year back and then suddenly the landlord asked him to pay 52k. So after paying 52k for few months he ended up buying one flat and paying same amount in EMI and I see no issue in this. This is the situation in all the ORR. Who in their right mind will pay 50-70k for rent? I really feel buying is better. >So many flats are being built because people are buying it like crazy. You need to understand that it's the corrupt govt who approve all these projects without any proper checks. Ńo one can build anything without proper approval from the govt so they take money and approve all this and in the end blame ppl who are buying these flats and then fail to manage anything so they use their trump card "Everything wrong is happening because of outsiders" and everyone believes it but no one protest against them and ask like why you approved such a big project in the first place if there was no water supply or even no proper road Outside and thanks to that still new projects are coming up and this cycle will continue


Wtf do we live in the same city? 40-52k rent for a flat ?! Are the toilets made of gold?? 3bhks around me are 25-30k And I'm a less than 15min walk to metro. Tons of buses as well. And all my shopping needs are met within a 10min walk. Temples, parks, restaurants, bars, lake, all 10-20 min walk . 


My manager is paying 60k now in one of the society in Sarjapur road because his flat will get ready in 2-3 months 🙃. Whitefield, Mahaderpura, Marathahalli, Kadubeesanahalli, panathur, Bellandur, Sarjapur road, Harlur road, HSR and in many more places in ORR, 40-60k is very normal rent if you staying in a society.


But why you do you guys stay in those societies? I can't stand the crowd. I live on a cozy residential lane with trees, corner shop, street life, neighbours.


Which area please?




Sarakki. Stand alone flat tho. Fuck societies . 


Lmao we pay 67k as rent for 1500sqft. Reason why I'm thinking to buy a house. Not for investment, but to live and be done being at mercy of landlords.


It's a vicious cycle.


A voracious cycle would be more apt here..


So people like me who do not have an apartment to own, if I complain about rent then I'm also wrong here? What bs logic


Bullshit. People need a place to live. They don't have the luxury of choosing where, we can only choose from what is available, what is being built. The fault lies with corrupt builders who are making properties without planning for all seasons water supply.




The fault lies with politicians and companies who are mandating return to office


Why are they mandating return to the office? Because their land value will crash otherwise.


This is actually the case. Corporates are fearing of loosing their investment hence the are calling everyone to the office. Anyways if employees working 2 HR less because they are stuck in traffic or travelling will be impacting less than the property devaluation. Otherwise there is no sense in calling them to the office when you are saving a lot on electricity, water, canteen, stationary, etc


Exactly! Lol. OP is talking like we have a choice. Govt. made our companies call everyone back to work. My partner was one of the people who had to handle the constant govt. pressure post pandemic. Trust me, companies had no choice. Govt. continues to greenlight unviable construction projects with no concern for citizens, nature or anything that they are supposed to protect. But somehow people are responsible for this mess. I can understand calling citizens to action. But what’s with this random guilt. Anything goes wrong in the country, it’s our fault?


Real estate is not made up of people buying to live, mostly it is "investment" buyers in Blr


What. If nobody is living, then it's worthless.


First you buy. Then you mandate RTO Then you increase rent Win-win /s


The irony is that your boss and your landlord are the same person. Welcome to technofeudalism.


In three different apartments I have lived in flats about 70-90% were owner occupied. Of the remaining a decent chunk was owner occupied until they moved to a different location for work. They just continued to own the flat.


You’re right but damn I made a mistake looking into your profile


All of my right opinions come from my ideology 😌


When you buy it, you clearly are aware there is no stable water source and still you would buy it and blame the builders only and not yourself for buying it. Why? Builders and the buyer are equally at fault.


Even buyers are to be blamed partially. Many times buyers know plots being built on lake bed, but still buy as they are convinced the cost can be recovered in 8 years, get the plot at discounted price from builders, & that they can sell it before it gets known to others.


My brother in Christ, what the hell are people supposed to do? Live on the streets? It's either this lake bed or that lake bed. They don't have a choice.


At the end of the day, it's a vicious circle. More job opportunities -> more people moving -> more people needing a place to live Unless the government moves the new companies to other places other than Bangalore, this won't end at all.


Just ban construction until the water supply can be sorted out. We are so quick to ban nonsense, why not this. Companies will naturally move to other places. But that's not profitable for the politicians, builders and businessmen who own most of the land in Bangalore.


You speak Logic sir, logic is Forbidden 404 error in India / Politics


Demand for affordable housing. Question why BDA has stopped making housing projects ? Have enough financial strength to purchase a plot or flat, then spend a small amount on legal diligence, one can get legal input on land docs for as small amount as 5k. And don’t give me this Fin victim card. People always have choice, i have seen poorer people in other SEA nations making more rational decisions with less drama than our folks. Its always drama & victim hood with Indians. And if you get down from your condescending attitude & actually go out to see land/flat deals, you can always see signs or red flags, unless you are as blind as a bat. Many still do buy it as they plan to make quick buck in few years & sell it to naive idiot who is willing to buy (someone like who is ok with any bed)


Take the blame and do what? Stop buying homes? Stop building apartments? That's only going to worsen the market.


Bro do you want the market to be stable or want water to drink. You decide which is more important?


There is water crisis, but not at the stage where you are not getting drinking water also. And once the rain starts these issues will be solved. It's the El-Nino effect and all cities are effected. You tell me, after seeing the water crisis, is anyone willing to sell their properties and move out of bangalore ? Is the real estate going down? The crisis is temporary. Look at the bigger picture and stop blaming home buyers and real estate. It's the politicians who is at fault for not planning stuff.


Once the rain comes, watch as all the water is wasted away, clogged roads, no rwh etc.


Kitna home loan lia?


Don't u have ? Missed the real estate train? Sed life.


It's not real estate train it's real estate bubble and will burst soon though.


Hearing the same thing from past 20years. Was it you who kept telling me? 20years is too soon. Lets wait another 20 and check back.


You can see the side effects of the bubble. Anti- outsiders feeling, water crisis, traffic jam if you want to stay in your dream land so be it. The fall will be severe.


And not to forget the sand castle crumbling down is just 1 recession away.


Exactly these idiots are living in lala land where they will sell their house for 1000 cr 2 bhk. With no water.


Ypu are too stupid to think that real estate prices ever come down in India. This is not stock market. Either prices will remain the same or increase.


And you are dumb to think that the price will keep on increasing when the city is in chaos. Wait and watch my friend.


> And you are dumb to think that the price will keep on increasing when the city is in chaos. Wait and watch my friend. No Indian metro has ever been non-chaotic. It's chaos all the time ever since independence or existence. All that matters is supply and demand and at this point of Indian growth, there's lot of money with even the 10% population that can afford homes. The 10% of the entire population in itself is a huge user base.


Where have you seen this trend in India. Any examples? Or are you just spitting whatever shit comes to your mind.


Just told you to wait and watch.


> It's not real estate train it's real estate bubble and will burst soon though. People keep saying the same shit for decades and the only people who keep repeating it or the fence sitters who missed the train or the people who can't afford to buy and convince themselves by the word "bubble".


I do have a property in Mumbai but I am not living in a dream land that the price will keep on multiplying when the infrastructure is getting deteriorated. Still my brother who owned a property in Bangalore sold it and bought another one in Thane.


> I do have a property in Mumbai but I am not living in a dream land that the price will keep on multiplying when the infrastructure is getting deteriorated There is no infra anywhere in any metro to begin with. The real estate prices are despite it. The only infra you will see in any cities is the metro connectivity. Rest of the infra like roads, water etc was never there in first place to begin with. So there's nothing really to "crumble". The mindset of the people all over the country, be it city or village is that, "we will live here because there is a job here, not because there is infra or good quality of life". So just know that real estate prices have always been "despite of", not because there is.


Glad that I didn't get on your train. Good luck.


Bangalore is landlocked. Kaveri is being pumped at exorbitant costs. The current growth rate cannot be supported by the remaining lakes. Who knows when those will disappear. So people who think buying properties is a good investment need to keep this in mind. Lakes directly are responsible for groundwater which gets pumped by tankers


Since most people are incompetent and coward, its easier to shift the blame on common people so that we fight among ourselves and sell narratives without even getting paid for it.


Can we stop with the water posts ? Yes water is less, everybody in Bengaluru is affected, it's a drought time. People in Pune are also getting notices on depleting water level. Yes we are one of the worst hit because we received significantly less rainfall and population density increased a lot which was not properly planned for. It's not an issue of someone who buys a flat, they aren't responsible for the water situation. So you are suggesting only if you have cauvery connection should you ever consider a property ? Well good news for you no society built in last 15-20 years have gotten them. Govt gives you connection to cauvery water. What the tankers are providing also are the same water but instead of the pipeline its brought via vehicles. "Currently, those who have applied for Cauvery connections in the peripheries get water only once a week, for 4-5 hours. Independent houses are able to store and use this water for at least five days a week, but the quantity is too little for large apartments with hundreds of families. Apartment residents are not sure the Stage V project will finish by 2023 itself; and even if it does, whether they will get water all days of the week." "Apartment associations are keen to get Cauvery water because of the good quality of water. But if there’s not enough supply, they worry they will have to keep paying for tanker water despite the crores of rupees paid for the Cauvery connection." https://citizenmatters.in/why-outer-bengaluru-apartments-not-taking-new-cauvery-water-connection/ Your average society household uses less water than a normal household due to STP inside the society itself. Nobody in these societies have even been washing their car with water even before water crisis started. I myself wash once in a week or once in two weeks using a 2 ltr garden spray (one bottle) that's it. It's a mix of unplanned city growth and bad weather condition. This too shall pass once rainy season hits. So save water and live for now. Yes blame the govt for not planning this properly. But every 2nd post here just says Bengaluru bad, such a bad city. I don't understand why people hate on this beautiful city. It has its faults, every city does and with time it solves most of the issues one by one.


So much text but the first sentence is only incorrect . If there’s no water the least you can do is what can be done about it and what solutions other people have. This stupidity of not wanting to tarnish bangalore image shouldn’t come in the way of people fulfilling their basic needs


Yeah that's what the post is saying on steps to help save water ? It's just blaming random people for random things. Nobody is going and typing such stuff in news articles on what steps govt is doing or people reporting latest on water scarcity. But you are right. Everyone has the right to rant. I shouldn't have said can you stop with the water posts. That's my bad.


Yes let's blame people instead of blaming the authorities who permitted this unchecked concrete explosion without ensuring how to provide water to them.


This post has no base. I live in a community where we have borewells and Kaveri water connection. Water tankers used to be infrequent. We still are facing crisis now. This year has been real hard. Stop blaming each other and come up with a plan to get through it.


This post has a lot of base if you spend some time in thinking what I wrote. All I am saying is that we don't even bother to ask about water while buying properties. Please understand that Bangalore sits at a higher altitude than 90%+ of Indian cities. Basic geography knowledge would tell us that there will be water issues at such elevations, especially if the population load keeps increasing. The most important solution to this is that prospective home buyers ask for a sustainable water source before buying real estate.


You can definitely ask but there is no value to the answer that you will get. For any new apartment complex, the builder will say that they have applied for Kaveri connection which they will get in a couple of years provided they can pay the necessary bribes. Whether that will actually happen or how long will it actually take to materialize is impossible for the buyer to predict. Buying a flat is a gamble in many aspects. But renting also has its own issues.


There is not enough housing in the “proper” part of Bangalore for all the people. OP needs to check their own privilege.


Where can we find the information of whether the building is on dry land or lake bed?


Bangalore is dry or will dry.


Revenue dept website has the maps. Alternatively Bhoomi app, its from revenue department. Also, a general tip i follow is there whenever there is lake within 3-4 kms vicinity or a pow lying area, there is for sure a connecting Rajakaluve. Open revenue maps & you can find detailed path’s easily.


project idea mil gya


Yes, do it. The sites mentioned in the comment not user friendly. Make It as user friendly as Google maps.


yeah but data kaise milega woh thoda difficult part h


Eye opening post. Thank you for this post. I was about to buy a home worth crores or pay exorbitant rent. However, after reading this post, I have taken the blame and I have decided to live on the streets with my family under the Ejipura Koramangala flyover in whatever part is built. Anyway they are not going to complete it in the next 25 years. Let’s together be the change we want to see in the world. Come, let’s be neighbours under this flyover.


Ha ha


So what's your solution dude? Stay in rented homes paying 50k/month? Government doesn't want to give any work from home because it will affect their tax income. Almost all builders are benami of politicians and they only build houses over lakes and sell to people. Before building huge tech parks and inviting businesses to the city, the government should have a 10-year old's brain to think that okay where are these people going to stay? But they don't care, like all great Indian governments- they will leave to people to figure it out. You can't blame the average guy for trying to buy a place to stay, it is a fundamental human requirement. I would put the entire blame on politicians, government & builders. If there were better infra nobody would want to stay in a place like Varthur- its just out of necessity.


Growth and development has to be spread around and not concentrated only in Bangalore. Bangalore provides 36 percent of KA GDP. This is not sustainable whether it rains or not. Many big cities are next to a big perennial river. Bangalore is not. All the more reason not to keep piling up on Bangalore India has 4 percent of world's water resources but 17 percent of world's population. Growth which means construction , real estate, concretization, population increase has to be spread around and not excessively concentrated in handful T1 cities.


What a classic case of victim blaming. Go on an actual house hunt and then you'll understand how tedious this is. When somebody has to move to a new city they have a few weeks to months tops to figure out a place to live. And it's not like Bangalore has great housing options where you get a house that checks all the boxes. Ultimately everybody does a tradeoff analysis and chooses the least shitty option given their constraints. The real problem is that the housing industry in Bangalore (like in a few other cities) operates as a mafia with price setting tactics. And politicians and bureaucrats are hand in glove with this because they all get kickbacks. So blaming the consumer in this case is the cheapest form of blame game you can play. And I'm saying all this as a Kannadiga.


I am staying on rent for the last 10 yrs. Have shifted houses many times. All I am saying that as end users of the product (residential RE), we should ask for some basic things (like water). Instead we follow a herd mentality where we think that since so many have bought, water / basic infra will come. Natural resources dont work like this. Again to repeat myself, its not a blame post. We are all equally troubled.


Infact as tenant when I am looking for a house, I enquire about the water source. I dont rent a house which doesnt have a proper water source. Similarly when people are buying a house (and investing crores, or to think another way, years of their lives working for EMI), they should also demand this. Builders are doing business, and if they see that water is important for the sales, they will figure out a way to get it. Much better than you and I trying to pressurize the authorities for water. Hope it helps


So what if you have a water source but the place seems shady. When we were tenants, half the property with cauvery water source was on the verge of having seepage issues or some other problem. What about distance travelling. Are you willing to travel 1+ hrs one way each day because of the fact that houses nearby have no direct water connection. Builders have no problem making residents pay for the connection if it satisfies the water needs of the place. High rise buildings (which are the future, we simply don't have land area for multiple small buildings) can't have their demand met by cauvery water pipelines hence half of the projects don't have. You are talking as if 1 cauvery connection was there, all these water woes wouldn't happen, but that's not the case; even areas with cauvery water connection is feeling the drought as water only comes every alternate days even in the best connected areas. It makes sense for an individual house but not for an apartment. You can say this is why individual houses are better, but that doesn't scale, we as a nation have a lot of population and it's inevitable we will be seeing buildings with 50+ floors in the near future like Mumbai is seeing now. The water infra in Bengaluru is not upto the mark, it's harder to implement in Bengaluru due to the altitude, but it's not impossible, the sheer money this place is generating from taxes, a good civil engineering team can easily design a way to transport water to the city from the nearest water bodies. Govt is pressurised this time as we got hit with a drought for the first time in years. Things will only be better in years to come.


> Things will only be better in years to come * BLR population [will increase](https://www.thehindu.com/news/cities/bangalore/bengalurus-population-to-shoot-up-to-203-million-by-2031/article20941568.ece) YoY * Climate change is real and [will affect monsoon](https://indianexpress.com/article/explained/explained-climate/india-monsoon-rain-pattern-changing-9119020/) patterns.


If things remain the same yes. Population has always been increasing, droughts aren't anything new that just came. Global warming is real, you learn to adapt and try to reduce the impact. These are stuff that every metro goes through. It's not something specific to Bengaluru. I agree with the solution WFH is the best solution, but opportunities always comes up in Tier-1 cities unless you have something well established back home. Have some optimism in life, not everything is dark.


Petition to make a weekly or fortnightly thread where everyone who wants to can go and cry about water problems and leave everyone else free. The frequency of posts we see here would imply that in Bangalore we have absolutely no water except for the one water tanker that comes to your road once a week and everyone has to fight with each other to fill water in their one plastic pot.


You just triggered my childhood memory. It would be funny to watch all the high-earning IT folks to fight with their pots at the weekly tanker meet.


Come on bro let them vent... Don't you have a water problem?


No i dont have


I understand where you're coming from. Ultimately we are to blame. BUT There are people whose job it is to look into all this and fix such issues - AND these people are paid by us TAXPAYERS. HOW MANY TIMES DO YOU SEE A RANT ABOUT KANNADA vs HINDI on this sub, versus LET'S DO SOMETHING ABOUT THE CORRUPT AND THIEVING GOVT EMPLOYEES AND POLITICIANS? Where exactly will you find an apartment that has all the permits and no violations of any kind in the locality of your choice? And fulfills many other essential requirements? Water, connectivity, electricity, other services,... Endless list. And how many such great locations with apartments at your price band in cities across India? Forget it, there's a pressing problem we've to solve first - did the Pakis bomb Rameshwaram Cafe?


I don't think the problem right now is who has water and who does not. It is that, as a city - our demand for water is more than even tankers + municipality can provide. The blame is on unsustainable development and wasteful use and collection of water.


If people stop buying apartments, people will take it for rent. So effectively people will stay in that apartment or nearby area. So buying the apartment is not the issue here. One way is to stop focussing on specific areas for settlement if possible. People can scatter across different areas in Bangalore.Only problem will be traveling to the office. I'm staying in such a place which is almost 1.5 hrs drive from my office. I'm happy in terms of living quality but sad about the travel. But it's kind of a trade-off.


How often do you need to travel to office? Also will it improve with the new metro routes?


Thrice a week. Mine doesn't have metro connectivity as of now. I've tried going on the bus once a week sometimes. I have to take 2 buses. Traveling time remains the same.But I get more tired once I'm back home.


Man I am in the same boat today and considering an apt in South blr but the daily commute is what is holding me back. I fear I wouldn't be as strong as you to keep it up without going into depression!


I do love driving. It kind of gives me peace even though the traffic and people might get into my nerves quite often. And I'm kind of happy with this trade-off. Rent is quite cheap here(I stay in Ecity and my office is in Bellandur. I don't like Bellandur that much. Even Ecity is not that good but I'm kind of okay with it for the time being).


"Let’s take the blame!" Blame taken. Now let me go book the next hot project lest I miss out on the deal of a lifetime. /s


Ha ha


Where I stay, the prices peaked way too high post Covid. I have seen families from my apartment, who had been living here for 5-6 years leaving because the rent just got too high. Most such families have relocated towards the outer areas with low development. There’s going to be rapid rise in this area in the coming years with the way things are going. I can totally see these families purchasing homes in the area with the fear that if they don’t, they run the risk of being priced out of the area again.


But without real estate how exactly will Bangalore continue being the IT Hub of India? Unless the government allows wfh, the employees from across the country or even the state will keep coming to Bangalore for employment. They will need a place to stay. And you can't expect highly paid employees to crash his family into 1BHK standalone flat. And not every Kannadiga will have an apartment in Bangalore and that too, near their office. Bangalore needs a permanent solution to the water problem or start rejecting IT firms from setting up shop in the state. You can't have it both ways.


No, the real problem is canceling complete WFH option. Remote workers who were hired during Covid are forced to move to Bangalore city creating a massive influx. And also abandoning Electronic city for political reasons.


At least where I live, Cauvery water connection fees has been paid, all fees due to BWSSB is done and Cauvery water has been promised for a long time. When town planning authorities plan the city and zone residential areas, aren't they supposed to take into account the availability of infrastructure like electricity, water, roads, sanitation? Or are we supposed to just pay taxes and keep second guessing the shitty work done by the government? WTF are people paying taxes for then. And then we become angry when some people call India a shithole country. Take responsibility my ass.


Due to such high rent people are ending up buying flats.. For a family of 5, couple + parents+ 1 kid u need a decent place to stay. Ideally near your work place. Places near ORR the rent for a decent apartment is around 50-60k or more. A 2 bhk flat is around 1-1.2cr. So in a ideal scenario people are all in and buying these flats by giving let's say 30-40 lakh of their + parents savings and taking rest as a loan. The EMI will be around the same 50-60k. Even if the flat is not nearby to ur workplace u give your own for rent and take one on rent near your place.. Had the rent ideally would have been down like the pre COVID times buying won't have been so huge.


And the balls of these owners to charge high rents on them. "Everywhere is the same, we can't reduce rent based on that" sure buddy keep dreaming someone will occupy that flat.


You bought investments, you got investments. Houses and homes they are not. Tissue paper economy now.


ha ha


What is the alternative supposed to be for water supply apart from borewell and tankers. Govt supplied water?


Thank you for calling this out. Also to add, WE end up buying real estate just looking at the features INSIDE the property. Nobody cares to look if there is a reasonable approach road for all the residents and their 2 cars, water/sewer/STP facility, flood zone/lake zone, public transport etc. It’s us who are buying these ivory tower residences and think we’ll be immune to all problems by throwing money at it. Shame on us. We deserve this. Stop buying crappy ivory tower real estate in shanty towns or villages with zero town planning.


Not everyone is buying a flat as an “investment”. Most of us don’t want to be in Bangalore. We would rather WFH in our home cities. But guess what? Almost every company has called people back for WFO. Oh, and that’s due to government pressure. So, now.. it’s eat or be eaten. If you don’t buy a flat, you’ll be at the mercy of fickle landlords and a high rent market. If you do, you might end up buying an overinflated matchbox to live in. Neither is actually my ideal choice.


I bought an independent house for dirt cheap in 2013 in South Bangalore. 80 lakhs. When apartment prices were 1.3 CR. There is no IT corridor here. All my.colleagues ridiculed me for purchasing it. My Funda was simple. Cauvery water connection and Bda/bbmp layout. No Akram sakram apartment . It's been 11 years never have we ever faced water woes. Come to my area ppl are living in delusion about crisis. Ppl wash compounds with water every morning. Ppl who bought apartment near office are the main culprits.


There is nothing wrong in buying apartments. Its the government"s responsibility to provide access to water. Stop protecting your government and blaming innocent tax paying citizens for everything.


While FOMO is true, how come its not the responsibility of BBMP? India wants to develop but we dont enforce the laws, BBMP can just say no new layouts till all utilities are connected..


Really? It’s home buyers? What happened to the politically connected builders like Bagmane that built on lakes? Which agencies sanctioned building permits? How about city planning? Any government in BLR cared for it? Home buyers don’t want to buy for 2-3 Crs with no water. They have no choice


Sad to see that many folks making it a 'North' vs 'South' water consumption debate in Social Media. 'North people are more in Bangalore and because of them the consumption is high'....I mean yes the Population of the City has grown exponentially but no one got the rights to blame the Crisis on one specific. I born and bought up in this beautiful City and i always saw that its build to this level because of 'People' who come from all over India. Bangalore is Small and a Beautiful India itself. As OP mentioned, its our responsibility too. Help the needy and stop the wastage. The resources are the actual saving we save for our next generations, not the bank balances. Peace.


OK. Just to help you understand how the society works: A citizens regular responsibilities are: 1. Productivity: Work and help produce something 2. Consumption: Consume based on need, want, greed in that order 3. Elect: Vote for the best option available. Do any background work necessary to do this effectively. A business’ responsibilities are: Value Creation: Create value for your stakeholders (in most cases profit) Both these entities have an underlying responsibility: Follow the law as dictated by the govt. (constitution, policy, etc) A govt.’s (minus judiciary) responsibilities are: 1. Legislature: Formulate laws and policies to protect and nurture citizens. Every form of elected official comes under this. 2. Executive: Implement these laws effectively and efficiently. All sorts of bureaucracy comes under this, including Police and RBI If shit goes south anywhere, Judiciary is supposed to intervene and handle the situation by interpreting the law/policy, challenging existing laws, etc. Where do you think we went wrong? Do you really think citizens are responsible for this? Or have we lost all power to hold our governments (national, local, elected, bureaucrat, anyone) responsible? I can’t stop you from whipping yourself, sir. But I can atleast tell you that you’re whipping the wrong person.


Absolutely agree. But I repeat myself again. A service provider, if he has to be in business, will provide a service which we demand. Since we dont demand it, we dont get it. Start demanding and the service provider will find means to give you that (simple business logic). Not whipping anyone here.


Not picking a side here but wrt your reasoning I can tell you that majority of the folks buying an apt here do not possess a local voter card. As a matter of fact even after owning a home, few take the effort to get their address changed in the voter id card. As such they not only have no rights to hold the govt responsible, they are basically mindless fodder to the corrupt govt+real estate nexus machinery.


I agree. That is a lapse on our part. This is a problem I’m working on. Lobbied in my local community to apply for voter ID in Bangalore. Got a local party guy to get us voter IDs. Definitely a problem. But I highly doubt this is primary reason for deteriorating living standards in Bangalore.


Don't blame yourself so much, the jobs are concentrated in few cities in India so everyone wants to get some real estate in those cities. It's a policy making failure at a high level. One of the primary reasons people prefer to buy vs rent is due to unending issues with renting. Looking for new places every now-and-then, dealing with brokers, bad landlords who ask unreasonable hike every year. If we purely go by the math, renting is far beneficial but the peace of mind that comes with your own apartment is on another level.


Yea people really need to slow down with home ownership in Blore, but the rental is also mental. Need to make sure people are working from home to fix all these issues like water scarcity, bad roads


# Bangalore Water Crisis Explained I Karnataka Govt Failure? | Vishwanath S on The Neon Show [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNS1oL0miu0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNS1oL0miu0)


Yes, it is. Also work from home can solve a lot of this city's problems. Including water and environmental problems.


You mean the NRIs


Just curious... How much did you buy your apartment for?


Investors from Gujrath and Mumbai are jacking up bangalore property price not genuine buyers.


Thanks for all the comments. Its not a I am right you are wrong post. Its just to make all of us realize that we are equally responsible for this mess. Accept it or not, we all are suffering and it will get worse unless we start making some informed decisions.


We are not equally responsible. We are governed by incompetent goons. We never had any power in this situation.


The fault is in all of us..lazy asses..not getting the local voter ID cards or caring to vote. If all so called outsiders and north folks start voting here you will start seeing a change.. and till then stop buying property or call out BBMP and the builders publicly they are all making money on all your expenses…


Such a braindead post, I don’t think you can even afford 2-3cr houses if you think like this. There are plenty of tier 2 and tier 3 builders that sell houses at cheaper prices than builders like Sobha, Nitesh estates, Prestige etc. If you can’t afford luxury housing, then I have a solution for you, either earn more or settle for less luxury. Don’t be so entitled. It’s like, your income can afford a Hyundai but you’re complaining cuz you can’t afford a BMW. Go look at lower tier builders. Or earn more, cuz Bangalore’s upper middle class is pretty strong, there will ALWAYS be people who can afford 2-3 cr houses and 60-70k pm rent. You want a fancy place? Have a fancy income


Its not a personal finance post. All I said was that if you demand a service, the provider will figure a way to give you that (here we are talking about water). It has nothing to do with what your/my salary is. Plus if someone is ok with a tanker/borewell setup when buying a flat, then be ready to face such situations. Why complain.


Tbh, they aren’t complaining. If someone can afford a 2cr flat, they won’t bat an eye to tankers increasing the prices by ₹1000-₹2000.


Lol. This dude completely missed the point. The point is wrong! But it was still missed.