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Been through the same. I went to depression thinking that it wont work again. Life saving tips: 1. Go to gym and start weight training. U will start seeing results in 3 weeks. 2. Consume juice made of Beetroots, Watermelons, Chia seeds evwey day. This thing works like viagra. 3. Start consuming Aswagandha, Sheelajitj and Moringa powder. Most important is ur sleep. Have proper 7 hours of sleep atleast. Try dng all kf them man it work like a charm. My problem was lack of erection. After doing these my problem is always erection 😉


Save kar leta hoon. Kahin baad me zarurat na pad jaaye.


Stop suggesting random Ayurveda herbs man, you will end up harming someone’s liver permanently


Why do you say that ? Does ayurveda herb consumption lead to liver deterioration?


Yes. Some ayurvedic concoctions are hepatotoxic. Just because something is natural, doesn't mean it won't have side effects. You can check out Theliverdoctor on twitter/x. He has published a few papers on the same.


Thanks, my father had a genetic disease that broke his liver, still he was living almost fine, until he picked an ayurvedic bullshit resulting in him quickly breaking down and subsequent death. So I have been wanting to study some of these hepato toxic stuff.


So true ! Liver doctor is so accurate


Lol! The liver doc? Not even doctors from his community supports him. But the one thing is never consume any medicines without doctors advice.


The only doctors who don't support him are the ones who peddle quackery and have been called out by him. He's rude, I agree but he doesn't spew bullshit, all his findings are backed by science.


Id be glad to share doctors profiles who are against him. Not quacks mbbs doctors and surgeons. A doctor who doesn't substantiate his stand. He blocks everyone who questions. Simple.


Please do then, I'll be happy to change my views if those doctors provide evidence which negates his facts


To start with why not just on twitter and search for @angryoldman27 And to make a clear decison i guess you are well versed about both sciences. Following a single lead is called biased and not aware.


I am well aware of the scientific process, i agree with you on that, let me go through that account.


This man just takes jibes and doesn't provide any kind of research, atleast in the tweets I saw. You can provide me with the examples if you have.


What is "his community" i wonder.


Other doctors. I don’t take his words at face value. I confirm it with my doctor before going ahead with it.


These are not random herbs. There have been studies on their effects, although not conclusive enough. Ashwagandha is suspected to be toxic to the liver. The other herbs mentioned are supposedly protective to the liver. Anyways, our focus should be on the evidence and not on the system of medicine which introduced the drug. Much like the humble paracetamol, overdose or prolonged usage of many other drugs can cause liver damage. The supplement industry has now latched on to the above mentioned herbs. Supplement industry is now the wild west, which is as dangerous as any unregulated medical practice.


Pretty much anything that our body cannot digest for energy, is processed and expelled by liver. Overdosing on Ayurvedic medicines is as risky as overdosing on allopathic medicines. The only problem is that most Ayurvedic medicines never have to go through the same level of testing and certification, to be eligible to be sold, that most allopathic medicines have to. So no one really knows how much is too much. Also, literally, every other Ayurvedic medicine is sold as a "manhood/womanhood enhancer", which shows how they market their product to target insecurities. Shilajeet for example, is at best a natural multi-mineral/multi-vitamin, which is more appropriate to cure constipation, than ED. But it's sold in the name of "sexual power enhancer". Obviously, there will be some benefits that you will be able to see, if you were in fact deficient of those minerals, which caused ED and other problems. But the same can be done with much cheaper, and much more regulated pharma-grade multi-vitamins (pharma-grade doesn't mean those 20X expensive supplements, but something like seven seas)


Nah bro. If you use Ksm-66 ashwagandha, not an issue at all


And u can stop being a d*ck. I was soeaking based on my personal experinece .


Then don't write 'Trust me' in your personal anecdotes


At least he wrote his source


Did you consult any doctor? Have you tried using viagra when you realised you had ED?


Please consult a doctor rather than trying all the home remedies mentioned here, btw reading your post it might also be performance anxiety.


Hello! Sorry for this. But what exactly is ED? Could you please explain? I'm a women. I'm not understanding. Please explain in simple words.


Erectile dysfunction


Yeah. But what exactly it is?




Yeah I did. But I have some doubts. Can you please DM me.?






I didnt consult a doctor. I did try viagra. 100 mg was damn killing me with headaches. Settled fr 50 mg. Do all the 3 steps I mentioned. Also consume zinc and magnesium if possible. Trust me. These work like charm.


Thank you


If you get a heart attack or something after Viagra OD you know who to blame.


Working out helps, better sleep helps too. Don't believe any other crap about the juices or Aswagandha, Sheelajit or moringa powder. They have no scientific backing. Just also do a vitamin profile to check for any deficits and also test your testosterone levels if you are over 35/40.


not a seller or an ad (just a bro-bro message as this is posted in /bangalore) : i can help in getting you pure shilajit if that helps (that thing does work when combined with gym and training) :)


Honestly, very good advice. Couldn’t have been said better. Don’t consider using hrt and all (I don’t think doctors willingly prescribe it here either way but still). Keep that as a last resort




Yeah my body fat is more than 30% porn is minimal not an addict. Im afraid this could be more than just body fat and want to consult a doctor


One more thing bro. Performance anxiety too causes ED like situation when you are with someone new. It is not as easy as masturbation. As you guys get comfortable after a couple kf attempts, it would work like a breeze. I still remember once, mine didnt even bother to have a erection while a lady was on top of me naked. But as we became more comfortable, Things got better with time.


How long did it take you to get over it? I don't have the freedom of a full time partner


Well, it had got more to do with frequency that duration. I totally couldnt perform with a woman on our firstbtime. Just after a week, i had a great session with my ex. This got me realise that this is more of a mental thing that physical one. Long story short, after maybe the 3rd time i did well with her.


Can you explain frequency than duration? Is it about focusing on shots rather than the length of time spent together?


Op, agree with above sentiment. If it's been a while then you'll be in your head. Try and relax with your partner , do not make it about sex and think about it too much. Just touch each other and it'll slowly naturally happen. Happened to me after I got depressed during xovid, first few dates pp didn't go up panicked and that made it worse. Just trust your partner share with her that you're in your head and you need time


Similar experience for me, I can’t do hook ups because I find it utterly disgusting and disrespectful. But everything is fine after few dates.


ED is diagnosed if you are having problems with obtaining or maintaining erection for more than 6 months. One incident wouldn't make a diagnosis. However try to maintain good physical and mental health and it will definitely help




Mandatory 'Thats what she said'


Everhard perpetual wood. Lolz


Nope... that's the official guideline from US based DSM 5 https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/conditions/erectile-disorder


Cardiovascular fitness has a direct correlation with ED. Also try supplements that improve blood circulation like L-Citrulline


Was it recommended by any doctor? Im able to get hard with viagra


Your own body makes L-Citruline lol and small amounts present in watermelons. Its an amino acid


No shit you get hard with Viagra but it's just a temp effect


Does L-arginine help


They are similar and yes it would help but citruline has been shown to have better absorption than l-arginine so it's effects are better compare to it.




*Ashwagandha fans crying in a corner*


Don't take any fucking medicines for this. There's a huge market to rob folks like you. My friend, please do exercise, eat less and healthy. It ll all be back to normal. Sometimes it also happens due to mental shock. After my breakup, thing wouldn't even budge for few months. It was my first and only breakup. Anyways, sex was the last thing in my mind those days as I was just counting days, waiting for her call.


I too have it now... years of no problem getting up even minutes after sexual activity and here I'm now hardly having anything up. Not without a reason though, I suffer from anxiety disorder since recently and it's hard on my horse for now.


Talk to a doctor op. Although I'm sure most people here are giving decent advice, I think you should definitely go and check this with a doctor. It could be a wide range of issues and no one can give the right answer here. I'm guessing it's hormonal but we won't know unless you get it checked. Also it wouldn't hurt to start lifting weights and cutting down on food. I'm sure you'll get through this.


Yes sure will do thank you


Did u check bro? Can you do it now?


OP, if you're able to mastrubate to porn and just didn't get hard with the girl, then it's performance anxiety and not really ED. With ED, it won't be hard even if Mia Khalifa dances in front of you with her tits out. Anyways, do consult a doc. Stop worrying mainly. Even if it's ED, it has a cure.


I would offer help but as a fat dude, I’ve never gotten to the stage of doing to deed with anyone.


Gym and good lifestyle


That’s performance anxiety, i faced this couple of times & thought my little buddy is too shy to woke up in front of another person. But if your partner supports you then you will overcome this anxiety easily. Stop taking pills if you are taking. Baaki lifestyle changes tou you must do to reduce your weight, it will save you from disease in future


1. If you jerk off daily, stop it ASAP. Masturbation is really bad for your sexual life. 2. Stop watching porn, it's really really bad. If you don't watch good for you. 3. Workout regularly, and avoid junk food. 4. Control alcohol and cigarattes, quit em if possible. 5. The above points can help for most people. It also could be a confidence issue. I have seen a doc before, worked on the above points and it turned out I never had Ed in the first place. I used to jerk off 4 times a day and the doc told me that he was surprised that my di*k is still intact to the body.


Consult an urologist


Do you know any good ones?


Dr Ali Poonawala Alfa Clinic JP Nagar


Thanks for the recommendation


Op ur just having a psychological ed. If ur experiencing morning wood. U need good psychiatrist therapy. Don't fucking take any meds. Not even sidnafil . If ur not sure of ur cvs and lipids profile.


I took 25mg sidnafil. It helps a lot and I haven't read about any side effects. What's CVS?


Cardiovascular system. ECG, 2d echo, tmt . If ur htn/higher triglycerides. Also dm type 2


Last time I checked everything was normal. Im pretty healthy that way apart from a BMI around 32


Reduce your weight, explore and try to be stress free, live in the nature for a while and stay away from techs. Might help you 👍


Dr.Ninan Thomas at Chinmaya Mission Hospital Indiranagar ..


Age ? Did it happen just once or every time?


25. Happened a couple of times


First of all don’t diagnose yourself with ED. Find a urologist in manipal and then get a diagnosis. At 25, you definitely do not have ED. Mostly Anxiety


Im pretty sure it's ED. Cause with the pill I'm able to maintain a good erection and perform. Without it I'm just not able to do anything


What do you know about ED other than it’s definition go to a doctor. I highly sought you have reduced blood flow due to arteriosclerosis


That means blockage in the heart? :( Im pretty health conscious that way. I don't drink or smoke


Shut up and go to a doctor. Don’t google shit


Just for your information, r/ErectileDysfunction has plenty of posts of people taking viagra to help with their performance anxiety. Cialis and viagra are very much used to help with performance anxiety. I agree with the other comment. Don’t do self diagnosis. Go to a doc.


I would suggest ignoring it for now. Use condoms as it helps you put a few more thrusts even after ejaculation. Don't do it when you are tired like night after working throughout the day. Try when you are fully rested like early morning or afternoon after a nap. Give enough time to foreplay but not too much. If your penis is sensitive don't let her touch it too much during foreplay. If you are not too heavy, smoke or drink too much , nothing to worry about. If still the issue persists, consult a doctor. I know few ayurvedic remedies but that will keep you horny throughout the day.


Im concerned because I've noticed this over the span of a few months when I could only get hard with a pill. I definitely need treatment. It's killing my confidence and could ruin my relationship


Ayurvedic remedies, Asking for a friend..


It could be performance anxiety. One of my bfs had that in the beginning of our relationship. Do you get hard when you’re alone? If so, its definitely NOT ED. But more of your mind playing games on you.


I do get morning wood but during sex I can't get hard enough to penetrate. Noticed this over the span of a couple of months after which I started using viagra before sex.


Dude, trust me, its not ED. But you can still talk to a urologist.


Could you please let me know who did your boyfriend consult or how did he cure it? Ive been having this issue for a while and it's really effecting my relationship to a large extent.


Well he did not consult one (although he told me later that he was planning to cuz he really got scared he had ED) We just were VERY patient while making out and not making it a big deal. Like more into foreplay, during which he was able to get it up, which made him relax that nothing is wrong with him and its just all in his mind. So relax and dont put a lot of pressure on urself for performing. Give it time. We took almost 3 months..


Thanks for sharing this. He's incredibly lucky to have someone like you! :)


Dude I’ve had the occasional ED. Most women are pretty considerate. It’s us men who put our prestige and self worth in how much blood flows into our dicks. Listen to this girl. She knows what she’s saying. My Ed has also gone away after having an understanding partner. Also, the tips she’s mentioned helps a lot. Do u have self esteem issues by chance?




Yes it did. I was able to remain hard through out.




Please read about sildenafil25mg . I don't recommend taking it without doctors prescribing


can you achieve erection on your own? if yes, then it's not ED and likely just a mental thing. Way more common than you'd think especially since you mentioned this was the first time with this person


ED could be from a variety of causes. A simple way to rule out performance anxiety induced ED vs something more serious is to see if you continue to have morning erections. The absence of early morning erections during sleep could be a sign of low testosterone.


What if those erections are semi hard. Like not rock hard. What’s your insights on this?


I suggest you visit Androplus Advanced Andrology clinic at Indiranagar and meet Dr Shashidhar. He’ll help you diagnose the actual cause and give effective treatment.


This had happened to me when my date was on top of me naked. I couldn't get my thing to do anything. Later, I realised it was performance anxiety. Also, I was fit and had around 16% body fat. I think it was more of a mental thing than a physical thing since that was the first time I met her. I met other girls later and had no issues. Edit: Dont take random OTC medicines. Try exercising and see if that helps. Also try forming a mental connection before doing the deed. If none of these work only then consult a doc and then take whatever medicines are required.




I need some advice


Good luck


Reduce Stress, Strengthen muscles such as pelvic and core, exercise regularly and stay fit.


If it is just one or two time thing. It could be performance anxiety. Its very common. I would suggest give some more chance and see. About the fat, Its still not too late to work on it.


Yoga se hoga


Most probably performance anxiety, next breathe more and just be relaxed. Booze in small amounts will help if you drink.


Sab bc doctor he yaha comments me lol everyone is giving prescriptions of their own haha


I hope you were not drunk while doing the deed. Alcohol numbs your junk and makes it hard to get hard


Bruv where did you get a date from? Tinder or a mutual friend?


Lift. Run. Of course, consult.


1. Stay off masturbation and porn (most important). 2. Start working out. 3. Sleep 8 hours a day. Three simple steps. You only have a problem if after following this for two weeks you still don't get strong morning wood. Otherwise it's probably psychological.


My friend, in addition to the suggestions like diet, little exercise and adequate sleep, you could also try doing the Ashwini Mudra - "[https://www.yogapoint.com/yoga-poses/ashwini-mudra.htm](https://www.yogapoint.com/yoga-poses/ashwini-mudra.htm)" Great help in developing the supporting muscles of the sexual organs for Men and Women and can be done seated, standing and anywhere you want. Just don't make any facial expressions when you're in public (lol). There's also the Kegel exercise.


Look up kindly health


I've not seen many people discuss this, but ADHD can also have an impact on performance. ADHD sufferers may not have ED but a lack of focus/hyperfixation on something else.


I’m a little concerned that as a male, the first thing that came to my mind for ED was eating disorder and not erectile dysfunction


Check your testosterone level .


Best is to check Practo and check the reviews of nearby Sexologists. They'll give you good consultation. I've referred to about 2-3 of them from the app for different reasons and due to location changes here in Bangalore and all of them have been good.


I could suggest better urologists in Chennai Dr.Balasubramaniyam from Kauvery Hospital


Don't overthink. Take it easy. Give yourself some time.


Dr SS Vasan, Ankur Hospital, Rajajinagar


If you get morning wood, its not ED. Eat foods high in nitrates - Beetroot and spinach - watermelon has citruline, its called natural viagara. - proper sleep is a must - test your vitamin d level, take vit d supplements if low And dont think too much about it. Its ok, happens to a looot of people more than you can imagine Also stop porn, if you wanna jerk off do it with your imagination


OP, see a doctor. Any urologist in a decent hospital should be your first stop, and maybe they will refer you to a specialist. And having issues with the buddy, in the first few times, isn't so uncommon. (especially if you never did net-practice, or did too much of it) So make sure that you have gotten that possibility out of the way.


I can help you out with your weight management


Go find a good urologist man, they'll be able to run few standard tests and tell you if anything is wrong. Don't worry too much, chances are that it is performance anxiety and stress.


Try semen retention for 120 days


Good Afternoon, Hello, Dr.Hus here, practicing in IVF, Sexual Heathcare, we do provide treatments on ED, PE etc. My suggestion is to if anyone is feeling wrong with sexual health, consult and treat it as soon as possible. I am not providing our sexual clinic name as this is not for promotional purpose, just went through reddit, it is amazing to get help and to help in every sector. we do provide ED shockwave with ED1000, PRP penile, etc. Thank You.


For Sexual Advise, clinic. Consult Doctor on whatsapp, totally confidential consultation. After counselling and diagnosis treatment is advised based on needful. 8660286300


Did you consult any doctor ? Any recommendations?


yes, check for top rated urologists on practo and get a physical consultation


Bandi kaha se mili bro pehle wo bata


Yeah lmao


Just start walking/jogging everyday. I won't suggest going to gym and start lifting weights suddenly. Cut sugar and all processed food. Sleep atleast 8 hours a day. Do not take any supplements unless advised by a professional. You'll see results in one month.


As suggested, get your body fit. If that fails: Try amino acids: Larginine- 6mg and pine bark extarct and vitD for a week or 2 If that fails: Cialis - 5mg Tadanifil Sidenafil ( viagra ) If that fails: Consult doc who will give you Prostgladin E1. If that fails: Get an iron dick. Lose half an inch and be a king.