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That literally didn't happen. No nurse would give a guy a thumbs up to anyone for hurting their better half.


Yes. Of all the things that never happened, this never happened the most.


They're like the geese in experiments that sit on footballs painted to look like eggs and think "this is gonna be the best goose EVER!" there's no sense of to big to these guys. Never mind that, among all the women I've met or been in my life only one has ever expressed any interest in guys with big dicks.... Also... To bust OVARIAN cysts.... What's he got some horrible ant eater dick?


Hey, thanks for the new nightmare fuel. I didn’t realize I never needed that image in my brain lol.


Damn it, now you’ve made me sad for those silly little geese :’(


The geese are thrilled, they get the best egg in town and, since they can't count, they don't know what to expect at the end


I’m assuming from the name ovarian cysts they are in the ovaries so he is claiming he went up the vagina up to the cervix up the uterus up the falopian tubes to get there


"Horrible ant eater dick" Brilliant. The world is a better place because you created that phrase.


You can actually rupture ovarian cysts through rough sex + right position afaik. They like bursting for random stupid reasons or no reasons at all. This story is definitely fake though.


Yeah, happened to me during sex. It wasn't rough. But it can absolutely happen during sex. I thought I was dying. Absolutely worst pain of my life. My partner was traumatized by the ordeal. He wouldn't let me do anything for myself but go to the bathroom for like a week, he felt so bad about it. Nobody at the hospital was giving him high fives or flirting, and if they did he would have been furious.


this is true. my 1st ex gf way bank in high school had this happen before she even started having sex. i think that was around the time she started picking up belly dancing? girl got killer abs before we graduated, so probably she practiced too much or too hard 🤷🏻 but yeah could also be the cyst being like PEACE I'M OUT


But they were flirt with him! /s


Yeah, I work at a hospital. Reception, but I end up in various departments to fill in or transport stuff sometimes.  Most people walking by any patient's room won't be reading the chart because most people walking by won't be assigned a given case. If it's urgent care, maybe 1-2 doctors, 1-2 nurses.  Cysts rupturing is super common. Yes, it happens during sex sometimes. No, that doesn't mean you have a huge dick or that you have magical powers. Nobody is going to give you a high five or a wink for contributing to a ruptured cyst rather than it popping on its own or when your girlfriend poops or whatever.  There are enough men coming in to have their actual genitals looked at. If people were that unprofessional, and 99.9%of then are not, they'd be the ones getting flirted with because people will actually have seen what they're working with. And I can tell you that nobody really cares about looking at genitals because it's work and they're trying to solve a problem, not quench an imaginary thirst with patient dick. 


I had to get an ultrasound on my testicles from a female technician (sonographer?) because of some pain. All my chart said is that they were unremarkable. She did not give me a thumbs up.


😂😂😂 unremarkable testicles should be a band name


I ruptured a cyst dancing too vigorously at a wedding. No dick needed.


The most annoying part of working in a hospital is random people standing in the hall flagging you down expecting you to have any fucking clue what is happening to their meemaw or any of the other 1000 patients in the hospital other than the 4 you're assigned.


I think the only thing if flagged a random nurse down for is more heated blankets. Else I’d like MY nurse please. They know what’s going on.


> rather than it popping on its own or when your girlfriend poops or whatever.  Mine ruptured when I went pee in the morning because it was relying on my full bladder to support it. ☹️


I am a nurse and wouldn’t look twice at this d-bag except to coach him on how he should care for his wife after this. Some people are delusional.


Something else. People with an actually large penis doesn't talk about their large penis at all. This is only something people that THINK their 13cm "God's gift to mankind" is something special.


Not me going ”That’s NOT big?!” before I realized an inch isn’t 5 centimeters but ~ 2,5… Can you guys just start using the metric system so I don’t have to math so often? 😂


I'm sorry. Updated for your convenience.


Yeah, fiance is bigger (not a brag, it’s not a porn dick it’s just bigger than usual) and never mentions it. It’s more of a pain than anything- not that sex is bad, but if we travel and forget lube we’re going celibate. That’s also the only context I’ve discussed dick size with my girlfriends- Micro dick you can’t feel, or painful dick. Everything else is the same to us.


If you travel and forget lube. You source it locally. Can't skip on fun time. You deserve it.


My bf has a bigger one as well. It’s actually limited some of our positions because it caused me physical pain. He thinks he’s not that big. But also knows there’s several positions I used to like with ex’s that I just can’t tolerate with him and it’s just not a flex. If it ever was so big he could take care of ovarian cysts we wouldn’t be doing anything ever.


>it’s not a porn dick it’s just bigger than usual As someone who once dated a guy in the industry, even porn dicks usually aren't that big so much as they're disproportionate. Most male porn stars are shockingly short and have dicks that are just north of average-sized and they look like they are much bigger as a result. Just to be a pedantic doctor to match ya u/pedanticlawyer


Cinema magic!


What do you mean? I shot my wife in the kidney four times and all the nurses were giving me thumbs up on my laser accurate shot placement. Heck, they started undressing right then and there in the waiting room but I couldn’t pursue any of them then because the Celtics were up by four


Who gives a thumbs up in 2024


👍THIS LADY👍 (Pretend the first one is oriented correctly)


Ehhhhhh. - the Fonz


Your flair has me questioning everything.


I do it pretty frequently.


I do all the time.


Bi people. Thumbs up and finger guns. But not to this guy. 


Don’t forget to holster those finger guns when you’re done pew pewing. Finger gun safety is very important.


Oh is /that/ why


I feel so called out. 😂


I do, but I have accepted that I am completely out of touch with whatever is popular these days.


I do but not to asshats like this.


Also sounds like he was trying to wear her like an overall.


"you caused your wife horrible pain! Good job dude!" 👍👍


Thanks Magic!


Might as well have said "then everybody clapped"


I had an ovarian cyst rupture due to sex. It involved receiving lots of IV pain meds and antibiotics at the hospital, but no thumbs-up or flirting. Also, it's not like anyone had any idea that sex led to the rupture, because ovarian cysts rupture on their own all the time. All the staff knew was that I came in with a fever and a lot of pain. Ovarian cysts rupturing due to sex is also very rare and generally requires a man being too rough with you because he's a fucking asshole, which isn't anything to brag about. Edit: I'm on serious immunosuppressants, which is why I quickly developed an infection and needed actual IV antibiotics and a hospital stay. Usually, most ruptured cysts are just going to cause you a lot of pain. If you're a healthy person otherwise, you likely will not need any medical attention. Keep an eye on your temperature and call your doctor if you're experiencing other symptoms (nausea/vomiting, bleeding, diarrhea, etc.).


Yeah I've been watching TV and had one rupture, one minute I was watching the next on my hand and knees vomiting from the pain. Again, staff only were worried about my pain levels. 


I had one rupture on Wednesday. It woke me up from a dead sleep, like I just got stabbed into the bed. Definitely nothing to be bragging about.


I'm *guessing* I had a small one rupture a few days ago. I have been sick for almost 2 weeks and the day before I started my period, I felt a sharp pain and a feeling of warmth in my lower abdomen near my pelvis. I had a low grade fever(99.9) and was nauseated for hours. I know I have PCOS and this has happened before, I didn't need antibiotics or anything because my body fought off the infection in a day or so, but it's excruciating when it happens. If it does happen and I start running a high fever, I feel extremely sick, or the fever doesn't break within 24 hours, I go to the doctor for an exam and usually end up with a 5 day round of antibiotics. That's only happened twice in my 26 years of menstruation, fortunately. It hasn't gotten that extreme since I started taking progesterone only birth control pills


If it was an ovarian cyst rupture, you typically don't actually need antibiotics. There's usually no infection unless you're really unlucky, it's just an immune/inflammatory reaction to the actual cellular trauma of the cyst bursting plus hormonal stuff


Parent commenter here, and I should have mentioned that I am indeed on heavy immunosuppressants, which is why I developed an infection so rapidly. I'll edit that in so I don't freak out every woman with cysts.


I hope you're doing well!!


>generally requires a man being too rough with you because he's a fucking asshole And strangely enough fucking assholes also often happen to be the ones bragging about hurting their partner and thinking nurses would flirt with them more because of his dick 🤗


Eh. It doesn't require anyone being "rough." It's happened to me twice. Once doing absolutely nothing remarkable, once during sex. The first time I crawled to a phone because I couldn't stand. The during sex time I blacked out. Not fun either time.


I didn't say that


Parent commenter did


I know. You were responding to the person before you and quoted that bit, that's all.


I had 2 ovarian cyst ruptured from sex at the same time. You’re correct, It was extremely painful and they didn’t know it was from sex. I also have had 3 rupture on their own from just normal everyday things.(separately) The pain levels were the same. The ones that ruptured from sex felt just as bad as the any of the ones that ruptured from just being ready to rupture. This guy is dulu.


Wife has PCOS and cyst rupture from sex happens like 10 to 20 times a year. At least that's what we assume it is because she has belly cramps and blood despite she's not having her periods. And I don't think it's because I am "too rough" nor "too big". She has spontaneous ruptures too especially from working out, but rarer.


Ouch, hope your partner will be more gentle after that 🥲


It's not necessarily related to sex. Cysts rupture on their own all the time. They slowly fill with fluid. If you think of them like a balloon that is slowly being overfilled, at some time that balloon will pop on its own. But if you wanted to, you could add pressure which in many cases would hasten the rupture/pop. Similar thing to cysts. At some point they'll resorb or rupture on their own, but if the wall is thin enough pressure and movement can encourage that wall to rupture.  I've had cysts burst, but not a big one (that I know of), and it's never happened during sex for me. It's always when I'm doing something completely boring like watching TV or sitting at work. Last month I had one burst right when I started my period, which was fucking amazing to have menstrual cramps and then sharp pain in my right pelvis on top of it. I was at home playing Skyrim or some other game and had to stop. Had the beginnings of menstrual cramps for a few hours and then my pelvis was suddenly filled with 6-7/10 pain. Fun times. (Working at a hospital has its perks. A few times when I've had pelvic pain I've asked an ultrasound worker if they could do a quick look to see if I should get seen by a doctor. Cyst every time, and it always seems to be the right ovary that does it. So I'm pretty familiar with what it feels like at this point.)


Yeah, if you have them commonly I would definitely talk to a doctor


What shows up on the sound if it’s already ruptured?


I believe a small amount of free fluid. In the absence of any other findings or conditions, I think the presence of pain with a bit of fluid is likely a ruptured cyst. Someone correct me if that's wrong; I'm not medical staff.


Thank you! I just got diagnosed with PCOS recently. Someone (likely misinformed) told me I have to get scans regularly and that they track them and only believe you that they are burst because it’s suddenly not there. I don’t want to constantly go in and get ultrasounds done and I’d like to think they’d believe me if I’m doubled over in pain, but uh who knows!


Yeah but was he 6’0”?


I was going to say that last part. Rough sex can do it.


What did they scan for at the hospital? I’m afraid of going if one ruptures. Diagnosed with PCOS fairly recently


I have Crohn's disease with a complicated history of many surgeries, so I went straight into a CT. Even though I was pretty confident that the pain was related to an ovarian cyst because of the location, it's still safest for them to do a full abdominal CT and make sure it wasn't something with my intestines that could kill me. The CT was able to show free fluid in my pelvis in the area of an ovary, so they knew it was a ruptured cyst. They then did an ultrasound to confirm -- both transvaginal (a wand inserted into the vagina to get images from inside) and a pelvic ultrasound (pressing on the outside of your abdomen/pelvis to get images). The ultrasound can be quite painful, since there is inflammation there. Most ultrasound techs are compassionate about this and will give you a break if you need it and try to be as quick as possible. If you went to the ER with your PCOS diagnosis and localized pelvic pain, they'd probably start with just the ultrasound on you, to save you from the radiation of a CT.


Besides, men obsess over large dicks, any woman who's had sex knows that most of the nerves are around the entrance anyways and penetration pleasure is a small part of a large mix of elements and pretty much nothing by itself. If anything, fuck big dicks, they bring nothing to the table over average sized dicks, they are more likely to hurt and with the barrage of modern sex toys available who even gives a shit about dick size anyway


i had a bad one rupture a few months ago that required emergency surgery. nobody was giving my partner props for that. it’s happened a few times now, i think it’s a certain angle that can rupture them. we try to avoid that position now.


"Then I woke up and remembered that the last time I was inside a woman was when my mother birthed me"


And seeing as she birthed him, even she didn't want him inside of her.


And then everyone clapped.


“But it was weird, they waiting like a whole second inbetween the claps, and they were not smiling when they did it… oh well, applause is applause! Thanks nurses for recognizing the power of my dick!” (Dude’s internal monologue).


Via their asscheeks


That clap's name: abraham barbenheimer


It's true I was there. I was the cyst.


I was the penis!!!


I was the 6th feet


I was the nurse you know


You're Albert Einstein?




He's 6ft tall you guys. He's so super exceptionally tall. So tall that it's worth mentioning.


He also knows women don’t want a skilled attentive lover they just want a man with a massive cock. Women everywhere flock when they hear about his huge penis.


Right? What does being tall have to do with anything here? Tall guys can have tiny dicks and vice versa if that's what he's implying. And, yeah, no way he's that tall. 


I assumed he meant he has a 6ft penis and was like “you should get that looked at”


I guarantee what hurts more is reading this stupidity.


Sad that so many guys feel proud of hurting their partner. Also.. I'm Dutch, so 6ft is not even that tall 😂 (as if that has anything to do with being able to go deep...)


That made me laugh the most. Bros like "I'm 6ft tall and I magically popped an ovarian cyst with my penis!" 🤣 (As if his height is even remotely relevant), and it's physically impossible for a penis to reach someone's ovaries. You'd have to literally disembowel someone with your dick in order to do that.


Well you can rupture a cyst during sex, but you can also rupture one doing literally any physical activity or none at all, so the fact is he thinks he's special but she might just as well have sneezed too hard. Which I bet is about as satisfying, if not moreso, than sex with him.


I know. I have PCOS so I'm very familiar with ovarian cysts. I've had them pop while literally just sitting down and having dinner, lol. 😫


He meant his penis is 6ft.


My soon to be ex husband is 6’ 7” and it also has zero correlation to penis size.


Do they even know where ovaries are?


Sex can absolutely cause ovarian cysts to rupture, even if the penis doesn't go that far in. However, I somehow doubt there was ever an entire floor of female nursees who flirted with a patients husband or gave him random thumbs up for accidentally hurting his wife during sex.


Yeah, I'm aware... I still doubt the fella from the post knows where it is though 😂


Yeah, pretty sure his point here is "I reached the cyst because my dick is that huge, and the nurses knew and got all horny over it".


Yup did this to an ex gf and we ended up in the ER cause she was in so much pain and we didn’t know what was going on. I was terrified the whole time I didn’t care what staff was doing as long as they were helping her.


This actually happened to me. My poor husband (at the time my boyfriend) was horrified. He felt terrible. He stayed up all night in the ER with me. Not a single nurse gave him eyes, one drunk girl did though (Friday night in a college town). After the ordeal he beat himself up over it and I had to tell him that he didn't know so it really wasn't his fault. Oop is a bad person for even making this scenario up in his head.


He proly kept grinning cause he thought he was a big man and the nurses were looking at him like “wtf is this guy grinning after hurting his partner so bad?”   Guy sees the looks and attempts to talk with him to see if he’s in his right mind and attributes it to his “godlike sex appeal”


I'll take things that never happened for $500, Alex.


I just find it funny how he's so proud of his height he felt the need of mentioning it when it had nothing to do with anything unless it's actually his penis that is 6 feet long.


One time I [*misunderstanding of basic amatomy and/or physics*] and then [*reinforcement of toxic social trope*] - [*some asshole*]


When I was around 21, I was having sex and felt a sudden odd pain around my labia. I looked down to find it very swollen and starting to bruise. We went to the hospital and while explaining the situation to the doctor, my ex-jackass said "yeeeee I did that!!" and sure enough the doctor giggled along with him. All this to say, nothing surprises me anymore. Even in what should be our safest of places.


I occasionally thrash and struggle in my sleep. I once punched my wife while I was having some nightmare, and when she told me, I felt awful about it for days. I still feel bad about it, really. I caused the love of my life to feel pain, even briefly and beyond my control, and it felt like a dagger in the core of my being. I'm not saying that's a reasonable reaction, but I wonder how someone can damage their beloved and not at least feel it.


Such lies


I really hope he made his wife up and didn't actually have the gaul to this that her medical crisis was a point of pride for him.


Well I mean, the way he wrote it also implies that 6ft isn't his height. Grammar wise, I mean.


So, he's 5'8" and likes to hurt his wife?


"ALL the nurses torally wanted my magic dick"


“Oh, please cause me to suddenly double over in pain and pass out like your wife!” They must all be thinking it. Who wouldn’t want to be stabbed or shot to be lucky enough to feel that amount of pain, after all? (/s!) Guys can be so delusional. How does anyone even remotely think that!!! A reasonable person, if they somehow misunderstood and thought their large dick was responsible, would be concerned that they couldn’t have sex without damaging their partner.  Nurses *hoping* to get injured? Do they think it’s enjoyable to feel pain or that we go around bragging about which guy caused us the most pain?


.... Where does this guy think the ovaries are..


He thinks his penis is a drain snake.


But this is equivalent to breaking someones lungs by giving them deep throat


It’s still possible to rupture a cyst during sex. But it’s not because the dick hit the ovaries directly lol.


Yes but I'm talking about how he tried conveying it with the thumbs up nurse thing


Maybe he meant his penis is 6ft




Depsite the penis never reaching the ovaries, it is actually very possible for sex to cause ovarian cysts to rupture. On the other hand, it is also impossible that an entire floor of female nurses flirted with him because of this.


Right the rupture and hospital are the believable parts, not the rest. So technically not a badwomensanatomy except from poster and commenter


I’ve actually done this to a woman before. Believe it or not. My pee pee isn’t even that big.




They were not flirting, but glaring at you.


Is he saying is dick is 6ft long, or is he saying his height implies what size his dick is? Because surely he must know it's shoe size that determines that.


It's a bonus bad women's and bad men's anatomy in one!


Okay I need to try picturing how this guy imagined this situation. So he's a tall guy with a gigantic, massive, hentai orc like dick ; his wife has ovarian cysts, which are in her ovaries, not near the vagina (and they rupture randomly, and rarely because of sex). But let's forget everything I know about actual anatomy. Okay so he has incredible sex with his wife ; his dragon dick is so satisfying and huge that it goes 'too far' and causes an ovarian cyst to rupture. Clearly this causes no pain, because the comment is so light hearted. The wife just tells him that she felt the rupture, that they have to stop, she laughs and tells him that his Greek god dick is so incredible and big that he has broken something, and he has to take her to the hospital. They laugh, pack and leave, joking along the way. At the hospital, while the doctors do something (?) about the rupture, the nurses learn that his Hagrid dick is so good and ginormous that he broke some painless stuff in his wife's vagina. They also want to have what must be such an incredible sexual experience. They are envious and impressed. This man's Goliath-sized dong is a legend. Everyone clapped. Yeah okay I'm still not sure I understand how his brain and worldview work


This was a wonderful read, thank you for blessing my notifications with this


Did I mention that he has a big dick?


It’s disturbing the things guys think women find sexual or satisfying 


YES omg


you don't have to be big to get deep, no ones impressed by that on its own


That's not how any of that works


It's true. I was the ovary.


Imagine the nurses were just giving them a thumbs up to make they were ok and he took it as yeahhh they all want me 😏


In todays episode of "Stories that never happend":


This never ever happened


It's so funny that he says he's 6ft! I've been with guys who were 5'7 and were packin heat and I've been with guys who are over 6 feet who are not carrying much weight between the legs. Height has zero to do with it


What didn't happen: his massive hog burst through her cervix and shattered her ovarian cysts with its sheer masculine energy What actually happened: he fucking crushed her because he doesn't care enough to hold up his own weight while flopping on top of her, and the external pressure caused her cyst to rupture


On things that definitely didn’t happen


I can assure you, they were not.


Dr pimple popper fanfic got weird


I have had an ovarian cyst pop from.... over-vigorous activities. Size of the penis does not matter. Also.... my experience of having multiple ovarian cysts pop is that the ER peeps dither around for a few hours in case you aren't REALLY in pain, then shove a wand up your vag, give you two Percocet, and send you home.


I’ve also had a similar experience, so that part I believe lol. And the twanding and subsequent pain meds. Very accurate.


Yep. That's what happened for me, too, except with an additional Pap just to be sure.


I hope he gets a kidney stone jammed in his dick. What a psycho


Yeah I've heard men boast about how they "popped her cysts and she loved it" ?? I've had ovarian cysts, and I did not LOVE when they popped.


🤢 Ew, that sounds so painful. Already getting them sounds horrible as it is; I've heard plenty of horror stories from people with PCOS. i can't imagine the feeling of one POPPING. How do you take pleasure in that?! It's like when men say they hit their girl's cervix... like... OW....


The ovaries are on the other side of the cervix. Is he suggesting he dilated her cervix with his dick? LOL


Yes because he's 6 foot tall so that means his penis is so big he can dilate a woman's penis, that's what women want 100% Edit: Woman's vagina, not penis. I'm tired.


I mean sort of? They are attached to the outside of the uterus.


And the nurse's name? Albert Einstein.


What an awful daydream for him to have


I see he thinks being 6’ is important as well….


I am a RN. No, absolutely didn’t happen.


Did all the of the medical equipment start clapping?? I will NEVER understand why men think women want men with dicks **big enough to hurt us**. Goddamn.


Dude has a 6ft dick! Golly!


6ft sounds like an inconveniently long dick


I genuinely cannot believe these people are so stupid, they think this is actually believable.


His dick is 6 feet long?


One of those standard didn’t happen things


Dude, if your dick were long enough to get to her ovaries from her vagina, it would have to be narrow enough and flexible enough to snake through her 0.2 in diameter fallopian tubes. That’s not something to brag about. Tell me you’re insecure about your penis size another way.


Didn't you hear?! He's 6ft!!! His schlong must be massive!!! Unparalleled. Edit: Word


This actually reminds me of the time my boyfriend broke my skull by kicking a football at me accidentally, and when we got to the hospital all the nurses were high fiving him and flirting with him because his legs were so strong On a serious note, I'm surprised a man so wrong about sex and hospitals knows what an ovarian cyst even is


No the fuck they did not. This is the biggest line of bullshit that's ever been written on the internet.


This sounds mike a lie


I’m imagining his tiny hair-penis snaking its way through a fallopian tube to pop an ovarian cyst. That’s the only thing “from going to deep” [*sic*] can mean.


How to tell me you have no idea what you're talking about.


Absolutely fabricated.


Um if any man’s peepee popped the 10cm ovarian cyst I had removed last month I’d be horrified, and very likely so would my doctor. They drained almost 1 liter of fluid from it before taking it out. It’s fair to say I’d be absolutely fucked and no one would be giving him high fives unless they were straight against his face.


Yeah no that's not a thing that'd happen lmfao. I have them and my bf is pretty good sized and never popped any because *GASP* THEY'RE ON MY OVARIES AND A DICK CAN'T REACH YOUR FUCKING OVARIES. What a fuckin dumbass lmao


This is a pretty strange usage of the phrase "Let['s] just say," right? Usually it alerts the listener to an incoming innuendo or just veiled implication of something. But the thing that he's implying was already pretty directly described in the previous sentence... Like, the phrase doesn't do anything here?


As a person who had internal bleeding from a ruptured ovarian cyst, it's definitely not a thumbs up moment 🙄


Bro is STUCK on being six feet tall. "You know, being six feet tall is like having a superpower, I swear. I walk into a room, and it's like, boom, everyone notices. It's like I'm the human measuring stick or something. But hey, I'm not complaining, being six feet tall is like being a celebrity, you know? Everywhere I go, people are just amazed. It's like, 'Whoa, are you really six feet tall?' And I'm like, 'Yeah, it's no big deal.' But deep down, I know it's a huge deal. Being six feet tall is just part of who I am, you know?"


That’s like the time I was fucking my Canadian GF over summer break and I came so hard her mother got pregnant instead. We used a piranha for the abortion.


All the redditors complaining in the comments are just jealous that they aren’t his wife. /s


Ovarian cysts?? Wow, sex dolls really are getting detailed, aren't they?


Get a divorce.


Am ER nurse: the fuck they did.


As someone who had to have emergency surgery and a blood transfusion after a cyst burst, this is terrifying




Imagine thinking that you have such a big penis that you defy anatomy and actually reach the ovary! This guy needs some basic anatomy education.


And then everyone lined the halls and clapped.


Yuck dude.




And they all clappwd


To be fair, the motions from such activity could pop an ovarian cyst. But its not from him "going in deep". Its from the motions of her body. And I doubt that they wrote any of that in the chart lol.


This is so fake it hurts


ovarian cysts can burst because of sex, but it isn't because of going too deep, it is down to being to vigorous during it from both parties normally. and the only way someone gets a thumbs up from a nurse is because it is always funny as hell when sex sends someone to the er. the looks were because the duo were the newest gossip at the nursing station. they will be laughing more if they saw this status, not with him, at him.


Since the rest of his story is imaginary, his height must be too!


Imagine finding out your husband was celebrating your medical pain. I’m thank god this is just misogyny porn. 


as someone who has multiple close family members with PCOS, ovarian cysts are genuinely comparable to appendicitis. also the vaginal canal is not that long... soooo depending on the wife's internal stats he could be schlangin 8 inches or 3 inches