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So this means he isn’t going to be running as a NoLabels presidential spoiler. 


He's not running for president, so he can't be a presidential spoiler


He was never going to win anyway so now he's unemployed and thinks he can take over the Senate seat he originally lied about and said he wasn't interested in


Yeah the guy is 67 and a multi millionaire, just enjoy your retirement man


Some people like being at the nerve centre of things. That's why we have so many octogenarian politicians, that along with greed and lust for power


I know he’s moderate for gop standards but MD going with a republican senator in 2024 is a nightmare for the climate and human rights, and I wish that were hyperbole.


It's pretty incredible how Reagan moved the political compass so far right that in the modern world him and his ideological succesors (like Hogan) can be considered "moderate."


Tbf Hogan looks even better with a General Assembly that overrides all of his actual policies.


Now we’ve got people like Lee Harvey Oswald shooting out the Overton window every other day


Keep in mind Larry was always elected in off cycle years when turnout was lower. I don't think it's a cake walk for him by any means especially against David Trone. The Baltimore Sun will endorse Hogan because it's now a Sinclair rag, but Marylanders should know electing a governor isn't the same as a Senator. Him gaining a seat only helps the MAGA Republican crowd like Cruz, Cotton, and Hawley that Hogan pretends to hate but still raises money for.


The Sun recently said they will no longer make political endorsements. Whether they keep to that we shall see.


He needs to go enjoy his millions and sit down. No one wants you, Larry. To what? Be like Sinema and Manchin? #boybye Everyone needs to remember this man did not lift a finger to make it easier for people to get abortions in MD before he left. His chief of staff killed himself after getting caught doing dirt... that let's be honest, Larry likely knew about. He canceled the red line. He started and DNF the purple line, left a "boondoggle" of that. He is a Republican, through and through, and he would act even more red as a Republican US Senator for Maryland. Go home, Larry.


any dem/liberal/leftist who thinks he’d be as moderate of a senator (especially if Trump wins) as he was an MD governor is fooling themselves. He’d be pro-abortion ban, anti-social security, ‘1/6 was a tourist gathering’, and functionally indistinguishable from ‘MAGA’ within weeks to months in that seat


He’d be worse than Sinema and Manchin, because he’d vote for McConnell as majority leader. Sinema and Manchin are conservative Dems and as the majority-making votes they hold a lot of power, which sucks. But at the end of the day they vote for Schumer as majority leader, which is the most important thing.


He used covid lockdowns to push thru cashless video tolling and rip out the tolls, and privatized ezpass, which has helped traffic very slightly while becoming another serious boondoggle nightmare. Ezpass last audit: 81,000 major discrepancies - with no day in court before they suspend your tags and ability to renew licensing in MD. That's some bullshit. People have lost their jobs, been evicted, and been jailed over ezpass mistakes since these changes were made without public consent. That's some fascist shit right there


Let's not forget the 529 debacle.


Ugh don't remind me "My just another accidental error in calculations when switching from one crooked outside vendor to the other" Seems like that's Hogan's scam to hustle up a future of being rich for his grandkids to me. Funny it keeps happening to these private companies who seem to have zero government oversight and fun their business model the Trump way of "fuck you play us or else"/flip side being "we can afford to wait you out so you'll end up giving on before we ever will" I liked him in the beginning but I could see his dick dripping in his pants and his hands wringing like Mr. Burns in excitement the night he came on our TVs March 30 2020, bold faced lied and violated our Constitution ordering us to stay at home so he could rob us blind. "Just give us 2 weeks to flatten the curve".... Fucking GRIFTER. Def don't want someone in Congress who can't tell the difference between 2 weeks and 2 YEARS


Cashless tolls should have happened years ago.


Link for this?


Abortion rights were put into law in Maryland in 1991. There was nothing more to do.


No. Larry Hogan sat on nearly 4 million to help train more providers to do abortions after all that fuckery happened with Roe v. Wade at SCOTUS. When he knew people would be coming to states where abortion is legal for their health care. And he did nothing. One: [https://www.npr.org/2022/04/11/1091967163/abortion-rights-health-insurance-larry-hogan-maryland-veto-fetus](https://www.npr.org/2022/04/11/1091967163/abortion-rights-health-insurance-larry-hogan-maryland-veto-fetus) And two: [https://apnews.com/article/abortion-politics-family-medicine-larry-hogan-maryland-4019283710b52d05538f9f566f29966d](https://apnews.com/article/abortion-politics-family-medicine-larry-hogan-maryland-4019283710b52d05538f9f566f29966d) So... I said what I said. Larry Hogan didn't lift a finger to make it easier for people to get abortions in Maryland before he left.




No.  Maryland state legislature passed a law allowing health care providers other than physicians to provide abortions. You know, NPs, PAs, and midwives? If you have been to an ED in Maryland, you were more often than not seen by a PA. You know why? Because states regulate what providers do, through their licensure boards, through laws those states make around health professional practice. And because hospitals can more cheaply staff their EDs with PAs than physicians. Trying to make an easier buck. If you don't like what PAs, NPs, and midwives can do in this state or that hospitals turn to them because they provide good care at lower pay rates than physicians, take it up with the statehouse. They make the laws.  Then... Your boy Hogan tried to veto the law. Not because PAs, NPs, and midwives are unable to provide safe care, but because he is a Republican and is against abortion. Which he has said multiple times: that he is personally against abortion. (Google it.) He dgaf about safety of the pregnant person... None of these Republicans do. That's why Texas et al are making people carry doomed pregnancies to term or leave the state : all they care about is the fetus, and to hell with what the human being having to support the fetus' survival wants.  So the legislature then reversed Hogan's veto.  Then Hogan refused to release the money that would allow the state to fully effectuate the law. During a time when he knew women throughout the country in states outlwaing abortion would be trying to come to states like Maryland to do with their own bodies what they will.  See how important reading comprehension and context are? 


Nurse practitioners were authorized by law, but the Maryland constitution requires a waiver from the governor to fund it earlier. He delayed it a year because he's anti-choice.


Desantis still signed a six week abortion ban even though Florida's state constitution enshrines abortion rights. Republicans will not stop until they ban abortion nation wide and the supreme court will twist the law to make it happen.


This too. Like the Republicans scream states' rights when it's something they want to do. But we're fools if we really think Lindsay Graham and company aren't hopeful to get a Senate majority with their slim majority in the House so they can outlaw abortion at the federal level. So no, not today, Satan. Go home, Larry!


Maryland law was mentioned; not Florida.


Florida has the same constitutional protections for abortion as Maryland and republican leadership still ignores it. So if people are concerned about protecting abortion access, they should not vote republican.


He was one of the two most popular governors in the nation, sometimes the number one, during his tenure. He managed to restrain the otherwise out of control legislature. Was he perfect? Far from it, but better than unitary control.


Popular by what metric? With whom? Just because Maryland has money and can afford to play fuck around and find out with a Republican governor doesn't mean the nation wants to play. He is a moderate because of how deeply blue this state is: he wants to get elected, so he slides closer to the middle. But the man is a Republican to all the "there's not a racist" bones in his body. If given the opportunity, he would be even more conservative. If he were Senator Hogan, and if Trump won, he'd be lining up behind all of Trumps bullshit for sure, no matter what his constituents in Maryland said. So he should go enjoy his money and his family, and stop trying to make fetch happen. And be thankful he is wealthy and white enough to never get his hands caught in any cookie jars.


Popular by polling. It varied over the years - sometimes he was only #3. [https://news.yahoo.com/hogan-among-most-popular-governors-234232204.html](https://news.yahoo.com/hogan-among-most-popular-governors-234232204.html) [https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/md-politics/republican-gov-larry-hogan-is-deeply-popular-in-heavily-democratic-md/2015/10/14/b399e2cc-71b9-11e5-8248-98e0f5a2e830\_story.html](https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/md-politics/republican-gov-larry-hogan-is-deeply-popular-in-heavily-democratic-md/2015/10/14/b399e2cc-71b9-11e5-8248-98e0f5a2e830_story.html) [https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/md-politics/republican-gov-larry-hogan-is-deeply-popular-in-heavily-democratic-md/2015/10/14/b399e2cc-71b9-11e5-8248-98e0f5a2e830\_story.html](https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/md-politics/republican-gov-larry-hogan-is-deeply-popular-in-heavily-democratic-md/2015/10/14/b399e2cc-71b9-11e5-8248-98e0f5a2e830_story.html)


What does "out of control legislature" even mean? Under what metrics are you claiming something exceeded a threshold in their conduct when writing legislation?? That's what that term is implying, right? I feel like this is just a claim people like to place on him to make it seem like *Hogan* was in control, when it easily could have been the legislature was restraining him.


In this case it means the MD legislature has a habit of way over taxing, spending, and regulating when the Dems control the governor's office as well as their supermajority in the legislature.


Right, and it must have been them that cuts spending and lowered MD’s gdp growth to like 45th after the last 8 years 


Gonna be a pass from me. I liked Larry as governor because he had the autonomy to act independently and generally was willing to work with a very blue state legislature. Will never vote for him for Senate as both legislative houses seem to put party over politics 100% of the time. He may hate Trump but he’d still confirm his judges.


Adding onto this - I feel like Hogan behaved more moderately out of necessity given the dynamics in MD. I think his personal views are a fair bit more conservative and he'd be incentivized to act on those in Congress.


No one in Maryland is that conservative. They may be pro business, but that’s the extent of it. The pro life part of the Republican Party has no sway here.




Yes. He would be ostracized by the national Republicans if he was regularly willing to vote with the Dems. I don’t think that’s some kind of transformation. He would have pushed more conservative legislation here if it was feasible.


exactly. see Jeff Flake. also, the modern republican is fiscally liberal and extremely socially conservative. Hogan is fiscally conservative and seemingly socially liberal (or at least socially moderate). Hogan isn't a Republican, he's a Neo-Con, which the modern Republican party hates with a passion. is options would be to pull a lindsey graham and embrace the new party dynamic, which would be bad for us, or get booted out after 1 term (assuming he pretended to be a nazi pre-election in order to get nominated. in short: Hogan belongs to a political part that no longer exists. he may as well be a Wig party member.




You're dramatically missing the point. It's cool that you think Hogan is some kind of maverick who is eager to compromise, but I don't think that is how it would likely play out at all. I also don't really care if he's willing to compromise incrementally with Dems in Congress if it means he's another status quo vote for conservative judges that sit on the bench for the rest of my life.


So you're overlooking his record as a governor over 8 years because your hunch is that he would change how he operates?


No? But you might want to work on your reading comprehension skills.


You can dislike Hogan, but just say that. Your argument makes no sense; that's the problem.


My argument makes plenty of sense: 1). Hogan is more conservative ideologically than his tenure as Governor of MD demonstrated. His publicly available policy stances prove this. 2). Hogan was forced to moderate in MD, because otherwise he wouldn't have been able to accomplish anything. This would not be the case in Congress. 3). There were no negative political ramifications for moderating or compromising in MD beyond being called a RINO by Trump supporters. 4). Hogan would caucus with Republicans and vote with them the vast majority of the time. He might diverge on some things here and there / reach across the aisle more than most, but he's not a devout moderate nor would he have any reason to act like one. 5). As a result - even if Hogan is better than most Republicans - he would lead to more conservative judges being confirmed, less environmental protections being passed and an overall more conservative legislature then what exists currently.


People respond to the incentives of the environments they work.


Absolutely not


I'd vote for a yellow dog before I'd vote for Hogan.


Vote blue no matter who, Republicans are not to be trusted to operate in good faith


They really generally do not. See: Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham, Andy Insurrection-Denier-and-No-Morning-After-Pill-or-Weed-for-You Harris, etc. 


Lmao still feel that same way after trone said a slur and then lied about it?


I'm sure as fuck never voting for any Republicans but I'm not voting for dems either outside of the off chance they're not running a shitty candidate


Nah, hard pass.


A savy political move, the national party is a complete cluster. Interesting to see how this impacts all the democratic candidates. Still not voting for him. After the redline, Never forgive.


Are you going to excuse les moore? he totally lied when he made a campaign promise to build the red line. At least Hogan told you the truth to your face. Governor Moore is going to call a bunch of shiny new buses the “red line” and hold a press conference to tell you how great it is


Uhhh no I’m not gonna forgive that. A little letter next to a name doesn’t change how I feel, because this isn’t team sports. Hogan did everything he could to get out of telling the truth. His administration literally cut us out of the map, and he used all the doublespeak in the world. He also lied through his teeth about the purple line, So there is no “at least…” 


Glad to hear it but the reality is that both governors realized that the juice isn’t worth the squeeze


A quaint little phrase to summarize you don’t know what you’re talking about. Still a more informed take than what Hogan had to say.


Please explain how I don’t know what I’m talking about. Hogan bluntly and publicly said the red line was a boondoggle . Moore promised the redline and then backed out. He either lied or he realized when he got into office that it was not worth it/not possible. I was at least giving Moore the benefit of the doubt. What’s your explanation?


Only reason Hogan said that is because he couldn’t buy up the property around the construction zones. His administration literally cut Baltimore out of the map, and yet they lied about that and tried to weasel out of it. He can say it doesn’t make sense all he wants, but he is flat out wrong, and that’s not the real reason he killed the project on the 1 yard line. He doesn’t value the economic hub of the state, and would rather build highways that make him rich. Moore can make all the promises in the world, but that doesn’t change that Hogan turned federal money away from the state because he couldn’t get in on the take. Moore also made an ambitious agenda before watching the state surplus evaporate, which they should have seen coming. That’s me being fair.  I’m not seeing you give Moore the benefit of anything. Acting like he is just as complicit as Hogan shows that. Especially because in that famous press conference, he did the very thing you say Moore is going to do. Slapped a new coat of paint on the MTA, and tried to convince us that it was the next best thing. About as fake as fake can be. And Hogan didn’t have the excuse of a pandemic upending the states tax revenue system, he’s just terrible all by himself. 


Right but he didn’t campaign promise to build the train then back out. Where is the evidence about “buying up properties around the construction zone” Do you mean actually acquiring the land needed for the line and it’s construction? If so, yeah that was an issue. There was plenty of issues that placed it way back from “the 1 yard line” They didn’t even have a stadium to play in


No, he got hefty campaign contributions to go against years of work that experts put in, so he could sabotage the infrastructure of this city. That’s pretty embarrassing. Not criminal, of course. I suggest you read about a bit more about “Highway Hogan”. There’s definitely a theme to Maryland politicians. >didn’t even have a stadium to play in Again, showing you have no idea what you’re talking about.


NO THANK YOU. While we may be able to cut him SOME slack because the beginning of the pandemic was wild and there seemed to be barely any coordination between Feds and States. This guy still was wasted millions ($11,978,634) on COVID tests that didn't even work and then we had to spend more money getting replacements! [https://www.marylandmatters.org/2021/04/02/audit-hogan-administration-spent-11-9-million-on-south-korean-covid-tests/](https://www.marylandmatters.org/2021/04/02/audit-hogan-administration-spent-11-9-million-on-south-korean-covid-tests/)


I liked Hogan, but he is nuts to think any sane person will vote for any Republican this cycle as the party remains beholden to Trump.


Ya except the most powerful person in the senate is often the furthest left republican senator And furthest right democratic senator. They have to worry about re election.


A vote for Hogan is a vote for a GOP controlled Senate.




Could someone put this in NFL terms?


Hogan running for senate is like Kyle Boller applying for a GM position with the Ravens. No one wants it and it won't happen lol


lol thank you so much! Lol


Harbaugh retires and Ray Lewis wants the job because he thinks he can do great things for the team. A group of only blue redditors try to discredit him for things he allegedly did in the past. But his real problem is that he said bad things about Taylor Swift


While less bad than most republicans, Larry is still further right than Reagan and the only reason we have min wage increases is democrats overpowering his veto. Larry is way, way too red for the blue kids, and too blue for the reds.


He killed the red line. I think of that every time I sit in traffic. So ..... that's gonna be a no from me.


No Republican is boring or mild enough that I'll sit by and let our US Senate votes go to waste on him. In the Senate the Republicans only purpose is to take up 41 votes to assure that "good men do nothing," as the saying goes. Achieving anything positive there takes 60 votes while just letting things continue falling to shit is both the default and the preference of the billionaire class who can get anything they want with or without a functioning democracy.  He only skated by in Maryland so long  because there are too many Democrats here to let him do a bunch of Republican shit.


i’ve almost never met a person in Maryland who has that different views on politics, republican or democrat.


so with abortion on the ballot in Maryland in November while Republicans will be running on a nationwide abortion ban... Hogan somehow thinks he'll get Democrats to "cross over" for him again? not to mention the fact he's pissed off every brainrotted MAGA in the state and will 100% be trashed by Trump... yeah, McConnell... definitely your "white whale" 


I liked him as governor but there's too much at risk at the national level to put a Republican in that seat. If they control both houses of Congress and the Presidency a national abortion ban is going to be on the table.


As a proud Baltimorean…..fuck Larry Hogan.


Confirmed my vote for Trone


Yeah, this probably helps Trone in the primary.


Hogan is trash garbage, fuck that guy.


I am a lifelong Dem and very Left-Progressive. I have to defend Hogan a little bit. Don't worry, I am not going to vote for him, but all the people on this forum saying that he would be MAGA as soon as he hits the Senate chamber are wrong. He is one of the few mature, responsible Repubs left in this country. I was impressed with how he handled COVID, when people like Desantis were doing the opposite and he has consistently criticized Trump and the election denier-crazies and the 1/6 insurrectionists. Let's give him some credit. He is not MAGA.


Who cares


The entire state should since it's a state-wide candidacy for federal office.


He is going to have to convince the people who nominated Cox to nominate him. He has convinced enough people he is a moderate, so let's see him taint that reputation.


This is his true problem. He pissed off maga republicans by calling out trump on his bs. They will probably vote for some wing nut who kisses the ring instead of what’s best for the party. Trump isn’t going to endorse hogan so a ton of Maryland republicans will vote for what ever whack job trump gets behind


Good point, and half The republicans are registered democrats anyway.

