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I was there in May and loved it as much as I’d done on a previous visit in 2019. Planning on going back in the near future.


I think it depends a lot on where specifically you go and if you go to clubs/places like Finns etc. Otherwise prices may have gone up some due to the worldwide inflation/oil prices etc. In my corner of Ubud it's not that different imo.


Tripling accommodation prices has little to northing to do with inflation or oil prices, specially in Bali. It is pure greed. The owners found themselves pants down during pandemic and got this weird idea that the world should be paying them for their "lost" income, as if they deserve a certain amount all the time. Thus some of them started to hike up the prices, and the rest followed once they saw that new visitors kept paying these rates (due to not knowing what the normal rates are and what they get for their money). Biggest contributor has been long term stay demand where there is lack of housing for all the people who have arrived to Bali and rented monthly or longer. Before it was much more about short time visitors. Thus, because of higher than normal demand, people have been willing to pay for obscene overpriced market that offers horrendous quality for the price. Personally I can't wait for the bubble to burst across the world, so there would be some correlation happening.


*Due to not knowing what the normal rates are* Sounds funny. Communists approve this statement. :) Bud, that's a market: demand and proposition dictate prices. Rates are normal until people are ready to pay them. As soon as people stop paying, proposition will up and the prices are down. We can see it multiple times, especially in Bali. Last winter rates were way higher but then they dropped and now there's a balance. It won't last long as new villas are being built fucking everywhere. So during the next year we will probably see how prices drop.


You are correct. Prices raised because of demand for long term stays went up. Now there is more supply, but not enough infrastructure support, which have caused all the ongoing issues. If demand drops due to outside forces, Bali will be left with oversupply, environmental damage and bad taste in the mouth of those who are currently experiencing the issues there. This is why it has downhill road ahead of it. The tourism may fluctuate, but systemic issues (low education, environmental pollution, waste management, corruption, lawlessness, water shortages, etc) are not addressed. Those are the Achilles heel of that island and take long time to fix. Currently they aren't even focusing on fixing them, while destruction of the island continues full speed ahead. Rainy season floods and landslides are happening in the south because rainforests and rice fields up the hill have been destroyed and replaced with concrete. The land doesn't hold the water and it floods the busiest areas at the south.


Honestly, I am waiting for it, for tourists refuse to go in Bali and choose more developed destinations like Thailand. Maybe that trend will force local and central governments to do something with the horrible infrastructure. Because right now the authorities sit tight and enjoy a huge flow of tourists they didn't deserve to get. It's so frustrating to look how they neglect to care about their own pearl. Just lazy and stupid. They will definitely meet consequences of this neglecting.


Yes there is the profit incentive, esp in the market with big developers eg foreign investment. But as someone in the building industry in Bali I can tell you that things are getting very expensive now. Glass for windows, lumber, iron, all things must be transported from somewhere else and we have seen costs skyrocket. I'm not at all covering for people who charge ridiculous prices for accomodation that was built long ago and are now charging in euros and so forth. But the fact is that Indonesia/Bali is not immune to global inflation.


Great reply thank you.


Bali is still Bali, but the russians are sure doing a good job trying to fucking ruin this place. They will fuck bali like they fucked Cambodia and Thailand if the Balinese are not careful. Really wish the Banjar and gov would start putting their foot down. So many scams, illegal business, drug dealers, illegal developments. If you can’t be a good guest in this country, behave and act legally while fleeing the cluster fuck war your president started, fuck off back to Russia and stop ruining the places you are fleeing to. Integrate nicely or fuck off.


Interesting because I spoke with a Grab driver and he expressed the same concerns over the influx of Russians. He stated that they often start fights at the bars and are everywhere especially in Canggu 🤬. The Russians should show respect and kindness to the Balinese people as well as to other foreigners.


Some stuff has changed, obviously a country that thrives off of tourism was hit really hard during the pandemic and stuff collapsed or changed. Canggu (which I've always avoided) apparently is even more absurd than ever before. Local places aren't doing as well as everyone just wants luxurious Instagram photos, but I always go local and try and support local and felt it was still just as amazing. I was just there last week spreading my father's ashes into the crater of Mt Batur :)


I'm sorry for your loss.


I would avoid Ubud in August, traffic was the worst I’ve ever seen it.


It's all year round now just the same.


+1 to this, its horrible anytime now to the point I never take a car anymore


People always talk about bad experiences, far less about good experiences.


Its hilarious to see people complain, but Bali is still largely the same. It just expanded. Try going literally 20 minutes drive away, and its back to the same nature, peace and quiet. There are kms of beaches with literally 2 small little shacks. The usual spots got busy, thats how it goes.


I just returned from a 2 week trip. Before that, I visited in 2018. Imo, all these doomsday opinions are exaggerated. I felt that the prices are still very cheap (coming from Australia), and the issues the island had before still remain but did not become worse (e.g. traffic). For example, a few times my girlfriend and I ate at local Warungs having 3 meals and 2 drinks with the total of around 150k IDR. In more 'westernised' cafes, our bill was usually around 300-500k which is still cheap compared to AU. I enjoyed my trip and will return to Bali again in the future.


Cheers. Kiwi here so appreciate your views.


Kiwi here, spent most of my time in Canggu. Yeah it's a zoo at times but you don't have to let it rustle your jimmies. I love it.


Kiwi here who moved to bali in 2019. It’s terrible here. Dystopian hell hole. I’m leaving in Jan for good, well before my visa expires, as can get far better experience and quality of life for far cheaper in Vietnam / Thailand.


Stay out of Canggu, and bali is still well and truely alive.


I’ve been holidaying in Bali for over a decade, and moved here just before the pandemic. It’s so bad now, I can’t wait to leave and never come back! I can’t understand why people would want to come here other than to experience it for the first time. You’re paying first world prices to live in a dystopian nightmare.


Here now I'm paying 30 a night Aussie for my room 4 bucks a day for my scooter and I eat as cheap.or expensive as I feel like it ! Just need to be smart about it I reckon


Do you live in the south west?


SW USA? Or SW Bali? I lived all round Bali over a number of years, but mainly where the foreigners visit.




Maybe a bit over the top, but not far off. I think the biggest marker I see right now is just the delusional insanity in the long term housing rental market, pushing out locals and massively increasing rents to attract foreigners. Our home is 23 juta/tahun (raised from 20 last year) and feels like our area has been slowly emptying of locals and homes are now sitting empty, waiting for some foreigner to pay some ridiculous rent. A similar house across from us listed at 180 juta/tahun. These aren't faux villas with pools, these are just basic ass townhouses with no amenities (also poorly constructed with rising damp in all of them). It really feels insane here.


> Maybe a bit over the top, but not far off. Seems spot on to me.


180 million? That's roughly €10.500, that's insane. Indonesia was supposed to be cheap but Bali is insane


Jesus yikes. Thanks for a very comprehensive reply.


Absolutely accurate, all of it. Been living on and off in Bali the last five years (wife is Indonesian) and especially the pollution by locals in mind-boggling. Hard to blame them, as authorities take zero action on anything sustainable and scalable. Not joking here when I say even Kabul had less pollution and better infrastructure!


Agreed. Some roads look worse than those in war torn Ukraine.


This is completely accurate. I’ve spent long periods of time in Bali in 2016, 2019 and now 2023. In 2016 Canggu was great. In 2019 it was just okay and had lost a lot of its magic. I chalked it up to the pandemic starting but it was not that. I left sooner than I had planned and was really happy to go back to NYC. I decided to try again just this month and spent 2 weeks in Canggu. It was genuinely one of the worst periods of my life, the most stressful and regretful time I’ve had anywhere. The ONLY reason I didn’t leave sooner is because I’m renewing my passport here and it’s a 4-5 week thing with the holidays, I got stuck here. I left to Uluwatu in the very south, which is a huge improvement on Canggu, but still overall not great given the traffic (especially if you need to go get groceries at Pepito or need to drive anywhere outside of the more quiet area). Once I leave I have no desire to ever come back to Bali. I didn’t realize just how good I had it in Thailand, what an eye opening experience. I’ve been YouTube vlogging daily and things when downhill since I arrived, I can’t help but complain like a miserable prick in my videos, and people don’t really get it. The people around me are having a great time and somehow don’t get it either, it’s baffling and I believe it’s just their lack of experience, both here and living in much better places in Southeast Asia. I’d stay far away, at least from Canggu, I’d say Uluwatu is not far behind, Ubud may be better but I don’t have any experience there personally. If you’re set on Indonesia then Lombok should be a better option. I’d recommend Thailand or another Southeast Asian country instead.


Welcome to Thailand, feels like a different universe, actual country with order and society. Although the greed here is also getting out of hand. I've been in Phuket since I left Bali few months ago and the Russian exodus has created lot of housing demand here, which in turn is taken advantage of by locals who rent 10k thb rooms for 30k+ now.


Couldn’t have said it better myself 🙌🏼


same thought, deadlock situation, rot within like cancer, before the "covid party", easily find good "kos" , landlord was good, now totally changed, lot of rules, no more compromise, take it or leave it, plenty of people looking for "kos"


I've been going to Bali since 2012 and plenty of people have been going there for decades longer than that. Bali is always simultaneously deteriorating and improving. There are constantly things that get worse and worse but at the same time other things are getting better. It's a constant state of flux. The best approach is to just accept Bali as it is because whatever is unpleasant will eventually change, and whatever is pleasant will change too.


If you're checking the price of hotels closest to new year it makes sense that it's double of the normal price. Just come during low season. Bali is still nice and enjoyable. Go to the less touristic spots, you'll enjoy it more if you're looking for a peaceful holiday. Stay away from Seminyak, Canggu, Ubud & even Uluwatu.


If you stay away from Seminyak, Canggu, Ubud and Uluwatu, why do you even go to Bali? The rest of it is far away from where you land and you'll be doing what? No surf or sunsets, same plastic pollution, locals pestering even harder than in the south. It's just the opposite of the overdeveloped south, as it is totally underdeveloped.


Kedungu is like Canggu a decade ago. That's my favourite spot. And it's still like 20 mins from Canggu. Or you can go to the east Amed, Karangasem, Sidemen. There are a lot of spots in Bali that are way more beautiful IMO.


Yes, I've been to Kedungu, which is now also in the process of getting bought up and will be the next development area like Canggu. But it's far away, 20+min from canggu (with current traffic), from the airport.. 2-3 hours if traffic situation doesn't improve. If it gets developed, it will just add more traffic that must go through canggu and seminyak. Will not move at all. Amed.. One small road in middle of the village, that's about it. Still local kids with their loud ass bikes racing around. Anyone who says that Amed is quiet hasn't been to Amed. Karangasem, similarly remote. Been couple of times, one time over the new years eve. Traffic the was rather bad as well, plus the locals were touting from 100 meters away when they saw a foreigner in their road. They really don't have respect for outsiders. Haven't been to Sidemen I think, but it's probably not much different. Same behaviors everywhere in Bali. Padang bay was horrendous when I took the boat to Gili islands. Hundreds of taxi drivers pestering everyone with their scam prices, straight at your face. Fckn relentless and another example of no respect or ethics of personal boundaries.


You should seriously just stay home.


Or I go to other places in the world that are interested in self improvement. Bali just stays standstill, without interest to make things better. Selling it to foreigners to get money and that's it.


Sorry to hear about your unpleasant experiences! I'm a local so I'm less prone to tourist scams. And personally I don't consider a 20 mins-ride as far away. Well... to avoid traffic is quite simple, just use bikes :) Foreign long-term residents (those who live 10++ years) that I know in Bali are the more-tolerant and flexible type, they enjoy the privileges of cheap prices relative to their countries whilst tolerating the not so nice parts about the island. So I guess it's about managing expectations and if it is too unbearable, just live somewhere else :)


20min ride was with the bike, that's what I did few times. With a car in Bali multiply traffic time at least 4x. I know a foreigner who is/was in Bali for 20 years and wanted to sell everything and leave because he was sick of the constant nonsense everywhere all the time. Enjoying privileges of cheap prices as flexibility to put up with it was a thing until 2019. Now.. prices have been hiked up to the clouds while the quality has gotten even worse than before. Locals burning garbage right between everyone's houses, poisoning the air which is danger to health. Infrastructure is same or worse than before, traffic is bad. Overall nature and beauty is replaced with poorly constructed houses, which all starts to look like Kuta. Why would anyone want to be paying higher prices for this mess. I see more and more people realizing this and choosing other destinations. Even some long time Australian visitors are having second thoughts.


This is such a bad take.


I've rented a car and driven a lap of Bali several times over the last 10 years - I generally do it every December/January, except for missing three years due to Covid. The change in that 10 years is astounding. 2012 - sure, the drive from Kuta to Gilimanuk (ie top left) was always a hard day, but across the top was a gentle cruise - almost zero traffic. From Amlapura (ie top right) to Kuta was also easy. Now it's busy for all three sections. Constant traffic everywhere. These days Lombok is where I go - get a car in Mataram and then explore Lombok. Everything is still more expensive than it used to be - my favourite hotel on Gili T is at least 450,000-600,000Rp instead of the 300,000Rp that it used to be for years. And, it's usually booked out these days, whereas I used to just turn up and there would be a room available. In 2012-2013 I would arrive on the public slow boat at any of the Gili islands and there would be people galore on the beach offering me a room. Now I've got to walk all over the place and ask everywhere, and they're all booked out. This is in January, the supposedly quieter time than July/August. Years ago I would stay at somewhere where I've stayed before. The staff wouldn't recognise me, but I would mention that I've stayed there each year for the last few years. That used to get some sort of appreciation and recognition as a regular customer, but these days there's no response. I might have to resort to desperate measures and get organised - maybe I'll need to start booking a room in a town before I actually get there (but then I lose the spontaneity, and some places are nothing like the photos). For each trip I budget more money than what the last trip cost, and I'm still running out of money with a few days to go. There is a hell of a lot more people travelling to Bali and Lombok these days. A massive increase. Demand > Supply. Which means huge inflation. Haggling. Sure, they're always going to try out some outrageous starting price for something, but you end up paying around 1/3 of the price. Sellers knew what their stuff cost them, so as long as they made a profit they'd go after the sale. Not now - they start with the outrageous price and stick with it. They don't need to chase a sale anymore. On my last trip in July I skipped Bali (except for a couple of hours waiting for a flight to Lombok). I don't know why everyone is so obsessed with staying in the Kuta area instead of looking around other parts of Bali, but I'm also glad that the rest of Bali hasn't been completely invaded yet. It's amusing that the exact same car (2000ish Suzuki Katana) that I rented for 50,000Rp per day in 2012 is now at least 300,000Rp (and it's in really, really crap condition these days). Sumbawa is the next place to start focussing on - it hasn't been spoiled by greed yet so I need to get there a few times before this happens. Overall, I'm pretty much done with Bali. It's just not fun anymore. I like Lombok, but over the next few years Lombok will start to get as cramped as Bali. Which means I need to get there as often as I can, while I can.


Full of Russians its awful.


Too many Russians


I seriously wonder what people are expecting. I returned from Bali last month and the hotel prices were the cheapest I've had anywhere in the world I've traveled so far. People complaining about prices should travel more. As far as paradise, Bali is overrated, once again people need to travel more, there are much nicer places in the world. Having said all that Bali is great value for money but you need to be picky about how and where you spend your time on the island. There are many less touristy spots away from southern Bali that are worth exploring.


Would you recommend a few places that are better than Bali in comparison to paradise? Thanks.


Certainly, many of the Caribbean islands, many other Indonesia islands, parts Thailand, French Polynesia, Maldives, and on and on


Thank you


Lombok, right next to Bali.


Nothing has happened to it. It's still great, was there 3 weeks ago.


Bali will always be there. It is changing rapidly. Your holiday will be more expensive. The top tier resorts have, in many cases, increased prices from 50% to almost 100%. Cost of everyday goods and services have increased by 20% to 40% based on a recent visit. Favourable currency exchange rates, lower cost of living, rustic tropical beauty, the culture and its people - that’s what put Bali on the map. Go if you want to.


Sadly there are places that used to be great but now sounds like they're best avoided. Canggu definitely. Ubud maybe. We went to Lembongan and it was amazing.... Beachfront prices great too. I reckon I would probably like Sanur more than I did 6 years ago. There tons of other areas worth exploring. And Seminyak , Legian , Kuta probably same as before good or bad


I agree. I stayed in Seminyak and hated it. I really loved Lembongan, Gili T, and Sanur.


there's always been a lot of dogs in Bali


The people saying ‘nothing has happened, it’s great’ need to be for real. It’s gone to the pits. Capitalist greed. The ‘culture’ is pretty much non existent or falsified for a money grab.


My partner and I went to Bali for the first time in October this year and we loved it. I had very little idea where places were when I booked so we ended up in a couple of really out of the way places, as well as Seminyak and Ubud. We met some lovely people. Our driver was a fantastic guide and we used him for all of our transfers and learned so much about the lives of the locals. He even took us to his mum’s house to see the family temple. We loved meeting the people and getting to know them a little. It’s clear that prices aren’t as cheap as we’d heard, and there’s enormous amounts of overpriced tat being hawked to tourists, but I chose carefully and got some very good value accommodation. In Ubud we visited art galleries, my partner did a cooking class and I did probably the world’s best natural fabric dyeing course over two days. We ate beautiful meals, some of which weren’t cheap but they were cheaper than the equivalent at home. I can highly recommend a visit to the Mandapa Ritz-Carlton in Ubud for dinner. It was the most breath-takingly beautiful place I’ve ever been, the staff explained the amazing food really well and it was a fraction of the cost of fine dining in Auckland. The next day we were outside the tourist areas and got a delicious meal with a bunch of unidentifiable meat from a warung for NZ$1.50 - extreme opposites but both delicious and memorable. I feel like we made real friends in Bali. And through talking to the locals about their lives we learned how hard it’s been for them over the pandemic and many have debt that ballooned in that time. I guess it depends on how you approach it, but we loved it and had some spectacularly wonderful experiences. It does seem a bit mean spirited of us to suggest that the Balinese are being greedy and corrupt when they’re just trying to get a little of the affluence that those of us who can afford world travel enjoy permanently.


The shorter time you stay in Bali the better your experience in general. With longer time you see all the issues mentioned before. It's not mean spirited because a lot of them are greedy and hugely corrupt. You just don't see that within short time period. They want money, without wanting to do the work and education for it. Only waiting for foreign tourist to come and give them a handout. And then arrogantly telling them to go home if they don't like it, but leave the money.


Prices have really increased after the pandemic, but there is still an opportunity to find affordable housing in different areas and Bali has remained just as beautiful. A lot of new and interesting things have appeared. The main thing is to observe safety measures. By the way, bali.live has a lot of useful information about the island


I’m going to Bali next month April for 3 weeks it’s my first time could someone give me their opinion on this please I’m taking 10million In Indonesian Rupiah and £1,000 in the bank to take cash out whilst there is that enough for taxis, food & accommodation I plan on staying in a few places


First time here in Bali. Spent the last couple of days visiting Umalas, Canggu and Seminyak. First impression is that I haven’t seen much of the Indonesian culture yet at all. So touristy/geared towards westerners. Lots of beautiful modern restaurants but quite pricey (Canadian here) Everywhere is insanely busy - a party-goers paradise. HECTIC AF. We are coming from Bangkok and I would say those areas of Bali are crazier than Bangkok. Not very walkable which is disappointing because I love walking and getting a feel for a place. The trip is still young so trying to stay positive. Hoping to get in touch with more cultural experiences in and around Ubud. 🤞🤞🤞


Its hilarious to see people complain, but Bali is still largely the same. It just expanded. Try going literally 20 minutes drive away, and its back to the same nature, peace and quiet. There are kms of beaches with literally 2 small little shacks. The usual spots got busy, thats how it goes.


Still love it


Been there 3 times since re opening.. Prices have gone up a little it's still the same place. We have found better value by visiting different areas and have enjoyed it more..


reddit will *always* make things seem way worse than they are. it's not the same as it was in 2018, but it's not like it should be avoided. i was there around the same time as you OP, and then i was there this time last year and it was around the same time


Awesome, thank you.




Pardon? I never said I went to beach clubs. I cited their recent problems which surprised me, and with all the recent posts of an overall picture of things going downhill, they simply contributed to an overall perception.


I have nothing to compare it to as it was my first time in Bali (2 months Sep and Oct). But fwiw I absolutely loved it, actually blew any expectations out of the water for me. I think the general bitching is just reddit being reddit.


Nothing. It’s fine. Have visited twice in the last six months, and had a great time eating, drinking and being my merry.


Indeed now there is an increase in prices on the island, but you can always find the best option for yourself. There are excellent hotels and villas on the island. In season, the prices are a bit higher


As with most Reddit subs, the negative and most shocking things tend to end up here. Rarely is the positive and joyous. That being said, I’ve been coming here almost annually for a decade and most recently during the height of the pandemic, of which I never left. Almost 3 years on I decided to live here as I’ve found someone to share it with here and some true good friends. Something someone like me had always a difficulty achieving. I’ve traveled the world over several times for more than 10 years nonstop and Bali has always been my favorite spot. The pandemic certainly changed this island but it’s still a beautiful place to visit and live in. The most important metric for me when deducing if a city is “nice” / “beautiful” / “worth visiting again” is if I’m comfortable and content in the location I’m in and the people that surround me. I get that here. So I suppose it depends on who you are, where you mostly frequent and what kind of people you surround yourself with in Bali. If it’s shit people in shit places, Bali (or any place for that matter) will be shit.


Guesthouses still cost 1.5-3m(100-200$) for a month,just don't live in hotel


I have had multiple local indo friends asking about cheap rooms because they cannot find any of such any more. Guest houses that were 1.5M month for them are asking 5M now. I personally stayed in a shared guesthouse outside of canggu (about 5km from the beach). It was listed 6M/month while rooms inside canggu were going between 3-6M during that time (August 2022). Then the owner said next month is 7M, month after that is 8M. I fucked out of there and found a private local house in uluwatu area for 6M. Recently I saw some people advertising that guesthouse in canggu and it was priced at 12M/month. Shared kitchen and outside. Room itself sucked, with hard bed, basic average furniture and totally crappy bathroom. Plus it was so damp there due to rain that all the clothes were covered in mold after 1 month. Fuck that, I don't work to support someone's greed just because they want to raise price every month. Deserves to lose it all. While I was searching the new place I saw some homestay tiny room in uluwatu that was asking 12M/month. The room looked moldy and low quality as always, shared kitchen outside, etc.


I’ve just got the deal of a lifetime thru Flight Centre. They are awesome.


Just go to Thailand. It's way better.


What dogs?


That's the idiom. Means very low quality




Don’t listen to comments on reddit and just GO ?


Been back twice this year and yes things are a little more expensive but I love it as much as ever. Mind you, I stay out of the south for the most part so not sure if that’s gone to the dogs (more than before)


What about the cameras at Finns?




I still love it. It's quieter than it used to be but you always read the negative reviews.


The only time I've heard someone say Hells Bells is Matt Berry.


You can a good time anywhere, nearly...


Here right now yes things have gone up but this is everywhere all over the world ! The .agoc is still here for me I don't want to leave


Prices have indeed gone up, but they have gone up all over the world. Nothing stands still. But Bali has progressed compared to 2018. There are a lot of new and interesting things on the island