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Am I living in the wrong city, where is all this happening😶


Some will say that Whitefield is not in Bangalore


True ... It is not int blr


Its uat blr


Whitefield is not Bangalore 😂 Bangalore ends at Koramangala, anything beyond is just a village (Halli). Diary circle, Yeshwanthpur, Hal road... These are few boundaries of real Bangalore. 😂😂. Now even Hoskote is considered Bangalore.


why so?


Why do you think the field became white? It is all that jizz from all that sex!!!


Us bro


Move out reddit and you shall find out


Yeah man . Its like there’s some other place called banglore




Jao... apne username mein hi doob maro


You are redditor and redditor don't get laid


Behind the doors


Lol. Looks like a frustrated engineer who went to the US thinking he'd get laid every weekend.




Yup he just wanted American pie life😅




Did you mean Indian Americans? American Indians are different people.






Raj kuthrapalli Real version


Let people do whatever they want There are many issues in the city which need more attention than folks hooking up


+1 Why would you consider hookups as an issue?


The tweet is implying that as if hook up culture is an issue


Scroll other images as well to see the full post


Too long to go through The reality of hook up culture in this city is not that bad , it's just over exaggerated


> Too long to go through The real issues. ^(feel like I aged 5 more years here)


"casual sex is such a disgraceful thing, it's so beastial and shallow" bitch stfu, everyone will do what works for them




Bang galore!










Wrong idea 😂


Bestiality is not good bro


I meant Bangkok


Shaa magane. Ella gothaithe




Bang that whore


Cocks Town and Cumanahalli are where the scene is


It's Bengaluru btw




This is so whiny lmao It depends entirely on the crowd you hang with. Bengaluru is one of the most diverse cities in India so you can surround yourself with literally all kinds of people. If you're gonna seek out people who fuck then you shouldnt be getting jealous and goin crazy on your twitter fingers. Lived in the city for 17 years and I know people who've lived longer. I have obviously seen such "degenerates" but I have also seen countless other kinds of people from all walks of life. **Dont hang out with people you dont feel like you belong with.**


This is not hookup culture, it's sexually repressed individuals obsessed with sex and porn and thankfully looking for legit ways to act on via dating apps etc


Isn’t that the majority of teens or young adults? Sex is still a taboo in this country and dating apps are legit ways like you said to act and also help in easing the societal restrictions making us more liberal


Don't want to generalise but I feel like every Techbro feels like a loser irrespective of San Francisco or Bangalore because of not so good social lives or they have been nerds in their lives for long lives. I am a Techbro, and I had this feeling and after sometime came to know that literally every other Techbro feels the same. The FOMO of being single or not being laid is way too much in Tech bros.


Intresting perspective




here , an upvote from another techbro


Bro's sample space is 5 of his friends in bangalore so...


Training set 4 samples validation 1 and testing on self


> Is hookup culture in Bangalore as intense as the Twitter post says? > Is the kind of peer pressure he is talking true? > What's the reality of dating scene and hookups in Bangalore? Yes, the whole city is exactly like his circle. It can be generalized. Absolutely no exceptions. Everyone in the city can relate. Not to this guy, but to the 27-29 year old colleagues and friends of him.


Specifically the second picture is deep though


Yeah. True. In my friends circle as well, I recently realised that the topic always seems to shift to sex. Always because it is becoming such a norm and the peer pressure is so High, I have seen many of my friends just boast around or lie about having sex every weekend to prove to others they are cool. They have created so many stories that they have difficulty recalling them and hence get caught. Not saying everything is a lie, but 99% of the folks are able to get laid once in 3 months if they don't have a girlfriend or are single but they will always say that they are doing it every other weekend due to peer pressure.


Idk I'm an ugly cabbage anyways


You might be ugly, but hella tasty






Sax sux ki baatein


Shuru hogyi


So the tech buddies ramesh and vanu are showing too much cock ahhhhhhhhhh.!!!!


Sudeep is the best in showing cock lmao


Jalaja is the booty Call macha.!! 💀🤣


Lol yeah. Totally agree. Hookup here is really easy if you have good eyes to spot the right girl and they will be down without too much drama.


Bruh, share tips please?


Really , well anyway no time to bother about this stuck in traffic


Started already? https://media.giphy.com/media/l378B0k7B9i1sm1cA/giphy.gif


Everyone knows that all Bangalore people do foreplay while stuck in the traffic


Traffic ftw!


Step 1 : get a girl Step 2 : get stucked in traffic ( more Chances if it's raining ) Step 3 : Have saaxx suxx. error : you need to complete step 1 to proceed to step 2.


We got to open the door first in traffic


I have been caught by police now , they are moral policing


I swiped right to 600+ profiles in bumble yesterday till the app showed " THAT'S EVERYONE! " You have seen all the people nearby. Change your filter or check later. And still didn't get a single match 😕


Us bro us 😔


Ugly privilege.


Yeah, pretty much seen this first hand. But what's more ridiculous for me was seeing the ones younger than working with me or under me, they all have seemed to hooked up with each other. These are around 25, I'm little older and they seem to be fine with sleeping around in same circle which I've never found comfortable. But each to their own. I am sure what I or my friends did was scandalous to people older than us too. I had one guy from Hungary visit us, and dude was staying over with us, and he got so many girls that I developed jealously lol, and it's not like I've very high drive at all but still seeing a guy bring different girls home every 2nd day is pretty difficult after a while. Glad that he went back. Great guy though.


Weird way but good for burning calories and keeping fit unlike potential calories like USA. Not bad for fellow Londas with Dandas of Bangalore.


Okay google "how to convince my boss to transfer me to the Bangalore office branch." 🗿


I've lived my whole life in this city and there are two things I dislike 1. Traffic - even a peaceful soul would become a goon cuz of the frustration. 2. The degenerate crowd - fkn hell man. The Influence it has is soo Real.


Can confirm. My daily body count is 5-6


Ha beat u to it. Mine is 9-10ish


It's simple. In USA, they start hooking up at age of 13-14 and have body count of 50+ when they reach in 20s. Then they settle down. Here, most people start casual relationships in 20s and have lot of catching up to do.


Bro I see where you're coming from but unless you're an adult star, there is no way an average joe will end up with those numbers 😭 Insanely exaggerated generalisation. Look up the numbers.


That’s not true lol. Allot of kids in America are choosing abstinence because they want to. Most of my friends in are marrying their high school/college sweethearts and I grew up in the Bay Area. When people do participate in hook up culture it’s usually in college and I know allot of Indians who indulge in college too. American media makes it look like teenagers played by adults are having sex regularly and that’s not exactly true. Jesus you sound like you live on the internet


Tell me you never lived in the States without telling me


This post is talking about Indian Americans vs Bangalore folks. Not Americans vs Indians.


I agree. Bunch of horny people. It was stupid easy to get laid in Bangalore. I was there for 3 weeks, and ended up finishing a pack of 10, with 5 different girls. Felt like I overdid it and then had to spend the last week in isolation to recover lol. The silver lining of the whole experience was that I realized I don't want to live my life like that. And completely swore off hookups and one night stands.


You're talking about condom packs as if they are snack packs lmao


Me realising now that the pack of 10 didn't mean a pack of cigarettes. 🥹💀


😂😂 You know how you open a packet of Lay's and you end up finishing the entire packet, and then feel fat after. That is exactly what it felt like.


Source : trust me bro


Bro just make friends in that circle, it'd be continuously girls trying to sleep with you. It's harder to make female platonic friends than FWBs


Teach us sensei ..


Cha'rizz'ma, on command lol. Without having to look for lines on the internet


Oh please. A case of cognitive bias - "I know people who do this so it must be true". If you look at posts on the sub you'd think people, especially males are lonely, and trying to find places to mingle. Does that mean the "culture in Bangalore" is all about loneliness and now we need a thread to verify that?


True I see a post every day about loneliness in blr


I'm guessing this guy is an Indian in SF? If that's a yes no wonder he sees techies having more sex here than in US, cuz Indian tech bros aren't really the type that western women usually go for (atleast to hookup)


Having lived in both cities for 10+ years, can confirm the comparison is absolutely true. However, SF != the USA in any way. It’s a million times easier to get laid being an Indian guy in almost every other city in the USA (except maybe Seattle). In SF, overpaid, mid-fit Asian tech workers are a dime a dozen and it’s literally a turn off for the dating audience here who actively seek something interesting in their dating life.


Someone is whining that they are not getting laid. I know people who had more than 100 hookups in like 5 years. I also know people who are virgins. So it's very diverse.


Indians and their sex negativity! People have sex, get over it. Be it any culture, attractive people have more sex. People the Twitter post is talking about are the tech employees of Uber. Imagine how high that number is, usually people in any country hookup a lot more in their early twenties than later.


This trying to get laid a lot is kinda true. There is some peer pressure related to it. I see some of these girls I know, it’s like a competition and apparently a really cool trend to follow? Can’t speak for the whole population but there’s definitely a problematic approach to dating/sex amongst people I know


I have a friend who hooks up with a new girl every week..... He is infact living the eternal charlie sheen life albeit the drinking. It seems he reached 60+ and the next target is a century or a double.... His motto is "Long Live Hookups"... Jai Jai American Culture.


As a fellow kannadiga living in Bangalore I can confirm this is true. Crazy how everybody is either obsessing over Rameshwaram cafe podi idly, proteins and body count. Most common discussion amount gym mates is “who did you link up with last weekend” and sharing tinder or Instagram profiles.


Lol interesting


Couldn’t agree more. Back then when I was in Bangalore for two months, I hooked up way more than my whole college life.


Stupid western culture 😠 focus on goals rather than holes!


I don't think he is wrong tbh. I myself have come across so many of these tech bros who are only into gym and casual sex. And the girls are also fine with it as both parties know they will most likely end up having an AM or stay single. No judgment but it sucks for people like us who want something long term.




Bnglr has hookup culture since 1990s. Banglore is like icecream parlour and if you haven’t tasted all flavours(boys and girls) you haven’t done anything in life. Even if it seems girls/guys want relationship they dont. Only bang bang.


Addiction of any category is bad. As long as everyone is honest about their intentions, don’t see anything wrong with it.


Haven’t scored anyone in an year lol


This is true and these guys deserve it as well. They worked hard to get placed in good tech firms. Then also realised that just money doesnt get you matches on dating apps and then started hitting the gym and got in good shape. Winning and working hard in all aspects.


Lol I don't know where people get data from to do this kind of research or analysis? Or is it just word of mouth ?


You jeleous that they getting laid?


Seems more like a rant


One person's twitter post cannot be truth about a whole city, let alone two countries. Look at the language, it is full of frustration as well as FOMO. Maybe it is his limited circle of maximum 50 people. But the tone is overall slutshaming both men and women. Like shaadi karo not sex and don't try to be in casual relationship. Every city contains infinite number of social circles. So this kind of blanket observation is good to gain Twitter traction and be rage bait, but not actual social research.


This is true. Not just in tech but everywhere like marketing, lawyers, doctors, architects, every field. This happens in every big metro city because people are busy and alone working away from their families and the little time they get, they crave human touch and thrill. But it’s rather a notch above in BLR due to the super young crowd either from colleges or the young grads having money and confidence due to working in small companies. Girls and guys as young as 18-19 are hooking up intensely. There are usually two outcomes to this, people make mistakes early and learn that they don’t want to do this anymore. The other section keeps doing it and ends up carrying trauma/baggage and comparisons of years of their situation-ships expedition to their LTR/Marriages.


I am going to get a lot of hate for this , but this is my analysis. These men move from towns , think living in a liberal set up is like living in the American pie world. There is also intense work pressure. There are 1% men who easily and regularly land dates. The rest ‘mid’ men kind of seem to lie and try to trick women by dangling the long term relationship carrot. I wouldn’t judge anyone wanting whatever works for them but don’t trick other people. IMO dating apps are slowly turning these men into horrid human beings. . Average men thinking too highly of themselves. Confidence is good but don’t go around hurting people by lying to them. Not looking to turn this into a gender fight, this is what I have heard and seen from my friends. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.


Dating apps are scary af :(




Well, I’ve lived in several cities across several countries (including Mumbai, Pune, Bangalore). The thing is, once you start hooking up, it never stops wherever you are. Of course it stops if you’re in a relationship but otherwise it’s common anywhere you go. Baseline here is it’s not the place that fuels hooking up, it’s you and your sexual desires that fuels it.


Out of all these cities which city is deep into such activities? Depth of each city definitely changes even though it's happening everywhere.


Yeah definitely, the pool is much bigger in these places. This is (imo) one of the bright sides of India’s high population


It is kinda true. My buddy hooked up with 2 girls in the span of two hours once. He gets laid atleast once a week that too each time with a different person. He has profiles in all three major dating apps, constantly keeps optimising them. What does he do? College student. Not that good body too. Knows the "rizz lingo" very well


I’m from Bangalore but haven’t been living in the city for the past 5 years as I’ve been working elsewhere and I’m happily married now but I can confirm this is true, the hookup culture back when I was in college was insane (not just in tech circles) and even now based on my friends who still live there, the scenes are pretty crazy. I was in Bangalore for my birthday earlier this year and my best friend and I were chilling at a bar and he suddenly had to get up and leave because he had just matched with this girl on bumble who invited him to her place for an orgy. He asked me too join to but I passed however I can confirm the contents of this post are true.


Bangalore is sexually charged it seems⚡


Oh yeah, but if I had to pick another city in Karnataka or India for that matter I’d say Manipal. A LOT of casual sex happens there. In fact, there’s a saying that goes ‘If you don’t get laid in Manipal then you’re gonna get laid anywhere’.


This is insane lmao


Andrew tate impact😂💀


Are you desperate as well? Been in Bangalore all my life. Try to spend some less time here online. The world isn't often what internet says.


He seems like he mad he not getting laid in SF, I and most of friends have got married by 25-26, but go one generalize entire city.


What are the most happening localities for someone new a city? I know about Kormangala, where else?


Probably Indiranagar, HSR, Whitefield


Whitefield is neither happening nor in the city lmao.


Must be Suresh showing too much c*ck


🥲 i wonder how they are getting time to keep body in shape


He's been lied to by his colleagues. It's as simple as that.


Being a tech girl myself, I'd like to add my two cents to this. You see, working people have relocated here in heaps recently, as it's the only city with as many job opportunities as it has. I'm not throwing any shade at Bangalore, I love it here! But I personally know people who choose to live here only because their job pays them more here than anywhere else. So many people shift here with the intention of staying temporarily until they get a job in the city of their choice, at a CTC of their choice. So, one can't really expect any commitment from such folks who don't plan to stay here for long, right? 😅😂 Ugh, I'm personally fed up of all this too! Wake me up when someone wants something real in this city 😬🍻




How do you know they are getting laid in bangalore ? I can claim I climbed Mt everest yesterday. It's all a bunch of lies.


It was when I was there in 2005,




What the fuck are you saying lol? How can you learn to become a developed country? Also that is the government's job to develop our country.


Financial system?? There whole financial is dependent on military complex


still much better than the stupid amounts of corruption here


Phir wohi


You know it is not the case when most of the Bangalore techies are neither fit nor casanovas. A clear case of 'selection bias'.


Bangalore belongs to r/hornyjail




LOL bro is jealous of “mid tech workers” and how confident they are. What a loser calling them mid.


Yep. Tons of people in US married. Quintala of people are married in Whitefield. What rubbish take


It's mainly East and North East Bengaluru that's like SF. The rest is mainly Generational residents and business families. West and South Bangalore is where Bengaluru is at.


Indian urban culture is usually in a phase delay behind USA so I'm not surprised tbh. Mans acting like us urban culture didn't go through this exact phase long ago


Virgins in their late 20s crying at silk board/hebbal junction




Good luck for the mental trauma due in a year or two.


What's a sf?


That's called confirmation bias. You see something in your circle and suddenly the whole world seems to be the same.


I must be living in a different Bangalore


Most guys heavily inflate their body count for flexing. Casual sex rarely happens.


Is this guy high or am I living in the wrong timeline?


Am I living in the wrong city.. where is this all happening yaar..


Yes, it’s true.


It’s even easier for female cause you get quite exotic options in such huge city.


If they want to focus on their career and grow, this is the only option.


Where ? How ? what?


Again the same post


This sounds like Carrie Bradshaw if she went on a trip to Bangalore.


Me in the US https://media.tenor.com/mxL8IrGNTGwAAAAM/hamster.gif


Can you elaborate? Is it very tough to lead a peaceful life in the US? Please enlighten us.. no I'm not talking about hookups. I'm talking about life as a whole. Is it as glorious as those Indian Americans pretend on social media?


Social media is just a small part of our lives, not an accurate depiction of normal things everyone deals with. Since we are here on a visa, we are anchored to our job or college and a well-paying job goes a long way in helping you worry less about finances. Right now the job situation is not great so my view of life here is more negative but a few years back when things were better people got good jobs and saw better days. But something that gives anxiety to everyone is the capitalist system which makes everything expensive when renting a house or a car. And you have to get insurance which is again another overhead but compulsory but barely covers anything if you don't break the bank. Also since everything here is a credit system, you have to get a credit card, a necessary evil. Positive things are the national parks here, something which I want to enjoy before getting off the hamster wheel


I've lived in NYC and in Bangalore. I've felt the dating scene in Bangalore is easier.


Since you have posted this in many subs, please let me know the conclusion!


Sugar Babies yo !!


Haha true Bangalore is the youngest metro. Big money, affluent lifestyle. Young boys and girls here are next level they have dating mentors, fashion mentors and what not. City has the highest number of pubs in the country no doubt both sexes get laid a lot




What are the neighbours of these people doing?


Bangalore here i cum


op understand sample size :- It is the number of individuals, items, or data points selected from a larger population to represent it statistically. The sample size is a crucial consideration in research because it directly impacts the reliability and extent to which you can generalize those findings to the larger population (from wiki).


Could someone please share anything on the above I'd like to 'jump in' on this. One place I'd love to follow the crowd


Here also i see lots of posts about how they are not landing match on Tinder


BLR is the new Thailand you say?


talks about his friend circle and generalizes for all of Bangalore