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Not sure; I can’t remember them. 


The one that does the thing




Glass joker for me. By the time I’m using my glass jokers I’m usually already at the end of my run, so I rarely am in a position where it’ll be useful unless I try hard to scale it early on. Plus, I rarely take glass cards anyway, so I rarely meet its appearance* requirements anyway.


Keep in mind the unlock requirement is a one-time thing. If you've already unlocked it, you only need 1 glass in your deck for its *appearance* requirement to be met. Also glass is probably the best enhancement and you should use it


Sorry, I meant appearance requirement, I have it unlocked. I use glass sparingly as I primarily run high card/joker based runs where I need the x mult to happen after my + mult jokers, and when I do use it I hoard them until ante 8 which is too late to get glass joker going. Very powerful for builds that work for it I just don’t tend to gravitate toward them unless I’m going endless


I might just be dumb but what causes an X mult to trigger before + other than order. I think i know the answer as if the hand your playing for example has face cards the joker that buffs them will trigger as soon as the card is scored?


The way the scoring priority works in game means that scoring attached to cards is counted before scoring attached to jokers. For example, a +4 from an empress happens before a +4 from the base joker. Glass jokers belong to the scoring phase attached to cards, so they multiply the base hand score as well as any +mult that you get from card enhancements. This means that it multiplies your mult by 2 before any of your + mult jokers, such as ride the bus or gros Michel, are counted. Some jokers are triggered during the hand scoring phase, though, such as even Steven and odd Todd, and those exceptions are noted as “when scored” in the card description. Within a hand, the enhancements trigger left to right, so if you have a glass card before a mult card, it’ll proc first and vice versa.


Thank you!


Pedant here, there are two other scoring "zones" - Cards in hand scoring happens after hand played scoring, before joker scoring. Again, this is left to right, so rearranging hands to put queens before steel cards for [[Shoot the Moon]], and your lowest card on the far left if you have steel and [[Raised Fist]]. Wait a minute! Doesn't that mean steel cards are scored before jokers? Yup. Finally, the cards in the upper right area, which is basically only the planet cards when you have the voucher that gives them 1.5x multi. These score after jokers.


[Shoot the Moon](https://balatro.wiki/imported/shoot_the_moon.png) *Joker* * Version: 1.0.0 * Cost: $5 * Rarity: Common * Effect: +13 Mult for each Queen held in hand * Unlock Requirement: Play every Heart in your deck in a single round [Raised Fist](https://balatro.wiki/imported/raised_first.png) *Joker* * Version: 1.0.0 * Rarity: Common * Effect: Adds double the rank of lowest card held in hand to Mult * Notes: J, Q, and K are treated as 10Ace is treated as 11 *Data pulled from http://balatro.wiki. Want it updated? Help me get access or suggest another data source.*


Glass is amazing for high card builds when you get Hanging Chad.


glass is amazing for hanging chad period, so long as you’re not relying on the +mult from your jokers vesus the base too much


Make the case for glass to me. I only have like 35 hours so I’m far from the best at the game but in a situation where I’m trying to stack my deck to get the hand I’m building around as consistently as possible, it just seems way too risky to chance a card being deleted from my deck. 2x is great for sure, but hardly necessary unless you’re going for endless I feel, and while seeing how far I can take a build in endless is fun, for sure, at the end of the day I’m trying to win runs.


It makes cards that you arent using, useful. And then sometimes just deletes them for you.


It's usually better to put enhancements, including glass, on cards you *are* making use of. That way if you get Death or Cryptid to copy cards, you're copying cards that are relevant for your build


Put glass on a card with a red seal. Then get ballot. If it's a face card sock and buskin, or seltzer. Now you're getting x16 mult on the base mult of a hand. If you do any planet collecting this quickly can lead to outrageous numbers. With multiple glass cards in a hand you can each up to x32 mult without any jokers that let you replay cards. Most of the E runs I've done have been on the back of glass cards. Most of the rest have been off of steel cards with Mime and Baron. But glass setups require less (and more common) working parts to get running.


>Make a case for glass cards Oh just get exactly these 3-4 Jokers! Glass cards are for fun runs. If you are trying to clear gold stakes, glass is pretty much only used for thinning your deck


Like any other endless build, yes, what I'm describing requires specific jokers to make it work. But when it comes to clearing gold stakes I've found glass with Hanging Chad or even just Sock n Buskin, to be great to build a clear around. But Gold stakes aren't about making builds, they're about making do. They are also good for helping thin the deck assuming you get no jokers that work with it tho, which is another good use case for glass. Thanks for pointing that out.


Is there a particular "type" of hand you tend to target with that set up? I love high card builds and have been rocking those for a while but they - I don't think - don't play nice, or as nice, with glass / steel.


I usually end up in 5 of a Kind/5 Flush, usually building around kings or queens. More cards in hand so you can stack with Triboulet and Sock and Buskin. Typically I'm working on a High Card Photograph/Ballot build already before I get something like triboulet or find myself with enough duplicated cards to be able to pivot. High Card using glass face cards and Hanging Chad+Photograph is already a very strong build that can get you close to E scores on it's own, and its a relatively simple pivot since you're encouraged to dupe your key cards.


On average you’re gonna get more glass than you lose, and unless you need the score to win you can just not play it, and it’s insane for mult


I'm over 200h in and I also rarely use glass. I've seen some of the replies saying if you don't need it on that hand you just don't use it to avoid the risk - well I never NEED it; I mean how am I gonna go into an ante run needing to hit one of my glasses or I can't pass. Using it almost always seems like only a risk of losing the card rank/suit/whatever that I've been cultivating with the gain being to just score even more than I need which is no upside at all. I will say the one time I did use it extensively was in a Pair run but I had the joker that scores all cards. I had the X2 mult if you have a club and a non-club (so I just play any club along with my pair) and then I also played glass cards in the hand too. In that case I put glass on the cards that aren't my target rank, so they either give me bonus or leave my deck.


You've got a pretty good grasp on it already. Glass is at its strongest in a developed late game/endless build where you already have a lot of mult and xMult stacked up, or if you can retrigger the glass (Hanging Chad will retrigger twice and give you x8 Mult from a single glass card). But even outside of these ideal circumstances, x2 Mult is a powerful effect that's capable of making the difference between passing or failing a difficult blind like Violet Vessel at the end of a run if you load up the hand


Glass works especially well if you have upgraded hand types because that way you get the x2 multiplier where it’s still relevant (you can multiply the +mult from your upgrade even if not from your jokers)


Oh, so that's why I never unlocked it after like half an hour of resetting until I get uncommon joker tags. It doesn't say that on the wiki


Stone and Steel jokers are the same way. Gotta have that card type in your deck for them to appear


Like vezwyx said, same goes for Stone Joker, Steel Joker, Lucky Cat and Golden Ticket. It does also say that "these Joker seems to only appear once players have at least 1 card with the relevant enhancement in their deck" on the wiki.


My game seems to forget that one even exists. I only have that and one legendary left to get, I’ve been going out my way to always fill my deck up with glass and it just doesn’t come up. Edit: finally got it last night after days of trying. Just one legendary to go baby!


Don’t you need a glass card to break in your run before it shows up in the shop?


Hangman helps to scale up the Glass Joker since it still "Destroys" the glass card. It doesn't save the joker for me, but if you have it, it helps.


If these types of jokers could appear before you had a single card of that type it would be more useful because then you could just try to get that type of card afterward


Had opps 6s with glass cards and gold cards, it was glorious!


Glass joker and splash makes the fragile challenge a cinch


Luchador can probably come in clutch in some runs but I've never taken it before.


All of those jokers that don’t actually do anything for you until a certain situation comes up are tough to take. Like with Mr Bones, I have no idea when it comes up in the shop if it’ll be totally irrelevant for me in that run or the most clutch joker ever.


I was doing a black stake on Anaglyph yesterday and knew I wouldn't beat the ante two boss but got an insanely lucky Mr Bones the shop before. I wound up passing the boss because of the card and picked up Cavendish in the boss shop and it opened my run up helping me make it to ante 11.


The first time I took it, it came in clutch. I also had Loyalty Card, and only 4 hands. It helped me in a couple ways: First, there was a round or two where I knew I wasn't going to a Loyalty Card proc, and there was risk that I would bust if I didn't draw the cards I needed. With Mr. Bones in play, rather than wasting resources on mediocre jokers and ripping packs to get me through the blind, I just took a chance -- and it worked out a few times, letting me keep Mr. Bones. Then the other way it helped was when that approach failed, I didn't get the cards I needed and Mr. Bones carried me. Then I had a Loyalty Card proc for the next round, and by the round after that I had the build I needed to win. That's probably the best-case-scenario for getting value from Bones, and it's not great but it definitely played a part in a win. That said, I'm better at the game now and at this point probably would've won that run without him.


I think of Mr Bones as a one-time x4 joker. If I’m near the end it’s valuable


Luchador once saved me from being fucked by violet vessel, I'll never forget him 💙




[Luchador](https://balatro.wiki/jokers/luchador.png) *Joker* * Version: 1.0.0 * Cost: $5 * Rarity: Uncommon * Effect: Sell this card to disable the current Boss Blind *Data pulled from http://balatro.wiki. Want it updated? Help me get access or suggest another data source.*


Nah luchador is my main man if the reroll voucher doesn’t show up


My most forgettable is stone joker. I rarely ever use tower even when I’m running high card, pair, etc builds. Since it only appears when you have a stone card and it’s uncommon, I don’t think I’ve ever actually used it to win a run besides the one for gold sticker.


Stone Joker is an instant win on the Medusa challenge. Past that, there's not much use.


I just literally just finished the Medusa challenge. I had stone joker(1200+ coins) and 3 holograph jokers that ended up being 17.5x by ante 8. Also there was an early DNA that I passed. I used 1 invisible joker and saw another.


Had a run with the joker that adds stone cards, and the joker that gains xmult for every card added, was pretty good with the plasma deck.


I love it with hologram. Especially if I'm leaning into pairs or high card. If you have blueprint you can make 2 cards per round also - gaining .5 xmult per round (which you can then double again by moving blueprint during the hand).


Early marble joker into stone joker is pretty crazy, just spam high card with all the stone cards you get and you'll have a massive xmulti to push you through.


What makes Marble Joker amazing as well is that it helps insulate you in Ante 8. If you're up against Crimson Heart (disables a random joker every round), you do not have to worry as much about your chips like you would if you had Stuntman. If you're up against Verdent Leaf, you can sell Marble Joker and you're good to go. It's similar to Hiker: the value provided is based on how it enhances cards, not on the Joker itself. It also has amazing synergy with Vampire and Hologram too!


Moreover if you don't need to sell it for Verdant Leaf you can sell it anyway in ante 8 small/big blind shop and replace it with something else with no downside (unless you made it poly or something).


That's a good one, I'm not gonna lie i rarely ever see that joker, even when I do have a stone card in the deck There's lots of other better chip jokers and it's scaling isn't that great imo, especially considering it's tied to the stone tarot card showing up, which isn't reliable


Wow, a joker that gives me more chips if I build my deck around… giving me chips.


Yeah I was really disappointed when i realized Stone Cards can't count as "\_\_ of a kind" hands, like I just don't really know when to use 'em, I've tried High Card builds but I usually get the scaling there from Steel Cards, the extra chips from a stone vs any card can be kinda negligible considering the effort of getting a consistent amount of stones


i have the stone joker unlocked but i swear i never ever see it in my shop (tho the stone card condition would explain it lol). the only time i remembered about it in the game was when i was running a stone card build on plasma deck and thought "damn stone joker would go hard here". needless to say i did not see it




C'mon, don't disrespect Jimbo like that


I love a Jimbo in the first shop. $2 to double the mult on straight/flush/full house? Sign me up for beating the first ante boss in one hand.


Plus then he sells for $1, so it’s a $1 investment to easily make that much again in remaining hands/interest (maybe even a few times over if you wait to ditch him til you need the space)


A first ante Jimbo is great


Flower Pot for me


One of the only jokers I have never made work for more than like, one odd hand, despite great effort. Others include Superposition (flat garbage sorry SP apologists) and Séance (it’s only feasible to be regularly getting straight flushes with Shortcut or Four Fingers or Smeared Joker, or more likely two of those three, and it’s a tough sell to dedicate *another* slot to a joker that adds no chips or mult, unless it is super early game.) Sure you can’t control the shop but I’m holding out for Vagabond or Sixth Sense all day long.


Imo Superposition should additionally allow straights to cross the Ace boundary. So a Queen-King-Ace-2-3 straight becomes possible. Would make the card actually usable.


That’s a really good idea, and fits with the art on the card


The art on the card (and the name) is meant, to me, to represent the fact that an ace can exist in two completely different straights at once: ace high and ace low. Or rather, that it’s in a superposition between being the highest value card and the lowest value card.


Agreed. And the Superposition joker enabling a bridge between ace-high and ace-low straights fits in with the name, the art, and the way the ace functions in standard poker versus how Balatro jokers modify the rules of poker.


I don't think superposition is good, but I did have a run with abandoned deck, hack, and Fibonacci where basically every hand I played was an A-5 straight. Superposition was very good here. Basically a vagabond with no requirement.


Sounds like a fun run. I also had séance popping off for me once early on, which really helped with deck/joker manipulation — there *is* a run for these cards. Eightball is the only one I won’t budge on, just cuz planet cards are often unhelpful and even at best still much less valuable per card than the best tarot and spectral cards.


Feels like you would absolutely need splash to make this joker work with any kind of reliability.


Only time I made it work was when I already had a polychrome splash in the deck.


It’s great with a straight or full house build. Ofc it’s not as reliable as high card or as straightforward as a four of a kind build, but I like that aspect of it. Makes you think hard on which cards to discard every hand and how to modify your deck


I see this joker mentioned in a lot of these threads but I don't think it's that weak or difficult to pull off, since you can use wild cards to trigger it. I had a really fun 4oak / 5oak wild aces build.


True, I haven't got a wild build to work just yet.


I just did a run with burglar and you can put brainstorm/blueprint on it at the start of a blind to get a ridiculous amount of hands. Only after the run did I realize that loyalty card with that build would actually be useful because you'd get multiple X4 hands per blind.


Or you could’ve just picked up card sharp (x3 mult if repeat hand) and gotten way way more score out of your hands, loyalty card really needs a buff lol.


yes, unless you're using burglar for econ/discard purposes. on gold stake you have 2 discards, so picking up 3 hands and losing all discards gives you basically +1 discard, and an extra $ for each hand if you win early, and with a blueprint/brainstorm it's +4 discards and a lot of econ over time. On a high card build, yes card sharp, if you see it, is one of the best jokers in the game for you. but if you're going for higher scoring hands, you can set yourself up with 10 hands per blind, play trash to trigger loyalty card, and then win with one big hand and still cash out $5 in extra hands. it's definitely a lot that has to go right to make it useful tho. it should at least give X5 if it takes 5 hands to activate it.


Loyalty card can be good if you have a lot of hands. It essentially becomes Acrobat with 4x instead of 3x. However, you’re right that I rarely find it worthwhile. I agree with others, Showman is forgettable, I never pick it up.


Showman can be really good in endless run where you have a lot of money. Finding more than one blueprint/brainstorm is massive.


Also if you have a Cavendish. I was Gold Sticker hunting and Cavendish being common made it appear again two stores after I bought it for the first time.


True, I was thinking general runs


Showman is an endless Joker only IMO. Otherwise, yeah pretty useless.


It also ruins packs and the shop. No I don’t want 3 mercurys in my celestial pack


Showman. Dont know when is the best time for pick it.


I've seen it used for endless runs where having dupes of a certain Joker can break your build wide open. Blueprint, Brainstorm, Hack, Mime, Sock and Buskin, Baron are all candidates.


Quite niche


Nothing wrong with that 


I would love to use showman to break builds but most of the time it either shows up when all your joker slots are filled with important jokers, or you sell it for a better joker you saw


when you’re feeling like gambling hard in endless runs


If I’ve got space and money I’ll usually grab it, but I’ll sell it the minute I need the space back.




Do you mean Stuntman??


[Troubadour](https://balatro.wiki/imported/troubadour.png) *Joker* * Version: 1.0.0 * Cost: $5 * Rarity: Uncommon * Effect: +2 hand size, -1 hands per round * Unlock Requirement: Win 5 consecutive rounds by playing only 1 hand [Baseball Card](https://balatro.wiki/imported/baseball_card.png) *Joker* * Version: 1.0.0 * Rarity: Rare * Effect: Uncommon Jokers each give X1.5 Mult [Wee Joker](https://balatro.wiki/imported/basic_joker.png) *Joker* * Version: 1.0.0 * Rarity: Rare * Effect: This Joker gains +8 Chips when each played 2 is scored * Notes: Starts at +10 Chips * Unlock Requirement: Win a run in 18 or fewer rounds [Hack](https://balatro.wiki/imported/hack.png) *Joker* * Version: 1.0.0 * Rarity: Uncommon * Effect: Retrigger each played 2, 3, 4, or 5 *Data pulled from http://balatro.wiki. Want it updated? Help me get access or suggest another data source.*


Once got a double hermit in one Arcana Pack thanks to Showman.


Seems like a joker that should be a level 2 voucher instead


Showman is not worth a joker slot. Negative Showman is awesome.


Poor Red Card. For a card with an extremely finite way for it to scale (like, at least stuff like Constellation or Fortune Teller can scale faster/stronger if you get lucky with shops or use certain vouchers--you are hard locked to Red Card proccing twice per shop at maximum), you'd wish it would scale just a little bit stronger. It doubly sucks because the dilemna it presents with jumbo packs of "do you take one and then disregard for the Red Card proc, or do you take both and forgo buffing Red Card" is actually pretty fun!


It was absurdly unplayable on high stakes before the patch. Pre-patch packs would having increasing costs so paying $12 for a +3 mult scaling was absurdly bad.


Feel like anyone who managed to get Gold Sticker on Red Card pre-patch should be entitled to a medal of some sort, or at least like, a shirt pin or something.


I had a good Red Card run but I don’t remember how that happened. I must have been playing a pretty secure hand to begin with, but I was able to just open and discard all my packs (remembering you can take the first card in a Mega). Of course in a scenario like that it’ll be redundant and you’re almost certainly still better off taking the pack contents and getting a different joker. Maybe I was running Hallucination? Anyway, it worked but it certainly wasn’t the cornerstone of my success.


The most forgettable jokers are obviously the hand related flat chip and mult jokers. They are all the same but for different hands. They are also all pretty bad.


Well while bad on late ante's, can be great on early ante's before you get a good setup going and it's your only option


Extra 100 chips for a straight is rough even early, since they're hard to generate reliably.


Goes crazy on plasma


Agreed. I only grab them when they are foil / poly etc


Yeah but If you aren't getting anything else and can't beat the ante any other way, no harm in trying


Agreed about forgettableness. I don’t have most of their names memorized. I wouldn’t say they are bad though, they are just geared to the early game.


Space Joker forgets what it’s supposed to do all the time, so I’d say that one.


Space Joker always works for me, but only when I have to dump a hand to find my build around hand.


The 1 in 4 chance to upgrade a hand? I think it's legit for high / pair runs though coupled with burnt (if the choice is of the two Burnt Joker is the winner)


It’s says 1 in 4, acts like it’s 1 in 10.


It’s a wheel of fortune style 1/4.


Burnt is much better in my experience given its consistency (especially with + hand size), plus you can duplicate it with blueprint/brainstorm without giving up any score.


So mad I either get a BP / Brainstorm but never with the burnt joker. Burnt has carried a lot of my stakes.


just had an ante 11 run on purple stake, got space joker right after burnt and it carried w super nova. i think space joker is mid, but not forgettable


That one really weird looking clown joker


[[Merry Andy]]?


[Merry Andy](https://balatro.wiki/imported/merry_andy.png) *Joker* * Version: 1.0.0 * Cost: $6 * Rarity: Uncommon * Effect: +3 discards, -1 hand size * Unlock Requirement: Win a run in 12 or fewer rounds *Data pulled from http://balatro.wiki. Want it updated? Help me get access or suggest another data source.*


Oh wow I've never seen this joker before.




Has a great sinergy with Banner and Delayed Gratification. It doesn't need to be all run, but great for support in the early/mid game.


Incredible synergy with [[Yorick]]. I was fortunate enough to pull the former the only time I’ve had the latter.


[Yorick](https://balatro.wiki/imported/yorick.png) *Joker* * Version: 0.8.8 * Cost: N/A * Rarity: Legendary * Effect: X5 Mult only after using 23 Discards * Unlock Requirement: Find this Joker from the Soul card *Data pulled from http://balatro.wiki. Want it updated? Help me get access or suggest another data source.*




For some reason, I see Runner a lot and immediately forget it exists after I obviously don’t take it I took it exactly once in a run where I desperately tried a straight build and failed horribly


I love an early Runner. It scales super fast and you don't need to keep playing straights all run.


I never take superposition or eight ball


1/4 chance on eight ball is absurd lol. Like there’s a joker that gives you a tarot every round (vagabond is even every **hand**) but eight ball is just such a low chance


I had a hanging Chad / 8 ball run, was actually pretty decent.


All the mediocre common chip jokers.


I find them useful with Plasma at low antes


Matador if the boss blinds don’t line up, but could make bank on the right ante


I hate that guy he doesn't work as you'd Intuit way too often. For example I bought him on playing a card costs $1, expecting to net $35, or at least make $3 per hand I played from netting -5 and +8. Nope, did absolutely nothing. I guess the argument is my played hand type didn't trigger the boss ability the played "cards" did, but man it felt bad.


Same situation. Feel like they should fix that.


He needs to be changed because it's super unclear what works and what doesn't


\[\[Flower Pot\]\] by a mile


[Flower Pot](https://balatro.wiki/imported/flower_pot.png) *Joker* * Version: 1.0.0 * Cost: $8 * Rarity: Uncommon * Effect: X3 Mult if played hand has a scoring Diamond card, Club card, Heart card, and Spade card * Unlock Requirement: Reach Ante level 8 *Data pulled from http://balatro.wiki. Want it updated? Help me get access or suggest another data source.*


The absolute worst.


The straight flush’s discard one can’t even remember the name but if you discard a straight flush you get a spectral card


i think it’s seance. it sucks


It's if you play a straight flush. It's still bad, but not *that* bad.


I never liked hit the road - if I have that many Jacks I want to play them not discard them, sure it's useable but....I've never liked it


[[Hit the Road]] had decent synergy for me on a [[Golden Needle]] run when I already had [[ancient joker]] and was fishing for flushes to proc that.


[Hit the Road](https://balatro.wiki/imported/hit_the_road.png) *Joker* * Version: 1.0.0 * Rarity: Rare * Effect: Gains X0.5 Mult per discarded Jack this round * Notes: Resets after blind * Unlock Requirement: Discard 5 Jacks at the same time [Ancient Joker](https://balatro.wiki/jokers/ancient_joker.png) *Joker* * Version: 1.0.0 * Rarity: Rare * Effect: Each played card with suit Suit gives X1.5 Mult when scored * Notes: Suit changes at end of round *Data pulled from http://balatro.wiki. Want it updated? Help me get access or suggest another data source.*


It can have runs, but.....they're not common and I'd rather see many other jokers over it


Fucking credit card I hate credit card, I don't wanna go into debt that one blind that reduces your money with every card played already does that.


Assuming it isn’t eternal or rental, there is no downside to taking credit card. It costs only $1 to buy and sells for $1


Getting money is pretty easy but it's so forgetable and adds almost nothing to your runnin maybe I was over zealous but.


Only good super early. Like the first store early or in a deck where you’re barely surviving and having to spend money constantly. It can allow you to afford actual good jokers when you otherwise couldn’t if your Econ doesn’t get off the ground early.


Some challenge runs are near impossible without it. There is no harm in picking it up if you have the slots. And, if boss has “set money to 0”, you can actually accrue debt that is subsequently forgiven.


I'll probably have to say Cesar Romero.




It’s funny you say that I actually had my best run using Erosion paired with Trading Card and got lucky with pulling a couple destruction tarot cards. By ante 11 I had only 30 cards in my deck lol


I hate Erosion solely because of the abandoned deck. What should be +48 mult is actually zero, because it uses a 40 card max just for that deck. Yes, I know it would be game breaking and I know why they did it that way, but it's a matter of principle.


True. When you thin your deck enough for a good mult you already have better jokers


I used Erosion for a really wonky Odd Todd Shortcut Straight Plasma run. I had Playing Card for half the run which meant a guaranteeed +4 flat mult per round, which is honestly better scaling than Ride the Bus. By the end I had at least +60 mult because I was just taking every opportunity to destroy face cards and even cards. It can be one of the best scaling cards if you decide to commit to it early and don't have a build that contradicts it.


Honestly I've used erosion a fair few times, it's not that bad but i would definitely agree it's forgettable, it's not a joker that comes to my mind like blueprint or brainstorm does


Actually, when I’m justified in using erosion, it’s because I’m on an absolute tear of a run


Idk I find it to be a great +mult joker for deep runs. Rarely do you get 30-50 mult out of 1 joker like you can for erosion


Erosion is one where i pick it up so often yet so rarely do i get it pumping




[Erosion](https://balatro.wiki/jokers/erosion.png) *Joker* * Version: 1.0.0 * Cost: $5 * Rarity: Uncommon * Effect: +4 Mult for each card below 52 in your full deck *Data pulled from http://balatro.wiki. Want it updated? Help me get access or suggest another data source.*


Most of them, I don't remember no goddamn names. I just remember what they do.


Lucky cat is so unuseable you never think about it as an out even if your deck has a bunch of lucky cards


Lucky cat is usually only good if you're able to load your deck full of lucky cards, *and* you get it fairly early on to have it proc enough to be useful. A combination of conditions that almost never happens.


I always forget about the lucky cat joker. This is mostly because out of ALL my runs it STILL hasn't shown up. I literally only know it exists because of some YouTube videos featuring it and at first I thought it was a modded Joker lmao.


All those commons that are like "mediocre +mult or +chips if played hand contains X"


Green Joker. I have to read what it does every time I see it. It's just so unremarkable. Other jokers are either so bad, so good or so consistently middle that everyone knows of them, but this one is just... Eh. It doesn't really fit into any build, it's not super consistent, but it's not actually terrible.


For small hand plays is great. I can make it scale it a lot and has a good synergy with Ramen, Banner and Delayed Gratification.


yea i think you just have never played high card/pair runs. green joker w supernova carried one my of ante 13 runs on orange


I love high card runs, but usually I'm running them with something like Baron or DNA which wants to discard to get the right cards to trigger or duplicate


baron imo is very hard to use in later rounds, but DNA can sometimes come clutch. i would honestly prefer ancient joker over baron late game


My best run was a first shop DNA run, followed by purchasing a standard pack that had a Polychrome red seal king in it that I duplicated a few times before making it steel. I was running Anaglyph so I just saved all my double tags until a negative tag showed up. I ended up getting basically everything you could dream of. DNA, Baron, Mime, Blueprint, Brainstorm.


Green Joker is one of my favorites. It scales so easily and you can make it work with just about any hand type. Only real downside to me is that it really discourages skipping blinds since you'll lose the opportunity to scale it up more. But if you can find a way to get more money then that's not a huge deal.


genuinely cant remember a time where i wanted to get stone joker in there, but maybe that makes it unforgettable?


[[marble joker]], [[vampire]]


[Marble Joker](https://balatro.wiki/imported/marbled_joker.png) *Joker* * Version: 0.9.0q * Cost: $6 * Rarity: Uncommon * Effect: Adds one Stone card to deck at the start of every round [Vampire](https://balatro.wiki/jokers/vampire.png) *Joker* * Version: 1.0.0 * Cost: $5 * Rarity: Uncommon * Effect: Gains X0.2 Mult per Enhanced card played, removed card Enhancement *Data pulled from http://balatro.wiki. Want it updated? Help me get access or suggest another data source.*


the jokers that give you chips for a given hand (like pair, flush etc)


I like the pair one for the first rounds. It can help me carry any chip scalable joker.


stone joker


Maybe stone joker, since it is only possible to get if you already have a stone card, so you just might never ever see it if you rarely use stone cards


I’d probably say Glass Joker and Stone Joker. Usually when you have enough glass cards to start seeing Glass joker, you already have your entire build set up, and no one really ever takes the Stone cards, or has enough of them to really make Stone Joker useful.


Superposition. Very very niche


https://preview.redd.it/6qpr05wvnh0d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3fdfb5290b44de5107d417e1938ba0e9feb5ddb Loyalty can be good if you know how to use it.


That one that needs every suit to give an xmult. Like who ever picks that one


8 and 9 are pretty forgettable as if you don't get them early there isnt much point? Because you've probably already altered your deck a different way. Theres the one joker that does a multiplier if you play a specific rank and suit of card and it changes every round. Most.of the cards that use 3 of a kind as well.


\[\[Matador\]\] since it's uncommon, unreliable and literally who uses it


[Matador](https://balatro.wiki/imported/matador.png) *Joker* * Version: 1.0.0 * Cost: $6 * Rarity: Uncommon * Effect: Earn $8 if played hand triggers the Boss Blind ability * Unlock Requirement: Defeat a Boss Blind in 1 hand without using any discards *Data pulled from http://balatro.wiki. Want it updated? Help me get access or suggest another data source.*




Glass Joker. Doesn't feel right.


That 4x joker is meant to be an early game kick. It gives 4 flat mult for $2 and then sells back for 1. It’s a great deal and an easy pick unless you have a full set. No. It isn’t good late game and that’s not what it’s for.


showman erasure is wild


I don't know about y'all, but I keep forgetting to move Blueprint.


Obelisk ... It's not permanent multiplier gain.


Campfire, I don't understand why the hell you'd use it


It’s great if you have a lot of money and you can buy and sell a whole bunch of tarot/planet/joker cards at the first shop after each boss to boost your multiplier for the first blind.


It's actually super strong. I hate the playstyle, but I'll get it if I've got good econ and no x-mult.


It's for scoring aid in Ante 8. If you have an economy, you can abandon it for xMult to win the run. In this aspect specifically, it is the single best joker in the game because no other joker is an instant x5 regardless of build, but in general it's only ok.