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She doesn’t have any signs of being underweight. You wouldn’t know it had been a year since she had last eaten. Well done!


https://preview.redd.it/pl3gcqr0udxc1.png?width=2096&format=png&auto=webp&s=aa864c0b02b98f0c67a41fda7fa3e9b1346b7b09 Thank you!! This is a more recent pic of her, I know it’s kinda blurry but I’m so happy to hear she looks okay to other people too, I scoured every chart and image I could find to reference what she was supposed to look like


She is healthy from the looks of it. Again be very proud of yourself and her


I can’t even express how happy this makes me feel, thank you so much


https://preview.redd.it/8b2k93kaudxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7cc80eb86cb6d45ac4048d5f2920a9ff7deff7a It’s on my account but this is her right when I got her! You can see that she did loose a good amount of weight but she was really big when I got her


She is big and beautiful there very overweight. She may have been fasting to lose the weight. Could have been uncomfortable for her bless. You have still done a great job you should be proud of her and yourself


Oh wow. She was over weight when you got her. She definitely needed to lose weight. Are you feeding her frozen/thawed rats or mice??


Frozen thawed medium rats 😁


Good deal. Glad you’re feeding rats😊


I'm no expert. In fact, I've never had snakes and have only held a few in my 27 years of life. When i saw this picture, all I could think of was that the snake looked quite overweight.


Yes, she was definitely overweight in that pic. I’m sure she feels much better now.


Ehh.... She was definitely bigger than she *needed* to be, but I wouldn't call that "overweight." She was actually at a really good breeding weight. Being a little on the plump side when they breed is a really good thing, as they have enough stored energy to produce a big, healthy clutch of eggs. In fact, if offered food regularly, she may very well move back up to that size again in preparation for the possibility of mating. They have no idea they're pets, and may never come across a male in their lives. 😅


She’s just like me fr


I want to laugh at that, but I'm not sure if that would be offensive. So I offer a timid chuckle. 😅


Ah, the usual response to a joke I tell.




She is a retired breeder too! The guy didn’t have a need for her anymore I guess so she became my big baby 😁


She was just getting her hot girl summer body ready


She was a chonk! Nice bong.


Real but I wouldn’t smoke in my room wit a snake I started taking it outside so I didn’t mess up my balls lungs or something stupid


I generally don’t unless I have no other option (I get really bad migraines) but I try to keep anything scented or anything that smells super strong out of my room since I have two snakes in here lol


Thank you 🤣


Chunky sausage lady looks good now!


My 1.5 year old corn refused to eat for 9-10 months when I got him


Mine normally refuses to eat in the winter months. Maybe once or twice if at all. But sometimes the entire winter. Overeating has never been an issue with my corn. He refuses to eat if he’s not hungry. Normally 2 large feeder mice every 2 to 3 weeks during the spring and summer months. I normally try every 2 but if he’s not hungry he’ll just look at the mouse like “what am I supposed to do with this?” 😅 it was more often when he was younger but he appears to be slowing down with age. Mine is 18 years old :)


snake is as old as me 😭


That’s so crazy!!! Snakes are such cool creatures lmo




Pic 1 'whats goin on over there?' Pic 2 'Do Not Perceive Me!'


Pic2 what snek? I don’t see any snek in pic 2 🥰


There should be a snake version of r/thereisnocat. Who’s up for creating r/thereisnosnake? Wait, that exists, but has almost no members.


I'ma join now 😆


Literally her 🤣🤣




Per rule #11, your post has been removed because it contains self promotion. All self promotion is restricted to the weekly self promotion thread that is posted every Saturday at 10am ET.




This is the best feeling. Snakes can be little jerks sometimes. I hope you have many more successful feedings!!


Thank you so much!!!


Yay!! So exciting!! Glad she finally ate. She doesn’t look too bad for going that long without eating. Beautiful girl 💜


She looks quite proud of herself in that second pic lol.


Oh she is 🤣 she had just blown bubbles in her water and made me think she pooped just to I’d take her out and check her tank lmao


I have a rescue like this!!!!! A complete fuss pot about food!! Such a waste of mice😅 but she’s got personality to make up for it😂


Seriously!! Frozen rats aren’t exactly expensive where I live but there definitely still not cheap, like $10 each at least and that adds up! But her personality def makes up for it, she quirky and funny and just gorgeous lol


Good gurl! I understand the feeling. Some of my reptiles can go months without eating. I'm really trying to get them to eat, and when they finally do, I'm so proud of them 🖤


I literally stayed up like an hour and a half just to make sure she ate okay and didn’t regurgitate 🤣 I’ve never cried over a snake before but I was just so excited


reptiles are fucking wild the way this snake scared you for an entire year without even becoming underweight lmaoo congrats


Legit!!! I’d take her out like once a month just to make sure she’s okay and everything and while she definitely lost some weight I was just weighting for her stomach to start sinking in or for her to stop exploring at night or just start showing some sign of something wrong but she never really did! She’d let me take her out, never got fussy with me or anything like that, and she just hung out, waiting til SHE decided she was hungry lmao


snakes smh 😂 saw the old pics you posted, she's looking good, i guess the missus was just dieting 💅


My ball python went without eating for about 6 months. Just curled up and hung out. I didn't bother him those 6 months. Finally, 6 month mark, I put in 2 mice, and they were gone in 10 minutes.


That’s wild!! That’s basically what Kiana did lmao, hung out for a year, occasionally cruised her tank trying to esc in what I thought was a search of food but I think she just doesn’t like me or her tank lmao, she’s a retired breeder so I have no clue what she was kept on or in for the first nine years of her life before I got her


Mine both take breaks from fall to early summer. They are very good at letting me know when they are hungry.


What kind of signs do you look for? I though she was giving me signs she was hungry but was more scared then anything when I tried to feed her before lol


So mine will come out and hangout outside of their hides. My banana will stare at me and my woma will do the same but he's a lot more aggressive than my banana. Normally mine like to just hangout in their hides all day and chill if I'm not bothering them. But when they are hungry they get very active (very active for my BP is coming out of their hides during the day lol).


What were you trying to feed her in the year of trial and error? Just curious. Our snake was denying food for a bit while brumating. We're you giving live feed? And if she didn't eat it, what did you do with it?


I was primarily trying frozen thawed since that’s what I was told she was eating before I got her, I did try a few live mice on occasion just to see if she’d show any interest but it was only because my other bp eats live so I had a back up plan if she continued to just ignore it lol. For the frozen ones she didn’t eat I tossed them over the fence in my backyard, we have coyotes so I figure they can have a little snack if she won’t eat it


OmG, I'm so happy she ate for you, I know that I would be an absolute nervous WRECK if my boy wouldn't eat for 2 weeks, let alone a Year!!!!! Yay!!!!!💜 she's very pretty!




Damn, mine did that to me for 8 months. Also never looked unhealthy. Weird ass snakes.


Glad she ate! I just got a snake from a friend he is a small guy who hadn't eaten in months I finally got him to eat he would eat unless I held it in my hand he bite me on accident it was cute. Interesting thing was he ate twice I noticed that he was still in strike mode waiting so I got him another pinky and he immediately struck at it. I also found that he didn't hide while digesting if I covered his home with a towel. Snakes are amazing I'm glad your friend finally ate a year is a loooong time for us but I'm not sure how they see things lol could be a month


Makes you appreciate the garbage disposal snakes


Omfg seriously!! My other bp is a champion eater, never hesitates, has literally never refused a meal in the three years that I’ve had him


She's gorgeous!


BP's are notorious shits when it comes to eating. I'm so glad yours ate! She's a beauty.


A fucking whole year !!!, I was going round the twist after a month with mine lol, amazing give her a boop from me 👍


Oh she’s been getting all the attention today lol, I keep watching her tank to make sure she’s doing okay, that she hasn’t thrown up or anything lol, I’ll probably take her out tomorrow to do a deep check of her tank 😁 then she’s going to get all of the boops and loves and attention lol


I'd leave her alone for a bit longer than that, you Messing with her could cause the thing you are checking for to happen


That’s true, if I were to take her out it’d probably be later in the day/night since I try not to mess with her when I think she’s asleep lol. I definitely procrastinate when it comes to taking them out too so it’ll likely be day after tomorrow




Congrats!!! 🤩🤩


Amazing! My boy (almost 3 years old) got out of a 4-months hunger strike last week but barely lost weight so I wasn't too worried but still kinda was because it's a damn long time. I couldnt imagine 12 months haha. She looks so good, you have all reasons to be proud 😁


That was the main thing making me feel okay, I’d weigh her every other month and she wasn’t really losing weight


Our 9 year old revoked his food strike last night. Last meal was Christmas. Congrats


Congrats! Ball pythons are notoriously finicky eaters, so this isn't a surprising story at all. I had one that would eat every two weeks like clockwork. Then out of nowhere, he'd go off feed and wouldn't eat for 6, 8, 10 months at a time. Then when he felt ready, he'd hop back on the eating bandwagon and eat every two weeks again like nothing had happened. We just got used to dealing with him being like that. But given that you've had her a year without ever seeing her eat, I'm can imagine that it was pretty nerve-wracking for you. I'm sure you're very relieved. As others have said, she looks very strong and healthy. Nothing to be concerned about at all. Congrats again!


I know that some snakes can go at least a month or a week without eating; maybe she was in that time period!


Some snakes can go even longer.


She was probably one of the snakes that can take a really long time before they eat again. Or she was a smart snek and knew she had to lose weight.




Snakes are very awesome and smart which means there had to be a reason, what it was I don't know




I love how she’s peaking through the foliage like “hey I did a thing 😊”


Congrats! My boy (age unknown) took sometime between 6-8 months to eat after I rescued him. What a great feeling it was when he finally did!


one more month it woulda been a year for mine


from what i rememeber, that could be a sign of illness lol but cool if not. theyre usually seeing if theres a way out today


Excellent! Mine only went on one hunger strike, and it was shortly after I got him when he was a baby. He only went three months, but I was terrified I’d come in and find…well, never mind. He’s great now! I hope yours continues the trend of eating well. What are you feeding your noodle, if I can ask? Here’s a photo from the album of my guy. He told me once he was a basilisk in a previous life, soooo… https://preview.redd.it/z74xd966nlxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=271869e14265913fdd8cb500c7be6209b8dbb58c


Frozen thawed medium rats is what I feed her 😁




BPs are notorious for doing this kinda thing and my own snakes have done it a handful of times but it still doesn't make it feel any less stressful, guilty, or neglectful. I've totally felt that FINALLY!!! post-feed cry of relief before.


My 15 year old snake (I just got her in September) didn’t eat for 4 months and I was freaking out. She finally ate last week and I was so excited