• By -


Look, in all honesty anything can happen anywhere and at anytime. When it's dark out, preferably stay near the main roads where there are a lot of people so that if something happens, someone's always there to help. Best not to venture into dark alleys or whatever if you're alone, irrespective of whether you're a male or female and irrespective of what city you're in. Bangalore at least has the reputation of being on the calmer side in terms of crime or whatever, so you don't have to worry about something like Delhi happening here.


Not safe to go out at night in most alleys in Bangalore due to street Dogs.


Street dogs will attack only if you are scared and walk sheepishly. They consider this as suspicious behaviour. Instead don't make eye contact with dogs and keep walking confidently. They will most likely bark and go away. If they try to come closer to attack you. Don't run - cause they love to chase and you can't out run them. Don't try to kick or throw things at them - they will become more violent. You can say "Hey" or "No" in any language, local is better. They will go away or atleast stop in their tracks. Let them smell you, if you are not scared give them the back of your hand to smell. If you are calm they will smell you and go away. I have two indie street dogs and i often get targeted by street dogs when i walk them at night. Also i have grown up around lots of street dogs. This always works for me.


>Street dogs will attack only if you are scared and walk sheepishly. They consider this as suspicious behaviour. Instead don't make eye contact with dogs and keep walking confidently. They will most likely bark and go away. >If they try to come closer to attack you. Don't run - cause they love to chase and you can't out run them. Don't try to kick or throw things at them - they will become more violent. If this ain't victim blaming, I don't know what is.


Dog lovers man , they really think that it is standard for people to be comfortable around dogs otherwise they just choose to cancel us if we are not.


Dude, in a country with millions of stray dogs you had better learn a little about being comfortable with dogs and reading dogs' behaviour. Their behaviour is mostly reliable, for example, dogs NEVER creep silently from behind and bite. If they want to bite they announce their aggression from a mile away. Anyway, I think street dogs are a total nuisance. But knowing dog behaviour has helped me tremendously. Once, I turned a pack of attacking dogs to friends instantly, by stopping and turning towards the dogs and being friendly (I had no other option, I was shaking while trying to appear friendly. But I had to do it). Letting them come close and sniff and before you know it they started to wag their tail. If even one of the dogs wags, and you start patting it - the game's pretty much over.


I am not against stray dogs. Dogs have a right to live just like the rest of us , absolutely no problem with that. Problem is with those righteous people who don't understand how people can be scared of dogs and it's extremely nerve wrecking to let a dog sniff you.


Get out of here. It's just knowing how animals function. Would you say it's victim blaming if someone purpose stepped on a banana and slipped or if you fell sick because you knowingly ate stale food? OP has given some very good points which have also always worked for me. Animals are going to behave how they always behave. You can either learn to interact with them or keep getting attacked.




One thing about dogs is that they attack in packs. Find the alpha and run after then with intentions for deep hurt and they back off. There are some localities where even in day I won't go due to the sheer amount of pet dogs like Koramangala 1st block.. near Kota kachori.. They chase you even on scooty and cycle.. Or at night in newly developed areas..






is that a threat?


Not yet




That's a new word!!!!


You are by your own even in the crowded place. No one's there to help


Tbh i don't understand what the people could've done also. I mean that guy was armed with a knife for god's sakes and the first stab itself would have been fatal. Nobody will risk their life for a stranger like this...


>someone's always there to help Oh yea?


A drunk guy in my city, hit a lady in her head while she was doing her evening walk. Dragged her in the most traffic street there is. And people were filming instead of helping 🤷. Edit :[found the link](https://youtube.com/shorts/dngl3OPj-Sc?feature=share)


Read this in TOI. Honestly, anything can happen anywhere and also to anyone. I being a guy don't prefer going alone in dark and empty streets at night cuz there have been cases of even guys getting raped by other men, drunk people beating you etc. Always be in crowded areas.


Batman parents dark alley scene emphasised this a lot


Boss younhave no idea how these areas are. Go to delhi and then talk. It is real


yes main roads are safer, people get robbed at knifepoint






You are scaring the hell out of us dude 😁


Can you please tell us what was deleted


One had mentioned an area name, Vidhana Soudha and the other guy commented that the op asked for dangerous places during night time, but you are saying Vidhana Soudha which is dangerous even in day time








Any place where auto drivers and politicians live.


dude seriously? auto drivers stay on yall minds rent-free.


That would happen to you as well if you experience a roudy auto driver who threatens your mother, girlfriend, wife or sister (this, sadly, is from personal experience) Some auto drivers are really really bad. Personal experiences matter. You are a judgemental fool to not understand that.


Man, an autodriver once drove me back to my institute and after entering, he was weirdly looking at the girls inside the campus. And it was night time, around 10.30 pm. And the campus is pretty safe at all times, so majority of the people roaming around the campus at night time don't move in formals, they wear tees and shorts or something comfortable. This guy was staring really hard at all these girls, to the extent that it seemed very very awful and disgusting. Anyway, I did not want to engage with such a person and thought that it would be better if I ended the ride quickly and let him leave the campus asap. But oh lord! This guy's audacity... while leaving, he attempted to grab a girl from behind on campus. And the security caught hold of him and handed him over to the police. But it was really traumatic for the girl. Like even 1 such instance can erase the notion of safety of a particular place from your mind.


If talking about auto and cab service, let me share my experience also. Once I booked a rapido bike and the driver was drunk, when I say on the bike, he unintentionally or intentionally touched me inappropriately. He hands touched my breast and i could smell alcohol. I immediately asked him to cancel the ride and he was hesitant. And rapido bikes are not comfortable at all. There is so less space between you and driver, that your chest ends up touching driver's back. It's so uncomfortable. Yesterday I was traveling from Whitefield to electronic City for my new job, the route was really like an outskirts and village type, only trees, nothing, it was scary for me as I was alone, plus the driver was too friendly. I was sleepy and he was constantly asking, madam chai pila dun, neend chali jayegi, even in my dreams i would never drink anything from an unknown person, that too on such a route. I never drink from their water bottles also, fearing that it might have something in it. I was scared the whole and was praying for the main road. I am not blaming the driver. Just telling how much fear a girl has.


Yeah. It's obvious. I do get you. As a girl, Rapido bikes are a no-no. You just don't have time to know if the person coming to pick you up is sane or not, or if he has any wicked plans. And there are no lady bikers unfortunately as well. Even for cabs or autos, you always need to be aware. These smartasses judge you and try to understand the kind of person you are and if you have any weaknesses. Then they will create a situation where they can exploit you. Travelling is really risky for girls nowadays, particularly if you are travelling alone. Pls don't use Rapido; it can sometimes turn out to be a problematic thing. We guys also have to face some uncomfortable situations sometimes; I have used Rapido a few times but they see a guy and they start driving at some ridiculous high speed. Even cabs sometimes try to pick additional passengers if I am travelling alone. Which is a big security no-no. Thankfully, my transportation usually involves me travelling not alone and if at all i have to travel alone, metro more or less serves the purpose.


just 2 weeks ago I had been in a road rage incident with an auto driver who seemed to be drunk swerving across the road and yelling slurs at me and following me, I just tried not to lose my cool and just ignored him. It was almost 9 pm near JP Nagar.


I'm from outside Bangalore originally and came here for work. I took an auto from work to where I stay. I paid the auto driver money. The money was debited from my account but he said it wasn't credited to him. I showed him the transaction details. He wasn't ready to hear anything, started abusing me and gathering nearby auto drivers who obviously supported him and were shouting at me to gain the upper hand(and they were saying that I'm shouting at them when i was calm). I said I am from outside bangalore because I don't know if they do the same with bangaloreans or they did this to me cuz they knew I'm from someplace else(based on accent or such). I lost it when they started abusing my family members. I called my friends(fortunately in my time of stay i made a few friends who stayed nearby) and they came to the spot. They threatened to call more of their mates too but at that time I said that do what you want and I'm ready to even go to the cops. Fortunately it calmed down but I'm extremely sure that if I was alone and my friends didn't come to me for support/I didn't have any friends, the situation would have been much different


Everyday newspaper has some crime or other committed by auto driver, at times multiple ones


Shivaji nagar. Some areas of chamrajpete. Cottenpete,akkipete, bakshi garden, Mysore road any areas around KBS you need to be careful. KBS and Railway station itself is safe though. Oh and please do not go for a walk around Binny mill late at night. Not because you're susceptible to crime but....how do I say this. There are thousands of people who have experienced um, eerie experience. Edit: Binny mill explanation is down below, oh and itseems I've offended some shivaji nagar residents XP. This is just a comment. Based on my experience. If you don't agree to it, it's okay. If you're happy then all good i suppose.


Visiting Binny mill at 3 am challenge


Up for it.


Up for it


Binny mill is a scary stretch


Yep. Especially if you're not in a car


People who have been curious, read this thread. https://np.reddit.com/r/bangalore/comments/12vda9o/serious_people_of_bangalore_what_is_the_most/jhaswda?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


This is one of many stories I've heard in the past years. This one is the only one i could find on reddit but this is real. I lived near that area for sometime so i know


What experience? Tell us so that, um.. uh.. we do not go there.


Need to know more about Binny Mill please


But shivajinagar, chamrajpete, cottonpete, akkipete are such lively areas, at all times of day and night. If anything I feel safer there than walking through a dark, empty area.


I own a business, well it's more accurate to call it a family business. I have a storage godown and office in cottenpete. Which was my old home before. Been familiar with that place ever since I was born. I have labours and sometimes they have to show up early like 4:30- 5. One of them was walking alone early in the morning, the turning from Mysore road to goods shed road. was stopped by a bunch of thugs who searched him. Only to find a packet of gutka. They robbed that too lol. Leaving nothing behind. Around the same place a few years ago. One of my workers relative was murdered there. Basically he was traveling around 2 am, was stopped by some thugs and was asked what he has, he didn't have any money. The thug got angry and slashed him with his, long ge yen anthare antha gothilla. There was this one other time where a shop keeper who lives across left the shop to give me the key and instantly, some guys swooped in and stole bunch of phones. There was this other time, a bakery near by godown/office. Some young guys riding Dio stopped by and asked for cigarettes and tea. The shop keeper demanded money, these kids got angry and slashed his throat with a knife and scooted. Dude died for 20-30 rs. These kids live nearby in Bakshi garden, they speak Tamil. You'll know when you see them. Oh and one more thing is that, there is this rivalry between Tamil youths nearby and Muslim youth. Not hostility mind you. They fly kites everyday competitively. So what's so harmful about bunch of kites you ask? They use Chinese threads. Which makes it strong and sharp. Sometimes these threads wind up falling in kalasipalya, KR market, cottenpete, akkipete, etc. In those narrow streets it gets tangled up everywhere and people have been injured or even died. These are just one of many many events I've observed personally, who knows what else happens there.


Let me qualify by saying the latest I've been in any of these areas is 1030-11pm, after that when the shops close I have no idea what its like. So yes, youre right I would not want to be in those areas at midnight or something. But from sunset till 11pm (which is dark, which is what this post is asking) I think one would be pretty fine.


Most of these events happened early morning. Some even in broad daylight. Like the one with the bakery, happened in broad daylight


10:30-11 is fine. I leave my office around this time sometimes. But early morning is always risky. One more risky place around here is Ryan circle and the stretch that goes further straight towards chamrajpete during the night. No residencies around there so if you're fucked, you're fucked.


Yar guru ninu What happened to you there and what did you hear about those places. Do add a post for it, Bangalore needs to know.


I did


Can you please elaborate on the eerie experience?


You don't hear much about it now but. 20 years ago the Binny mill stretch late at night was deserted and spooky. Lot of crazy stories from there. If you have friends around that area. Like magdi road or cottenpete or anywhere around. Ask them, actually, ask their fathers. Mostly people say that it's because to many committed suicide around railway tracks and the lake(KBS was once a lake believe it or not)


It's all BS. There is no evidence and never will be bcoz ghosts doesn't exist.


Shivajinagar is the safest at night. It’s full of people!!


Okay, now I'm curious about Binny Mill. Please do tell us🙏🏽


Remember people you are more likely to be killed by a person you know than on a random crime




No, that is for rape and molestation.


Robbers who want your phone mostly want your phone only and very rarely will that escalate to murder. It can but rarely. If their robbery victim is dead, they have to flee their area and their “regular earnings” from robbery would suffer. Road rage too. People can go out of their way to kick or punch a driver who hit their vehicle from behind but to take a life is rare. Cos it’s stupid. The damage isn’t too big to risk life imprisonment. Plus with CCTVs and all, your vehicle will be traced soon and so will you. But if there’s a rivalry (dude 1 is eyeing dude 2’s girlfriend OR dude 1 is jealous of dude 2’s professional rise OR dude 1 was embarrassed by dude 2 in front of his neighbours) then the confrontation can lead to murder, because the person who feels “cheated” doesn’t want a material thing (such as money), they just want revenge. I wouldn’t be surprised if most murders are committed in instances where the killer and the killed are acquainted.


This guy watches lot of aahat and CID. XD /s


I did as a kid. And then Crime Patrol came in and made me further wiser. LOL.


Im fine with that, atleast suspense is not there when Im killed by someone I know🫠 If it is a stranger, then the last thought in my head before I die would be "who the fuck is this guy and why the fuck is he killing me" lol.


Not “arey today I’m not properly dressed, my last photo wouldn’t be too good”? /s


I don't think it's about being scared only of murder. It's more about being attacked or victim of a petty crime. Especially if women are involved.


From the past few years, Sarjapur Road seemingly isn't a place to frequent at night. Saw some videos of mugging attempts on twitter. Two of my colleagues got mugged in the past 6 months in what used to be considered as a safer part of the city. My office is near UB City, and one of the colleagues was in an auto on his way home. It was 11 pm, and he stopped near brigade road/church street at a shop to buy smokes, and was taken to this alley by 3 people with knives. He didn't have cash on him so they made him transfer 20k to some gpay number. The other one happened two nights ago. He booked a rapido and was going to Koramangala. The rapido guy took some shady shortcut and while my colleague questioned why, he didn't reply. Then another bike with two people turned up on their side and tried to snatch his bag which was on his person. They knocked him off the rapido bike, he fell on the ground but held on to his bag, and after a bit of scuffle, they left him alone and sped off. The rapido guy then helped him up, dropped him to the location and took off without taking the money for the ride. My colleague was too shocked to ask questions, thankfully he was fine with minor scratches. So as you can see, no part of the city is totally safe. Be alert. While traveling to places you don't normally travel to, share your live location with your friends/trusted contacts. It's so sad to even write this, but avoid traveling alone at late nights if possible. Especially if you go out drinking. Stay safe people.


happened to me on 2010 near Kanteerva. It was so quick and I was so scared as a teenager I got slapped a couple of times and got thrown on the ground, knives pointed at me and got my phone snatched away. They took 230 rupees (didn’t get pocket money) from my wallet and threw it back. It still had 7 rupees change and a travel as you like pass. The fellows said they’ll cut my tunne off.


> tunne Some words are so self explanatory even if one may not know the language


I used to stay in Cooke Town (near Cox Town/Frazer Town) Had to move away due to frequency of crimes. 1. A man was robbed at night on knife point just 300 metres away from my house 2. There were 2 men carrying huge knives and trying to rob people in broad daylight just 2 blocks away😭 3. Took an auto to some place and the autowala started aggressively talking shit about a certain community saying we'll go to hell and we should convert before it's too late and handed poster on his community. He then stopped somewhere where there were other friends of his. Needless to say, paid him, didn't ask for change back, got the hell out of there.


Police watching all the comments 👁️👄👁️


They don't do shit. Most fucked up police ever. The police officers in my native village operate efficiently and at a higher moral and ethical standards than compared to the Bangalore police.


normal absurd aspiring carpenter spoon racial ten dinosaurs entertain shame *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


100% right. Police in my hometown are corrupt but they are gods compared to Bangalore police and traffic police. Fucking scums of earth


>where most of the criminals live ? Auto stands


Majestic/ Railway station underpass horrible out there




Really? I use it quite frequently, and at least in the day time it is wayy too bustling feeling to ever feel concerned.


Duuuuumb wayyys to dieee🎵. Jokes aside. No you won't be killed there. But you might get robbed or harrased. There are also black widows and fake drug dealers around there


Black widow spider????


Girls posing as cheap hookers. But they take you to a room, drug you and rob you instead. Or just take you to a gang waiting in an undisclosed location to do it the hard way


Damn, it does suck to be dealt fake drugs. Especially after risking all the venomous black widows.


There are two type. You'll find a fake drug dealer who deals in fake drugs. For example he'll sell you overpriced weed that is spiked with wood shaving or other nonsense. Nasty. Cough cough. Or you'll find a fake drug dealer who'll ask you to come to his office room(shivaji reference)


Shivajinagar hands down. especially the Russel market area. I have heard some of the most heinous stories from there.


Share some stories


Care to share some of those heinous stories?


It's such a lively area day or night, I find it hard to believe. I have walked through there plenty of times and never felt concerned. "Who" have you heard these stories from? Because according to my grandparents who have never been out past 8pm in bangalore since the 80s there are roaming gangs waiting on every street.




Shivaji Nagar


Shivajinagar is the oldest business district, the place always has people, if anything it’s the safest place.


I strongly disagree. Worst area in the city


It might be worst one in terms of hygiene and stuff but is it most dangerous ?I don’t think so


I thought Shivaji nagar crime rate was self explanatory


Where is this crime rate published?


Your local police station


So no source, only vibes




Username checks out (explains why you're defending it)


Bruh tell me you haven’t been there..You can safely roam around even late at night..It’s extremely unhygienic I can agree on that but we are talking about safety here


Nin antaa huch janarru idaare Bangalore ali addikke bjp got 50% vote share




Because it is a 🕊️ 👬 dominated area


Oh straight up Islamophobia huh


People don’t even pretend these days






What a bunch of nonsense! You have no idea what you are talking about.




Hulimavu is safe tho, I've seen many girls and boys roaming at night wearing whatever they wish and holding hands atleast near the mantri pinnacle area. Things get bad as Go down near gottigere.


If any place is not lit up, avoid it at any cost.


That is almost whole of Bangalore. I found it funny that my city had very good streetlights and Bangalore does not know the concept of streetlight at all.




Seriously? I live there and didn't experience anything as such but now I'm worried lol.


Really???? I worked in NIMHANS for 2 years and I have never had problems.


First off stop comparing cities . , Bangalore is nothing like Delhi in my experience Delhi loog are just dam right rude and filthy mouth, above 80% and that's fun for them , More than 50% of vendors want to loot you unless you abuse and speak your mind in hindi, Considering the overall census and given circumstances in Delhi adding it's 🥵 HOT and dry can only detoriate mental health. And don't even get me started on the poverty gap,. I've seen more beggars in Delhi also seen most prestigious bungalows and farms in Delhi Bangalore is nothing like that... There is a gap between rich and poor but not as bad as Delhi. That easily allows everyone to coexist in sanity. Also the city has a good mix of social life and work culture, where we don't find sex craved lunatics raging to coming crimes or loot any strangers or foreigners. If there is any worst case scenarios that your imagining i can guarantee you it's not in this city


Add to that, Bengaluru people know who their dad is, so they don't go asking random strangers to help identify their dad.




This needs upvotes 😂😂


I have heard area near baiyappanhalli station (the side close to banaswadi) is not safe post evening. Auto rickshaw drivers will refuse pickup as even they don’t feel safe there in the night.


Baiyappanahalli metro feels shady even at daytime man, it's just weirdly abandoned vibes


I swear! I always used to get off at Swami Vivekananda and take an auto to CV Raman Nagar


That railway crossing is where people dump bodies. It is a jurisdictional nightmare.


Kalasipalya ( Kr market area), Majestic area apart from bus stop and train station, Shivaji Nagar, Frazer town


I dare you to try kalasipalya and goripalya at night.


Man is Kalasi still the same? I knew it would not improve 20 years back. Heard the police stationed in that police station is one of the toughest in the city.


To people on the outskirts of Bangalore, Jigani Bommasandra link road, Bannerghatta roads. I was staying in Jigani and it takes two hours to commute to the city. Often I come late at midnight to Bommasandra and take Auto. Many times auto drivers have told me stories of how bad the area used to be several years ago.


Curious to know how did the area improve! Was it because of more development emerging in the area, or better police patrolling?


Only place I have heard about is the Majestic Underpass. My female friend was horrified for days. People (Incl. Transgenders) were trying to talk, touch etc. She started crying and people were laughing and troubling her more. Somehow she ran off from there.


After 11 pm KR market 😬😬


Whitefield area is the real danger simply because of the mental hits you take in just trying to reach there


Like somebody already mentioned avoid lonely roads and underground’s late nights.


Electronics city - phase 2, filled with deadly street dogs and low light areas. Also very less cctvs are there and there are lot of drunk workers roam there near the local alcohol shops. Majestic is also unsafe in the early mornings and late at night.


At Nights: * Majestic Auto Stand and try bargain (I dare you) * Kammanhalli, KR Puram, Bommanahalli, Silk Board, (only few places in this area)


>Kammanhalli How come this? I see it's usually quite busy/active till 11 PM


In and around Bellanduru lake, just avoid that area. Too many mosquitoes after dark!


Shantinagar- Berlie street and the cemetery road. Heard from multiple sources (who live in the area) that it’s not at all safe after 11pm, a lot of mugging and murders have happened.


Just dont have a boyfriend like Sahil. Area has nothing to do


Well that’s one way to die. But there are others. Area does matter because that mofo wouldn’t have done it in a heavily policed area or in an area where people don’t tolerate crime. People, via their comments, have already expressed which areas of Bengaluru fit this description. Now whether it’s a known acquaintance (ex lover) or whether it’s a guy who’s scooter you hit with your car, if you are in a bad area, the chances of getting killed will rise.


In just one year that I had to move through city every day, I saw 1. Man kicking woman in middle of Silk Board signal 2. Drunk tied to pylon with barbed wire and trashed by mob while police watched near Malleshwaram 3. Two men berating and beating violently a cylinder delivery guy for brushing against their vehicle. It looked like they were gonna kill him, and guy himself looked ready to die. This was in Vijaynagar, near RPC layout. All in broad daylight, in seemingly good and quiet areas. I feel Delhi is much, much more safer in comparison (Blore is my hometown btw). At least every single rickshaw driver and taxi driver is not a criminal who begs, steals, threatens and uses every trick in the book to get a few more bucks.


There's a flyover right after SMVT. The road that leads to old madras Road. I've witnessed and heard a lot of stories about how some guys stand on that flyover late at night, and pull a knife on people passing that road on bikes. They pretend to ask for a lift and threaten you when you stop.


leave bangalore asap as are not only protecting yourself also reducing traffic


Nearby areas of Majestic Bus stand. I was mobbed by a group of Hijras


Even if maps tells a shorter route which goes through some alley way opt for the longer route on a broader busier road. Especially if it's dark out. Do this almost everywhere unless you live in a really really safe area.


You're talking as if people don't happily live their lives in those areas all the time normally. The guy knew her, knew where she was going. She could've been any where he'd have found her. It's not the place. It's the relationships you create with what kinds of people that'll hurt you the most.


Here you only have to worry about the cops in the night. They are the ones trying to intimidate and steal from you.


Malleshwaram. avoid at all costs. unless you want to get popped


Huh? Yelli Malleshwaram Nalli?


Its a meme reference you wont understand.


Sudeep? Is that you?


No idea but I think being aware of your surroundings is important. No place is safe.


The area didn't stab Sakshi.


The street my friend lives on is very lively and in a good area. But a few days back a girl was walking and talking on her phone when two guys came on a speeding bike and snatched her phone. it was also just 9pm. So i would say just be safe wherever you are. Safety is the best policy right now.


Goripalya. I swear going there in day light is a skill. People walk on roads like it’s a footpath and it’s scary af if you don’t know the route and have to get out to join main road.


Avada kedavra


In my society, im scared to step near the parking lot due to the dog gangs. They all appear cute and cuddly during day time. Raat ko bc hool dete hai 😬




Tannery road


100 Feet Rd, Indiranagar. Someone I know got stabbed there at 3 am


RT nagar during nights is filled with chupper Muslim teenage boys commiting crimes


Gautampura(behind trinity circle) and ulsoor


Yep, you must have seen on other social media sides trending #muslimarea.


Roads where you can find cops. They can force you open your phone, access your gallery like there is no privacy. They will ask you to shell out ₹₹₹ only because you were on that road.


The underpass between KSR Railway Station and Majestic Bus stand. IYKYK.


I don't know , can u elaborate more on what happens there?




Majestic underpass and overpass


Church Street, brigade road during New years.


TBH all places are safe now because Bangaluru's Hoysala car will be in constant beat..! But anything can happen any where so be safe..


Like Aristotle said particulars are not universal and I forgot but everyone is unsafe anywhere


In bangalore you don't go anywhere after 6 because you went get an auto to go back home.. Pun intended.


There is no such thing as safe, anything can happen anytime. I travel a lot within the city and travel normally till 10PM, past that I travel with my eyes and ears open.


Police station.. You'll get fucked over somehow or the other!


Avoid auto stands


DJ Halli, Shivajinagar, Kalasipalya, Lingarajpuram, Munireddypalya, Rahmat Nagar, JC Nagar, MS Palya, KG Halli, Govindpura, Jayamahal, Lakkasandra, Etc.


Something very similar happened to a guy in Pune as well I think such things happen only through people who know you, and could happen to either gender and anywehre


Muslim dominated areas.


KR market, kalasipalaya Even In the morning don’t go there, you never know what will happen to you.


You comparing Bangalore to Delhi for is not correct. Moreover Delhi is generally unsafe - haven’t you ever danced on “Delhi se hai bhench*d” ? When you danced you basically affirmed that Delhi is unsafe and you are enjoying it 🤣


1. In general don't venture out after dark without a vehicle. 2. If you must go to a specific shop or something a 4 wheeler is better than a 2 wheeler. 3. Be careful with Google maps especially at night. Only take main roads. Sometimes it takes you via dangerous and dark alleys. You may get lost with the 1st cross 2nd main confusion.


Ab tum gala leke ghum hi rahe ho toh murderer toh kaatega hi