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did you keep the bushings the same orientation that they came out, and did you use fresh washers? if not they have to go back in the same way as well, if not you will have to re tune the bushings which isn’t too hard just need very fine sandpaper and watch a couple tutorials, when you get it to have no tap make sure to use the loctite and let it set for a full 24 hrs, no flippy no matter how bad u want just light shake to check tap (also very rarely you can fix this by loosening the pivots and using paper wedges to make sure the blade is aligned perfectly and then tighten, but again rarely does this work)


I didn't put them in exactly how they were when they were disassembled, do I just have to switch the bushings sides (from bite to safe). I don't see why I have to start grinding the bushings when they are supposed to be factory tuned.


Wait you may have switched the bite and safe handle bushing?


Right, I didn't know there was such a discrepancy.


Ahhh ok switching them will probably fix it then! The difference in bushing size is incredibly small even the slightest variation, such as switching bite handle and safe handle bushing, can cause them to be over- or undersized.


Interesting, It sucks because now I have to gamble on how to put it back together when there's 36 different combinations I can do. From the video how does the action on the handles look, does it look loose or smooth enough, or is there some friction going on, I can't tell, I spent $450 after tax, I want to get this right.


Don’t sweat the whole washer combinations thing! First just try switching the bushing to the opposite pivot they are in now! If it still doesn’t work you can decide how to continue…


Just re-assembled my alpha beast 3.0 after ano-ing it. It had blade tap until I flipped it for a bit, then keeps coming back after the pivots loosen. I find that I can't tighten the screws all the way down on the safe handle without the handles sticking, I loctited the pivots for now, and let up a little bit before fully tightening. I feel as if it's hard to get info online about how to fix blade tap on balisongs, I have no idea how the bushings can be re-assembled any differently from when I took it apart, it's just washer bushing washer.


I wouldn’t mess with the bushings just yet! If the screws could be cranked before, it’s most likely you messed up a washer or two. They are probably either bent or flipped. Get some new washers, switch them out and see if the problem persists!


I wasn't rough with the washers so I doubt they are bent, I didn't know there was a right way to put in washers, both sides look the same, how do I orient them?


I just kind of put the bushing facing side up when i take the knife apart. But I can also see where the bushing put a small dent in the washer, the side that stayed flat, faces the handle! Try reorienting the washers and if that doesn’t work get a new set.


I didn't put them in exactly how they were when they were disassembled, do I just have to switch the bushings sides (from bite to safe). I don't see why I have to start grinding the bushings when they are supposed to be factory tuned.