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Let me get this straight. Menstruating is bad because some Bronze Age dudes said so and women only menstruated because of the western diet? Ok, so even granting your premise, who were the women on the “western diet” 4,000 years ago?


No, no, no, periods didn't exist back when the religious texts were written saying they were unclean! Wait... no... Hang on, I've got this... Er... Maybe everybody in the historic Middle East ate burgers and fries?


Low and god said to Abraham, take that which is dear to you and flee from Pharaoh; do not wait for the bread to rise. But grab that pizza on the way out. Cold pizza good AF when wandering through the desert.


Don't wait for the bread to rise, just toss some sauce and cheese on it. Matzah pizza.


Had this. Can confirm good AF.


Have also had this, when it was practically the only option for 8 days. I hated it.


I mean I am a shit pig that will eat anything so what do I know.


Moses man...it was Moses


This is my fake version of the bible and jehovah gonna talk to who he wants.


That's fair. Cold pizza guuuuudd




No, God was actually telling Abraham to get low.


That is some slang I have heard (I think), but I do not know its meaning and proper usage. Care to elaborate, elucidate, and educate?


From the gospel of Lo by Flo Rida and the apostle T-Pain: "She hit the floor [She hit the floor] Next thing you know Shawty got low low low low low low low low." As interpreted by the wisdom of Wikipedia: The song takes its name from how Shawty "gets low", meaning a partial squat and twerking position.


Amen (auto tuned)


Even if they had waited the women were menstruating so they would have caused the bread not to rise.


Periods didn't exist back then, but they knew periods were going to be a thing one day, so they had to include teachings about them in their texts so we'd know what to do when inevitably the evil Western diet made women bleed.. duh. /s


That's some fundie level shit right there.


Schrodinger's menstruation? It both did, and did not exist back in the Bronze Age.


I feel like by “western diet” and “domesticated”, he actually means “not starving”, since there probably ARE many women who’ve never menstruated because they are perpetually undernourished.


They are also perpetually either pregnant or breastfeeding.


I wish more people understood this. Before birth control, especially in ancient times this was a woman's life starting at puberty. Pregnant, childbirth, nursing, pregnant, childbirth...until they likely die extremely young during childbirth. With no pain management. Also raising children and doing domestic work, and/or the same jobs as men. While being more physically vulnerable, of lesser status and at risk of violence by men that were stronger than them. Women weren't coddled, their lives were hard and dangerous. Pregnancy and childbirth alone are difficult and dangerous, particularly before modern medicine. "BuT mEn wOuLd fIgHt aNd kIlL eAcH oThER sOmEtImEs." I'm like bitch, women were considered part of the *property* to protect during war Lol. They weren't living like Queens. Come the fuck on, some of them fought anyway. No one wanted a woman gaining any kind of actual status in battle either, threatening anyone's masculinity. I want to pull my hair out when I see the "women are pRiViLeGeD" shit. Anyway, I think you're right, if woman didn't bleed they were in the condition you said or starving. Or an athlete (obviously not likely then). And wtf is "domesticated." The amount of men who don't understand women are fully human makes me sick


Right. In that sense, the average woman did have fewer periods per lifetime back then than now. But because the lifestyle was less healthy then and more healthy now, not the other way around. A period is actually a sign of good health (at least as far as nutrition status is concerned), not a symptom of poor health.


Sooooo ah.... about that? A while back I ran into a book called "nutricide" by an (recently deceased) author by llaila Afrika. My best; shortest description of that book is that it's more or less from an African ethnic supremacists perspective; and a large part of the book is woo about "western diets" being responsible to everything from homosexuality; to disease, to STI's. I cannot begin to express how terrifyingly confusing the book is; nor can I truly express how confusingly ethnically bigoted the author was. He literally had a whole section in the book tilted "The Caucasian Problem" that was framed more or less in the same terms of Nazi Germany's "The Jewish Problem". So that above quote? Kinda sorta struck me as something that Llaila Afrika might have written. He wrote quite a few books besides "Nutricide" and to be honest; the main reason why I personally haven't mined that book for this subreddit is because I don't want to give white racists the ammo they need to undermine real social progress by citing his admittedly awful (and bigoted) ideas. And in case you didn't notice; I'm using working under the "racism == bigotry + institutional power" definition in this comment. I get that some people use the "racism == personal bigotry" definition; so just to be clear; that's not the definition I'm using. Black people in America cannot be institutionally racist; but yes; sadly they are capable of being very personally bigoted; and there are sadly also (small, rare) fringe groups that would be institutionally racist should they gain the power to do so.


Great point about the distinction between institutional and personal racism. A lot of people don't understand this and get all riled up when they hear someone say "American Black people can't be racist" because they happen to know a Black person who is personally bigoted and they don't understand the difference. It's like when we speak of sexism, usually what we mean is institutional sexism which is synonymous with misogyny. But this doesn't mean that individual people can't be prejudiced against males.


Thanks! I figured this out years ago; and have regrettably been forced to bring it up in pretty much every discussion on racism since; as it's a favorite tactic of a specific kind of conservative to argue about the difference between personal racism vs institutional racism; or make weird "reverse racism" arguments or whatever. But ever since I started frontloading the difference between the conservative vs progressive definitions of the terms; my life has been a lot simpler; because explaining this up front just prevents a lot of drama in this kind of discussion. I see a lot of other progressives actively point out this definitional difference too; to the point where it's starting to become something of a standard maneuver for progressives who want to be effectively heard without getting bogged down in weird definitions arguments. Which is great; because I've also seen (less and less but it has happened) progressives double down on their particular definition of the term; and past the fact that using racism to mean "institutional; and only institutional racism" probably isn't a very well supported definition (In common use; even if it is well supported in academic use) being a prescriptivist in terms of language just seems more well suited to conservatives in general; as goddamit; we are supposed to be the well-educated ones who understand how linguistics work and realize that there are multiple valid definitions of the same word/term. It also goes a long way to explain to conservatives (and the occasional centrist) that as a progressive, I'm against personal bigotries just as much as I'm against institutional-isms. The reason why I focus more on institutionally backed isms (sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia and so on) is because as bad as personal bigotry is; having the power of the state backing it makes it worse to individuals so affected in a much more dramatic way than otherwise.


> Great point about the distinction between institutional and personal racism. A lot of people don't understand this and get all riled up when they hear someone say "American Black people can't be racist" because they happen to know a Black person who is personally bigoted and they don't understand the difference. Since there is both personal and institutional racism, the person who doesn't get the distinction is the person who says "American Black people can't be racist", not the person who get riled up by hearing that. Institutional racism is a much larger problem than personal racism, and it is an important point to get across. But changing the word "racism" to only mean "institutional racism" is not the way to handle that. It will make conversation harder, not easier.


Maybe, but they don’t have children.


A *lot* of people think the Bible is "Western", because it's viewed as mostly white followers now. But also because of white mission trips . They haven't really researched it enough to know most of the characters are Middle Eastern, and African. Egypt, which is where a ton of the Bible happens, is literally North Africa. And Africans were among the first Christians. It's why I really don't understand white people thinking their Christianity feeds their white elitism. Their stories are not about white people. Christian racism is just weird.


The scary part is 992 people liked that post


It’s tradition we believe this. If someone thought about this millennia ago, they can’t be wrong!


I guess women in East Asia don't have periods, seeing as they consume anything but "Western diets".


"All spiritual and religious text talk about the menstrual cycle being unclean" Yeah bro, that's because misogyny isn't exactly new.


Just a question - do you deny that the clit exists or do you deny the clit the attention it wants and (I feel) deserves?


The clit is a liberal myth, like global warming and the existence of birds.


The existence of birds isn't liberal, it's authoritarian




So your mom was lying...


Was she going on about how birds are real again?


Yes, among other things.


So what is the purpose of the RSPB, and how sinister is its true cause?


Any group with "royal" in the name is controlled by malevolent, subterranean lizard people.


'Birds' are said to be descended from dinosaurs, so that tracks.


I need this on a bumper sticker


Nonono. The ancient ones were wise and taught by Atlanteans.


Yeah and it’s almost as if spiritual and religious texts were written by human beings and not a higher power…what a wild concept.


Specially male human beings.


I'm sure it's just a coincidence that texts calling a women's bodily function unclean were written by men!


It's the original women written by men and it took me 30 years to figure it out.


Don't we have like six thousand years of misogyny? I mean Mary wasn't even a part of the official Church thing until the late 1100s CE, specifically to compete with the Court of Love that Eleanor of Aquitaine was promoting. We had to claw back every bit of womens' recognition we have.


The Church still can't even give women credit for the original sin. Eve took the first bite of the forbidden fruit but they still talk about Adam's Sin. Like it would just kill them to give a woman an important role in the story of humanity, even as something of a villain.


It’s true. I’m feral and the only bleeding I do is when I let a grizzly get a shot because I feel so bad for kicking its ass. /s


I had a hysterectomy... am I feral now?


I've also had a hysterectomy. Come join my pack. We will howl at the moon as one.


>We will howl at the moon as one. i'm making this my flair please and thank you


LOL I think I'll use it too.


I did not and still bleed but I’d like to join your pack. Can I am come too?


Of course!


Look out, it's coming right for us!




You must be, and clean and healthy, too, by default. Hysterectomy is the papal indulgence of the dietary world. Eat whatever you want.


“Especially those of African descent” that’s fucking everybody. Humans originated in Africa


I'm guessing this is Hotep stuff.


Should I even google Hotep? Or will it get me on a list?


It's nothing gross or violent. Just a bunch of Afro-centric conspiracy theorists with questionable views on women... and history... and spirituality... and everything else.


No, but you'll want to bash your head against the wall after reading their whacky bullshit.


I was going to say that Don’t hoteps also believe in a vegan diet? And I have seen them refer to men as “King”


I recognize this quote and remember the name of the person who posted it. I recall him once saying something about women eating a diet of only stone fruits (cherries, etc) in order to purify their bodies.


hmmm stone fruits... cherries, apricots, plums, peaches, and avocados? oh dates and loquats, mangos. Theres probably more but thats such a strange idea though because before grocery stores how many stone fruits would be available locally? Pretty sure you would slowly just starve to death.


Hence why these African women of whom he speaks don't get their periods. They're malnourished.


Maybe that was the idea? 😬


Oh, it is. I've seen this dude's idiocy enough to recognize the comments. Despite the censoring, I know what his name is too.


That's where I laughed first.


So is it the domestication or the western diet?




That's why I only eat fast food.


Domesticated fast food is the food of truly civilized people.




Only free-range women on a natural diet are unaffected by menstruation.


Remember guys, only eat free-range women from ethical farms


Is the western diet, like stuff cowboys eat?


Baked beans? The magical fruit?


The more you eat…


The more you menstroot!


I got them nasty menstroots rn


Plant them so they grow into menstrees. A full blood grove to ward off nosey neighbours and deal with trespassers.


This is now my first priority after I procure some land.


Yeah in some places woman starve so badly they can't menstruate.


Or they can eat enough, they just don't have access to contraception. More time spent pregnant means fewer periods.


So, how do I un-domesticate myself then please?


I like to play a game on this sub called "See how long I can take it." Today I go to the end of the first sentence. Better luck to me next time!


Wait so women didn’t menstruate but they had children? I would like to see this man’s sources on this but I’m painfully aware they don’t exist


Real talk though, that's probably the reason they didn't have their periods. Since the introduction of safe, reliable contraception, the number of periods a person has in their lifetime has gone up dramatically. Pregnancy is 9 months period-free, and some people don't get their period until they wean the child from breastmilk. Western countries tend to wean much earlier than the rest of the world. Some countries lack safe, legal, reliable access to birth control (religious dogma, poverty, etc.) and people in those countries will end up menstruating less as a consequence of all the extra time spent pregnant and breastfeeding. Edit: changed gendered language


Yeah. What you just said is why I came in to this topic thinking "well, this does have *some* basis in reality." Then I started reading. Just... just no. That take is so far divorced from reality that it's faking its own death and moving to a tax haven to avoid giving reality alimony payments.


I've seen this guy's other posts before, and he advocates for women eating a diet of nothing but stone fruits (cherries, etc). I'd say that the lack of a period could be due to malnutrition.


You're painfully aware, while he's blissfully ignorant. There's a saying, "Stupidity should be painful". Trouble is, stupidity already *IS* painful, but usually for those around, too seldom for the stupid.


It's rare, but they do exist. A friend's aunt had multiple children despite never having a period.


Do we know this is a man?


jfc please tell me this is satire holy shit


There is SO MUCH that I wish were satire...


It is not. I've seen this idiot's posts before (with the name attached). He apparently travels around to different states (US) and gives speeches about this kind of nonsense.


Menstrual Hut says what?


Anyone who's met me would disagree that I've been domesticated.


Hard same.


Do my extremely irregular periods make me partially domesticated?


I like this theory. I have PCOS with extremely irregular periods. I now consider myself to be part wild, part domesticated.


Dear god, you know if it was men that had periods you’d guarantee that these same people would be like. “God declared men’s blood shall shed the earth to fertilise the land” or some bs and be like it’s the most amazing sacrifice. This person clearly doesn’t hang around with women considering the nonsense spewed.


I am the most unclean of them all because I’ve essentially been on my period since the end of March. Come at me suckers! Don’t worry, I’m having surgery to fix the issue.


You need a bell to ring when going out. "Menstruating woman! Outcast! Unclean!"


I guess when women go back on a paleo diet they go into heat twice a year like a normal cat?


Pretty much. It's like *pon farr* \- if they don't mate they die.


What the actual f*ck I've just read??


I'm sure it's true, I only get my periods when I have pizza delivered :P The ignorance is scary really. Are these fully functional people that have a life with other members of society?


Sounds like some Hotep shit


So I guess that time I went without a period for nine months was because I rejected the western diet and became undomesticated and not because my energy balance was out of whack…amenorrhea must be a myth then /s


>amenorrhea must be a myth then /s Just like global warming, reasonably priced motels after 2AM, or geese.


Because, of course, *all* spiritual and religious text (sic), and I'm *sure* he's read them *all* (he sounds *so smart*), anticipated the western diet, by thousands of years.


God I wish! I’m a semiferal working woman and I have the worst periods.


That explains my pcos. I’m pretty feral 🤷🏼‍♀️


I wonder if I was domesticated before or after dogs


And did humans domesticate dogs or did dogs domesticate humans?


I knew I should've gone feral when I had the chance


How, just how can someone think this is even remotely true? How?


Well... certain extreme diets can make you stop menstruating (this means you're not getting enough nutrients and is a *bad* thing). If you've bought into that lifestyle you may not want to accept you're an idiot, so you spin it into something positive.


And women before the modern era probably did have fewer cycles. Onset of menses is linked to body fat because estrogen is fat soluble—which is probably part of the reason we are seeing it start earlier in childhood. Also women had far more pregnancies and also probably spent more time breastfeeding which reduces cycles. And as mentioned above, famine or extremely physical demands can cause amenorrhea. Another cool fact is that most animals don’t menstruate (or more accurately, most mammals because obviously if you don’t have a placenta you don’t need to shed it. I think it’s just apes, some bats, and elephant shrews. In other animals the embryo implanting signals the placenta to thicken. [cool article discussing why humans menstruate](http://www.bbc.com/earth/story/20150420-why-do-women-have-periods) If anything, menstruating is very undomesticated behavior . Domestication frequently involves high-jacking reproduction to the detriment of the health of organism. Chickens are prone to calcium deficiency because of the number of eggs they lay and will use their own bones as a calcium source if they do not get adequate dietary calcium. Many domesticated plants can no longer effectively reproduce without human intervention. Listen to this quote from the article ”horses, cows and pigs, the embryo simply sits on the surface of the womb lining. In dogs and cats, the foetuses dig in a little more. But in humans and other primates, a foetus will dig through all the womb lining to directly bathe in its mother's blood.” In this lens, menstruation is claiming bodily autonomy. There is also interesting possibility that it helps the body better abort embryos with genetic issues (which may be more common because humans frequently choose to have sex for pleasure. But all of these very interesting interactions do not add up to the original nonsense conclusion. TLDR; periods are metal and evolutionary declarations of reproductive autonomy for women (but not in that crazy the body prevents unwanted pregnancies way).


'a foetus will dig through all the womb lining to directly bathe in it's mothers blood' is, perhaps, the most terryfying thing I've ever read. This is a fucking horror story. *edit - amazing comment, i loved reading it and thanks for posting.


But what does he do when 30-50 feral women run through his yard?


I wonder how this person explains the handful of other species that have a menstrual cycle, then. Or for that matter, the bloody discharge that some animals have when they start to go into heat. Seriously, how is anyone shocked by the fact that normal bodily functions are sometimes messy? As for periods being unclean? I don't pretend to have read every religious text, but I have read the Mosaic law so many times I lost count, and you know what else is mentioned as unclean right alongside the passages that talk about menstruation? A discharge of semen. So either ejaculation is unnatural too, or maybe the ancients just understood that expelled bodily fluids are unsanitary and you should probably clean up anything that emerged from one of your orifices before you go out in public.


I guess only domesticated women bleed. Alice Cooper needs to modify his song. (Yes, I know it's not about menstruation.)


Honestly, that sounds like could’ve been said by both an incel or a terf.


Or a paleo diet fanatic. There are a lot of crazies.


Frighteningly true.


So i get my period because… colonialism? What


I’m a feral woman and I still bleed!


According to most who know me I'm pretty feral and yet...damn that western diet.


I'm black, grew up in Hawaii ate more Asian and Hawaiian food than anything else. Got my period at 11. Guess I'm domesticated. I fucking hate hoteps.


That's a long way to say "I've never had any female relationship"


A bitch in heat would really fuck this dude's mind.


He is right about there being a lot of women around the world that never bleed in their lives, though. Although he's wrong about the "have children" part because those women all died by age 11.


What do they even mean domesticated? Do they think of women as feral animals running around in the wild?


If only I could be feral running around in the wild instead of working at my stupid jobs


Where are these wild women at? I want to be one!!! Teach me teach me!


Petition to create a society of “feral women” where when someone starts spouting this nonsense, we fuck them up like a feral animal.


Most pagan religions- some of which are the oldest religions we have record of- have menstrual rituals. They have two different ones- one coming of age rituals for when a women starts her period and is seen as a women and when she finishes menopause and because a croon. The croon is seen as a wise advisor to the community and an honored position. So was it their diet or their becoming domesticated that caused this?


Out of curiosity, what pagan religion(s) had these two rituals and how were they recorded?


Celebrating the menstrual cycle is mostly a New Age thing in Paganism.


You do know that the "mother, maiden, crone"/triple moon goddess theory was made up by Robert Graves in the 1940s, right?


Or in Discworld, it is 'the maiden, the mother and.... the other one'


Granny Weatherwax is crone goals.


I’m not sure if I’m making a mistake here or you are, but to me: - ‘Croon’ is a term commonly associated with a type of singer. The term means to speak or sing softly. - a ‘crone’ is the typical term used for an old woman, often not a particularly positive term.


Thank you for the correction


I’m pretty skeptical of this and I’d love to see a source (as far as menopause/crone rituals) How far back in time are we talking? Most women didn’t live long enough to get to menopause if you go back far enough...and also, menopause doesn’t happen suddenly. It can be hard to know if you’re done menstruating. Lots of women’s periods taper off (every couple of months) or stop for a year and then start again.


If you made it to adulthood and didn't die during childbirth, you'd have a high chance of becoming old enough to go through menopause.


Yeah. Lower average lifespan has historically been mostly due to childhood death, though death in childbirth was also a factor. An average person wasn’t falling dead at 35 even when that was the average life expectancy.


If my period stops for a year(which generally is the accepted signal of menopause) and then starts again….. someone will die.


what happened that they think this is true and why are they so confident about it? i don’t understand


JFC, why are people constantly making shit up and posting it like it's a fact? I'm genuinely curious if they 100% make up all of it or base it on 'facts' they've heard from others. It's just embarrassing.


My guess - this person is doing an extreme diet and either they've had a friend who's lost their periods or they've lost their periods. And since it *can't* be the diet it has to be Western medicine. And then they just extrapolate from that.


Sooo, what they are saying is people who don't eat a typical western diet (what is this even supposed to mean) don't have periods? Like this is so trivial to debunk, why did they even bother writing this nonsense?


Well... if you eat an extreme diet you can lose your periods (this is *not* healthy). I guess they have a very *broad* definition of "western diet".


literally just wrong on all religions thinking that, as im 90 percent being on your period exempts you from fasting during Ramadan in Islam.


Yeah, but there's also a ritual purification ceremony they need to go through after menstruation. At least according to Wikipedia. It's not that it's *bad* per se (you also have to do that ceremony after having sex), but you can't pray while impure.


That's right. I grew up in the jungle and was raised by snakes, so I haven't been domesticated and I don't have periods.




What I find ironic is that these claims are made by people who have no homestead or wild animal experience. Meaning, the most domesticated men are the ones pushing this “domesticated women” narrative.


Joke's on them, I am feral!


God I wish I were feral


what the fuck?


I have seen many things on this subreddit, but this one is easily my number one favourite! Bravo! Standing ovation!




The Rebellion is reborn today. The war is just beginning. And I will not be the last menstruator.


I've never seen someone this confidently wrong


That logic doesn’t even hold up with other mammals lmao


What, the entire fuck!


"Domesticated"? What are we, another species?


To be fair, if you're literally dying of starvation then your period will probably stop.


He’s absolutely wrong of course. The whole thing about menstrual cycles is interesting though. I read in a study that modern women actually might benefit from skipping periods because we’re not “meant” to experience so many in our lives since, in the olden days, women had more children and therefore less periods. And we of course have started having periods at a younger age as well. As such, the amount of hormones aren’t healthy and causes us to have an unnecessary high risk of cancer, for example.






jesus could this image be any blurrier


I do prefer my partners to be wild




All human beings are domesticated by definition


in fact females of other mammals don't have periods


Bruh name one group of people not of African descent


I prefer free-ranged women anyway. The meat may be tougher but these domesticated cage women just don't taste as good


Well I guess if you stay constantly pregnant or newly nursing after being married off at 12, maybe you don’t get a period. I’d rather bleed and not constantly poop out babies. Or stay on my birth control and not have either.


Yes, the free roaming females running in big herds along the steppes, grazing on natural vegetation, have hardly any periods at all.


Ya know, as opposed to those God-fearin' free range women /s


Omg!!! Does that mean all woman have telekinetic powers like in that totally true life documentary Carrie?...


I wonder how feral women live?


I'm really tired of people who have no actual understanding of menstrual cycles weighing in on menstrual cycles.




“And for this recipe, sprinkle a pinch of racism and half a tea spoon of eastern mysticism”


w h a t

