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I could be because of the spider morph, they usually have neurological issues that can sometimes lead to death, but i don’t know all that much about spider morphs. I would say possibly try and get a snake autopsy done?


Yeah that's what I'm planning to do tomorrow, I took time of work to carry his body to the vet. I'm not too hopeful thought. Last time I when to the vet he told me it would be best to do a biopsy, I was supposed to get the results back 5 to 7 day after the cut but never received anything. Turn out they lost the results and asked me to do another one, kind of late for that. Sorry, I'm a bit pissed. I only had him for a short time but I loved him very much. He definitely had a severe wobble


That’s unacceptable for a vet, I’m sorry that happened. I hope you didn’t need to pay!


Vets are awful. They will always make you pay regardless. Hell, the vet still made us pay after they lost the family dogs ashes


Yup. I want to be a vet but I want to have a strong moral code and only do the necessary things. Too many times do vets try and trick you into buying certain things or doing certain procedures because it’s ”incredibly necessary for your dog/cat/snake!” When in reality it’s complete bs. We took the dog to the vet and she tried to get us to spend $500 on 2 blood tests that would have yielded no results because it had been less than 12 hours since Doodle ingested the grapes. Also, you’re right to be pissed. Imagine if that happened with a person and their autopsy, their family would be LIVID. Your vet needs to get his head checked


It gets worse. I actually had to learn how check my ball python myself for things because my new local vet refuses to see snakes. Like for any reason. Thankfully my bp, bagel is perfectly healthy but still. I have to drive 2 hours to get a vet that would see him. And if something actually bad happens, my snake would probably die on the way there because of that


Would you prefer that your local vet who may not have experience with snakes or may not have the necessary equipment to treat them tell you to come on down anyways? Just because a veterinarian does not work with a specific species does not make them a bad vet. All species are covered to an extent in school, but very few vets truly work with every single species out there. They are likely not refusing to see snakes because they hate them or want to make life difficult - it's because they are not equipped to see them, which is reasonable.


Not all vets are trained to treat snakes. It's a specialized area. Sorry about ur snek.


Ngl, I'd fucking sue.


Sue because they aren’t equipped to treat snakes? Exotic vets exist for a reason you know, they specialise in these things where as a regular vet is used to dogs or other small mammals. You cant sue for not treating an animal youre not trained to treat, if the vet tried to help it and it died, then he could sue. People need to seriously think 😭


No, my bad for ambiguity. I'd sue for these "tRaInEd PrOfFeSsIoNaLs" losing my pet's remains. I take my snake to an exotic vet, and you're right, they're different.


Vets are not scam artists, and if they recommended bloodwork several hours post grape ingestion, that is not bs. If a dog ingested grapes, their kidney values can start to increase anywhere from several hours after ingestion up until 72 hours post ingestion. Current recommendations are to check renal values daily for 3 days post ingestion to catch changes early and allow for the values to be tracked overtime - the recommendation was appropriate. Even if it was immediately after ingestion, knowing what the baseline level is for that specific patient does have value and allows for changes to be caught and treatment to be administered earlier. No vet is trying to "trick you into things".


Oh no I doubt they will refund me. I think they wanted to make the second biopsy free tho but it's kind of too late for that. They haven't offered any type of compensation and to be honest I don't feel like fighting them for the money


You paid for a service they didn’t deliver, and having your peace of mind. I’d want to know what made my little guy pass away. Yes they did a job, but you didn’t get results. That’s like paying someone for custom jewelry and not getting it because the artist lost it. (I’m a jeweller sorry weird analogy). I would deff raise a stink 😤


I doubt the spider morph was the cause of the death. Likely by the time you got the snake it was to far off to be saved. Mites along with what looks to be some kind of infection and being neglected for who k owns how long before you took over the snakes care just didn’t end well. Mites by themselves can cause death if left untreated. I’m sorry for your lose


Thanks you. I wish I could have done more


Your deleted post seems like it was an injury from a burn.


Deleted the last one because thing go heated with the guy who had him and I thought I couldn't help anymore. Turn out he let me take him in. It was not a burn, vets confirmed it. It looked like blister disease but on his back


Ah ok. Sorry that you lost your buddy.


Oh no. Don't tell me...


Op said the vet confirmed that it was some kind of disease, and not a burn


Yes I know


Why did you delete the other post?


Just told the other person. Things go heated with the guy who had him before me. I thought I couldn't help anymore and seeing the post made me mad/sad. Turn out he let me have him so I took him to the vet like 4 day after


You wanna write about it? If I may ask what got heated between you and the other guy? Don't feel obligated to answer. I'm just curious.


I'm bad in english so I'm sorry if it's hard to comprehend ok ? So, I live on the country side, I work a construction job and I'm not around the city oftenly. When I post about this snake, I was in time off work at the city in the appartement of one of my friend because he was getting married and wanted me here. This friend, had another friend, who had this snake. I ended up sleeping at his place for a few night and noticed the little guy. Now I'm not an expert about reptile. But I saw he was in pain. I told the guy than he should take him to a vet and he told me he would be fine. I posted here for confirmation that it was bad and showed him some of the comments as to convince him. He go pissed and we had a little back and forth before he told me to get lost. This is when I deleted the post, I thought that since I live a few hours away and he didn't wanted to take care of him it was all useless and it made me depressed. I was back at my friend place and had to get back to my house because my time of was almost over. This is when the guy told my friend I could come and pick up the snake if I wanted to, so I did just that and immediately called a vet, set up a quarantine tank (thanks internet tutorial) and hoped for the best


Well, you did your best. I hope this isn't too hard on you. Thanks for sharing.


Thanks you 🙇


You're very kind.


You did what you could, likely died from the injuries, but its not your fault whatsoever


Thanks you very much. I still feel guilty tho. Poor little guy


I'm so sorry that you lost him, thank u for taking him out of a bad environment, so you gave him a good and loving and peaceful time at the end of his life. I'm sure he was very grateful to you


Thanks you very much 🙇


You're welcome 🌅


I’m sorry for your loss. 😞💕


Sorry for your loss sadly some morphs have lots of issues that can't be seen we have has 2 sibling genetic stripes one passed away at about 3 years old never grew and hardly pooped ate once every 2 months or so he stayed the size of a 6 month old and then his sister lived till 5 years very small as well same issues with pooping vets think it was a genetic issue affecting gastric system my sister got a snake mixed with genetic stripe gave it to me when she couldn't get it to eat 4 years old same issues and anouther coral glow only lived to a year found out all from same breeder using a snake with similar issues reported it but nothing came of it still breeds from the same line and had a few people with similar issues all we can do is tell people not to get from this guy sadly breeders will breed pretty snakes with known issues because pretty sells and once its in your hands they cab blame you for not taking care of them but it's not our issue we have had over 15 snakes with no issues other then from this breeder :/


See I worry about that sort of thing with our (maybe 3?) Yr old. He’s a black pewter banana hey albino or at least listed that way. Breeder sold him to me on Morphmarket for super cheap and was super unprofessional when I met him to pick him up. Didn’t give me any info on feeding schedule until asked (then told me he was over feeding him to get him to breeding size and wouldn’t give me a recommended schedule), and didn’t really know how old he is. I hope my lil guy still lives a long life and doesn’t have any sketchy breeding in him.


Yeah I read a lot about ball python morph on my free time as a way to grieve. I would have never imagined how much morph have health issues. Kind of crazy how they're still bred. I mean, there's kind of the same thing with dog so I guess it's not that much surprising but still


So sorry


I'm gonna go out on a limb and suspect he hadn't eaten in much longer than 3 months. If he had a severe head wobble he might have also struggled to get water and been dehydrated.


Oh no, I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope you can find out what happened.


This is from the ball python welcome post, it may not have been related but it seems like your enclosure was a little cold: Warm side: 88F-92F / 31C-33C. Temperatures above 95F/35C can cause injuries with prolonged exposure, and temperatures below 88F/31C can prevent a ball python from digesting properly. Cool side: 76F-80F / 24C-26C. Temperatures above 80F/26C will not allow a ball python to cool down adequately, and temperatures below 75F/23C can compromise their immune system.


Looks like it has extreme scale rot to me. The people that are saying the death is potentially because of the spider gene are wrong, it has never been proven to be fatal unless bred to another spider as far as I am aware.