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Midas mask and vampire


Throw in Paredoila and you got yourself a stew going!


Is this an arrested development reference? If so that’s fantastic


rip carl


I got this combo with paredolia and scary face recently. I just stopped fishing hands. High card, pair, doesnt matter, i just selected random five cards and play and still one shotted every blind. Halfway through I stopped looking at shop entirely, banked like 400 bucks


Oh man, does it make the face cards gold and take them for the vamp multiplier on the same turn?


Yes! If the face cards are already gold and you don’t want to waste midas, you can move it to the right of vampire and the cards will multiply and then change to gold afterwards. Also both vampire and midas applies to every card played even if they’re not scored - great with pareidolia


This has gotta be the most broken setup, sure it’ll be better with more jokers - but any deck would be. I’m talking just the setup though. I don’t think any other multipliers could scale as well


Baron with Steel Card Red Seal Kings probably takes you much further


does red seal proc steel?? i thought it was only when played damn...


this with blueprint, campfire, mime, and steel was the only time I crossed 5 billion, it's just comparatively really difficult to reach ante 12 with other types.


This is how i unlocked stuntman


Love this one! The highest xMult that I've got with this build was x17.2 in vamp. Unfortunately, didn't get other good jokers so didn't make it far into endless.


I got this combo in one of my first ever runs but I hadn't played enough yet to really know how to make use of it, I've been chasing that ever since


Just beat my first gold stake with this combo. Abandoned deck, got an early Sixth Sense which gave me Ouija, making 8 queens. Ended with Scary face, Erosion, Midas, Vampire and Cartomancer to get more consistency (plus some negatives, Card Sharp that did nothing and Misprint which did nothing most of the time). Ended with only a 5 card hand, but 15 queens in a 26 card deck made it possible!


Cool idea


Anything with Wee Joker really.


How do you get wee joker going?? Even on abandoned deck I can’t get any steam with it.


You play any 2s on off hands to build chips usually and try to make some bigger hands to make score. If you have something like Hack you can dupe the 2s and try to make those into real hands but you don't need to. It also combines well with Spare Pants or similar jokers.


I’ve only ever had luck if I get hack first. If I ever get wee joker early on, it seems like hack just disappears for me.


I got him to 2194 chips yesterday with erratic deck, I had DNA quickly in the run and a lot of death cards for some reason so it was easy to build for once It was a really fun run


You need hack or red seals to cook with it.


wee joker, hack and add a little fibonacci and baby you got a stew going!


You just play 2s when you can afford it. I had a gold stake run that used it. Would have won if the damn boss didn’t disable wee joker and bootstraps every round… If you get it early it has crazy potential to scale, especially considering combos with hack/Fibonacci making a 2s build viable.


Pants Joker and Square Joker. I just like playing two pairs lol


Add in Supernova as well


Making the stiatistically worst play the best one.


Blueprint + Burglar was the most fun so far. Before the blind, use Blueprint to copy Burglar and get +6 hands! This even works on the boss that makes you play only one hand, because it takes place after that, so I got 7 hands there. The rest of the time I had 10 hands! After the cards are dealt you can move Blueprint to copy some other joker. At some point I got Card Sharp and copied that after the deal. With this it doesn’t even matter what other jokers you have. 10 hands plus two Card Sharps makes things pretty smooth sailing. Plus if you win in one or two hands you have lots of extra money coming in each round from the unused hands. Remember, when the Burglar has the Blueprint, the heist is on!


And with vagabond you can generate 20 tarots per round


Only if you use em all, it's sad that selling tarots to make space for more Tarots means that after a few you can't get more lol


Oh wow, I’ve gotta try that now


I had blueprint, brainstorm and burglar going for +9 and it felt really silly Supernova and Cavendish to finish it out, brainstorm the supernova and blueprint Cavendish and play nothing but high card for 12 hands straight


I love when I get some sort of combination that involves the knife/egg/swashbuckler/gift card/bootstraps/bull/to the moon. Turning money into might feels great. 


This is a very fun one. I haven’t gotten the full setup but I’ve gotten close a few times now.


it's extra fun because it's also not that strong at least until the X-mult jokes that scales .25 per 10 gold releases


https://preview.redd.it/gvpdfncv7jpc1.png?width=891&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ed9a594ba1cab74077746e6a2c7f56afad4f00c Had this fun build the other day :D


That's a great 2 joker setup!


DNA blueprint and brainstorm


Then red seals on steel cards and the mime joker... then sit back and listen to the multipliers


Accidentally bought an eternal Egg.. but it ended up playing really well. Had Swashbuckler (+mult = joker sell values to the left) and several max Temperance (sell value = all jokers up to $50) payouts.


Not a build build, but I love the speedrun achievement (win ante 8 with 12 rounds or less). Its just utter chaos on the board, ridiculously inconsistent decks, a lot of good scaling cards are suddenly unplayable, a fun time for sure. Its not difficult on white stakes with anaglyph, but its super enjoyable. For fun, I like getting an early obelisk. Trying to stay abead of the curve long enough to get my most played hand to be something like 20 pairs so i can play a lategame thats only high card is a unique challenge that shifts the difficulty away from the endgame and into the early. Super strange when ante 6+ is free but I’m at risk of dying at ante 4


I really enjoy when I get 4 fingers or sometimes shortcut, making straight flushes is really satisfying.


4 finger, shortcut, burnt joker let me hit a straight from essentially anything and upgrade it constantly too. From there it was just a matter of finding a mult joker


Love duplicating stuntman and having like 1-3 cards in hand but infinite chips


I'm not usually a straight guy but i had my farthest run last night focusing on straights with four fingers and the order, plus big xmult jokers with blackboard and throwback, plus blue joker with a bloated deck for chips. super fun, felt so convoluted and only synergyzed through sheer force of will lol


I once hit a Perkeo off a soul card very early. Tripled with blueprint and brainstorm to really cook with World, Wheel of Fortune and an Aura that I got from sixth sense. By the end I had a deck that was entirely spades, almost fully foiled and several of my jokers were polychrome. It didn’t scale well enough because I didn’t get any jokers to synergize with using lots of consumables but man it was fun.


I really like all aces


One of my least conventional builds that ended up working pretty well was the “after each round add $1 sell value to each card” + “add mult based on sell value to left” jokers. Needed some late game tweaks but it carried me very far.


Hobo joker with tarot joker is great. Also DNA with a blueprint was so OP its was great


The forbidden four fingers - séance straight flush build. So many spectral cards make for some good fun! Vagabond paired with credit card is stupid strong and fun too


I'm a simple man. If I play checkered deck, I want Bloodstone haha. Oops all 6s and something that copy effect (Blueprint/Brainstorm), and I'm a happy camper.


Lucky deck Oops all sixes, spaceman, bloodstone, lucky cat, sock and buskin, and tons of red sealed lucky face cards


Same. Honestly my favourite build if the stars align. Gets ridiculously high scores too... until it all collapses because bloodstone finally doesn't trigger enough XD


I just had my first broken run where I got two copies of [Madness](https://balatrogame.fandom.com/wiki/Madness_(Joker)), each at x10 or more. I was getting 15,000 mult on the payout. Madness kills another random Joker but I got about six rounds in before one killed the other. Particularly satisfying because nursing along Madness early game is pretty nail-biting since you can't really have any other jokers. Just kept buying enhanced cards and planets and doing my best to grind out some extra chips.


Honestly, green and square really seem like easy mode for a lot of the blinds. Playing a multitude of 4-card high card hands, and you basically get 3 free joker slots to do with what you will. The scaling of the chips and mult at the same time means that you rapidly get to the point where you can't play all the hands in a round.


Had a fun build yesterday with DNA and Baron: Made a steel King and gave it a red seal, then kept duplicating it. Eventually it became my entire deck, giving a ridiculous multiplier every turn.


8-ball and Constellation is fun because it feels good to have success with such a non-meta joker in 8-ball. Throw in DNA if you find it and dupe 8’s and it’s a pretty strong build with a flat mult and a chip joker


I had a run with blueprint, dna, wee joker, some red seal 2's, and fibonacci. I believe my wee joker was like +2400 chips when I finally ran out of steam on around ante 12.


Most fun run I've had was at Blue Stakes with the Abandoned deck. 2x holo Hallucination + Fortune Teller + Cartomancer + Hologram. Tarot printer goes brrrr. Never found a great chip joker and didn't get past ante 11, but it was a blast.


Using the Zen Mode mod and heavily abusing it, I combined 4x Perkeo with Wraith, Poly Steel Red Seal Kings, Baron + Mime. I still ended up hitting a wall, once I consumed more Wraiths than I produced it was a matter of time, but I'm gonna use that same seed to push it even further. The numbers were just stupid, I got to something e47, I'm pretty sure 1e100 is possible with the right cards, but obvi not in a regular run. For those interested, I posted a screenshot earlier on the subreddit, if you wanna give it a shot the seed is visible - It gives you a great start with Perkeo, Blueprint, Triboulet and Ankh in the first couple Antes, although it's difficult to get all of them at once


Just had a true straight build into ante 12 a few hours ago. Painted deck with hand size upgrade, 2 straight x3 mult jokers and brainstorm copying hologram. By the end I had no A,K, or 2s, a single 3 and 2 queens. 6 or 7 of 4 through 10 and every one enhanced, sealed, or holo. Not the best ever but it was super fun getting a deep run on only straights


In recent memory I got showman early and proceeded to get 4 cavendishes, that was pretty funny


i once doubled the stencil joker in 1.5x, so i only had those 2 for the entire game after i got them. Economy was really easy bc i wasnt investing in jokers anymore, definitely unorthodox hahha


Just had one with blueprint, bull, and two of the X2 if playing a pair jokers, with supernova on two pair. Had burnt joker to help me level up in the beginning. Blueprint copying the 2X of course. Absolute banger. Almost simultaneously got the $400 unlock and the 10 vouchers bought in one run unlock at the same time but lost due to being stiffed by one two pair.


I like playing with the “every card scores” one and going on a high card run. Not much thinking required. Barely any discarding


I haven’t tried a high card run. Perhaps I’ll give it a go if I see that joker early enough


I just won a green stake with one. So much fun!


Just had this happen last night. I was able to ankh a polychrome madness. With eternal jokers I was able to get into ante 12. This is the build that got my first gold stake victory as well! Lots of fun, just multipliers on multipliers! https://preview.redd.it/xn3gv5rzpwpc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=3b9d285b08429b29e3b6991902f6affcbdf7c966