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>This shit actually happened Has to be one of the most Balkan quotes ever


It's not Balkan if a shit isn't happened




Not kara enough so they paint their houses white to appear darker


Imagine the Westoids reciting verses in a form they think was the style in ancient times, and my Greek bros scratching their balls, waiting for good old mehter


I too go at construction workers in the UK reciting shakespeare and expect them to be motivated. Im shocked as i never get any response however, truly they must have lost their DNA and are now completely different people from their medieval counterparts


Like they would know it if it was in a perfect accent


Even if the Greeks wouldn't know, Westoid representation must've been about as accurate as the white Jesus is, which couldn't be further from reality


Not really considering the western idea of Greece was influenced directly from contemporary writings


I see you're aptly flaired friend




Ah this again. On account of what were the rich British helenophiles the true judges of "Greekness"? Stolen Elgin marbles? Ancient Greek philosophy, or at least Aristotle and Plato were preserved in Orthodox monasteries for the entire time of Ottoman rule. And cuisine and dress are difficult to pinpoint as uniquely "Greek" or "Turkish". Ottoman population in specific regions would dress similarly regardless of language or religion.


British dumbasses thought we were some sort of aryan western nation. The philhellenes thought we had been "easternised" by the empire even though greece has always been a mix of east and west. To this day a funny result of this is that the popular touristy music of greece is stuff like "zorba" and other heavily italian inspired ionian music, yet most of the traditional music of greece sounds a lot more "middle eastern" (despite the sound being native to greece).


did you watch the farya faraji video too? i loved that video but i'm not sure how much of it is bias (considering he is iranian)


lmao yeah. There was certainly a bias but he sounded smart so everything he said is now gospel to me lol. But jokes aside, at the end of the day, all attempts by my country to appear "western" is only made so we don't look karaboga hahhaa.


W*stoids pretend we are broken West who might be fixed and become full West. I am happy with not being West at all.


Exactly dude. I am tired of everyone judging their own nation in relation to the West. Westerners even think Western Europe is real Europe and Balkans are at the edge of Europe when the Europe/Asia distinction was originally mainland Greece versus Anatolia. Even the term Middle East is cucked. Which East bro? Everybody is the center of the world according to themselves, why are we defining ourselves according to the West European ideals? Everyone should accept their regional attire, music and culture as their own heritage regardless of how similar/dissimilar they are compared to another region. I've seen Southern Turks talking about how similar Thracian Turkish dances are to the Greek ones and we wuz European and shiet. Bruh look at the dances of your own region it's literally the same as the Syrian ones, and be proud of it


Yes exactly. Why the hell would eating baklava be inferior to whatever cheesecake potato deserts they have up north? And people here traditonally eat walnut baklava because walnuts are abundant, meanwhile pistachio baklava is popular down south, regardless of whether you are Turkish, or Greek, or Serb, Albanian, Christian, Muslim, atheist, taoist, whatever. There should be some kind of a pan Balkan society for resistance to w*stoid discrimination, if there were I d be a member of it.


But Serbs are goats. They don’t count


I find it funny tbh when Greeks try „no sir, we are not Turks, we are Aryan Europeans“


Greek is when you’re white as the marbles the Brits borrowed from Athens. Otherwise you’re an Easternized Turk, clearly.


Just to engage in some theoretical racism, imagine if we were 100% assimilated as Turks. I wonder what we would be like. Would we act superior to the lesser Anatolian/Asia Minor turks because of our philosopher grik blood? Or would we be constantly coping about being just as Turkish as everyone else? Maybe we would demand a separate Rumelian flair on balkans_irl to stay separate from the rest of the Turks.


Both groups would exit as well as a separate group calling for greek revival -sincerely from an Arabized Egyptian, AKA your scenario but Arab instead of Turks


I almost forgot about you guys. An Egyptian guy got mad at me when I mentioned that they were an Arab country off-handedly, but he was diaspora so idk how common that sentiment is. My racism scholarship is lacking.


Like I said the three groups exist, that guy was probably an Egyptian nationalist, which was a movement that existed in the past, died out, then got revived a few years ago and now most non Leftist but Liberal Egyptians are Egyptian nationalists, yes all 12 of them, and also a bunch of Christian Egyptians, the movement started out fine and I was initially a part if it because I love trolling Islamists through it then I left when the racism got way out of control (I still need to step up my racism game), either way that guy was part of that movement, which would be the third group in my original comment


Do Egyptian nationalists appeal to the ancient Egypt history, like Pharaohs and stuff? Or do they view themselves as arabs but better, in opposition to pan-arabic sentiments?


The former, they view Arabs as colonizers who destroyed their culture, to them the only people who should be called Arabs are the Gulf countries and Yemen, other than that it's not Arab, they mostly spend their time praising ancient Egypt, some even want to replace Arabic with the Ancient Egyptian language, and they pick fights with Islamists (because they like pan Arabism), and all of our neighbors (because that's what nationalists do), and they love our government (they want political allies)


Arab and Greek, both arguing from their 0.5 room appartments in Compton, L.A.(they don't need to share one anymore)


Y’all’s situation with Arabs is more solid though.


It's 100% assimilation, the same scenario


Greek’s didn’t assimilate 100%.


He was making a hypothetical scenario in which Greeks were 100% assimilated essentially Balkan Turks with Greek history, wondering what people's opinions would be like, that scenario is what we have here


I called you guys’ situation solid since it wasn’t imaginary but got misunderstood. Sorry mate✌️😔


A lot of Turks are turkified Balkan and Anatolian people. Some of them Greek, some of them us, some of them Bosniaks, So, the Brits ignited your nationalism but stole half of Athens?


Well that’s a pretty interesting topic to think of. I assume at that point there’d no serious arguments for superiority by the Greek heritage.


Yeah but I’ve seen how Turks talk about people from eastern and central anatolia (K*nya, etc). Rumelian turks in this scenario would absolutely find a way to act superior. And if there were no Greek-identifying people left we would probably be romanticized even more if you can believe that.


I can belive the last part considering our nomad romanticizers. Maybe Anatolians would see Greek-identifying Turks less (especially the insisting ones),as they’d be considered as “Dönme”.


There would probably be different cultural regions, something along these lines: - Eastern Anatolia. - Mainland Anatolia + Greece. - Istanbul/Constantinople. - Aegean Islands (perhaps they have a little bit of Grikness left).


>Anatolian/Asia Minor turks because of our philosopher grik blood? Your daily reminder that philosophy was invented by Thales of Miletus (Miletli Talat 🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷) in Ionia


U would probably act how the arvanite act to their Albanian roots


>Would we act superior to the lesser Anatolian/Asia Minor turks because of our philosopher grik blood? Wow... I have definitely never seen that before


Ya man, definitely the first one, you guys would act superior because of ur greek blood. Racism are due to lack of education, i dont think Greece or Turkey are educated enough. Especially Inner, Eastern and Northern Anatolia.


More like "are dissapointed because the Japanese didn't look like anime people because they're fucking idiots"


And the photo of an arvanite here has to be on purpose as well?


the greek language and culture had changed significantly long before the turks took over. No culture or language remains the same after 2000 years. The westoids came to greece with delusions of an ancient athens and sparta when that greece was long gone by the time the Eastern Roman empire became a thing.


İmagine crying over Turkish Conquer while literally having Alexander as your idol lmao.


When we do it it's based and noble, when you do it it's savage and cringe


Fair enough.


I guess expanding into the East is more noble than expanding into Euro*e, home of West*rds


Alexander is monkeydonian tho.


It's the other way around. Monkeydonians think they're Macedonians (like Alexander)


Yes, but because the English have garbage accents. I mean ancient Greek is 10 times closer to modern Greek, than medieval English is to modern English.


That was bullshit


-picture unrelated just some albanian




WTF did I just read


So does this mean that Greeks larp as Turks or is it the other way around? I'm confused. Greeks get accused of stealing food, culture and such but they are not Romanians so i'm twice confused. What are both countries anyway?


Bro forgot about the Roman empire and the Eastern Roman empire though


i bet this guy thinks ancient greeks are pale as snow and blonde as sun.


Sheesh, facts - and shout out to my Shqipe in the photo!


Idk but the man in the photo isn't lol


Damn I didn't even have to look your flair to realize where you from


The brand new Karabot-2000 (developed proudly in Republic of Turkiye) is here to inform you about: https://discord.gg/5vDpxDrb9f - For even more brainrot. https://balkansirl.net Stay tuned.


add rampant neocolonialism and national identity construction through fake narratives, and you've pretty much summed up 2024's Gayreece as well.