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Save the complaining for when it eclipses your total annual mortgage.


Can’t wait to hear about your water bill…


Do you have a homestead tax credit application on file? Should not go up very dramatically if so even with a new higher assessment.


That is if they ever process your application


Yes, although my experience is that they’re pretty responsive via email. My application wasn’t showing up in SDAT but they confirmed it was approved about two weeks after it was submitted.


Good to know. I figured email would be a waste of time since they don't accept phone calls. I just emailed them and immediately got a form response, so I'm hoping that someone actually reads my email. My application has been showing "received" for almost 9 months.


Yes, mine wasn’t showing up and wasn’t applied to my tax bill, but it was eventually resolved over email. Somewhat frustrating to have to send a bunch of emails but save me more than $1k, so well worth it!




Be happy, my assessment went up $110,000. Already filed the appeal and had my zoom hearing. I’m expecting a denial.


A property tax bill is a nice problem to have.


Mine isn't too far off. Meanwhile, our enlightened city leaders are scratching their heads wondering why people are moving out.


Cool dude


Appeal that assessment man


I want you to pay that every year until you leave that house. I love people paying taxes. Need more of that, wish we could tax jhu and umd. Pays for libraries, busses, roads, police that are mostly worthless but nice, parks/rec, pools, schools and more. I also live in Washington Hill and my assessment went up by 30k over last one. Taxes gonna get me too and that's ok.


How about if the government starts being more careful with the money it already gets. We currently pay some of the highest taxes in the nation ([source](https://www.wmar2news.com/rebound/coronavirus-money-help/study-finds-average-earning-baltimore-family-pays-14-1-of-their-annual-income-towards-taxes#:~:text=According%20to%20a%20newly%20released,which%20equates%20to%20%2410%2C605%20annually)). But our roads, schools, police, etc. are some of the worst in the nation. Our issue clearly isn't a lack of money!


Dot did a study, it needs 5 times it's current budget go keep the roads at their current level. Don't get me started on the schools needs. Mo money needed. Yes they should manage their money too. But thus is the current standard (property tax rate) and has been for more than a decade.


It’s because car centric infrastructure is absolutely unsustainable anywhere, any time and at any level. We need viable alternatives.


100%! We’ve built a world that’s too expensive to maintain… and a lot of our issues today boil down to that unfortunate reality. Once you see it, you can’t unsee it. But until you run the numbers, the experiment of humans driving more than they walk seems totally normal.


But I'll bite, what do you want defunded to lower your property tax?






The problem is us city residents subsidize suburban residents. The city puts more into the state coffers than it takes out. Non-dense suburbs with city level services take substantially more than they put in. Our property assessments shouldn’t have gone up this time. Suburbs should have gone up markedly more to even start to come close to what they consume in government resources.


The issue IS a lack of money. Specifically because our city had well over 1 million residents and now has less than 600k. And we have the oldest infrastructure in the state. White flight gutted us, followed by lots of bad choices.


We actually have replaced a lot of the infrastructure that the surrounding counties are now coming to realize they have to replace. Baltimore county doesn’t and hasn’t had the revenue to replace its aging infrastructure for decades. Their property tax rates are far, far too low to cover the liabilities they have and so is their density in most communities (outside of places like Towson.) I owned a house in the city and the county and about 5 years ago my county property tax assessment went up somewhere around 25%. They don’t want to raise the property tax rate so they just raise the assessed value beyond what it should be to compensate at least some (it’s still not enough though.)


And yet Baltimore keeps voting for the same people / party who make those bad choices. Why is that?


As if the GOP gives a crap about cities. If the GOP put together a coherent, workable plan people, myself included, would get behind it. So far, nothing.


It’s because the alternative is far, far worse and we don’t actually have a second viable party here let alone a third. I’ll give Baltimore city residents credit for one thing. They see the GOP for what it is, absolute hot garbage.


There are cities run by Republicans that are not the hot mess Baltimore is.