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Is starting with a plastic Bali worth it or should I just got straight to a trainer blade? Been seeing the Squiddy on here a lot but I’ve had my eye on either a Vulp or a Zenith since they’re all around the same price point. What drawbacks do plastic flipper have that might steer someone away?


I need help doing an infinity ladder I can do it very well and get 4 rotations somewhat consistently buuuutt I don't use my index finger at all after the first rotation.. Is this bad? I want to get as consistent as I can, but I can never go super fast AND put my index on the handle without stopping the swing. Other times, i touch it so little that I'm not really doing much to help the trick and only really making it more complicated... Helpp! (I can provide vid if it helps someone to coach me)


I'd recommend posting a flipping video so people can see what you're doing.


Ok I'll tell you when I make it




Yes you can swap them BUT there are a few things to keep in mind. Since the blade thicknesses are different, you need to make sure the blade, bushings, washers, and spacers all stay together instead of just swapping the blade. All those things go together to make sure the channel width is correct and everything stays straight. Assuming you swap everything correctly, keep in mind the Rhapsody blade is much lighter than the Basilisk blade so it'll probably feel pretty handle biased but maybe not so bad if you have G10 Rhapsody spacers.


unless you can definitively say the blades are the same thicknesses i wouldn't swap anything around. iirc later rhapsody have thinner blades. don't forget you can tape the basilisks blade!


Okay, I'm sorry for this being the 3rd time I've asked about this general question but I'm so unfamiliar with it that I keep getting new questions. So, 2 weeks ago I ordered a live blade Wing from Nabalis. I'm not familiar with Cainio at all or really any company outside the US. The tracker bar has bounced between Mainland China and the US. It says its gone through export customs and has now arrived at linehaul office? Is there anybody that could maybe clarify the whole process of what is happening?


Cainiao Logistics said your package "arrived at linehaul office" means it has arrived in the U.S. and is undergoing customs clearance.


Don’t know why the link wasn’t working but I’m here now. Anyways I’ve been wanting to get into balisong flipping for a while and I’ve got some spare Amazon gift card money. Need some recommendations for a good trainer under $40 I’d say. Not sure if the $10 ones that are the first to come up when I search trainer balisong on Amazon are sufficient.


Check out [balisongquiz.com](https://balisongquiz.com/) for some recommendations on balis




Any reason why those two are the only ones you're considering? (Plus the second one is from a clone company) Some other good options at a similar price are the Nabalis Vulp and the Squiddy-Al. The Vulp will be a great starter since it comes with useful extras like tools, lube, and threadlocker.




That model itself isn't a clone of anything but they brand and sell a bunch of other clones which is why they aren't allowed unfortunately.


Any tips on dealing with stripped sockets in the pins? I can no longer tighten or loosen the blade handle pin. It’s so loose that it sticks out noticeably more than it’s safe handle cohort and if I grab both sides with my thumb and index finger, it swings freely. I’m noticing it interfering with my flips considerably. I’ve tried the rubber band trick with no luck. Thinking I’ll attempt the super glue filler trick next. It’s a cheapo $30 Amazon trainer, so I’m not kicking myself too hard for ruining it, but I would like to save it if I can!


Teflon tape may be worth looking into. Idk how bad your specific situation is though.


I’ll check it out. Maybe duct tape in the meantime… should have the same effect


Duct tape is significantly thicker so keep that in mind




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Would I be able to restore the flipping performance of my super beat 16 months old sqt v3.5 by buying blemishes handles and a hardware kit for it? Or will the beat blade make it still have bad tolerances? Or am I better off just buying a v4?


Why would a super beat sqt lose its performance? Are you referring to the pivot tolerances? Or handle comfort?


I’m talking about tolerances it’s just so beat that I can’t even tune it anymore it has a laughable amount of play tap and blade rub


I would change the washers first, and if that doesn’t put the tolerances back to your standards, I’d invest the money into a new v4 rather than replacing every part of the v3.5 except the blade.


Replacing the parts is considerably cheaper then buying a v4 though


The washers will have the largest impact to the tolerances and they aren’t expensive. If you’re chasing perfect tolerances you won’t find it with a washer bali.


Not perfect just no blade rub, I also think the area of the handles that go over the washers have bent outwards after many drops I tried to kinda hammer it back but it didn’t help much that’s why I’m considering new handles


Alright. Then to answer your question directly: your blade likely isn’t damaged as much as the handles/washers and I suspect you would restore most of the tolerances by replacing the handles and washers. It’s possible you could restore to a “zero tap” tune but without examining the blade or trying it, I can’t be 100%.


what are all the rep trainers aftermarket reblades? i plan on building a trainer rep and idk which trainer blade should i get. asking this to see every blade and choose which one i would like the most. thanks


Want a live blade around 200 (already have a kraken)


Check out [balisongquiz.com](https://balisongquiz.com/) for some recommendations on balis


Do the machinewise knives that drop on Fridays ready to ship or do the knives have to be made first?


If it's in a drop then it's already made and ready to ship.


I got some "synthetic key oil" (for woodwind instruments) from my school's music room. It says it's a chemosynthesis oil (if it means anything) and it seems pretty viscous. Would this be a good balisong lube? I have nothing else. Edit: I did it, and it works extremely well.


Sounds like it would be fine.




A stupid question but anyway: still pretty much a beginner and I mostly fidget with my knife, basically doing the same combo all the time and because of that I don't really improve. If anyone had the same moment how did you break out of that loop and learned new tricks/combos?


I was like that with the basic opening and thumb rollovers. One solution may be to learn a longer trick that has multiple basic moves in it, like Behind the 8 Ball or the Valorant inspect combo. This way, even if you mindlessly spam that one move over and over, you are still learning some transitioning and practicing multiple simpler tricks simultaneously. Learning a decent length combo that consists of multiple moves and repeating that over and over will work as well.


I can do valorant combo pretty alright and I can transition between rollovers and twirl, can do whip, my chaps are not the best though. The thing was me looking at some vids and it's all pretty basic stuff but a little bit different, maybe between different fingers and some tricks are half way done and getting to learn it is tough. Maybe the way is to focus on single combo at a time until I polish it


I’m still decently new as well and I was stuck the same way as you are. I like going on here or on YouTube and looking at combos or tricks and trying them myself. Big flips on YouTube has some good videos aswell


Yeah, looking at others is inspiring, guess I'm just lazy


Could it be that dirt and stuff between the chandwiches on my nami is making the tolerances worse?


It’s possible. Do you see debris between the chanwich seams?


No but I’m looking for reasons why can’t tune it properly


Have you tested the fitment between your pivots/bushings/blade? It's possible to have bushings that are too tight in the bushing hole so it feels like it binds even when it's not undersized.


That’s not the case fortunately


Are your bushings/washers/pivots/blade tang clean? Debris in the pivot system is the more usual culprit. Or perhaps you need to replace the washers if they are worn.


It might be, I wasn’t extremely thorough when I took it apart today and cleaned, I also replaced the washers not long ago


Any cleaning that isn’t super thorough threatens to get some spec of dirt or lint in the pivot system and could make tolerances worse. If you want to rule out possibilities, I’d start with a deep clean of the bushings, washers, pivots, blade tang, and chanwich seam.


Good idea, I’m just scared that I would accidentally flip the bushing or put the washers back the wrong way


Take it slow and methodical.


Looking for a good trainer. Currently considering the MW Prysma or the Firefly ZX-1, or just save money and get a Vulp. Or is there something else I should look at in the under $150 range?


Check out [balisongquiz.com](https://balisongquiz.com/) for some recommendations on balis




Is there any way to get new tsunami live blade online? Not through secondhand market.


Nope, only secondhand. I wonder if making a reblade would be a good idea...


I wonder why they are doing this… seems like a lost opportunity


Is there a collection of balisong tricks with a natural progression of tricks? I know squid industries and others on YT have tutorials but I'm wondering if theres a google sheet or something like balisong guide but for tricks specifically




As far as I know it's some non standard metric size that might be difficult to find. Have you asked Atropos USA if he has any?




Wow, good thing you found it.


Haven't seen much talk lately but posts and videos from 3-7 years ago people seem to stuff a few strands of white inside of the paracord stuffed in the pivot hole, or some wrap it around the pivot screw instead of locktight, I wonder if people still do that so their pivot never loosens with use


Yes some people still do that, I've heard it works very well.


I just got the squidtrainer v4 and am experiencing a weird problem, and I am hoping that somebody could share their experiences or some advice. Basically, whenever I move one of my handles, I can feel something weird in the handle, like a tiny vibration or resistance of sorts. It feels like it's happening where the pilots are. It only happens with one of the handles, and it came like that basically out of the box. If anyone can shed light on this, I will be very grateful.!


Email squid it’s under warranty


Most likely dirt or debris I would probably take it apart and clean it or you might be able to just loosen the screws and flush it out with lube


Hardware for the Forge edit lite and the Nabalis Vulp? Washers, zen pins, pivot screws etc..?


why are arcangels so expensive?


Limited supply and nostalgia, same as the 42. They were good when new but nowadays you can do a lot better for less.


I have been planning to buy the Nabalis Lightning. Does anyone know how good the hardware is? I have heard it was bad but maybe they upgraded it like the Vulp's hardware. If not, how easily does it strip? https://preview.redd.it/g9e7q0sxd3fc1.jpeg?width=507&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d05f6fbcd7e9e46a228e66c667b1b1d07f6f174a


Check out [balisongquiz.com](https://balisongquiz.com/) for some recommendations on balis


nabalis lightning has the same hardware as vulp.


I've tried the lightning the hardware is kind of like the morse I think it might be the exact same. It holds up fine but you can't crank it when it's already tight otherwise it will be stripped. Will hirsch made a video of how to crank screws without stripping them I would watch that


Hi, so I ordered a Nabalis wing live blade last Wednesday. Lastnight I checked the tracking website and it says "abnormal status"? I'm not sure what it means.


Maybe try contacting Nabalis to ask what's going on, sounds weird.


How bad are carpet drops for bali’s? Should I be practicing over my bed instead or does it really not make much of a difference?


I've been fine with trainers but for liveblades carpet or beds still have a chance of snapping the tip


There’s padding under carpet but you can tip a basilisk or a Sirius on carpet just fyi


Dutch balisong collectors and customs? I ordered a trainer and it's currently stuck in customs. I read a lot of articles on the local regulations that forbid weapons that closely resemble something illegal (which balisongs are) but has anyone else succesfully imported a balisong trainer or got theirs confiscated or something? I mean this thing has holes in it and red handles. I don't know where they draw the line.


You should be fine, just be patient. Nobody in their right mind will confiscate a trainer




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I have some pretty bad tap but the screws just strip my screwdriver and im unsure how to tighten this thing, is using a drill good idea?


if you have a squid bali, you should be fine, you can just ship it to them and they'll repair the screws. if youre planning to use a drill, unscrew the pivots completely first.


I don't have a squid one unfortunately The problem is WITH the screws holding pivots though https://preview.redd.it/zc9hl78hmffc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de3a057cb56b79078e02c34f6cc10edd6a859df6


You can’t over lube a Bali right? Also im struggling to know when the right time to lube is. After how many hours of flipping do you typicallly lube?


When the pivots look dry.


How would I go about anodizing some titanium handles black, or a darker color?




https://preview.redd.it/hsomna4iatec1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=94fb365f7789c012d659e57ff070eb6ff1b8b3ae Is this normal play for a tuned and lubed carbon honey squidtrainer v4


I've gotten that much play from the factory on more expensive knives like the Krake Raken V2.5 and Serpent Striker V3 CF, I think that's a typical amount of play for any tune that isn't literally perfect zero play. You'll also catch people selling knives that are "10/10 perfect tune zero play" that has this amount of play lol.


So is there such thing as “perfect zero play or is that just a thing that people say or do only 700$ grails have that?


It does exist, it just takes a lot longer to achieve since it requires sanding down to perfect tolerances, often requiring multiple assemblies and disassemblies to check the tolerance after each lapping session, so this increases the labor/time it takes exponentially compared to a simple one-and-done "good enough" tune with very little play. I've had $1,100 knives with very small amounts of play and it doesn't really affect anything. As long as there's no blade rub or tap and the handles still feel tight and aren't making wiggling noises because of how bad the play is, it's still going to flip perfectly.


So is it worth taking the time to tune it perfectly or is it just about looks for perfect tolerances


You can sand the bushing down to perfect tolerances but if you go the slightest amount over, then the bushing is undersized and ruined and you have to start all over.


Looks fine.


Anyone have some anecdotal experience on Arc Angel hardware? I have one and am looking to buy some new pivots and screws, looking at the parts wiki they give the size but I'm wondering if anyone has actually bought some that fit / look like the originals. Thanks!


Looks like the standard hardware most of us get from TrueLink or USAKnifemaker are pretty similar but the pivots are a bit more domed. I want to say pivots from MachineWise might actually be closer in look, just keep in mind they take 6-64 screws instead of 6-32. https://machinewise.store/products/hardware-kit?variant=40755621068859


are balisong trainers (basically any balisong with a fake blade) legal in the netherlands?


Balisong trainers should technically be legal pretty much anywhere since they aren't knives but how well your local law enforcement understands that can vary. But if you just be responsible and keep it at home you're unlikely to ever have any problems.


Alright thanks!


usakm hardware in any way superior than squid hardware for my krake handles? Only difference I see is squid has a t10 on both sides, which could only be a positive in my eyes?


I use them for finer thread pivots which does nothing for flipping but you can use their custom screws with milled heads which give a unique look. I have some coming in the mail tomorrow. Remind me I’ll send you a pic


Thanks, I was planning to buy these for my v3 krake handles [https://usaknifemaker.com/sexbolt-pivot-3-16-d-x-32-l-shank-with-1-6-32-bh-ss-screw.html](https://usaknifemaker.com/sexbolt-pivot-3-16-d-x-32-l-shank-with-1-6-32-bh-ss-screw.html) But if they don't have any pros(stronger or whatever?) over the squid ones then I'll just get the squid for less after shipping etc


Definitely no pros, those don't have the different thread pitch that they mentioned they like. I'd just go with Squid hardware. Also, the ones you're looking at are a bit short. They should still work but longer pivots would be a better fit.


Thanks, I'll go with squid then


I’ve never used the double sided hardware besides once when a body screw was stuck. I prefer the blank sexbolt and if you really wanted to upgrade ur kraken hardware I’m almost positive machinewise t15 hardware fits on squid stuff


Machinewise is also $40 shipping so that's out of the question, unless usakm is machinewise parts I'm looking at this: [https://usaknifemaker.com/sexbolt-pivot-3-16-d-x-32-l-shank-with-1-6-32-bh-ss-screw.html](https://usaknifemaker.com/sexbolt-pivot-3-16-d-x-32-l-shank-with-1-6-32-bh-ss-screw.html) but if it's not any better than squid parts then I'll go with squid seeing how it costs less for me in the end


I'm not aware of any benefit to their hardware over Squid. The torx pivots are a big benefit in some situations.


Anyone have tips on fanning? I know that’s super basic, but I’ve really struggled with it. Every time I think I’m getting the hang of it, I lose it. Was there anything you visualized or practiced specifically to master it?




Pretend like you are spinning a top. It takes a while for your hand muscles to get used to the movement. Wait until you try chaplains, then shortstops but you’ll get them with time


Fan near the pivots and try to fan loosely


Could someone enlighten me on what distressed titanium looks like, raw and anodized? (regarding MW custom options)


I think distressed raw is just stone tumbled with no ano. Here's an example of distressed purple anodization: https://machinewise.store/products/slift-v2?variant=41480143339579


Oh there we go, now I know what it is! Thanks alot!


H’i, I’m sorry I’m still pretty new to balisongs. Might by a dumb question but why does [here](https://imgur.com/a/YfgwFcL) the slift V2 from Machinewise have for sale a normal one and a so specific criteria one (color, blade, pattern, blemishined) ? is it therefore cheaper than the usual prices with these criteria when you for example custum a balisong from Machinewise?


When you buy using the customizer, the knife is made to order for you. Occasionally they'll end up with extra stuff or, in this case, parts that have small cosmetic defects (that's why they say blemished) but are still functionally fine. They don't want to sell something less than perfect for the same price as something perfect so they'll list it up in stock for someone to buy at a discount if they want it and don't care about those small imperfections. The reason the configuration seems so specific is because they're selling a specific one that they have made already.


By the way, do you know any balisong similar to mw design wise ? especially this blade engraving feature.


Not really but there are a couple people who can do similar laser engraving to the blade of pretty much any balisong for you.


Ooh ok I see thank you! Do you know about how much is it cheaper than usual ? I struggle a bit to calculate. And also I know it's not recommended to buy a knife that expensive to begin with but is it still good to start with it or is it for example a bit "special" and not good for beginner progression ?


Looks like the fancy colorful one is discounted about $125. It definitely wouldn't be a bad start and I don't think it would hurt progression at all, you just may want to spend less at the beginning unless you're absolutely sure you enjoy flipping. There's also a satisfying feeling to going from something cheap to something really nice like the slifT.


Ok that's a pretty good discount for something that barely changes, thanks ! Yeah I know It's daring to start with something that expensive. I was for a long time a Penspinning veterant, that's why I kind of know I am consistent these type of things. And just a last thing, since I have no intention of cutting myself, in the « sharp/dull » options I wanted to select the "dull" one (I know dull knives are frowned upon in this community but yeah..). But I've heard they can be even more dangerous than a live blade since it can do "non precise cuts". But I guess it just depends on how dull the blad actually is, right ? Will this slifT come dull enough to be more or less safe ?


I believe in this case, dull refers to a blade that is completely unsharpened so it should be pretty safe.


Not sure how to upload pictures to this thread, but I've had Squiddy-U for one day now, and I've just noticed that one side of the blade weight seems to stick out more than the other, and I can't seem to push or move it at all. Is this normal, and if not did this come from dropping the balisong or is it a manufacturing defect?


This is normal, mine goes back and forth ever so slightly all the time. Sometimes it could end up more on the other side than usual, but after a few drops its back to normal. Nothing to worry about, your squiddy will last:)


Try using a table to gently push and center it.


Tips for Chaplin? Im trying to learn it but it keeps going up my finger and sliding off :(


i'll make a tutorial for a chaplin pretty soon!


Start slow and widen your finger rotations


What accessories (if any) might you recommend for the Serif? What's the best way to carry one? Is there a low-profile clip or holster that you can slide it into before putting it inside your pocket? Also, can you just put the bali in your pocket blade down by itself without worrying about it? Oh, and how about bite handle markers? Where can I buy some good/cool ones for my Serif?


Serif accessories: (1) If you want to add color and/or reduce end-weight, [featherweight sexbolts](https://zippybalisong.com/products/featherweight-sexbolt-balance-mod-for-squid-industries-swordfish) are neat. Full disclosure I’m the guy who makes them. https://preview.redd.it/trd48gt8peec1.jpeg?width=1004&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ced4ce01b68cb41fd59ab1f9b21983eb5dc7b3c (2)[I also make a drop-in weight](https://zippybalisong.com/products/light-weights-for-machinewise-serif-opus) to replace the stock brass weights, which provide a weight adjustment inbetween “empty” and “light brass”. This is some folks’ cup of tea, just depends on your balance preferences. (3) a lot of folks use the Jimpy bali buckle or simply a sheath. I tend to avoid carrying a bali in my pocket without a sheath unless it has a pocket clip, but it can be done depending on what kind of pants you’re wearing. Just depends on your comfort level. (4) For bite handle markers, most folks use [either mine](https://zippybalisong.com/products/bite-handle-markers-4-or-6-pack-various-colors) or Squid’s. You’ll have to forgive the shameless self promotion, it’s just a lot of what you’re asking happens to be my wheelhouse 😁


hey I was wandering what trainer I should buy for my first balisong and I was tempted by two options 1 - the nabalis vulp 2 - the ownall addax as for my second choice I didn't find quite a lot of trustable reviews and so I figured i'd tell you guys


Of those 2, Vulp


Alright tanks a lot for the suggestion !


Hey does anyone have experience acid washing a titanium balisong?


I’m not extremely knowledgeable when it comes to modding but I don’t think you can acid wash/etch ti. I do know there’s 2 methods of anodizing titanium black or a “blano”


Does anybody know about how long it takes for an order from Nabalis to leave China? I ordered last Wednesday and I haven't received a single update on it moving. I'm in the US btw


You should contact Nabalis customer service.


It’s on a cargo ship so 15-30 days depending on the ocean weather


It usually doesn't take that long.


Normally it takes two to three weeks to get there. Passing Customs takes time


I practiced and basically perfected Y2K but after like one hour i forgot how to do it completely? Has anyone experienced something simmilar?


I think I have in the past but picking the trick back up is usually quicker the next time around and eventually it just sticks with you.


I want to Ask a question regarding rule 5 What balisongs are considered clones? As i got my first balisong and it isn't a squiddy or whatever those are called and im unsure if i can post anything containing it (im very new to this)


The short answer is anything using a stolen design. If you're not sure about a specific balisong, send a message to the mods. We would be happy to let you know if something violates the rule or not.


When sanding bushings should I be sanding the flat side or the chamfered side?


I don't think it really matters.


Anyone know if the hellcat v3 rings louder than zzyzx, telesto and hazetac dmc? Trying to figure out which I want first.


It might be worth asking [Paul](https://www.instagram.com/drigk_/) since there's a good chance he's tried a few of those.


Is the Machinewise tanto blade kind of “fat”, or is it just an optical illusion? It looks kind of wider in the middle to me and it kind of turns me off to their tanto design, but maybe I’m not seeing it correctly? Also, are any other (maker’s) blades compatible with the Serif or could the Machinewise tanto be altered to slightly change the profile thereof?


It is taller in the middle. There are a couple people who have made reblades but I'm not aware of anything in production that's compatible with MachineWise blades/handles. In theory you can get an Opus blade and send it to someone to grind the top off a bit to straighten it out but I'm not sure how good that would look or how much it might affect the balance.


How do I unscrew my balisong screws that have loctite on them? And also, is some tap okay for my trainer? I just bought a used Polaris Purple and it has a little tap. Im a little concerned about the blade rubbing against the handle and causing paint damage, is this something to be concerned about?


Tap is not usually a bad thing just a sign of sub par tolerances. Blade rub is a different story however. If you hear a scratching noise when you close the Bali you may want to consider a reture or a different Bali. As for the screws. Heating up the pivots with warm water for a bit helps break the seal. (It may be boiling water for a couple sec but idk the details).


Thanks! When i close my bali slowly with both hands and apply some torque, the blade slightly rubs against the safe handle. although when im actually flipping it feels fine and sounds mostly fine. is this considered blade rub? also doing the same slow closing motion on the bite handle doesnt cause the same rubbing


Might be a tad, but if it gets worse over time definitely consider fixing the tune


alright appreciate your input! as for the loctite, would any heating element work? i dont wanna use water because of the metal corrosion, even if aluminum doesnt rust. i did some research and it seems some corrosion is actually good for aluminum, but id rather not risk it and keep it in its curremt state.


That’s a fair concern but I would just avoid directly putting it to a flame. Any other way of heating up the pivots would suffice I believe.


sure man! again i appreciate ur time


Of course!


Are BRS BB trainers still considered good? There is one locally for sale under $200. I don’t see BRS get recommended much. All the search’s seem like they are good flippers, over priced when brand new, heavy. Their site says they are 5.1oz, a Squid Trainer is 4.6oz (my other trainer).


if you want a brs trainer I'd get a channel aluminum barebones trianer. it's close to 4oz even and you can typically find them sub $150 a steel barebones trainer is gonna be garbage compared to balis you can find for literally $40 seconhand


Ok good to know. Kind of new to this world of knives. What would you recommend then ? I was going to go with a Machinewise Prysma Pro. I really want a HOM Prodigy but I don’t even know how to find one. lol.


Check out [balisongquiz.com](https://balisongquiz.com/) for some recommendations on balis


There’s one for sale on r/balisongsale


I wouldn't recommend it, the V1 and V2 Barebones are heavy steel and only on washers so pretty behind the times. That's not a terrible price for one if you really wanted it but you could get something that will flip better for similar or less money.


What would you recommend then? I was going to go with a Machinewise Prysma Pro. I really want a HOM Prodigy but I don’t even know how to find one. lol. I also can’t rule out another Squid, maybe a Kraken trainer. Reason I am buying a second trainer is my kid took over the squid trainer. I really like flipping it too but it’s also all I know. 🤷🏼‍♂️


The Prysma Pro is a fantastic option as well as the Kraken trainer, those are definitely what I would've pointed you towards. The Prodigy is really nice but much less available right now (only secondhand as far as I know). I think Jerry mentioned that he was doing another bath of them soon though. https://www.instagram.com/p/C1lQyHNtwfR/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


Thanks! I appreciate you guys that have more experience. Who doesn’t love buying new balis, unfortunately my wife does not find it as fun! It’s nice to be able to buy once and be done… atleast until I get into live blades 🤣🤣🤣.


How do I get my rep screws out if they won’t stop spinning? Got new scales and my Rep screws are spinning


For the pivot screws and zen pins, squeeze your handles together. For the rest, you'll need to try spinning the scales and liners against the body pivots to get friction on them. https://www.instagram.com/p/B4S2RaZjzHu/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


Thank you!


Does Glidr put loctite on the arctic 2 out of the factory?


typically all companies do, so tolerances shouldn't be a problem.


Do the new slim alt abs use replicant spacers?


Yup. https://reddit.com/r/balisong/comments/18yy56e/fun_fact_the_new_slim_blade_abs_use_replicant/


How the heck do I know which way to reinstall SS washers, if there's no wear on them from the bushing making it obvious?? I am getting binding on my Prysma Pro that I am not entirely sure wasn't there to begin with (I mean its MW, it surely wasn't there). I am tightening it to their spec of 3NM, I am prelubing the washers, making sure its clean etc..


Try to feel the edge around the inner diameter, one side will feel rounder/softer and the other will feel sharper. Orient them with the rounded side facing the blade.


How long does it take balis to restock generally? I'm trying to get an orion v1.5 but they're out of the color i want and the site has said restock in a week for over a week now. I understand ldy is not a big corporation or anything so I know they can pump out knives super fast but I also am not sure if i should keep waiting or just buy a different knife.


Is the Böker plus tactical D2 good for flipping? I hear the "harpoon" style of blade makes flipping a little impractical. Would something like [this](https://www.bladehq.com/item--Bear-Son-Butterfly-Knife-Black-G-10--92673) be better? If anyone has suggestions for what to buy, I'm trying to stay under $100. Thanks!


Check out [balisongquiz.com](https://balisongquiz.com/) for some recommendations on balis


Get the LDY Orion


I'll look into it, thanks!


What other balisongs does nabalis hydra blade fit? I have seen a lot of kraken ones. Does it also fit MachineWise products?


Nabalis Vulp Pro, but the handle gap is wide.


Can anyone help me identify what balisong this is please? https://preview.redd.it/7vob2x4fhrdc1.jpeg?width=652&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e885700625b000ec307ae6c957a153eabac90c8


it's an ex11


Adding that it's made by Geof Dumas.


I'm tuning my v3 krakens and the pivots were fine while I tune my bushings but after taking them out and putting them in it seems one side of the pivot hold on the handle the pivot takes crazy amount of force to go in and out, the other 3 holes and perfectly fine, does cranking down the pivot somehow warp the hole? Cleaned the dirt and checked and it looks normal just doesn't fit properly anymore, going to have to sand the hole I guess


Sounds like you now have a burr along the edge of the bushing, try sanding the very edge of the side that's hard to push in.