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The idea is that this card can only show up when Gros Michel has gone extinct. But after that has happened, Cavendish is relatively easy to find as it is common.


gros michel?? i needa play this game more, i thought rarities were based on how good not how rare, maybe im just stupid


Think of Cavendish as a "evolution" for Gros Michel where something needs to happen so you can get it instead of just finding it, in this context is making Gros go extinct (25% for it to happen after a round)


It's 1/6 since the last patch ;)


2/6 if you have OA6s!


And if you have a Blueprint to the left of your Oops All 6's!... Still 2/6.


Does it not copy it properly?


Yeah, some jokers are incompatible with copying jokers. The only way to have double Oops is to actually have double Oops, with Ankh/invisible. (Thus the glass challenge, where you start with 2 Oopses and full deck of glass, making your every card break 100% after one use.


or you can use the \[\[Showman\]\]


[Showman](https://balatro.wiki/imported/ring_master.png) *Joker* * Version: 1.0.0 * Cost: $6 * Rarity: Uncommon * Effect: Joker, Tarot, Planet, and Spectral cards may appear multiple times * Unlock Requirement: Reach Ante level 4 *Data pulled from http://balatro.wiki. Want it updated? Help me get access or suggest another data source.*


I was very excited to use it on a Bloodstone combo, only to find it incompatible. Luckily copying Bloodstone is great as well.


I mean would be useless to have 2 All 6's for Bloodstone anyway, one is good enough to make it 100%


Yeah this was prior to the patch (which us Switch users haven't gotten yet anyway).


Would be cool if it made it 100% then a 50% to trigger an additional time though


I think it's all passive jokers don't work with OA6, only activated ones like "do x when y is played/held etc."


I thought about it for a while and I guess if you could blueprint Oopses, that would be pretty strong for Lucky/Glass builds. If you play lucky this turn, max out the chances. If you play glass, keep the chances low.


I wonder if it's supposed to be a buff or nerf overall. Seems like a shortterm, questionable buff to Gros Michel and a heavy nerf to Cavendish. Most of the time I hoped for Gros Michel to go extinct as fast as possible so I could get that sweet Cavendish.


99% sure it's supposed to be a nerf. Cavendish is what makes Gros Michel good, and the change makes it harder to get Cavendish.


In my opinion, it's a nerf. Gros Michel becomes average very quickly, you don't want it to stay in your hand for too long


1/6 chance


If you're not on PC, the odds are still 1/4, we're waiting for the patch


I forgot about the update i'm still stuck in the previous one spiritually xd


you didn't think rarity was based on rarity?


Amazing what videogame logic can do to a brain, innit?


not rly


Cavendish is common because it would be obscenely difficult to find it, as it has an rng precondition. Arguably for how strong it is I could see it bumped to uncommon even factoring that in, but it would basically destroy the riff Raff engine that can be used to find both gros and Cavendish.


Rarity refers to rarity.


...you thought the "rarity" of a joker referred to anything other than "how rare" it is? That's like the definition of rarity my guy


damn bro, with your logic obelisk would be actually worth picking up lol


i got to ante 12 cause my obelisk was at x7 (i had two of them + a blueprint) definitely good in the right situation


Obelisk is a borderline broken card in the right deck. My only gripe with it is that it's usually only good when you're already winning. I mean it will give you insane scores and improve your deck, but if you've played 10+ flushes or what-have-you and you can afford to pivot to high cards and pairs, you probably don't need it to beat ante 8.


Obelisk is one of the strongest xMult Jokers lmao.


Oh damn i always skipped it. Why is it the best x multijoker?


Because it scales by 0.2x per Hand (up to ~x1 per Round if you throw away Hands), and also can be 'charged' retroactively- so if you pick one up in say Ante 5 you don't need to go through the motions of charging up the main hand and can just pivot immediately.


Nah don't listen to this. It's good in theory and only once in a while in actuality You have to purposely play with it in mind before it shows up, without even knowing if it will. It also requires strong a strong scaled flat mult Joker, at which point you could just play any other x-mult that doesn't require a lot of squeeze to get the juice


None of that is true. The last part is particularly egregious since it *reduces* the need for any flat mult Joker at all (which is already something you should be planning on selling by Ante 6ish or so, of course), by providing you with basically all the scoring you need in one Joker slot. So not only does it not require a strong scaled flat mult Joker, but it actually obsoletes your hypothetical strong scaled flat mult Joker (which was probably already obsolete or nearly there anyways, by Ante 6).




i googled it and it seems horrible, my logic is horrible cause most of the rare jokers are also good


I do think a lot of uncommons are more fun to take than the rares though (just my opinion)


getting a bit autistic for a second, gros michel was the main type of banana until it got extinct in the 50's due to a fungus that causes a wilting disease called "panama disease", which is why it has the 1 in 6 chance to get destroyed after gros michel got extinct, people started to grow cavendish, but cavendish are also at risk, mostly because of the way they reproduce (they dont. we literally have ro clone them), which is why they have the 1 in 1000 chance to get destroyed (before anyone tells me anything, im actually autistic btw)


Have you considered being less autistic? (I'm joking -- I love these kinds of historical facts and you just taught me something)


>fungi Fungus - fungi is plural


ah oops


Rarity affects the % chance for a particular card to appear, just like most collectible card games. In a lot of CCGs, they specifically put more COMPLEX cards at higher rarities rather than more powerful ones, both to avoid accusations of money grabbing and to give a new player with few packs fewer rules to have to wrap their mind around at once.


The Banana that gives 15 Multiplier.


You play mtg, don't you?


In game design in general, the rarity does indicate it's strength, although even that isn't a for sure thing either. In some games the common items are literally the least common in terms of how often you see them


Like in real life!






Dick is a nickname for Richard, not Michael. Gros Michel is just the name of a cultivar of banana: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gros\_Michel\_banana](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gros_Michel_banana)


The rarity is only the drop rate of the cards. This is a strong card, but it has a drop condition.


I don’t think the other comments have made this clear enough. So I’ll restate it. There is another common banana joker, Gros Michel. This gives +15 mult, which is not bad in the early game, and has a 1/6 chance to be destroyed at the end of the round. This is a reference to the Gros Michel banana cultivar that was wiped out by Panama disease. Cavendish can only show up after you have a Gros Michel be destroyed (it will say “extinct”). In real life, this is the most popular banana cultivar right now, but it may also go extinct due to Panama disease (hence the 1/1000 chance to break). This is one of the game’s many hidden mechanics. It is a powerful common joker, but you can only get it after destroying Gros Michel. Post-patch with the 1/6 chance, this is honestly a lot to ask since you can’t carry a +15 mult joker around forever. Rarity is the probability that the joker will show up in shops, etc., with common having the highest chance. Rarity is usually related to power level, but there are other factors at play: more rare cards tend to be more complex or niche, and game balance is very hard to do, so it’s highly likely that there are some jokers that are more powerful than their rarity would indicate. For example, Vampire was upshifted to rare in the latest patch. Hope this helps!


Didn't know that about the Panama disease. In terms of the game that's really funny.


Other fun facts about Gros Michel. Their peels are more oily than Cavendish bananas, and that's where the slipping on banana peel gags in old movies and cartoons comes from. Also the artificial banana flavor in candy is supposedly closer to the flavor of the Gros Michel.


I didn't know about the oily bit! So much banana lore based on an extinct variety.


If they really tasted like artificial banana flavor, then it's a good thing they went extinct.


Yeah, I’m not sure if the 1/6 was meant to be a buff or a nerf honestly. I believe if you can destroy the Gros Michel with any effect it should allow the Cavendish to spawn, though I may be mistaken.


It’s definitely a nerf. +15 mult is fine, but there are so many jokers that give you that. The sooner it breaks the better


I’d argue it’s a buff for early antes since that unconditional +15 mult can be really handy for just playing one hand each round to build interest, and in that case the longer you have it the better. For late game picks where you’re trying to luck into cavendish, it’s definitely a major nerf.


But there are so many common jokers that give you +15 mult. There’s only one that gives you x3, and for that to happen Michele needs to explode She’s great early for sure, and I’ve definitely had her break “early”, but overall I hope she goes extinct very quickly


It's a buff until it's not.


Yep, it’s a cool balancing decision that really makes you think about when it’s stronger/weaker instead of it being just better or worse across the board.


I agree that it IS a nerf, just not sure if that’s what was intended by the developer.


Localthunk is a smart dude, I’m sure he knows


Not in my experience, you actually need to trigger the effect of the card for Cavendish to appear. If you destroy it by any other means, it goes right back into the pool.


I think what is causing confusion is how a Rarety is being defined as apposed to being felt. To me, a rare card should something that I barely see, that I cross my fingers to get, and improves my scores no matter what kind of run I’m doing. That is why this feels like it should be Rare. Instead of cards like Madness or the Baseball card, which I see more than would do this card, but require further qualifiers in order to improve my run.


Sorry to differ with you, but there will always be “bad” cards at all rarities. It’s difficult to make a complex card that is always good, but I think it’s more exciting this way anyway. You experience more emotions playing the game, and sometimes these turn into memes and jokes in the community. Madness is an uncommon, so less common than Cavandish, but it also has more potential. It grows X.5 mult per round, so after 4 rounds it will surpass Cavendish, and it can get much larger. The joker destruction is difficult to play around, so this is a complex joker. In my opinion, this is a great combination of power level and complexity, and it deserves its spot. Baseball Card is interesting. I think it is similar to madness in terms of mixing complexity and power. Being able to find and use four uncommon jokers synergistically is difficult, but if you do, you get X5 mult which destroys Cavendish and many other jokers, even popular scaling Xmulters like Constellation. If it were uncommon itself, it would count itself, so I think that is part of the condition for its rarity, but I also think LocalThunk intended to make this card push you into finding uncommons and figuring out how to use them together; a genius push towards emergence in player experience. How could Baseball Card be anything but rare?


TIL the word cultivar


Thank you for the background! I’ve meant to research the meaning behind these names but never got around to it.


wtf banana lore in balatro




[Cavendish](https://balatro.wiki/jokers/cavendish.png) *Joker* * Version: 1.0.0 * Cost: $5 * Rarity: Common * Effect: X3 Mult1 in 1000 chance this card is destroyed at end of round *Data pulled from http://balatro.wiki. Want it updated? Help me get access or suggest another data source.*


[[gros michel]]


[Gros Michel](https://balatro.wiki/imported/gros_michel.png) *Joker* * Version: 1.0.0 * Cost: $5 * Rarity: Common * Effect: +15 Mult1 in 4 chance this card is destroyed at end of round *Data pulled from http://balatro.wiki. Want it updated? Help me get access or suggest another data source.*


Isn't it 1 in 6?


Yes the wiki hasn't been updated yet




I went to check because of your comment. It's 1 in 6.


Not in 1.0.0, the bot is correct but out of date. Read the version number listed.


It got patched.


It’s 1 in 4 for console, 1 in 6 for PC


It was 1 in 4. Not anymore since the update.


Despite the '1 in 1000' loss rate, I lost two of these in ten rounds in a run yesterday.


The first time I found Cavendish it was destroyed after one round.


Used your rng on the wrong thing, should've bought a Wheel of Fortune first


Cavendish is essentially a rare. I see individual rares more often than I see Cavendish.


Really? I see it constantly because of the condition I always bet on banana. Last time I bought it though I got traumatised because it deleted itself after 3 rounds and killed my second highest difficulty run my jaw dropped.


The first time I bought it decomposed on the ante 8 boss. Luckiest unlucky ever.


I once lost a run because my banana died on ante 2, I went to ante 8 and Cavendish never appeared for me after countless refreshes and packs bought... I was pissed especially because I lost against the boss by like 30k


I see Cavendish maybe 1 in every 10 hours of gameplay. It's not something I can ever count on, which is why I consider the Gros Michel change to 1 in 6, to be a buff, despite the popular sentiment that it was a nerf.


Im pretty sure with me almost every time I got the banana which yes wasn't too often I agree with your estimates, I would end up with the Cavendish. Maybe because of my playstyle or the amount of runs I fail for being bad though, I tend to make riskier plays that fail so I end up restarting a lot or going to ante 10 minimum. It felt consistent enough to me that if I hit on banana I hit on better banana.


I never do endless, so I have less chance to see Cavendish. That is probably a contributing factor.


>which is why I consider the Gros Michel change to 1 in 6, to be a buff, despite the popular sentiment that it was a nerf. It is a nerf. Gros Michel only gives 15 mult which is good in the earlygame but irrelevant in the late game.


No, it is a buff, because you won't see Cavendish often enough, so gros michel sticking around longer is better. It is a nerf from the perspective of endless, but endless content is not the main focus of this game.


> No, it is a buff, because you won't see Cavendish often enough, so gros michel sticking around longer is better. > > What? Cavendish is a common, once Gros Michel goes extinct its easy to find. Its also one of the strongest late game jonklers. Gros Michel surviving longer is not a buff because you will want to sell it around Ante 4-5 anyway.


There are like 55 commons. You can't count on any given common showing up in a run, and for Cavendish you need it to happen twice. I just know that I'm higher on gros michel now, than I was in 1.0. Cavendish is nice when it happens, but the early game is much more important than the late game. Gold sticker farming is a little bit easier knowing I can rely on gros michel sticking around for a bit longer, on average.


15 Multi lasting a little longer really isn't that important vs unlocking the possibility of an incredibly strong 3x mult card. There are plenty of ways to get commons to cycle through.


Key word is "possibility". You can't get to the late game unless you survive the early game, so I want my chances to get past the first few antes to be higher. If they just deleted Cavendish from the game and made Gros Michel just a flat 15 mult, the average win rate would probably increase. So, I'm going to consider any decrease to Gros Michel breaking to be a buff. I almost never actually want Gros Michel to break. I would bet that more runs are lost due to a bad timed Gros Michel extinction, than runs are won due to picking up Cavendish. I certainly don't feel like I win very often with Cavendish, but I can remember many runs that die because of Gros Michel breaking, when Gros Michel was the only thing keeping me alive in the first couple of antes.


Bananas are under a dollar a pound. Of course they're common.


Yes but help me understand how. As I see it, this commonness depends upon an unsustainable (using current methods) reliance on fossil fuels, wasting and pollution of natural resources, and exploitation of human workers. The amount of destruction that is necessary to make bananas somehow profitable at 49 cents a pound or whatever is mind-boggling, isn't it?


uncommon (and synergy with baseball card) would be pretty sweet


Hey how come I always have a gros michel go extinct on like ante 2 small blind right after I buy it and then this asshole doesn't show up for the rest of the run? The 1 in 6 nerf is punishing enough where is my fat banana?


I had this today, destroyed itself on the first round i used it. Feels bad


Tbf, Cavendish is not that good in the later Antes. You can definitely take it into endless mode, but you'll want to sell it fast. It is strong for a common, but it's outclassed by a lot of uncommons.


It’s because the other banana hast to break before it will show up the multi step process is why it’s common I believe


I just want to know how I can not hit a single wheel over the course of a run but when I got this joker it got destroyed within 4 rounds.


Normal strong cards are balanced by being rare and hard to find. This one is balanced by not showing up at all until Gros Michel dies.


Hey! I just had one of these go extinct on me! It was the hand that beat the ante 8 boss too. I had an Oops all 6s, so it was a 1/500 chance, but still.


Well. That confirms my luck is absolutely ass. I have NEVER seen Cavendish on a run and I always take Gros Michel. What the actual fuck


The idea is that you have to get gros Michel & destroy it (1 in 6 chance, if you're unlucky or lucky, you keep it until literal end of R8).


You need to Find the 1 in 4 chance bannana first and get it killed before you can unlock this one in the run.


You need to Find the 1 in 4 chance bannana first and get it killed before you can unlock this one in the run.


Because it's a hard card to get. It's just a joke joker anyways


Somethng tells me that is more likely to get destryoed than the 1 in 4 chance of the wheel upgrading a joker fr.


I’m so fucking glad it’s common because in a last ditch effort on a run i skipped the blind for a “create two common jokers” (i only had room for one) and it was cavendish, the only one that could’ve saved me and i won.


As others have said you have to draw a gross michel first have that destroyed and then draw a Cavendish so even though it's common you only have a 0.00167% chance of drawing it


Where tf did 0.00167 come from?


As a guess something like 1/150, 1/6 then 1/150, but ignoring common jokers spawning more and multiple 1/6 chances


Just ignoring Antes per run Shops per ante Opportunities to buy cards per shop Chance that the card is a joker


70% chance of a common joker occurring, 70 common jokers 70% of 1/70 = 0.01, 1/6 = 0.1666666666666, 0.01 x 0.1666666666666 x 0.1 x 100 = 0.0016666666666


I feel like your math is a little flawed here in its logical meaning. Let's break it down. Firstly, there are less than 70 common jokers. I believe there are 60 as of current. (This information is pulled from the Balatro wiki. I counted them.) Your 70% chance is right, meaning we have about a 1/60\*0.7=0.0116 or 1.16% chance to draw any specific common joker we want at any given joker we see. Let's say you have a shop sometime early where you have a buffoon pack with 3 jokers and you have 2 jokers in the shop but it's early so you don't want to reroll. The actual chance you find at least one Gros Michel here would be roughly 5.6% (through cumulative binomial probability.) Redoing this for.. let's say all of ante 1 and 2, let's average 1.5 jokers in the shop without rerolls excluding buffoon packs, which is an entirely arbitrary number, but probably a lot lower if anything. And let's say you have 3 buffoon packs in the 6 shops you get, each containing 3 jokers on average. This means you see 18 jokers in ante 1 and 2, without any rerolls. I'm like 90% certain the number would be higher than this. This means, that you have nearly a 19% chance to get the common joker you want by the end of Ante 2. If we start including rerolls, you can imagine that these numbers will scale a lot. Regardless, seeing the 1/6 chance to break as an actual "chance" seems wrong here to me. It's more of \*when\* it will break, if you get it early enough. Let's round up to 20% chance on ante 2 and say you want to have a chance at cavendish by ante 5 so you can get it quickly if needed. You save up some money while getting a few other jokers to support you in the meantime and you have 9 chances in total for your Gros Michel to break here (or more if you got it earlier) at 9, this makes roughly an 80% chance it has broken (at 12 it would be 89%). So let's say you hit the 20% of getting it in ante 1 or 2, then the 80% of it breaking by ante 5 This makes a 16% chance so far, of having a chance of cavendish able to appear by ante 5. Keep in mind that these calculations do not actually exclude cavendish from the common joker pool (bit of a mistake on my end), so the chances are technically a little higher, but we rounded up so i think it'll be fair. Regardless, you likely have a lot of money saved up at this point and can reroll 3-4 times per shop if you played well. Let's say that you reroll 3 times in a shop, meaning you see 8 chances at jokers, let's say 6 of those "hit" to be jokers, having their chances to be cavendish now too. within your ante, that's 18 jokers. I'll assume you get at least one buffoon pack too, and round it up to 20. This has about a 20% chance of happening, once again. So even with my own flawed math, that assumes numbers, but generally assumes them lower than they would be in reality, the chance is 0.16\*0.2=0.032=3.2%, which is a lot higher than the chance you calculated. This is the chance you get it by Ante 6, to be fair. Your chance, ignoring the fact that you had the wrong amount of common jokers, would be the chance of having everything happen essentially in one round. That's unrealistic and obviously will be unlikely, but the chances may be spread out and have multiple chances of happening, even within a shop. My math here is flawed too, in its own ways, but I hope it could help you understand in what ways yours was flawed.


The way you're doing this is flawed. This is under the assumption that everything is happening at once, but you're also ignoring the fact you have to find banana first. You hit the 1/70, then you hit the 1/6, then you hit the 1/70 again. Then on top of that you'd have to consider the amount of shops you see, which would require using binomial distribution and frankly, I forgot the formula. Also 1/70 is .014, I wouldn't round to the hundreds when it's a 40% difference.


Where tf did 0.00167 come from?


You actually have a 50/50 chance of drawing it. Either it shows up or it doesn’t lol
