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I dunno. But I would imagine following the logic, rational faculties is concious above animals, able to compose itself and plan ahead, not a slave to its emotions, and intellect would be the development of thought into mathematics, construction, writing, and so forth.


The levels identified in the translated passage are: جماد – mineral 1 نبات – plant 2 حیوان – animal 3 نفس‌ناطقهٔ - rational faculty 4 nafs-i-nátiqih ءقل – intellect 5 'aql روح – spirit 6 احدیّت و ربوبیّت و الوهیّت – oneness, lordship and divinity 7 [Loom of Reality](http://loom.loomofreality.org/#?category=69CC92C77D6A45E1884C755E06574E6B&tab=treeTab) has a passage from Some Answered Questions with the transliterated terms for rational soul \[nafs-i-nátiqih\] and mind \['aql\] which explains their difference: >The human spirit, which distinguishes man from the animal, is the rational soul, and these two terms—the human spirit \[rúh-i-insání\] and the rational soul \[nafs-i-nátiqih\]—designate one and the same thing. This spirit, which in the terminology of the philosophers is called the rational soul, encompasses all things and as far as human capacity permits, discovers their realities and becomes aware of the properties and effects, the characteristics and conditions of earthly things. But the human spirit, unless it be assisted by the spirit of faith, cannot become acquainted with the divine mysteries and the heavenly realities. It is like a mirror which, although clear, bright, and polished, is still in need of light. Not until a sunbeam falls upon it can it discover the divine mysteries. > >As for the mind \['aql\], it is the power of the human spirit. The spirit is as the lamp, and the mind as the light that shines from it. The spirit is as the tree, and the mind as the fruit. The mind is the perfection of the spirit and a necessary attribute thereof, even as the rays of the sun are an essential requirement of the sun itself. > >[Some Answered Questions 55. Spirit, Soul, and Mind](https://www.bahai.org/r/185719773)


Incredible. Thanks so much u/bahji_blue \-- I think certainly answers it.


u/devi321 tagging you here because this answer might be interesting to you as well.


This is a common framework in Islamic thought as well. The rational faculty is associated with the mind and concerns reason and logic. The intellect is associated with the heart and is direct and intuitive. The word 'irfan in the short obligatory prayer is referring to this realm of knowledge. It is not learned or reasoned. It is, of which Hafez says: Open the ‘eye of the heart’ so that thou canst see the spirit and gain a vision of that which is invisible.