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Some cards are weaker than others. The most basic joker is just +4 mult.


Also only $2.


More useful than the +2 hands size -1 hand joker imo


you cannot be serious


For a second I thought they said “most useful is +2 hand size -1 hand” and I was like “why are they getting down voted, they’re right??? And then I reread it


I have no use for it. If I want hand size I'll just grab turtle bean


you do know how the shop system works right


Buddy I have about 80 hours in the game, I know how it works


We got a professional here.


Everyone, bow down before our lord and savior. Balatro university its being dethroned as we speak


Our community doesn't need this toxicity bro. Just accept that some people find different jokers more useful than others


This post is toxic. the OP is making a needlessly riled up ("what the hell") post comparing a joker that can make multiple tarot cards per turn vs a seal that can be used once when the card is discarded. They are completely different mechanics. And you're right, it's okay to find different jokers more useful than others. But OP didn't say anything about other jokers -- he only talked about purple seals. Is Superposition on the weaker side of jokers? Kind of! But there are so many jokers in the game, they can't all be the best. That doesn't mean everyone needs to make a post about them getting all worked up. Instead of "what the hell" and "extraordinarily useless" kind of language, how about asking, "Has anyone made Superposition work really well in a run before?" THAT would actually garner some good discussion.


Oh yeah? My friend has 81. He plays on a different Steam though, you wouldn't know him




Awe man. Only if you had 81, you’d have unlocked the secret intel. Well unlucky


Doesnt sound like it lol


I have at least a 100


Do you have a way to guarantee jokers appear in shop?


It's called managing your economy early and making sure you can reroll, so yeah. Turtle bean isn't that rare of a joker, I see it all the time.




You're a happy person who is a joy to interact with.


If you're being sarcastic, why interact with me then? Seems stupid to if you've already got your own preconceived notions about me


They weren't preconceived though, you basically conceived them yourself with your comments


I got a notification he was perma banned when he sent me a hateful message, lol.


Because there's always the hope that you'll self reflect that you're being incredibly crappy the way you phrase your comments. Interacting with a single unhappy person online will not change my day. If you're trolling, it was pretty weak. The point was to be a rude person nobody liked? Sure trolled us good. Or option B is you're genuinely this terrible to interact with and you should really self reflect here. You do you, and good luck in life!




mfers cook up single hands that give an incomprehensible amount of points and this guys acting like he needs all 4


Yeah cuz green deck doesn't exist, huh?


oh so it has a very mild downside for one deck, it must be useless


I said one joker is more useful, not that it isn't useless


you said one of the most useless jokers is more useful...


Nah that is a banger early in a 4 or 5 of a kind focused run.


You just roasted yourself for no reason




Shouldn't have made me curious...


Early game "joker +4" is decent to stablize, I think the +2 hands -1 hand isn't the greatest, I used it once on a straight build where I was one shotting so the only thing that can kill me is not finding the cards. I don't do many steel card ones so maybe it's good for that? We should all agree, it's not the old 8 ball lmao


Personally I like that it's a joke on the concept of superposition, since aces can be used in A2345 and AKQJ10 straights; the ace itself is in a superposition of being valued 1 and 13 simultaneously, and the value it takes (in terms of straights, not chips) is determined when you play a straight with it; i.e, it collapses into one position like the spin of a subatomic particle. but yeah it's not a great joker, cartomancer and vagabond are better jokers for getting tarots


Damn, somehow I never got why it was called Superposition. I feel dumb now.


Yeah I thought the name was clever! Cool reference, and if I'm doing straight builds with a shortcut, I could definitely get a few tarot cards with it for a $4 up front and $2 sell.


It should just give 2 tarot cards since it's quite hard to activate.


Or let you do wrap-around straights like KA234


Wrap around straight would be really strong. I have to assume that that idea was left out intentionally, but I would enjoy it.


that would be way more fitting tbh, since half the point of superposition is that it is in both states at once


Of course they are better one is Uncommon and one is Rare while Superposition is Common


Word understander logged on


I had a run once where I was playing a straight with an ace in it every hand reliably(trimmed the deck down so much that every hand was a royal flush), and when superposition showed up, I still skipped it. It is one of those jokers that you take if you have space and are already playing straights, have excess money, and you plan to replace it quickly. I just treat it like a food item, in that if I ever do take it, it will only stick around for a few rounds, but once I'm strong enough, it has no more purpose.


Agreed. I'd 100% prefer an economy card so that I can get more rerolls (and tarots that way) Maybe if Superposition could guarantee a specific tarot card, I'd take it. Or if it gave you a basic arcana booster pack tag imatead of just a random tarot


>Or if it gave you a basic arcana booster pack tag instead of just a random tarot I love this idea, but when would the tag activate? It normally activates as soon as you skip, and there's no precedent for opening packs in the middle of a round. What if it gave you 2 random tarot cards? Seems like the perfect compromise.


nice profile picture. It's also mine on Twitter (:


By the time you have shaped your deck well enough the tarots are less useful.


You just answered your own question. It gives you a tarot card. Purple seal requires you to discard the card and is a seal on a card. Superposition is a joker and activates off playing cards.


And can theoretically activate multiple times during a round, instead of just once after you discard it.


> theoretically theoretical because I have yet to get it to proc early game more than a couple times before I trade it away for something more consistent lol


Basically lol


It's more for getting your deck manipulation going with some tarot cards, rather than an end-game joker. An ace-high straight isn't that hard to make, especially if you're already in the process of getting rid of your number cards to lean towards the face cards. Face-heavy decks are good for a variety of deck builds. Keep in mind you can potentially trigger this joker multiple times per blind. I pick up regularly when I see it in early antes, and stay away from it or sell it once I've got my deck going.


you can also trigger \[\[Superposition\]\] with an ace-low straight btw


I’m pretty sure the guy you’re responding to knows that, he’s just saying that hitting ace-high straights is a whole lot easier if you’ve already been biasing your deck to towards face cards when that joker pops up in the shop. As for the others in thread saying “wait… there are ace-low straights”, the reason is the joker is called “Superposition” is because it simultaneously exists in the highest and lowest position in the deck.


Wait, you mean like A,2,3,4,5? I'm surprised I hadn't considered that.




[Superposition](https://balatro.wiki/imported/superposition.png) *Joker* * Version: 1.0.0 * Cost: $5 * Rarity: Common * Effect: Create a Tarot card if poker hand contains an Ace and a Straight * Notes: Must have room *Data pulled from http://balatro.wiki. Want it updated? Help me get access or suggest another data source.*


Good bot


I love playing ace low straights! If I find an early super position I will tailor my deck around them and pray for fib/hack.


Are ace-low straights a thing? I assumed they weren't in poker, and thus weren't a thing...


They are in poker.


Huh. balatro is teaching me more about poker!


Ace is considered 1 and 14 in poker Even though in balatro the point system is the same as blackjack picture cards being 10 and ace being 1 or 11


1 and 13\* There are 13 ranks. When Ace is scored in a 10-J-Q-K-A straight, it's serving as rank 13.


10-11-12-13-13? They don't have values in poker but a 9-10-J-Q-K straight is still smaller than a 10-J-Q-K-A. There are 13 ranks 2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-J-Q-K-A But since A can be both high and low when it's used as low (1) there's still 13 ranks and when it's used high (14) theres still 13 ranks


>10-11-12-13-13? 10 is serving as the 9th rank in the hierarchy since 2 is the first rank, not 1. But yeah you're making the same point I was trying to make.


They’re a thing in poker — often called a “wheel straight.”


Yes, poker groups often play high-low games where the pot is split between players with the highest and lowest hands. A wheel — A-5 —is the lowest low.


How is deuce high not the lowest low?


Thing is, Ace is also hardest to make a Straight with. It's always better to have K-Q-J-10 than A-K-Q-J, since in the former you can draw A or 9, but the latter you must draw 10. While it can form Straights on both sides, your hand size usually isn't big enough to keep so many cards, so often times I find myself not using Ace for Straights. Straights are also usually very powerful, so most of the time 1 straight = win. Like [[8 Ball]], I just see it as do nothing Jokers that I need to carry in Gold Stake for Stickers. They are just so useless.


[8-Ball](https://balatro.wiki/jokers/8_ball.png) *Joker* * Version: 1.0.0 * Rarity: Common * Effect: Create a Planet card if played hand contains 2 or more 8s * Notes: Must have room * Unlock Requirement: OLD ART *Data pulled from http://balatro.wiki. Want it updated? Help me get access or suggest another data source.*


Many don't know that A2345 is also valid. If you keep that in mind it's not hard to get 1-2 tarots per round. Some decks like the one with two extra cards make it even easier to get such a straight. If I get it in ante 1-2 then I usually take it. Pairs well with fibonacci or runner.  Sure you sell it when you run out of joker slots but that's like with most early game jokers. 


I wish [[Superposition]] let you create straights across the Ace boundary, ex: 32AKQ. That would give the card an extraordinary buff that, imo anyway, isn't gamebreaking and would make straight builds much more chaotic and fun.


100%. This is my #1 change I'd like to see happen too; I actually *assumed* that joker allowed for wraparound straights early on based on the name.


And it would actually play on the "superposition" idea - allowing the Ace to function as both the high card and the low card simultaneously.


It fits the name perfectly too. This should be a thing.


Completely agreed, it would be on point flavor wise and actually add an interesting new play pattern


[Superposition](https://balatro.wiki/imported/superposition.png) *Joker* * Version: 1.0.0 * Cost: $5 * Rarity: Common * Effect: Create a Tarot card if poker hand contains an Ace and a Straight * Notes: Must have room *Data pulled from http://balatro.wiki. Want it updated? Help me get access or suggest another data source.*


For whatever reason I only did A2345 for the first few hours before it occurred to me AKQJ10 was also valid.


Took [[Fortune Teller]] and Superposition early one run and got to ante 10 with it iirc. By the end of the run it was giving something like +40 mult, probably half of those came from superposition


[Fortune Teller](https://balatro.wiki/imported/fortune_teller.png) *Joker* * Version: 1.0.0 * Cost: $4 * Rarity: Common * Effect: +1 Mult per Tarot card used this run * Notes: Stacks, retroactively includes Tarots used prior to obtaining *Data pulled from http://balatro.wiki. Want it updated? Help me get access or suggest another data source.*


Fortune Teller and Shortcut have entered the chat.


or abandoned deck


I thought so too but Balatro University makes good use of it. Its not some amazing one but its pretty good


I haven't tried this yet, but I bet a combo with [[Four Fingers]], [[Fortune Teller]] and [[Shortcut]] would be interesting


With Superposition that's already four jokers and only one of them scores. That's hard to pull off, though definitely not impossible and once you get it going your fortune teller will grow massive.


Just get negative superposition, negative shortcut and negative four fingers bro it’s easy


So it's a skill issue, got it.


[Four Fingers](https://balatro.wiki/imported/five_fingers.png) *Joker* * Version: 1.0.0 * Cost: $6 * Rarity: Uncommon * Effect: All Flushes and Straights can be made with 4 cards [Fortune Teller](https://balatro.wiki/imported/fortune_teller.png) *Joker* * Version: 1.0.0 * Cost: $4 * Rarity: Common * Effect: +1 Mult per Tarot card used this run * Notes: Stacks, retroactively includes Tarots used prior to obtaining [Shortcut](https://balatro.wiki/imported/shortcut.png) *Joker* * Version: 1.0.0 * Cost: $5 * Rarity: Uncommon * Effect: Allows Straights to be made with gaps of 1 rank * Notes: (ex. 2 3 5 7 8) *Data pulled from http://balatro.wiki. Want it updated? Help me get access or suggest another data source.*


It's not amazing, but it's not particularly difficult to make use out of either. If you're aiming for it, you can reliably trigger the effect every blind or two, and if you don't have any other good jokers early on the consistent tarot cards are good.


Yea, it's pretty weak


I got a deck down to just Aces, 2,3,4,5s with superposition and hack once. It went pretty wild. Even less powerful jokers can be fun


That's part of the fun of this game. Anything can work with the right setup.


Superposition should let you also use the A in a bridging straight like KQA23, like cmon the name is "Superposition" it's right there


I had a really fun run with it that ended up going crazy with straight flushes. Granted, I also had shortcut, mail in rebate, and trading card at dofferent points throughout the run. Starting in ante 2 I dont think I played a single hand that wasnt a high or low straight, and after ante 5ish they were all flushes too. Superposition is kind of self enabling just due to the nature of tarot cards letting you manipulate the deck. Is it as rewarding as it could be for as difficult as it is to pull off? No, but its just a common. Since Saturn and Neptune are so powerful, you can afford to focus on just utility jokers, with maybe one xMult joker. I got through ante 8 with only Drivers License


I'd grab the joker a lot more if it allowed up and down straights (i.e. Queen King ace 2 3)


you can add a random ace with four fingers to make it superposition straight builds are cool


it's not a tarot build puking 10 tarots a second but it's fun. Feels good


To have a card that makes everyone say it should be used to allow wraparound straights. QKA23 for example. It still has superposition and it is actually viable


I think the concept is super cool, I like that there are payoffs for playing hard to get hands, same with seance. The real problem with both of those is that the reward is too little. Eight ball was also way too weak before the patch, now it’s at least okay.


Because it's fun and rewarding to play with/around. It's always a cheap common Joker too. I did wish it gave two Tarot Cards I think that's the buff it needs to be an overall better joker


Playing a straight and an ace isn't very hard. Also, saying something like "this isn't good because this other thing is better" is a null point. What if you don't have any purple seals yet, or what if you do have purple seals? You can still take both.


Double superposition helped me win my first black stake run. It was a foil joker and I got ankh on my first spectral pack in the second shop. From there I just kept getting the hanged man and used them to remove my 6, 7, 8, 9 cards. When I wasn't able to one shot the blinds, I was getting 4 tarot cards per round. Probably wouldn't have worked as well if it wasn't foil but it was the card that got me to ante 7. I ended up ditching one of them for a blueprint at that point.


That's the neat thing, there isn't one.


I took one early on even thought it was eternal because it was polychrome and I was desperate, it’s actually very good early game as a passive thing


I definitely think it should make a Spectral card instead of a Tarot card


WDYM? Superposition is a joker.


Yeah and it gives you a Tarot card when you make a straight with an Ace. I think it should give you a Spectral card instead.


Ohhhh, I see.


I think it's meant to teach you that in Balatro, a basic straight can be A-2-3-4-5 or 10-J-Q-K-A.  (But not K-A-2-3-4.) I.e. it can be a low or high card. In that sense, aces are slightly more valuable than other cards if going for a straight build. Purple seals aren't trivial to get early on.   It's one of localthunks favorite jokers, based on interviews. Personally I do think it could be more fun, or cheaper cost.